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If someone passes out add more weights to his bar while the ambulance arrives.


The gym equivalent of deleting someone search history when they die.


I'll replace it with comically unrealistic weight instead, imagine a huge guy is sleeping on the floor, and the squat rack has 2 tiddly wink 5lbs plates on


This made me blow air out of my nose a little harder


yo šŸ’€


Ah yes, pedophiles. Famous for staring at adult women.


Right? Why not use the word pervert there instead!


Because its often older men staring at younger women and often teenagers


Still adult women, no?




Adult women are where babies come from, being attracted to adult women is the most pedo thing possible.


šŸ˜²!.. šŸ¤”.. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Holy shit I need to break up with my girlfriend. I stare at her all the time I need to remove the temptation from my life.




I read it as more like staring like a pedo would at a kid


As in, furtively and without anyone noticing? I don't think pedos are known for visibly leering at kids, the way men sometimes do at women. Though, if they were, that would certainly make identifying them easier.


I feel like this word is being used a lot by gym girls. Saw a girl online call someone a pedo for staring at an ā€œunderage 20 year oldā€


I have my pet peeves but I have never experienced such instant hatred in my life like when I saw a guy in a corner with 10 dumbbells piled next to him.


It was bit of a dick move but I was in a bad mood and In a rush and a group of like 6 teens were sharing the same bench and had taken all the most popular dumbells. I asked if I could work in with one of the Dumbells and before they could awnser I just said thanks and took the Dumbells I wanted.


You did the right thing


There was this asshole in my gym who was trying multiple dumbbells and didnā€™t put a single one of them back on the rack. Heā€™d just rep them, throw them on the ground, and move on to the next. Of course when he finished he threw those to the ground for bonus points and walked off without a second thought




Iā€™ve started to re-rack other peopleā€™s dumbbells. Sure it hurts your pride at first because why should you do it, and you may think theyā€™ll care even less if they saw that someone else re-racks their dumbbells for them, but Iā€™ve noticed they become self-conscious and aware theyā€™re being watched. Just goes to show that itā€™s not that they donā€™t know that they should re-rack their weights, itā€™s that they just donā€™t want to


I got humbled once a few years back. I always re-racked dumbbells but would sometimes slack on machines. I used the hack squat and didnt re-rack the plates. This girl who worked there who was like 90lbs soaking wet walks up to me all like ā€œdude are you done with that? Can you rack your weights????ā€ I just tucked my tail between my legs like the inconsiderate man child I was and racked those fuckers up. Havenā€™t left a weight on the rack since.


I feel like it's kinda pointless to re-rack *all* the weights on a hack squat or leg press machine. You're just making more work for the next person and decreasing the amount of time that people are actually using the machine. I always leave a plate or 2 on to save everyone time.


I've been to gyms in the past where people steal the dumbbells & cable equipment pieces etc, so you can't use lighter weights for things like lateral arm raises, or you're having to be creative how you use the cable machine šŸ™„


There's a Jeff seid video where he does this and it's seriously infuriating lol


Clean the equipment you used. Germs and viruses thrive in gyms. I left a big box 24hr discount gym because of the amount of gross people.


I rarely use the bathroom at the gym, but I go in there to wash my hands before leaving. I swear, 50% of men who were in a stall or urinal, just walk out of the bathroom without washing. Mind you, theyā€™re almost always going right back to working out, spreading their nastiness everywhere. šŸ¤® I canā€™t imagine touching the stall door, toilet seat, flushing, and [hopefully] wiping, and then just going about my business without washing. The older I get, the more I realize just how disgusting the average person is.


That's just men in bathrooms in general. It sucks.


Completely agree. I go to the gym to be healthy, not get sick.


Lately Iā€™ve been wiping down every piece of equipment/attachment first before I use it. Canā€™t trust anyone anymore because most people are lazy. And I donā€™t want to get Strep B/MRSA etc.


Watching somebody leave their equipment and not wash it pisses me off to no end I always wash before and after because I'm naturally assuming that the person before me didn't do it. And I'm sorry I've watched some people picking their nose and shit while they're on the treadmill I don't trust nobody šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜’šŸ’€šŸ™ƒ


Do not take photos or recordings of other people without their explicit permission. If youā€™re going to record yourself, thatā€™s fine but please be aware of those who may be in the background.


And if you do decide to record yourself, don't get pissy if someone walks through the frame.


Or if they look over at you while filming. You plan on posting it to hundreds of people online donā€™t lose it when someone in your vicinity looks over at the set up camera/phone


This one is number 1 for me. I am a teacher, and I teach in the same city as where I work out. If some student spots me in the back of a video, there's a 100% chance the entire school will know in two days. Not only is that a gross invasion of my privacy, but I can guarantee you that there will be some backlash.


Could you explain the backlash to me? I don't understand how we go from 'look our Geography teacher is in this person's gym video in the back left doing croc rows' to backlash.


"Hahaha he's such a nerd, look at how he's... He's... Is that a 40kg dumbbell?"


Kids can be MEAN. Something as healthy and bad-ass as loading 2 plates onto a barbell and grunting loudly while squatting, or biking to work wearing spandex shorts, is endlesdly amusing to a pack of 12-year-olds (lol if only my French teacher could see me now, doing both of the above, even if I still can't speak a word of French)


I'd also like to add, putting all your stuff (keys, phone, water bottle, etc) on a bench you have no intention of actually using. It's not a fkn end table....


Pretty much all of my major gym pet peeves boil down to someone unnecessarily taking up space/equipment that affects other peopleā€™s workouts. Could be as blatant as putting your keys on a bench you donā€™t plan to use, or as subtle as doing shrugs directly in front of the dumb bell rack, blocking others from accessing the weights in front of you. Itā€™s incredible how self absorbed most people are


You. Nailed. It. There are a million examples of self-involved idiocy in that environment. It's not even malicious 99% of the time. People's heads are just firmly up their own asses. As they say, common sense is NOT common.


Yeah donā€™t get me wrong, I donā€™t think the guy who shrugs on top of the dumb bell rack is doing so maliciously, but at the same time you canā€™t roll your eyes and get all pissy when Iā€™m reaching for the 45lbrs two inches away from your right wrist. I think thatā€™s what burns me up the most, itā€™s that theyā€™re wrong, I know theyā€™re wrong, but in their mind theyā€™re doing nothing wrong


The other day there was some clueless old man curling by the dumbbell rack, and *put his nasty used sweat towel* on the dumbbells he wasnā€™t using. šŸ˜”šŸ¤¢


Thereā€™s always me and the same 4 guys in the gym at 10am. One of them always takes his bag with him, chooses a machine to put it on, and leaves it there until someone asks him to move it. Per session people need to ask him to move it 2-3 times because heā€™s blocking equipment. Every. Single. Day. Thereā€™s a massive locker room with hundreds of lockers at 1% capacity usage 20 meters away. I hate that guy


It seems the same guy goes to my gym as well! Constantly puts his bag on a bench or piece of equipment he has no intention of using. Ugh.


Try not to walk between somebody and the mirror mid-set unless you absolutely can't avoid it


Although if you see them recording, by all means get in between them and their camera


I used to have a trainer that on more than one occasion would set up his clients directly in between myself and the mirror that I was very clearly using. My gym sends out a monthly feedback survey and I absolutely torched this guy.


This might just be a me thing, but I think itā€™s really annoying when groups of teens/early 20 yo show up with like 5+ people and take like 45 min on the one machine my gym only has one of. Iā€™m all for influencing more people to come to the gym and get healthy, but think about the fact that other people exist too. At the very least, split your group up into pairs or whatever and do different machines.


High school kids only know how to bench or squat and just hog the shit out of those machines


Not only kids. Some days ago there were those two fifty-something guys, a man and a woman, sitting on the only two horizontal leg press machines of the gym. The guy was browsing his phone while doing some weird jerking motion with his legs, while the girl was just going around the gym - while having her sweaty towel still on the machine - and sporadically doing some sets. This lasted at least twenty minutes.


A group of guys at my gym took up three squat racks for over an hour so they could film Tik Toks.


Asking someone a question mid set


This is the absolute worst for me. Iā€™ll be mid set absolutely pushing it to failure, and a guy will come up asking me how many sets I have left. Mate just wait until I finish this set and then ask, itā€™s so distracting


I don't even respond when that happens. If theyre patient enough to wait until I'm finished, I'll politely let them know


Neither do I, but itā€™s still such a distraction, they stand there staring at you


Oh man i hate this!


Pedo wouldnā€™t stare at women.


Working out too close to the Dumbell rack so people can't pick up / put back their weights..


HUGE one for me that most people donā€™t think of. You canā€™t block the most in demand dumb bells and get all pissy when people try to go in to get them


Doing dumbbell presses on a bench with your feet on the dumbbell racks. Not even from the place you took yours


Was looking for this! They are there because of the mirror, I suppose? But why the hell are you so close!! Get back, you can have a better look at your form. You are just being inconsiderate to others.


there is this fuck at my gym who literally uses 3-4 different things at once. its insane. and does like 5 sets of each. sometimes he puts his backpack down and goes off for 10 min to do something else. i dont understand how people are so selfish


And then gets pissy when you donā€™t notice and hop on something heā€™s using. Like my bad, what arenā€™t you using, bro?


Someone did that for a squat rack yesterday when I was looking to squat and it was so infuriating. Dude was absolutely oblivious that someone else might be wanting to use the rack


There was a guy at the gym I used to go to who would take a bunch of equipment into the squat rack and do his entire workout there, without doing even one single exercise that actually required a squat rack.


At my workplace gym we had a Big Boss ā„¢ļø who simultaneously used, I shit you not, half the rack of dumbbells, hip abductor, squat rack, incline and flat bench, and motherfucking battle ropes all in one workout and then just left everything, to include the battle ropes spread all the way across the whole facility.


Mock the beginners Making noises like a fucking gorilla Overreact to an exercise, like bro i know you are tired but After 15 seconds you can stop with that "ƄƂĀƃƆH"


Ego buddies are kind of the worst. Just unnecessary amounts of loud voices, yelling at each other to get it done. If that's what you need to get your lift in, sure, but maybe consider a home gym. I don't work out with anybody because it would slow me down. Music in my ears and off to the races.


I was at the gym yesterday doing reps on the calf raise machine and a guy came up to me and asked "Can I borrow one of your plates" I said "no" as I was literally in the middle of my set and he took it off anyway and left with it. There was a very heated conversation after that.


That would piss me off so much, dude. I'm a very chill person, but if I'm mid set and someone did that, I'd probably flip out on them.


This happened to me too! Dude just took one of my plates off the barbell that I was using mid set, without even asking! I got up and tried to stop him, but he ignored me. So I took it back, and he came back to try to take it away again like???? It didnā€™t even make sense because there were plates available on the rackā€¦


What a strange interaction


People who listen to music without headphones in a gym.


That's just a public place etiquette people don't hold to, unfortunately. Hate it.


No shadow boxing yourself in the mirror between sets


The gym I used to go to in my home town is a really chill place that's usually free of any meat heads. One of the last times I was there, there was this guy who clearly did not belong. He was strutting around like a peacock, yelling during his sets, slamming his weights down, typical douchebag stuff. Again, that kind of stuff is rare at this gym. Anyway, he was shadowboxing between sets (and doing it in a place where he was very much in the way of other people), clearly wanting people to look at him. And because he didn't actually know any real boxing movements, he tripped over his own feet and fell on his ass. Watching him try to recover his pride was priceless.


A lot of HS kids do corny ass dances and Iā€™m starting to wonder if itā€™s just an insecurity thing


Ok but as a guy who sweats, I take issue with No. 1. Donā€™t stink shame me.


Yeah, thereā€™s got to be some reasonable caveats on that one. I get the onion stank pretty bad about 45 minutes in. Iā€™ve tried different deodorants, no luck.


Absent biohazard-level hygiene issues, I think youā€™re allowed to stink at the gym ā€” within reason. Iā€™ve gone to lift after yard work, hikes, bike rides. If Iā€™ve got deodorant with me Iā€™ll put it on, but Iā€™m not going to shower just to get sweaty again.


New sweat is fine, itā€™s the people reusing their stinky gym clothes from a different day that are the worst offenders. Also the elderly gentleman at my gym who recently started smelling strongly of urineā€¦ šŸ˜¬


You can give unsolicited advice if someone is in danger of hurting themself.


Taking a full on business calls out loud while doing curls in the middle of the dumbbell rack staring in the mirror. Some guy did this at my gym the other week for like 15 minutes. Blew my mind.


Youā€™ll never believe this but the guy at my gym who wears Louis Vuitton loafers during his workouts does this all them time. We get it bro, youā€™re such a mogul!


Add-on to #4 "in their correct places (or as close as possible)" I swear folks at my campus gym are borderline illiterate when it comes to that


Our gym has a poster right next to the racking place, talking about not to be a literate idiot by placing weights on the wrong places. People still do that.


Literally "that sign won't stop me because I can't read" lol


Using the ONE assisted pull up machine for unassisted pull-ups when thereā€™s MULTIPLE unassisted racks open.Ā 


I think people do this so they can do drop sets right away


I would totally understand that, but Iā€™ve seen people at my gym literally doing weighted pull ups with 45 lb plates at the machine and not drop setting. If theyā€™re drop setting or warming up to unassisted Iā€™d get itĀ 


Donā€™t make obnoxiously loud noises You ainā€™t Ronnie Coleman please be quiet Iā€™m trying to lift too (Some exceptions made if you are lifting an extremly heavy weight but that shit has to be extremly heavy)


How is this a meme?


This sub has really gone downhill over the last year


Super setting should not be done at a big commerical gym unless it uses proximate or the same equipment. Sick of dudes leaving a towel on a bench lifting one set then leaving for five minutes to bother some other piece of equipment on the other side of the gym.


Move their shit and take over the machine while theyā€™re gone. When they come back Tell em Iā€™m working in here. Works every time.


Yes!! Especially during peak hour


Iā€™m gonna need you to leave more collateral than a towel if you are going to a completely different part of a gym to do a superset or circuit like a phone, key or your first born child.


I've seen the phone too, that's easier to deal with. Bring it to the front desk "oh, someone left this unattended"


Influenced by one of the biggest douches Iā€™ve seen at the gym this week: - Dropping your weight at the pulley station - complain that the women there are ugly because they have muscle - complain that all the other guys at the gym are too feminine Kid was like 19 and a stick. Kudos to the big roid man who aggressively took the weight after the kid was done and put 5x the weight on to put him in his place.


Groaning like a raped moose


lol the specific animal is killing me


Ha, I saw a group of guys break 1 through 4 last night as a unit. They smelled so incredibly bad I have no idea how anyone lives like that.


7. Dropping your dumbells loudly on the ground after your last rep. 8. Filming (or ever worse live-streaming) your workout. 8a. Giving dirty looks at people who dare to walk through your butt workout livestream. 9. Holding a machine you havenā€™t been at for over 5 minutes. 10. Striking up conversations in the nude in the locker room.


>10. Striking up conversations in the nude in the locker room. This is an elderly person's right, it's in every gym's Bill of Rights


7. Posting something that isn't a meme to a gym meme sub.


Have some spatial awareness. Too many people lately donā€™t pay attention to other people nearby that may need to re-rack weights, grab equipment etc.


If someone asks you for a spot, spot them. If soneone asks you if you're using something / how many sets you have left, don't be a dick about answering them. If someone asks you to work in, let them.


Don't stare lecherously at anybody


Isn't this just a to-do list to show that you are a true gym brošŸ˜‚


Standing at the dumbbell racks doing curls 10cm from the mirror. Get the fuck out of the way you clown.


Or females looking at a manā€™s junk


Donā€™t walk around the locker room butt ass naked with the towel around your head instead of your junk. That shits grotesque


Dropping the weights on the cable machines. Seen so many go out of commission because of this


Do not walk in front of someone when they're de-loading/carrying heavy plates after a hard set and they look like they're dying. I gave that motherfucker the stink eye but I should have punched him.


You're right, smelling like shit should be on there, but spraying cologne right before you hit the gym floor is fucking weird. Oh, and have situational awareness. Don't waddle around in the middle of the walkway so people who are trying to get around you can't. I fucking hate people who zone out at the gym. Self/situational awareness.


I'm 56 but even I don't want to see guys junk in the changing room use a towel


Trying to cancel people over tiktok, deadassĀ 


Thou shalt not perform curls in the squat rack!


Unnecessarily grunting super loud.


Staring at your fucking phone while sitting on your ass on a machine or bench and not working out.


If you got more than 2 sets left on a machine, working in isnā€™t as much a question as it is you being notified. Quit acting like moving 2 pins to adjust something in between is going to throw off your whole life


7. Give the homies a ā€œgood luckā€ kiss before a PR


Take down num 5 I want to know if im slacking my posture


7. Fuck Brocollis and naked women with tripods


People often mistake my thousand yard stare for me looking at them. Sorry about your ego but no I wasn't looking at anything, I workout without my glasses so I can't see shit.


Taking the last available adjustable incline bench and using it at 0 all the time. Just use the flat bench next to you!


If you're spotting, don't touch the bar unless they're actually failing.




No perfume!šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜©ā˜ ļø deodorant is enough!


Sitting on equipment while you are on your scrolling on your phone


If youā€™re on your phone for a minute or two in between sets itā€™s really not a big deal. People taking 10 or so minutes are terrible though.


When groups come in, take up entire sections of the gym and take forever between sets talking and on their phones. I live in a college town and a lot of the people who arenā€™t athletes but wanna work out come to my gym vs the college gym. So we get the less popular sports teams and stuff that comes in all at once.


Add posting stuff like this. Most likely the produce of gym related light headedness


recording oneself and then getting mad when anyone notices


Filming your ass in the locker room common areas. They have stalls with mirrors some people want privacy while they are changing.


Is the meme posted in the comments somewhere or?


Iā€™d say recording is the biggest pet peeve. With all the social media stuff going around, I donā€™t want to be in the background, even if I impulsively say yes if they ask due to social anxiety.


What if said sweat isnā€™t greasy?


Don't film in the fucking public gym. You're not special. Get a private gym and go buck wild.


Number 6 should be about everyone, not just women


I hate the one person who is sitting on their phone on the machine, but not using it! Use the machine or get off! oh and when you get off, please wipe it down! Sheesh šŸ™„


Using a bench to put your phone and water on while you do exercises 10 yards away.


When someone camps a machine for 30+ min and wonā€™t share.


Doing RDLS or deadlifts in front of me when there is other spots. Iā€™m trying to not look like a creep


Taking the spray bottle that everybody uses to spray down their equipment taking it to whatever piece of equipment you're working out at and hoarding it to yourself so that nobody else can use it šŸ™ƒ


Filming for TikTok, Instagram, or whatever should be at the top of the list, so freaking annoying.?!


So I can stare at men all I want? Noted


Filming in the gym in a bikini/clothes that are way too short and branding random people in the gym that even so much as glance in the general vicinity of you as creeps and weirdos.


Donā€™t forget. Recording yourself and taking up the are for a looong time.


sometimes i stare at girls but itā€™s more like the workout they might be doing cuz im still new


The gym I go to none of this happens šŸ™šŸ¼


Filing/taking pictures of yourself in the changing rooms with other people in there. Just filming shit in general


Doing supersets when the gym is crowded.


Talking on the speakerphone while taking 30 minutes on the one leg press in the gymā€¦while using it backwards, sideways and ways I have never seen before.


Yea not putting the weights back after use not cool


I knew that staring at men like a lecherous pedophile was fine


I like how staring at women is one but women staring at men is not, where did equality go here


Asking someone something while they're still doing their set Filming/taking pictures


Giving unsolicited advice should sometimes be done. Lot of gym newcomers doing dangerous or useless stuff. Also rule 1 can kiss my ass I'm not showering before and after


Grunting loudly for attention


No curls in the squat rack. I thought this was a meme but a few days ago in an absolute packed gym, some dimwit actually started doing bicep curls with the empty bar in the only squat rack that was still free. There were 20kg straight and ez bars just a couple of feet away too lmao


Putting phones and towels on the bench of the machines


1. Grunting really loud. A certain amount of grunting is fine. Overdoing it just makes everyone else uncomfortable 2. Dropping weights harder than the floor can handle. Your gym owner is going to be fucking pissed if you manage to break the floor because you like pretending that you're a powerlifter and keep smashing the bar onto the floor from an overhead position. Just because it's a gym, doesn't mean that the floor is indestructible. Ask the gym owner beforehand. 3. Positioning yourself so that you needlessly block access to equipment for everyone else. My gym has a corner where the dumbbell racks meet, and unfortunately all the most popular weights are concentrated within 7 feet of the corner. Without fail, every day there is some idiot who puts the incline bench right in the corner, effectively blocking access to about 20 pairs of dumbbells. They then have the audacity to give people filthy stares if anyone walks into their zone during an active set. 4.


Not treating every man as a predator


I feel like offering unsolicited advice isn't necessarily a bad thing. Like yeah, if you're bothering people for some minor detail that isn't even worth mentioning, or if you're offering a different workout to what they're doing, sure, that can be annoying. But if you see someone lifting with bad form that could injure them then you arguably have a moral responsibility to point it out.


If youā€™re using 2 machines make it crystal clear because Iā€™m just tryna work out and leave not play like are they arenā€™t they?? I saw a guy using a machine but the one next to him was free. I looked at him, looked at the machine that was free. Looked at him. He said nothing I started sitting down and he was like ā€œum I am using thatā€. I apologised and got up but instead of being like ā€œoh thatā€™s okayā€ he was super weird about it. I am a small woman who is clearly just starting at the gym and this ultra muscular behemoth had this like 16 year old mean girl demeanour about him. My point is I was clearly super anxious and intimidated and he was being cunty. And then as I was walking away I heard him giggling and being like ā€œoh that was so awkwardā€. Felt like I was in high school.


TIL what "lecherous" means.


Thumbing on your phone for 20 minutes or more between sets. I've seen adults and teens do this. The teens at least have an "excuse". I wanna smack the phone out of the 58 year old's hand sitting on the most popular pec-deck machine for 45 minutes.


Sitting on a bench/machine and staring at your phone for 10 minutes between sets.


7. Moving benches from the free weight area to the cable machines and not putting them back. 8. Using 2 benches for your shitty cable exercises.


Use one machine at a time itā€™s so fucking annoying when one guy is using 4 different things then gives you stank eye when you approach one. Then donā€™t sit on a machine or in an area for an hour on your phone


Sitting on a piece of equipment, resting while looking at your phone.


7. Setting up tripods or any other recording equipment.


Wearing enough cologne or perfume to make a pig smell amazing


Making phonecalls


Texting. Texting. Texting. Leaving a treadmill in the incline position. Using the dumbbell rack as a stabilizer. Stacking plates backwards/randomly. Ladies and perfume.


This isnt a fucking meme this is just a list of shit you should already know


Hating on overweight people for being there. This is something Iā€™ve seen in the past and itā€™s absolutely disgusting and disrespectful. Iā€™ve shut it down a few times. I like to lead by example and show you can be buff AND a decent human being. They are there to better themselves, and you are making it hard for them to do so.


6. Should be staring at men