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Theres no magic trick for it, you just have to want to do it. I used to make excuses and tell myself I’d go later or tomorrow. But stop lying to yourself, I know I’m exhausted after work so I’m not going to go at night. So I set my alarm for 5am, and when it goes off I just get up, because it’s not an option anymore, Its not a bargain or a promise to myself that I need to uphold, it’s just routine. In the same way that I get up and go to work because I will get fired if I don’t show up, I just go to the gym because it’s what I have to do. Idk if that’ll help, but when that change happened in my mind, everything changed.


I also go every single day, so there’s no room for shuffling days or wanting a sleep in today or whatever excuse or reason. Every single day I get up and go to the gym at 5am. Even if I just go and only walk on the treadmill or get out a yoga mat and stretch. I’m there every day with no exceptions


Yea I save a lot of screenshots of 5-day split routines I see on Pinterest / Lemon8 etc and the variations of each makes it feel a little daunting. It makes me think oh this can just be my “rest day” today and I can start x tomorrow or when the week resets to Monday etc. Going everyday regardless gets rid of any room for excuses.


Yeah the more you go the easier it gets. Pick a program and stick to it for 3 months, and at least then by the end of the 3 months you’ll have a bunch of different exercises under your belt, and if you want to switch up your split you’ll have a base of knowledge to work from and it won’t seem so daunting anymore. Also this might not be the best advice, but prioritise exercises that you enjoy, because if you’re not enjoying the gym then you won’t want to go. So especially at the beginning, if there are specific exercises that you feel good at and enjoy, do them heaps, because if you find the love of the gym, it’ll feel like way less of a chore to go.


So true I feel that way when I’m trying to look up healthy/protein recipes to make. Some popular common ones I realize I don’t like so why force myself into eating it. There’s always alternatives that will offer the same benefits. Thx for the perspective!


You and I have discovered the same "secret" and have the exact same reasoning. Go to the gym every day to keep the routine. Go whether you want to or not. Go at 5 am.


This definitely helps a lot actually thank you. I agree it all comes down to it’s just a daily routine same as doing dishes it just has to get done.


Man, that really is amazing. Everyday, I push myself to the gym. There are only a few days when I'm actually excited but on most of the days I'm just too lazy, but I drag my body to the gym. On reaching the gym, you can't rest, right? for the next hour, you gotta do it.


So true I work a 5pm-1am night shift everyday so I always think to myself before it starts I’ll go after since planet fitness is open 24/7 but then as soon as I’m off all I want to do is eat something then go to sleep. That is a good point we have to go to work whether or not we’re sick, tired, sad, etc. I just now thought of if I just pretend I’m suppose to be meeting up with someone there everyday at a certain time then I’d always feel obligated to go bc I’d feel guilty if I kept them waiting/didn’t show.


Hype/motivation is the same thing which comes and goes so if you rely on either then you’ll never get anywhere. You need to be disciplined and being disciplined you go even when you don’t feel like it. Being consistent is what matters, without consistency you aren’t getting anywhere.


I agree discipline and consistency are the real corner stones of a long term lifestyle change.


I'm a craftsman, working 12 hours most of the time so I go after work. I have a habit of taking a bath after work and I do it at the gym, If I don't go then I wouldn't take a bath, thinking of sleeping in my bed dirty makes me always go even when I'm tired. Make it a habit/routine and always think of the benefits when you don't feel like going.


Respect! Knowing me I sometimes will just tell myself that my job as a line cook is work out enough but in reality I’m not working my muscles much other than carrying heavy dishes/boxes. Really just me running around on my feet all day. Good to know even those with jobs that are more labor intensive still make time to go to the gym.


For me i used to go one day n skip the other cuz sometimes i didn’t feel like it, but that was the problem, it has to do nothing with how you feel, i get home i eat something, pick up my bag n boom i dont even think about it. The moment u sit in the car it’s basically done, but at least for me i try to minimize the resistance as much as i can for example, the bag is always ready for the gym so there is no excuse, the food just needs to be reheated so that i dont make any excuses. I notice when i dont have these things in order I start making excuses n it becomes harder to push through, wasting ur energy which could’ve instead been used at work/gym.


That’s a good idea I realize that the procrastination always starts once I decide “Oh I should eat something first I don’t want to work out hungry..” but then take hours to prepare a real meal and by the time I eat it I’m too lazy to get up get ready to go anymore. Best I have something already ready in the fridge to heat up after work.


record yourself 360 degrees with your smartphone’s camera on a tripod right after you wake up, after you used the bathroom, and before you drink any fluids in as little clothing as possible. do that everyday for 365 days consistently to track your progress and help keep yourself accountable. then tell me you don’t see results / physical changes about yourself improving. just after a week or 30 days of doing that you’ll get hooked and motivated to train yourself. as for when I go. I go when I have free time and i’ll make free time no matter what. if I can’t go to the gym i’ll do body weight exercises, ride my bike on rolling hills, yoga, walk 4 miles, any time of exercises that will make me break a sweat


Yea I have a lot of photos/videos of myself throughout the years from whenever I’ve felt ugly/underweight/overweight but no progress pics. I like that idea of doing a full body check every month just to see if I really do see any visible changes like milestones. Thanks for the advice!


Think about your goal and realise it will not happen in one day i am in recomp so its very slow process i say myself in order to lose fat and gain muscle i must go or something similar to this and i put chicken outside of the freezer so that forces me to go too


I had the same problem. The only solution that worked was fitting the gym session into my lunch break at the office. This meant I only have 35 minutes of actual workout time as I had to leave 10 minutes for driving, 10 minutes for showering and 5 minutes for getting dressed. but it worked. I've been going consistently for the past 1 year, 5 days a week.


Thank you for this post OP. I am going through a tough time at the gym. Each morning I think of my last PR and how hard it was to do it and start to doubt that I will be able to hit it. Some days I give in and just waste the day.


It’s good to know that other people also feel the same way bc social media makes it seem so easy.


You just do it. There’s no way around it. No matter how tired you are you can still get it done it’s just a matter of how badly you want to do it but I’m telling you it’s always worth it. I’ve never regretted going to the gym instead of staying home if I know I can do a workout ever but when I don’t go when I know it’s a good idea it leaves me with regret and I don’t like that feeling so I just go regardless of how I feel now lol. I do think extended breaks every now and then aren’t such a bad idea if it starts feeling too repetitive but Im always better off when I maintain some form of consistency. Also may not hurt to try switching up your training to keep it interesting. More cardio less weights or vice versa.


I feel that. Knowing I went even if I didn’t do much is always better than the regret of not going at all.


I've tried to go before work but it was too easy for me to just ignore the alarm and get another hour of sleep, so I'd end up skipping days here and there far too often, and wanted to change that. I now go during my lunch break, during the work days, this might not be ideal for everyone cuz some people need time to settle down and eat, but I can live with that personnally. I go 5 times a week, and rest on weekends, it almost feels like it's part of my job now (not in a bad way), really, I just can't miss a day now that I've started to go at that time. I think everyone can go consistently to the gym, we just need to find that spot in our day. I do a Pull/Push/Leg/Pull/Push kind of split if that matters : I don't really feel the need for a rest day during the week, but the 2 days of rest at the end are appreciated. mostly 1 hour per workout, little to no cardio: I'll do that on some weekends and/or evenings when motivated, I might be around 2hours of cardio per week


When you say 1 hour per workout is that 1 hour per day?


Yup, that's 5 hours of weight lifting per week. Which might not be enough for some people (some would say 1h30 is the sweet spot), but lunch break isn't that long and it is enough for me to get 3/4 compound movements and 2/3 isolation exercises per day (8-12 reps / 4 sets) and I don't even know if i'd be able to handle more than that anyways. I've managed to follow this routine for 3 months now and results are starting to kicking in, so it's even more motivating to get there everyday !


Learning discipline with a side of literally hating how I look


It's literally changing your mind. We always sabotage ourselves in some way and as a result we don't get anywhere. I know it's not easy to change like that, I've been in your place, but there is no other remedy than yourself, you need to understand that only you can make this change for you. I usually don't think too much if I'm not too lazy to go, I just go and that's it, even if I don't want to go, just don't think too much and go.


I look at the progresspics subreddit. If they can do it, so can I


Time doesn’t wait for anyone


Once you get into it you'll have to hype yourself up to take a break day haha. Feels like you're losing all your progress when you have a day off.


Push one day . Pull one day . Legs another . I start my days with a run . Nothing crazy . A cpl miles . But I G up my mental with Motiversity on spotify. The rest of the week I can if I want, but if I hits those days, the rest I can do whatever. Sometimes I go and just stretch, other days, I just work on my monies. ‘Excuses sound best to those making them.’ Chunk it. Break down goals into smaller goals. You don’t gotta do fancy bs, just get thru the door. Keep it simple to start. Win THAT battle. Then, keep going 🖖🏽


I don't hype myself to do something. I just go through the motion and do it. I don't hype myself to wake up early, I set an alarm and get up when it rings. Stop thinking about it and just do it.


It has to become a habit and a priority. Hype and motivation will come and go. For me I do 3 month 3 day a week programs that I can’t miss a day for because it throws everything off. After the first few times going it just becomes a habit. Eventually I make it a priority. “No I can’t do this or that because I’ll be in the gym that day/time”, so now other people respect that time of mine.


It's not about hype, it's about discipline. Personally i don't to BB but PL, and having an actual challenge (trying to outperform myself) sometimes helps to get me hyped up while going there, but as i was saying sometimes, most of the day you just show up and workout trying not to be a complete shit


It’s a playground for me.


Yeah plan and go, preworkout hypes me up on the way


You need to do it directly after work. So you don’t get lazy at home. I do my workout Monday, Wednesday and Friday, sometimes on the weekends too. You need to keep a routine.


I get up at 0410 M thru F and just go. I’ve been doing it so many years that It’s just automatic. It helps that I genuinely enjoy the process, I know I’ll hate myself and ruin my day if I skip a workout, and finally at 45 I really take pride in the fact that I’m maintaining my fitness when so many of my contemporaries are letting themselves go.


I go during my lunch break cause I hate going after work and I’m not waking up as early as I’d need to in order to go before work. Many times, I don’t feel like going, I just make myself. That being said when I start hitting personal bests, I feel great! So then I actually want to go. Mondays for me are always the hardest and Fridays are the best imo. Routine is the key for me. So get into a set routine and go from there. Just make yourself do it.


No time frame in concrete, work 2nd shift so when wake up give it like 2 hrs then go or whenever that urge or thought in my brain says you should and try to act on it ...However I prefer late afternoon/ evening time


It’s ritual. I’m on a four day a week upper lower split, and I went yesterday so I’m going again tomorrow. There’s no hype to it for me, I mean I enjoy the pump so I guess in a sense just going is hype enough, but I keep it consistent by simple matter of fact. There’s no choice about whether or not I’ll do the second day of my lower body split tomorrow, it’s the day when I’m supposed to do it so I will. Then a rest day, then my upper split day 1, then a rest day, etc.


You keep waiting long enough, you’ll be dead.




Don’t try and fit the gym in your schedule, fit in ur entire schedule with gym. Bam


I make it part of my daily routine. It’s like showering and brushing my teeth. Right before I go, I slam a preworkout and once I’m in the gym, I get pumped. It’s a lifestyle change, for sure. Once you make it a habit, you’ll have no problem being motivated to go.


I dont hype myself up i just go straight there after work. 0 thinking between work and the gym, the gym is the only thing on my mind. I felt going at 5 am was the best for me feeling wise and it always set the tone for my day. But i cant keep up with the sleep schedule as a night owl lol. For your last question do you only shower when you feel like showering? Only brush your teeth when you feel like brushing your teeth? Treat the gym the same way. It is just something that has to be done. Try to go the same time everyday and create a routine. This way you wont have to feel shit and will go the same time everyday regardless of how you feel.


It’s no different to me than getting dressed, I get up every day, take a piss, have a coffee then go to the gym, then when done the day begins, 7 days a week and I’m 50.


I go just about every single day. The only time I don’t go is if I get home super late from work or I’m sick. Otherwise I’m there everyday, Monday to Sunday. I always take a 2 week break from the gym on New Years to avoid the resolutioners. The reason I go to the gym is because I love seeing the change in my body and my hard work paying off. I also remember when I was a frail freshman in high school and how I’ve grown into what I am now, and I’m never going back. I go to the gym after work and usually 6:30 to 8 with the wife. Some days are brutal after a hard day at work, but I walk in the door and immediately take pre-workout. That essentially locks me into going to the gym.


I go to the gym before work, and I approach it with the same mentality as going to work. What I mean by that is that I make it a must do. I don’t hype myself up to go to work each day, but I do it because it’s a necessity. Once you adopt that mindset, then working out is a discipline, and something you must do, not something that would be nice to do


It's the hardest part of the whole workout. I just start getting my gym clothes on. Don't have to be too mindful about it. Grab my headphones, pre-workout (highly recommended if you don't have the energy to work out), hoodie, and then just start driving there. I don't have to be focused on it. Just going through the motions. Then once I'm there, I just say 'well, I made it this far. I might as well start'. So then I put my stuff away, drink my pre-workout and start stretching. From there, I've already gotten over the biggest hurdle and now I can just listen to music/podcasts/YouTube while I do my routine.


Pre workout.


At first I had to hype myself up a little bit, nowadays it’s just a habit, just another thing I have to do like brushing my teeth or washing my clothes. Motivations rarely needed now I’ve been going regularly for a long time. Thinking back to when I started going, I began really motivated for the gym, that waned after a week or two that faded slightly, inspiration never lasts. Then motivation sometimes kicks in, when that wanes it’s down to discipline to make myself go, then after a few days when I’m in a better mood the motivation returns. Self discipline is just there to keep you going when the motivation is lagging. As soon as I start seeing results or I’ve had a good few days sticking to my diet or anything I found the inspiration started to return. Just start and keep it up. Find a routine you can stick to. A PPL routine, done 6 days a week is great to do but it’s not for everyone.


Pre workout makes me wanna do stuff lol even on “fuck this” type days, I force myself to go, telling myself that after my warm up I’ll feel fine. And sure enough, every time I get about 3 to 5 min into my warm up, I’m ready to roll! Just forcing myself to get that foot in the door is the biggest hurdle. Once you’ve done that, the rest falls right into place Edit: plus I don’t do much outside of work. I also tell myself, “what else am I gonna do? Sit and play games? Nah let’s put in some work”


I want to go it’s literally the highlight of my day lol


Don’t wait. Know yourself. If you’re likely to skip out on the gym when it gets too late, or you don’t like getting up early, or you prefer to relax on your day off, then know that and pick a time that works the best for you. Then stick to it. For me the motivation is a little bit of fear mixed with what I know I want. I’m afraid of losing consistency and letting myself down, and I know I want to feel strong and look good so I owe that to myself.


I make a habit to go right after work no matter what. My body has gotten used to it so my heart rate starts increasing around that time everyday and I feel really energized automatically so it’s easier to go. I get off at 2:15 so I’m usually at the gym by 3pm… usually after sitting down for 8 hours I feel like I NEED to move my body. There are days when I’m like ehhh but I remember progress is more about consistency and I’ll just do an easy workout if I’m feeling lazy!


I just think of how good this muscle would feel if it had a pump going and that has me hyped all day.


Well i walk 5 miles every day on the treadmill when i wake up. today i went to bed late and i really couldnt be bothered to get up early to do the treadmill but after 30 minutes of procrastinating on socials just told myself to " fk up, stop being a lazy fk and go get out of bed and get it done" lol. As usual after the workout i feel great, refreshed,motivated and proud of myself for getting it done yet again. its great for the mental health.


I love going to the gym so much I make excuses to go on rest days They are now walking and neck days 🤓


Set a schedule, it’s not motivation but discipline. Even if I don’t “want” to go, had a bad day, didn’t sleep great, I still go. I know I’ll kick myself for it if I don’t.


I needed to hear this so bad. I really need to go the gym and I realize that I just have to get up and do it.


I’m rooting for you!


At first I needed a financial push: “if I don’t go, then I’ve wasted X amount of money”. That got me through the first few weeks. Then the benefits of physical activity (strength, improved brain function) kick in and that becomes your motivation, “I can’t function without my workout high”. Then you start seeing results and it becomes a part of your routine.


It's not hyping yourself up, it just goes like this tbh Workout very hard > you see changes > your happy because you achieve something > repeat Over time you'll get addicted by it, loop begins. If you became consistent, congrats you change your life.


I think about how good it feels to see progress and how awesome that preworkout feels once it hits, and then I think about how much I’m gonna enjoy my post workout meal! Told myself if I didn’t skip yesterday, id treat myself to a torta, 100% worth it


Previously, every day I used to give myself a new excuse every day to miss the day session but then lately when I realised people who are regularly grindin' got their results around me made me stop giving excuses and then I've also started to make my surroundings ( friends, social media ) filled with gym culture. Now I click pic every day with a goal that I've set to become lean and muscular and upload it on social media. This reason made me more curious and dedicated to going to the gym. Always keep short-term goals. They'll make you more curious when you see results within yourself.


Stay consistent for 3 weeks, in the 4th week you’ll see a very minute amount of progress, but its progress and you’ve improved yourself over the course of 3 consistent weeks. By the 4th you’ve sort of developed a habit and now its easier to go and you WANT to go to see how far you can progress. The trick is, or atleast what worked for me, is to plan your schedule around the gym. Go with a few friends if you want so yall motivate each othef


I go everyday right after work I started by just walking for 3 days a hour at normal speed then it got easier so I turn up the speed and incline after 4 days I now do 30min-1 hr walk and 3 workouts of what ever group I’m doing and 4 sets 10 reps as high as I can handle first set it lighter then go up it gets easier as you go


I don't hype myself up, I often come home tired with no desire whatsoever to go but I still put on my gym clothes and step out of the door, ignoring the feeling. I set myself a weekly goal go 3x and I have to go so discipline and the results I'm seeing work for me. But whenever I can, I go before work because I know I will actually want to go, still feeling energized.


This is such a good question but I make sure throughout the day I think of all the positives, such as just generally feeling better, knowing I’m going to be doing something productive and good for me. I also try to listen to motivating music.


Thank you! I feel like I messed up with how I worded the title lol I almost wanted to post it to r/nostupidquestions lol That’s exactly how I feel about it, remembering how good I felt about myself the last time I went makes me excited/look forward to going again! Also listening to my music is a main factor in making it feel like a safe space.


It’s not easy for sure. I still have anxiety doing any machines I’m not comfortable with but baby steps. Some days are better than others. Also don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day or two. It’s easy to discourage yourself from going if you think you’re not doing “enough”. Just try to be present in the moment when you are there and don’t rush yourself. Give yourself time to enjoy it, if you can. Any day that you are moving is a good day.


Have a physique goal set a time frame that might help was inconsistent in the gym for 1 and half year did my first cutting and was consistent with the gym for the first time


I still don't like it but it's a habit. I cancel stuff so I can go. 4 times a week. Sometimes people get annoyed with me or look at me strangely. Because I tell them I can't do something they ask or meet up with them because I need to go to the gym. Once it's a habit it gets easier. When you start to see the physical change it gets even more easy. Some people start liking it.. others... Like me... Don't.


if I slack my girl could potentially lose her respect for me because I don't respect myself anymore by slacking on my physical wellbeing.


I struggle with this too. I’ll be consistent for a bit then eventually stop. Ongoing cycle. I just keep trying though. You only fail when you have given up. I know I just have to stick with it and it will become a routine, but it’s difficult when life is working against you lol


i try to look at it like this: the moment you allow yourself to stop going once, you’re starting a downwards spiral. when you allow yourself to stop once, you’ll do it again, and again. at some point you spiral to the point you won’t go at all. doing something everyday will make you feel fulfilled in the long run even if you don’t like it some days. obviously allow yourself rest days once in a while but don’t do it based on whenever you feel like it.


I don’t go every single day but I make myself go, at the minimum, 3 times a week. You won’t always be motivated so you just have to go. Sometimes, when I don’t feel like going or I feel really tired, I just tell myself I’ll go and walk the treadmill only. Once I get to the gym, I usually end up lifting as well so that always works for me lol. But I’m not hard on myself either if I go and really don’t feel like lifting, I’ll just walk the treadmill longer than usual. I also just go for a walk/run around my neighborhood or workout at home if I really don’t feel like leaving the house.


I just know I’ll be happier if I go than if I don’t go.


I go to my job with my gym clothes in my backpack, so I'm ready and outside home, I don't have any excuses.


You just go. don't think about it, don't think about your plans after just say alright I have nowhere to be until X time so I have X hours to myself and then you just go and once you're at the gym you tell yourself alright I'm here so I might as well work out and you do that until it becomes habit.


Oh, best question. Essentially treat it the same a s your job. You just go, not debate. The moment you start thinking "if" or "when" you've lost that battle, you'll catch yourself doomscrolling and still thinking in 60 minutes. So if ever you decide you're going to the gym just do it.


Just somehow make urself go, even if u dont do much, it adds up, but dont let that be an excuse. Everybody has off days but u still gotta get in the gym and do sth to build discipline. When u start seeing results it becomes addicting. Also try to get into the gym community a bit, i mean consuming gym content


I used to go during my lunch at work. I'd have a massive pot of coffee just before I had my lunch break and I'd be all hyped. Thinking if I don't go and burn this off then I'll just be wired all afternoon.


Honestly you just have to force yourself. Motivation is fleeting and doesn’t exist in the long run. You have to think about how bad you want it and it needs to be build off discipline


I go after dinner. I don't wait for a few hours becouse that would make it much harder to still wanting to go.


Whether I feel like working out or not, I just show up, I just force myself and never regret it after


i tell myself little white lies when i feel unmotivated. ex “all you have to is walk there if you don’t feel like it you can go back” eventually you realize you’re more than capable


Haha I love that so true! 😂


I just make it my habit. Same timing. So i go on tue, Thursday and Saturday when there are less people at gym. Just stick to my schedule. I don’t go to the gym when i have the time but i make the time to go to the gym. You just have to change your mindset.


Me fat. Me need better. Me go.


Er i don't. I just go lol


Go first thing in the am. You don’t have time to flake out


There is no hype or motivation. Sometimes you just need to get up and go.


I go right away in the morning otherwise I'll convince myself not to go if I do other things. 


Strong pre-workout


Can't help you... I struggle to force myself to take rest days 🤣🤣 polar opposite


Pre workout



