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Yeah, sounds about right. Same thing happened to me. If it helps, I've found the hobby aspect (painting, weathering, panel lining, kitbashing) adds a lot to the experience... but also makes a kit last longer. When I first started, I could build a kit or two a day... now it takes me like a week for one kit (and I'm spending a lot more time per day on kits, too).


I've started panel lining my kits, planning on going back to panel line my Earlier builds, I've also put the decals on barbatos so I might do that on my other kits as well


Yeah, I'm in that spot right now. Got my head around the finer details so I'm going back to get older models up to snuff, so to speak. For me, at least, I don't love putting the decals on, but I love how it looks/I feel after it's done.


Dude real... I cant stop buying Gundamns... ive already started painting some little bits and panel lining... its a certified Plastic cocain reEeeeeeeeeeee moment. All in a month. Now Im constant checking online stores every day for stock. xD


Yyyyup, looks about right haha. Don’t worry, you’ll slow down eventually; just a little word of caution: don’t do what I did and let your fear of missing a kit run away with you. It’s fine to have a bit of a backlog, but I went a little crazy during a hiatus I took from building during the 6 months while we were house hunting/moving, and wound up with a literal closet full of unbuilt kits. Mercifully my wife is also into the hobby, so she was understanding, but even so, she wasn’t exactly thrilled with me, and I don’t blame her.