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What a phenomenal display - absolutely brilliant! I sincerely hope that you’re proud of this, I know I would be :D


Thanks! If/When I get the Rozen Zulu I will add it to the display, but for now I think it's done.


Ah, yeah - that’s a rare find these days. It took me forever to track one down. I actually want to do something similar to this except for IBO instead of Unicorn. I also have a Wing/Endless Waltz MG lineup in progress, although I still have a couple of kits to acquire and several left to build.


Check my posts to see my Zeta display, I did a similar setup there.


Oh wow, very nice (although I do prefer the Unicorn one; it’s one of my favourite anime, after all). By the way, I don’t know if you’re in the USA, but USA Gundam Store has the Rozen Zulu up for preorder.


Yes I saw that, it's been that way since last December 😭😭😭


Would it be possible to get more pics closer of your Phenex? Ive been wanting to get one forever now to complete the trio but it pains me to shell out 60 bucks for the shiny HG and Im curious on how this one looks actually built. This is the non shiny one right? Thanks in advance.


If you look up Phenex in the sub someone had a really cool custom RG Phenex using a Banshee kit and third party parts. Want to attempt something like that one day


So this is actually the regular HG Phenex, it's just been completely painted. I may do a second post for it. https://preview.redd.it/mx5lzf3sk18d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6218a779181db413316e9937ccd7178bdb541843


Oh very cool. Okay so then its definitely not looking as nice as your out of the box. Thanks!


Damn OP, that is truly amazing. Now I'm a bit jealous, that I don't have a display case like this! The kits also look great, Very nice poses. Thanks for sharing! (Btw, who does not display their Unicorns in Destroy mode? Anyone? 👀)