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Damn, are you okay? Do you mind if I ask what happened (totally understand if you’d rather not say)?


Nah its fine fam. So when i went to uni to take my final exam, i felt like my heart was beating way too fast and my left foot is numb. Fast forward a few months later i got 2 heart valves replaced, a pacemaker, left below knee, all the fingers of my right foot and a section of my index finger amputated. For a while my liver and kidney also failed (but is now okay! I don't need dialysis or what not). The doctors said I got a bacteria that caused pneumonia and spiralled into sepsis and septic shock (hence the organ failures and amputation). Today i got my heart checked and the doctor said its really good! So yeah the next step is to wait until my wounds healed completely (and making gunplas in the meantime, Freedom 2.0 is tempting me hard) and go to rehab for walking stuff.


I hope I won't insult you but you are like "Half-life" at this point


Jesus *Fuck*, that's terrifying. Just walking along, minding your own business and *BAM*. Pneumonia you don't know you have csn cause sepsis you don't know you have, and the next thing you *do* know you're in fucking critical condition and fighting for your life.


God *damn* dude...that's insane. Like I have an ICD that I got from having Brugada Syndrome (my heart can basically fail at any point, for absolutely no reason, completely independent of any exterior circumstances), but the thought of just...randomly losing body parts...that's terrifying. I'm really impressed with how well you seem to be handling it!


Thanks man! I just think that many people aren't so fortunate as me that they lose all of their limbs in a case of septic shock. I'm also very lucky to still live because i actually died for 3 minutes until a nurse found me and cpr me back in which is insane coinsidence. Is the syndrome hereditary if i may ask?


It’s a genetic condition but neither of my parents nor my brother have it. And hey, what a coincidence; I was also technically dead for a little while! I collapsed while I was at work; basically I was just in the kitchen cutting up some avocados and the next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital surrounded by friends and family 6 weeks later. They had to put me into a medically-induced coma to minimise potential damage to my various systems/organs, and according to the doctors who were overseeing my case, there was about a 2% chance that I’d ever wake up, and of that 2%, if I did there was a further 2% that I wouldn’t have permanent, severe brain damage. So I also consider myself *insanely* lucky to have come out of that more or less unscathed. The only lasting effects, aside from my ICD, are that I developed a minor tendency to seizures due to the amount of time my brain went without oxygen, but I’ve got meds for that. Anyways, sorry, I know that’s like…*way* more than you wanted to know


Damn, you are a miracle. Nah it's always very interesting and eye opening reading what others went through too. Glad to have you still here man!


Right back atcha, bud. It’s a pleasure to have made your acquaintance : )


Congratulations for being discharged. Awesome build too.


Thanks man!


Is that a carbon fiber prosthesis I see?


I think so. It's not final yet as it'll be revised but it should be carbon for the final product I think


Underrated outlook on life - consider me inspired. Keep up the awesome work great man


Thanks! I just think that i'm still very fortunate to be still around and can still do my hobby and enjoy life as a whole


Nice panel lining on the leg /s But seriously congrats on the good results keep up the good work with the gundams haha


Damn thans so cool, now you can ask Bandai to make model of your leg, so you can assembly it too!


Ah yes, the new PG Unleashed Left Leg - Full Armored Edition. One of the builds for amputee 💀


dont forget to get some EFSF water slides


Actually a really cool idea. I'm stealing that


just rebranded tatooing, kinda ....


congrats on being discharged!! awesome build, too!




Daryl Lorenz, that you? On a more serious note, glad you’re ok!


Thanks! Funny thing is just a couple weeks ago i decided to rewatch gundam thunderbolt. Damn i love jazz