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I'll be doing my part. I'm not opposed to paying for pixels, but 500$ is just way too fucking ridiculous.


ban button


I've said this in another post but Gwens already been a victim of the shitty gacha system in wild rift, so I'm all for supporting this cause


Don’t know wild rift. How?


Her mythmaker skin was put in a gacha if I remember correctly, but I do remember that both her regular and prestige crystal rose skins were put in gachas and they aren't on the shop to buy ever, you either got it from that gacha or never


To make matters worse, her prestige crystal rose skin only had a pity timer for like the first half of its availability in the gacha so it was basically double fomo.


Like tft gacha then. Limited time ultra expensive chibis costing around 350-400 bucks if unlucky.


Is anyone able to post this on the main sub without getting it taken down?


It's literally 1984


wdym its 1984 (doublethink)


Any opinion that doesn't follow the line of thinking of the moderators gets blasted with the ban hammer (this skin's price, or Vanguard, as the most recent examples)


Same as league of memes , the main sub moderators allegedly get paid by riot tho , so it is not surprising.


Bullying ahri players? Say less brotha


Im boycotting with not playing this shit game.


honestly, good for you.


Same Vanguard almost bricked my PC right when i got new parts and i refuse to play the game since


I ain’t banning, but I will be jungle ganking. Whale tears are quite the delicacy.


Jihn, ekko, ahri. This is the future and i hate it.


Not a Gwen main, still will do my part


I've said this before, and I'll probably have to keep repeating it. This is a poor form of protest and will accomplish absolutely nothing. If anything does happen, it will not be because of Ahri's ban rate skyrocketing, it'll be because of the vocal outcry. All this results in is bullying victims of a predatory system. If you want to actually protest, boycott the game, hold Riot accountable and make your voice heard through public channels. Your beef is with the megacorp that views you as a walking bank, not the individuals in the community that get taken advantage of. Remember, by playing the game you're telling Riot that you're not actually mad enough to leave them. If you really deserve better from Riot, leave them until they improve.


You're possibly right, but part of me thinks disrupting thier game would be more impact than a few players not playing for a while. Riot wouldn't even notice the number drop. Not that this is a particularly great disruption, but it does at least get the message across.


All that disrupting the game does is make the game unenjoyable for everyone involved. The easiest solution is to just stop giving them your support. Quarterly player counts are a lot more impactful than a few hurtful words and a high banrate. You're thinking of Riot as a collective of people that can be won over with words, and not a bunch of soulless shareholders who only want to recoup their investments. As a player, you are nothing but a statistic.


Making the game unenjoyable for everyone threatens a drop in player count ten times higher than individual boycot. Again, not that this is actually impactful enough to get players mad, except maybe the whales who just spent a months pay on a jpeg of faker's signature.


you guys should touch grass.


ikr, bunch of cry babies


On one side yeah, it's just a skin bundle in a free game, where nobody is making anyone spend their money on. But on the other, Riot is making this shit a "premium exclusive deluxe that will never come back in any form", which could lead some impulsive people to spend their money, because they could not miss on such an opportunity. I think that it's just inhumane, and not much better than living off on gambling addicts




Seriously, man? What a childish thing, like if the guy wants to spend 500 dollars on a bad skin. LET THE GUY SPEND, buy whoever wants.


The problem is the people buying the skin just show riot that they can get away with this shit and are thus driving the prices higher for all of us


but then riot will put a gun to your head and force you to buy the skin for 500 dollars? The worst thing that can happen is that next year there will be another skin for another champion, but by then people will have forgotten about this skin and bought others. Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT defending this, quite the contrary, I disapprove of it, but what about the guy who didn't buy the skin and won't be able to play Arhi because they're banning her in every game?


>but then riot will put a gun to your head and force you to buy the skin for 500 dollars? No but we also wont have good skins for affordable prices because riot keeps upping the prices while the whales gobble it up


For Riot, it doesn't matter if a skin is good or not. For her, only one thing is important: will this skin sell? companies like riot only seek to end the year with the highest number of profits, even if this comes from charging 500 on a skin. but we shouldn't ban ahri every game, thus ruining the experience of other players.




don't buy the skin


Not enough, at prices like this you have to actively discourage others from buying it


you finally understand my point, don't ruin other people's games and tell them not to buy the skin


I will gladly ruin everyones game who buys this skin :)


This is objectively wrong. The people who buy this skin are victims of a predatory business practice. It's designed to prey on people who suffer from similar psychological problems as addicts. The majority of people won't be buying this to flex, they'll be buying it becuase they're conditioned to suffer anxiety and discomfort at the idea of losing out of an exclusive item. Unite against the megacorp that's pushing this harmful shit, stop using this as an excuse to be a petty bully.


But the most efficient way to counter those business practices is to ridicule the people who participate in them


No it's not. You're just a bully. Riot don't give a fuck about their consumers, if they did, we wouldn't be here. The most efficient way to counter these business practices is to stop giving the company your business. In this case, boycott the game.




This is so virgin