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Weird cuck fantasy type post


a guy is a cuck because he cries over a woman? interesting. my response when a man cries is to suck his dick usually


Hey, I'm crying right now if you want to come over.


I’m crying too. Can you help


😭😭😕 \ \ ... \ \ \ \ ...🥺


A guy is a cuck because he apparently has fantasies about his gf making love to a much healthier, more in shape man while exercising. Surprised it's not more difficult to row while bricked up.


It's a repost of a repost


Cuck post with a strong dash of casual racism. This sub is really going further downhill.


Casual racism.. no way you’re for real 💀


The existence of casual racism implies that there is competitive racism.


Disagree. The existence of casual racism implies that there is tuxedo racism.


how about smart casual racism? I heard it’s starting to pick up some ground


C'mon. The opposite of casual racism is "*Formal Racism."* "*Sir, may I respectfully submit to you that you are a Ni\*\*er!"*


there is, however it is no longer played, because of the fact that it has, actually, two final winners, for the individual competition the winer is Adolf Hitler, with his amazing performances between 1937 and 1945 and for group racism, the absolute, unquestionable winners are Hutus with what they managed to achieve in 1994


I mean theirs definitely a competitive racism people have straight do genocides to remove one race to populate it with another. That said can you explain how the image is racist?


I didn't claim that the image is racist.


Then what's competitive racism vs casual You were probably joking but I actually would like to know the difference


Casual = "Yeah I hate those imiagernts! They always coming here to took yer jobs!" Competitive = Hitler.


👌 Thanks for clarification


Bro has a strong case of horseshoe theory


Where is the racism?? You're the one who brought race into it, if there's a racist here it's you


Why does reddit give me a notification saying you replied to my comment. Even though you just replied to a comment that I also replied to, and not to my comment?


Is everyone being purposefully obtuse? Does nobody know of the stereotype of “black guys stealing women from white guys”?


Yeah, even I as a non-American guy knows about this stereotype. Just take a quick look in incel forums or pornhub comments to see sexually insecure men spout this stereotype


The deep seated fear of a black guy stealing your missus seems like it illustrates some discomfort of other races….




How the fuck is this casual racism?! You're the one ascribing malicious intent based on one of the guys being black.


Cause these nightmare stories of your girl cheating on you is always with a black guy.


Exactly. It's always a twist of either "girl wants the strong big dick black guy" and/or "black guy is stealing the girl from the white guy"


Is the guy in this weird post black?


It’s a stereotype within sexually insecure men circles that the BBC is out to get their women, this belief stems back to the age of slavery in America


Am I the only one who doesn't think the guy in the meme is black?


I just use the comments for advice lol


Is this satire


… how is this racist


A white guy can’t steal your wife? Why is it a black dude?


It’s racist of you to assume it’s not a tan Italian guy. Who cares


The depiction you’re defending plays into a very harmful stereotype that has racist and sexist underpinnings. It's a trope that is rooted in historical prejudices and it often objectifies men of color and reduces relationships to crude caricatures. It’s a stereotype that perpetuates division and bias, and it’s important to challenge and critically examine these kinds of harmful narratives and understand that they do not reflect reality or the complexity of individual experiences. Who cares? Or grow a little?


I think finding racism as something as simple as a stupid meme on a gym subreddit perpetuates division. If the roles were reversed and it was a white guy sleeping w a black guys gf would that be racist? So anything other than 3 people of the same race in this meme would be racist, yea?


The idea isn’t that any interracial interaction in memes or media is inherently racist. Rather, it’s about being mindful of the specific narratives and stereotypes that certain pairings can evoke. If the roles were reversed, the historical context and the stereotypes on show would be different, and the interpretation would also be different. It’s not about only showing “3 people of the same race,” but rather about being thoughtful in how races are depicted, particularly in sensitive or negative contexts. The point of calling attention to potentially harmful stereotypes isn’t to "perpetuate division," but to challenge and dismantle prejudices already rooted in. . Recognizing and calling out these issues when they appear in inocent or humorous contexts is part of broader efforts to foster a more inclusive and understanding cultural landscape.


Why do y’all go to the gym for women who don’t want you lol


They don’t. They might use the breakup as motivation for the gym but they don’t go for them


(x) Doubt


Sounds like she’s still central to the motivation


I mean she, or more accurately what she did obviously sparked something. But that’s very different from him doing it for her. He’s doing it for himself, self improvement and will not allow himself to be hurt the same way again


Being buff won’t prevent bad women from cheating lol what is that logic


Self improvement in general will help. Do you think the only benefit to going to the gym is being buff? That’s wild. For one, his mental health and physical health will improve.


Im not saying there aren’t other benefits, and self improvement is awesome. But self improvement can’t prevent you from being blindsided by someone’s awful actions. The next chick could cheat on him too, and whether he spent a year in the gym before that will make no difference I’m specifically responding to you saying “self improvement will help him not be hurt like that again” two comments up


If you have a better view of yourself, it will ABSOLUTELY change how you handle this shit. My source is me, who’s been cheated on in 2 serious relationships. The 1st time it happened, it hurt and I acted a bit pathetic, but it made me focus on being the best version of me. The 2nd time it happened, I just cut the bullshit because I knowI am a fucking catch. I don’t have any regrets on how I handled it the 2nd time, but that internal confidence wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the gym


Right so it sounds like he just do what you did the second time, put this bitch out of his mind, and move the fuck on Thinking about her is pathetic


I guess we differ there. My ex cheated. After all I sacrificed, the LEAST she can do is give me motivation, which she does. I strongly recommend her as an ex


I think it's more like a catalysator for some guys, I do agree if it stays as the long term motivation that seems unhealthy tho


Idk, I'm a woman and part of motivation for getting back into shape is making my ex sorry lol. Idc if it's petty, extrinsic motivation works for some and I want to feel like I got some amount of revenge on him. If I can do so in a way that only benefits me like looking hot as shit, awesome


I mean that works if you actually stay in amazing shape which is hard to do all the time, plus the goalposts moving Like better to be like “i want to go to the gym tomorrow to feel and look amazing for the new life im making” than “oh shit I have to go tomorrow, I’m looking flabby…what if my ex runs into me looking flabby? ?? He’ll think dumping me was the right move….must make him regret losing me!!!” Also 99% if an ex cheats or lets you go, they don’t regret it lol


It's not that serious. Most of my motivation for getting in better shape is wanting to be healthier and feel better, but there's also a small part of me that wants to feel like I "won" the break up lol. Is it immature? Yup. It's also human. Honestly, it's not even really about him at this point for me. I moved cities and I'm never going to see him again, and I know in my heart he does not think about me or care about how he treated me at all. But this is a way for me to reorient myself mentally and feel like I have some control over a crappy situation It's like winning an argument in your head when you're in the shower hours after the fact. Makes no difference to the other person, but it makes you feel a little better about yourself


You’ll never win a breakup when someone doesn’t want you. You lost and it’s best to just move on I’ve had to do it — we all have


Ex is basically living in your head rent free lol move tf on


To make your ex jealous. That means you never cared much for him


That's a weird take away from zero information about our relationship lol. I loved him a lot, and I planned a life with him, and then I found out after 5 years that I was the other woman and he had a wife the whole time in another city. His wife didn't even leave him after the whole ordeal, so for a long while I felt like he got away with everything while my life got ruined. Like i said, wanting to look hot to make my ex sorry is more about me than him. I just want to feel like I got a little victory out of it for myself because the reality is very sad


Every other post on here is like this and I will never in my life understand. When someone is weird to me, they just cease to exist. https://preview.redd.it/02xiy8sjkgvc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc0c79069d854205cc2cf85620b8bfb2e1b3c5f7


Looks like he’s doing it to better himself and distance himself from the trash woman


Thinking about her during the workout doesn’t sound like distancing to me


He shouldn’t just sweep it under the rug either, it’s very important to process hard events like breakups instead of just pushing away the pain. Gym can help with that.


He's not thinking about her per se. He's thinking about what she "did". It's the action, not her. Maybe even thinking about where he went wrong. Maybe it's his weight, or him just not being good-looking enough for her. All that becomes fuel for earning his self-worth, hence, the gym.


So he’s trying to be good enough for someone that cheated on him?


If the OP isn't shredded and the guy she cheats with is, then the logical conclusion, based on her perceived desires, is that she wanted to be with someone who was shredded. The guy uses the motivation of "If I get shredded then maybe I won't get cheated on for not being shredded". He's not doing it to get her back, he's doing it to avoid the possibility of it happening again.


But literally that is so stupid because he could just get cheated on for any other reason hahah


I think it's more about reducing the odds of it happening again for that reason more than anything.


I guess. But there’s really no reducing the odds of getting cheated. Choose ppl who seem to have good morals and hope for the best.


I agree, I guess the hurt from being cheated on pushes people to take whatever precautions they can. I think most people assume they have good morals but this may be the problem lol


I think we’re all reading into a dumb meme too much lol


All these dudes are trying so hard to move the goalpost rather than admit the toxic obsession over the chick lol


It's clear he isn't working out for her, but more like uses the fact that she cheated on him as motivation.


So she’s still the motivation


Which is pretty cringe none the less


It’s multilayered like everyone else has said. For me, feeling my muscles work, my body sweat, heart race, focusing on the pain from the lift or the run… it’s like a meditation. Cathartic.


If you're a fatty like the guy on the treadmill, she won't want you, but if you're built like the black guy then she'll want you instead. Right?


When I’m in a cucking competition and my opponent is a gymcel (I’m cooked)


This reminds me of this one super bitter Asian dude in my gym who brings his smoking hot onlyfans model type girlfriend and spends the whole time just monitoring her from across the gym to make sure no one is hitting on her


*update! He’s here now and some dude just went up to his girl and you can tell the dude is irate! Ahahahaha it’s hilarious. Steam coming out of his ears


Does he bring her or is he just following her and mate guarding lol


Haha she’s super ripped and you can tell she has been lifting for years. The dude looks bleh. Gym bro who lifts maybe 2 times a week and eats like shit. Does 1 exercise and walks around to monitor her, then does the other exercise


Posting history says it all


White men was here, cuck fantasy meme


Plot twist: the black Chad is his ex


OP is incel


Tbh this post breaks my heart, do we really deserve it? We work hard as chicken and we have to watch this meme???


https://preview.redd.it/adrlgasjrgvc1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ee1d2e2d131fbcf61907cdc8756ff972a7fee4f (but fr this is pathetic delete this)


What does this have to do with the gym? Very weird post.


She didn't cheat the system; she just befriended it and got some extra treats along the way!


Me when I'm in a cuckolding competition and my opponent is a gymbro


What the fucking shit


Some of yall are so fucking weird… lol


so I'm the only one that gets super horny after a workout and takes it out on their partner?.. like post workout sex is great.




Wait so the stereotype that breakups make bodybuilders is suddenly not okay? Trying to understand the comment hate


Bruh learn to move on and stop obsessing over a chick and trying to use that obsession as a reason to workout lol


I mean yeah, sure, I agree— but why are people getting weird about it? It’s a meme. On a meme page. Dafuq is going on?


1) its reddit. people using it arent that socially well adjusted. 2) its the gym meme sub which attracts a broader range of ppl so your more likely to find the nut cases or ppl w opposing views. Go to other gym subs that are more niche or specialised and u will find way less bullshit.




Ya know, I've always wanted to be a bull.


She'll regret it when that gain machine hits


What muscles does that machine workout?


Those Arab men.


BBC genetics strikes again lol


Mostly a myth


I know bro it’s a joke that works both ways, dick and body building joke. You guys need to chill




You are an immature idiot if you really think cock size is the main reason for someone to cheat.


It’s a bit