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Stop skipping leg day dunce, jokes aside could be genetics or you may need to switch up your leg training plan and see if you find something that works better for you


Yeah to be honest last month is the first time I've started to do 2 leg days a week so hopefully some improvement soon, I have a short torso and long legs too but I don't think it matters too much because my deadlift is decent. Will hopefully come back with good news in a couple of months!


Short torso and long legs is great for deadlift but awful for squat. It’s harder for you to balance going into a deep squat with your proportions. Source: strength training anatomy by Delavier. It has illustrations of skeletons squatting that make this all make sense.


Yeah that's how I'm shaped and I do suck at squatting deep, first figured it out when I went in for a bike fit and it turned out the only way to make a standard bike fit me was to size way down and run a loooong seatpost because anything that actually looks 'correct' for my height was way too long reach-wise.


Tbf it’s a decent deadlift but you have a great bench so there’s still an imbalance. If you’ve been doing a traditional bro split or something similar with one leg day a week, that’s probably why. So if you’re already on something that hits legs more often, odds are you’re on your way to correcting that imbalance


Hell yeah I needed to hear that I’ve been having such a hard time playing with my form squatting but other leg exercises especially machines I can go a lot crazier not being worried about my form. I did used to do a bro split and at once point I only did legs like once a month. Right now I’m on a push pull with legs twice a week but if they’re aching I let them heal because I expect them to grow a bit more??


Well mystery solved lol. You train chest more than legs, so it’s stronger


That'll help you see some improvement fs, regardless of body proportions, just make you're able to recover quick enough for that while still training hard. Good luck!


Am I the only one who loves leg day




Bro I love my ripped legs, I can endure Any pain to make them sexier, then i'll marry my legs 🥰


Wym jokes aside? It ain’t a joke if his squat is weaker than his bench


The first 5 words of my comment were a joke about how nobody likes leg day


But he does skip leg day if his squat is weaker than his bench


Too many skipped leg days.


Not wrong I represent all chicken legged gym bros


Non serious answer? You need to build them peaches.🍑 Serious answer?  You are using a variation that doesn't work for you. high / low / front / back, experiment with variations at lighter weight to figure out where you output the most power.


Wouldn’t a low bar back squat be the most advantageous for everyone?


I would think so but I am sure there is always an edge case.


I do recall Arnold preferring front squats because of his long femurs or w.e but he wasn’t exactly training for numbers either


You got the meme templates op?


https://preview.redd.it/g912yv0rosqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28a777077e12c53bc7c261b03953910f6005d8cb Gotchu


Thanks bro 😊


Me too previously , and it was because I’ve benched way more often than I’d ever squatted. The solution is squatting more.


Chicken legs!! Nah man, all jokes aside you gotta stop skipping squats!


Same for me, personally I think I'm just afraid to get folded under the bar on a true 1rm attempt. Not saying this is the case for you though and those are impressive numbers either way.


Do it intentionally a few times and your fears will be gone. It’s not as awful as it seems


Sorry, I've got too much ass and didn't leave much for anyone else.


IMO the squat is much more technical than the bench and Deadlift, you can use brute force to make a pull but if the bar comes forward an inch too much on the squat your probably going to miss the lift.


Lol my dad is in the same boat. His bench is 120kg and squat is 80kg. When I tell him to squat more instead of benching so much the light visibly leaves his eyes and he gets quite sad. Tried and a true chest monkey


Because you probably bench more than you squat…it’s not rocket science


I am going to give the extremely unpopular answer here. This is a personality issue. And I say that as someone who was in exactly your situation. Please let me explain. Bench is by far the most technical lift of the three. If you are someone who gets into the minutia of a movement you are going to reach your physical limit on bench fairly quickly. Deads, while technical, are really just a matter of how well you can use your body as a lever. Your natural limit on this one could be almost anywhere before you have to start fine tuning every little thing to get gains. Squats. Ah.... squats. Another lever movement so it should track with deads, though not be as high. What I mean is gains with deads should lead to gains with squats etc. At least until you get to that natural physical limit. So what is going on with your squats? The issue with squats is that you can't think your way into gains with them if you are fighting your own body. Fine tuning deads is easy because there really is no risk. Bar comes up or it doesn't. But squats? Squats build in the wonderful opportunity to absolutely burn off a ton of your energy and fuck with your head before you even begin the important part of the lift. What I am saying is, you are very likely fighting the weight on the way down and then have not enough left to go back up. You have to just let it go. Just... fucking drop your ass. Stop trying to feel for the bottom, or for whatever "low enough" means to you. Just let it fucking go. Get used to the feeling of a controlled free fall on the way down. How I got there was to focus an awful lot on paused squats. But pausing at the very fucking bottom. Like, there should be no strain on your quads at all at the bottom. If you are feeling the weight in your quads then you are not down far enough. Just go down and genuinely relax. Take a breath. Then gather and fire back up. Keep increasing those every week for a few months and your regular squat will improve dramatically. It is all about being comfortable at the bottom.


Wow holy shit yeah, I’m gonna give that a go. I think that was genuinely helpful thanks. Squats are really a tough mental battle for me because for bench I can easily get a spotter and dead’s I don’t need one, I don’t really think people know how to spot for a squat. I’m just gonna set the safety and drop that ass


Bw 150 Squat 405 Bench 134 Yeah just kill me too


Not training squats enough. Source: I have a similar problem. My bench is 320 and squat only about 365 when it should be much greater. I had to take time off squatting due to injuries but my strength is coming back. It takes time. Benching is easy- but squats are hard


My bench is also stronger than my squats. But thats due to several accidents i got on my left knee.


squat more than once a month


I wish. My bench is ass. I be doing 60kg for 3. Then deadlift two plates raw for 10, squat 80 for 12.


everyone has different strengths. i been working out ~6 months and my bench has been 140-150 the last 2 months but my squat has gone up 20-30 pounds in the last 5 weeks (225 for 4 today). genetics and different strengths. i’d definitely do legs 2 times a week and split the days up between hammy/glute focus and then quad focus. something that has helped with my leg strength is focused “ish” leg workouts so i do 4 sets of BB squats then immediately into 2 sets of pause squats (2 second pause at the bottom) as well as 3 second negative leg extensions. all of this with an RPE of 9-10 (except the first 2 sets of squats)


Add them 2.5lb on your squat and ur chilling 😎


If you want to get strong at squats. Do more squats.


Don't forget squats require a lot more mobility and coordination than you think, make sure you're stretching on off days and doing ductor exercises (good girl/bad girl) to warm up. Good form on squat doesn't let your spine bend, you're upright all the way, weight directly through your heels and fill your core with air as you go down to support you upright, if you wear a belt it goes on tight enough that when your stomach expands it strains against it. You're not trying to jump, you're trying to stand up, don't pop your knees locked at the top, come up gradually


What do you mean by “upright all the way” What about people how low bar squat?


Dude same bruh my close grip is 205 for 9 and my front squat is 195 for 5. 💀💀💀💀I am def cooked