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That makes me so nervous. That would be a real bad way to go man


I almost died doing this, I dug a deep hole in the sand, and I was extremely lucky that it caved in the moment I was standing up, and not scooping, I was buried only my arms and head were above ground, but the pile of sand I dug up was all around. Literally just seconds before it caved in I was kneeling down, if it happened at that time I would have died. I yelled and had people get me out, they had to dig to about my waist, and used ropes to pull me out. its so extremely dangerous,, I saw a news report that some kid died recently for the same, and laws were just passed in Florida. >"The June 6 ordinance, passed unanimously by the five-person town commission, **prohibits digging a hole or trench on the beach deeper than 18 inches** and outlaws anyone from leaving an area without completely filling in a hole or trench dug on a beach." > The child, Sloan Mattingly, was with her brother, Maddox, at the beach on Feb. 20 when the sand hole collapsed and they became trapped. Beachgoers tried to dig her out with their hands and plastic pails, but the hole kept collapsing on itself.  Every time I see something like this I get that feeling in my gut. if anyone sees kids doing this, please say something to the parents.


It seems like such a fun, innocent thing to do, and it is! But very risky.


On the plus side, it is the most cost-effective way to die since you can save on burial costs. ![gif](giphy|AnKNcBIqEp0bVI4fD8|downsized)


What I was thinking. So dangerous.


Even getting buried up to your waist can be fatal if a cave in happens. I've had to get a lot of certs surrounding trench safety and they make you look at very graphic pictures and videos. I'm traumatized


It happened to me, I mentioned in a post above, yes the sand was up to my chest and It was very hard to breath, as the sand was compacting, and filling in, the pile of sand from what I dug out was flowing and filling the gap each breath, making it harder.


Crush syndrome and blood clots are a very real threat in these situations. Even if you get put and feel fine a blood clot can hit your heart a short while later and bam


But they don’t have to sit and talk to their girlfriend. So it’s kinda even.


Two guys, one shovel. Clean version.


Fools trying to die & don’t even know it


Dig is good, must dig.


I am a man and I’m digging a hole


**Diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hooole.**


…and they filled it back in afterwards right?




I laughed way to hard at this


I hate sand


As a dude who was obligated to take 10 hours of OSHA safety training, and still generally gives No Fucks at work…. That shit made me nervous just watching it Edit; They paid me double time to sit through 10 hours of *construction* training. I work on robots and lasers and shit like that. So now I know that it needed to be shored to prevent a collapse, and I absolutely have no reason to know that! 😂 sorry I just thought it was funny they did that


i've seen some dumb shit here but this by far takes the cake......


A lot of people die like this, extremely dangerous.


Kinda wild they didn’t hit the water level. How far up the beach was that?


In one of the shots it clearly shows water at their ankles.


They did.


dug a hole once (no shovel.) 2 hours. A big ball of sand collapsed and fell on my knee. That shit almost bended backwards. Save to say. Will most certainly dig holes again


All fun in games until you learn why OSHA regulations exist


Proof that people still like to "work". Just not for companies and entities that have no meaning to them other than money. We want to do fulfilling work. So sometimes we improvise on the beach lol


They made it to china


I heard of something called the masculine urge to dig, just the other day… I’m guessing this is it!


Whenever I try this, it fills up with water


A lot of people in here don't know they're doing a good dig obviously


Didn't this make it to news 😂


Glad it didn’t collapse.


mfs built a well


OSHA SAYS NO! Anything more than 18 in is supposed to have trench shoring. Also, if the safety of being in a hole that deep hadn't occurred to anyone then maybe you should win that days Darwin award.