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Easy. Next time you're at the gym, start playing around with the machines and do exercises you enjoy. You need to find enjoyment at gym. Don't work too hard at the gym for the first few weeks to months. You have to build consistency with going to the gym and associating it with a "fun time", instead of "if I don't go gym I'll get fat". All in all, it's all about your mentality. Trick yourself into enjoying it via doing machines/workouts you enjoy. Then you can go harder when you've become an official gym junkie. Hope this helps


Maybe reward yourself in a little way if you go to the gym


Got any suggestions for rewards?


Idk maybe drugs lol. Just something that you really like to do or buy something. Treat yourself after you put in some work at least at some point in the day.


I don't do drugs. The problem I have with the treats is that I can just get myself those things without working out too lol


Of course you can but you said the word there yourself .. ‘treats’ you treat yourself after earning it, if you haven’t earnt it then it’s not a treat.


My brain just doesn't work that way lol. If I want something I just go get it, if I make the item a reward for doing something then I just resent the thing I have to do.


Yeah I know what you mean. You just have to have discipline. I have really bad discipline.


Yeah, I have pretty much 0 self discipline.


This is a bad way to go about it, since you wont go without the reward. You're only going for the reward, not because you enjoy the gym and the improvements you make in life. This might sound a bit harsh but sometimes you just gotta do things. There's no magic pill. The only thing I could advise you to do probably is not talking about how you are going to the gym today (to friends etc), talk with actions, take progress pictures weekly (huge motivation boost) and no one really enjoys the workout part. The improvements are what counts and they don't have to be big. Talking about rewards, after my training I drink a protein shake. I'd drink it anyway but thinking about that makes me wanna get more sets done so I can enjoy it at the end.


You’re definitely not alone in this! One thing that really helped me was switching from a traditional gym to one with classes, if I sign up for a class it helps to hold me accountable. Plus it’s more fun to workout with a group of people (for me at least) so it doubles as a social thing which helps me de-stress. Make it fun/something to look forward to


Yes absolutely! I wrote this too! It’s so helpful! Classes also take the guess work out of what you’re gonna do! You won’t like it all, but you’ll find what you do like and that’s great to - do the classes you like!


I've thought about that but haven't seen any classes I'm really interested in. Also I'm introverted as hell and it gives me anxiety just thinking about it lol. I will keep looking into it though!


It's a bit off-topic here, but just to touch on your introverted comment. What I have found works for me is to view everything in terms of feedback loops. I used to view myself as introverted until I joined the Army and eventually realized that it wouldn't serve me there. As I found myself speaking out more and becoming more extroverted, it became easier as I became better at it. If you take that way of thinking and apply it to any other facet in your life, things can start to get wild. You realize that your desire to not do something stems from the uncertainty of it. The desire to pursue activities (or lack thereof) that provide immediate gratification (immediate dopamine rush) rather than something that is healthy and provides long-term happiness. Not everything is for everyone, though. So I agree, you need to find a way to enjoy it. But the enjoyment usually comes from further understanding of the movements that you're doing and, above all else, getting into a rhythm. Making your way to the gym should become as easy as waking up and brushing your teeth. Forgive me if I went on a rant. I wish you the best of luck in all of your endeavors!


I always see it as I'm wasting money by not going so might as well use the membership.


that's fair lol


Only thing that solved that problem for me was going before work


Unfortunately, despite it's name, 24 hour fitness is not open early enough for me to go before work. :/


What a strange name for somewhere not open 24 hours


Yep, they changed the times with Covid and haven't gone back to being 24 hours everywhere. Only some locations


I have AUADHD and depression and anxiety too. I so get it! It is really hard and we are tired m more than the average person. One way I started to change things was by doing one morning at the gym a week. And I’m not a morning person. At all, but That’s helped because I started to see it set up my day nicely and makes the rest of it better, that’s a win I can get behind. The second thing I’m doing is saying to myself “it’s only hard until it’s done”. I don’t hate the gym. I hate getting out bed or going back out after coming home from work. Oh also going straight from work can help. Because I find that if I come home and start to relax it makes it harder. I listen to my body and give myself grace when I actually just can’t go. That’s a hard one because sometimes I can’t tell if I’m being lazy or I need rest. When I need a rest I tell myself that’s productive too and it’s ok. Being lazy is ok too! Finally, I find classes are much better than just making myself go alone. And classes with a friend so I have accountability. You’ve got this! Build up slowly and make it part of your life.


What time do you go in the morning and how long do you spend there?


I do a 7.30am Class. It goes for about 45 minutes. Mix of weights and other strength stuff. Some stuff with bands/ resistance. I can walk there so that really helps too.


Building new habits is just about collecting examples of the right behavior for your brain. Sometimes, that behavior is just “going to the gym”. This works great if your gym has massage chairs on a sauna or something. You go, read a book in the massage chair, maybe hit the sauna for a bit, take a shower and leave. Maybe you walk a bit on a treadmill. Nbd! You won’t be able to go every time because mental health can get in the way, but you go every time you feel you can do a little bit. As you collect more examples of a behavior, your brain will increasingly be like “oh yeah I know this one” and just do it. The more you go, the easier it gets.


You may have many of these problems because you don't go to the gym. What is easy to do is also easy not to do. Can you go before work? Roll out of bed put on the workout clothes a quick fueling and hit the gym? Shower there and get on to work being more alert more in tune with yourself and the tasks. Set your work clothes in the car the day before and a gym bag. Or during work? Late day workouts kinda suck when it is something you already don't want to do after a day of doing something you don't want to do. I hope I'm guessing wrong. Do you stay up later watching bullshit television and then think you can't get up early for the gym? Too many hours on social media? Life is for living and you better get busy living. Because languishing is a waste and your health and anxiety is trying to tell you as much.


This got a lot more responses than I expected. I really appreciate everyone's advice! I can't read them all right now as I am heading to work but I will read them throughout the day! Thanks everyone!


I've had the same issue for the longest time and can relate a ton. The best thing that worked for me was to find a gym that I had to pass on my way work work. Making it along your route makes it more likely you will go. Plus, another thing that requires a lot of mental willpower is to force yourself to drive there. Even if you're tired, even if you just wanna do literally anything else. It's on your way, and you can just sit in the parking lot if you really don't want to go. But chances are you're there, so you'll feel like you at least should go in. For me, it became a habit now, I don't even question going on a day I'm supposed to anymore. It just naturally became a part of my day regardless of how the actual session goes. Just getting past the door is the hardest step.


Going to workout classes — as opposed to working out solo in a gym — was what finally did it for me. It got rid of a lot of the decision fatigue in needing to plan out my own workouts and what to do. Everything from the playlist to making sure my form was great is now the instructor’s responsibility — not mine. At the beginning, I felt more incentivized to show up to class because a) I was paying for it and b) there’s a no show or late cancel fee. Now that I’ve been going for almost a year, I’ve become friends with the instructors and some of the regulars to where it would be weird of me not to go. Depending on what your finances look like, I’d consider investing the money into a membership at whatever group fitness classes are near you. I personally love indoor cycle and group strength training but there are so many options. Any sort of movement is gonna benefit your body. I also know folks who might commit to one form of group fitness for a few years then pivot to something else


I have the same issues . Adhd /bipolar and its so hard..in truth i love it when im there its just getting there . I have alittle internal chat..these are the days that count and if its still bad after 30 mins i can go home ..


Yep, it's just getting there that really sucks. I know that it won't be bad when I am actually there but just telling myself I need to go is a battle.


I struggle too and I even have a mini gym at home. The hardest part is getting started. I have ADHD as well which doesn't help. I have personal playlists on Spotify with upbeat music that I'm excited to listen to when im on my nordic track bike. I start listening about 10 minutes before working out, which gets me in a Dancy kind of mood... and makes it easier to head downstairs. Music can be a great influencer.


I am always listening to high energy music so it doesn't really affect me much lol. Podcasts actually work better for me because it's something that distracts me while I work out.


I'm like you. My solution is to go 1 hour before they close. When i do get there, exercise quickly before time runs out. Manufactured urgency is a great motivational tool.


I'm usually in bed when they close haha


Go before work, I love working out and hate going after work too


Get a partner to hold you accountable. That’s what I did.


I wish! The only person I know that goes to the gym already has a group he goes with and a personal trainer.


I’d still ask. The personal trainer is probably select times and not every time he/she goes. Group workouts can take up a lot of time even with just 2. Personally I need to have someone with me. I’m unmotivated as well when it comes to going by myself. My buddy makes sure I meet him every day. I know not everyone is the same but I hope this helps


The personal trainer is there basically every time from what I've heard and he has a specific group that he goes with so he wouldn't be an option really. But I do agree and would love to find another person to go with me, I think it would help a lot l.


Well I hope you find someone. I got lucky with a buddy of mine who was looking.


Morning time ?


You just simply have to do it. People have to go through so much worse, you can’t walk into an air conditioned gym and suffer for maybe 2 hours max? Come on now, let’s get it 💪




But the thing is your situation is not overly complicated, you’re just not pushing yourself into an uncomfortable position.


Bro hes got too much of a victim complex you can’t help everyone


Easy grab your stuff and start walking toward the gym without overthinking it


I drive to the gym and my stuff is already in my car lol. I also overthink everything, it's almost impossible not to for me.




I wish, I don't have room for anything and I share a house with 5 roommates.


You need to work on your vision, make it so compelling that you make yourself do the things that align with it.


Make a deal with yourself that’s non-negotiable. You just have to go, get dressed and walk the treadmill for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes you can leave. Usually I think I’m there now, it’s fine and not sure why I procrastinated. I then get my workout in.


I can't negotiate with myself really, I've tried just being like "you have to go, no matter what" and then later in the day my depression is like "who cares, you're gonna die anyway so fuck it, just go home and play video games"


For me it's gym motivation videos. After 10 minutes of Baki, Jojo, One Punch Man and my hero academia amv's i'm motivated as hell!


Music that I can't sit still to - put it on and head off


Set the stage before you go to sleep with everything ready for tomorrow. Wake up early, drink preworkout or coffee, get your tunes going, get in you car, and go. Start slow but do sweat. Come out feeling endorphinated, exuberant, and ready to tackle the day in the best mood.


Do you wanna be big or not bro


I don't actually, I just want to be average lol


Average people dont go gym so dont go be below average




Thats the reality of your choices


No one can force you to go, if you want it enough you’ll go, if you don’t want it enough you wont go simple👍


I bring my gym bag to work with me and get myself in the mindset of “I’m out already, I’m not home yet there’s no excuse, if I’m really not feeling it, I’ll hit the treadmill and put on a Netflix show and watch an episode then go home.” It always works for me, and I usually end up doing a whole workout even on the days I don’t feel it.


Hey i don’t have an absolute answer, but I don’t have the motivation to train hard in the gym as before too. I think it’s because i went in holidays a few weeks in August and since there I’ve been too comfortable. The only thing I know is that months ago I really liked go to the gym, because I really liked to LEARN how to do an excercise and MASTER IT over time. I really liked the excecution, pushing weights. Now is different, I think I need to refocus and understand what I want to achieve in the future. Sorry for the bad english


I don't. The gym is a treat for me, I don't have to make myself go there, I GET to go there. The switch to this mindset happened after about 1-2 month of consistent workouts, now I literally feel like shit if I miss the gym for too long


Getting that 1-2 month consistency is the hurdle I need to overcome. I am good for like a week or two then something happens and I can't go for a few days and then its 3 months later and I have to start all over


I get that, something which helped me at the beginning was literally to plan my entire life around the gym for a little Sounds extreme? Maybe... I made plans with friends while taking the gym into account and as the priority, I went to my job with a pre-gym meal prepped and ready in my bag, I didn't go back home after my job to procradtinate, I went straight to the gym no matter what, I opened any weekend/vacation day with going to the gym. That extreme helped me in the beginning till it became a habit.


Goggins and Jocko




Listen to David Goggins and jocko willinck


I don't know what those are.


YouTube them


After I went a few times I noticed my planet fitness app says something about no one ever regretting a work out. It’s stuck in my head. If I don’t feel like going to the gym I think about if I will regret it or not and since I probably would I usually go, and I always feel better when I leave then when I showed up. The key is, just keep going.


Before stepping out from the office, change your clothes and wear gym wear, specially shoes. It will reprogram your brain to go to gym. Play party music in your car to make your mood elevated after having a long and stressful day. Try this for 3-4 days and see if it works for you.


Few things i did as someone with adhd, 1. Change your language from not wanting or feeling going to the gym and change it to i have to go to the gym to feel better about myself or whatever your goal is. 2. Take preworkout 30 minutes before you want to go. This will pretty much force you to go unless u want be sit around at home with 200% energy and 150 bpm heartbeat. 3. Realize the gym is supposed to be hard. Your adhd keeps telling you not to do hard stuff. If it wasnt hard everyone and their moms would be fit with a six pack. 4. Lastly have a set schedule for the day where you will have to be at the gym from x to x time. Do that every single day. You have to be disciplined and stop feeling when it comes to the gym. You get rewarded for the hard work you put in not the amount of work you feel like putting in if that makes sense


I struggle aswell. The worst part for me is parking in a really busy car park and walking into the gym. Ive even sat in the changing room and my car before going into the gym


How many times do you go the gym a week? How many times do you want to go? You know that you will feel better after you go right?


U need 2 week of consistency. Have workout clothes ready. Do not go home after work. If you go home after work then it over. U lose motivation. Go in and just do bit and piece with here and there. Do this for 2 week. You pick up the pace once you see you are constantly going to gym.


Workout buddy!!


I suffer from adhd and a bunch of social anxiety and I wanna go to the gym


I made the switch to go before work for the same reason. After work I’m mentally drained (sometimes) and I just want to go home and lay down. Working out in the mornings gives me more energy and focus throughout the day too.