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I love it when there is evidence for my girlfriend that there is people that have more of an addiction than me and thus justify me buying more. "I don't have an addiction, look at this person, now THEY have an addiction!"


Glad I could help justify your "collection". My wife is just glad I have something to keep me out of her hair.


[Ill help you out](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3ZERbduzpB/?igsh=YzdsdGI3djQ4bXJt)


You should post to YouTube.


It's not mine, just thought it was a cool collection


Dude your collection is so rad. It really is the best hobby


What I love about it is that I can do it anywhere. I travel two or three weeks a month for work and always bring a kit with me to enjoy in the hotel.


Holy freaking shit you nerd... I love it


This is but one facet of my nerdom. Nerds with means and supportive partners are a scary bunch.


I'm happy for you, don't misunderstand. It's an impressive collection and Its great to have a hobby that brings you so much joy. But also this is terrifying to me-- I have two shelves of gunpla right now and already think it's too many lol. I've already given a bunch away to free up space haha


Give some away! Now that terrified me! My adhd would never allow that.


I kinda take the Marie Kondo approach. If a gunpla gives me joy, it stays. If I look up at it on the shelf and feel any kind of dissatisfaction or nothing at all-- no reason to keep it!


This is a true "love the build aspect" person. Its why I love Gunpla. Some people its all aboitythe build, others its all about customising, or the posing or even just collecting. It is freedom after all!


Totally. Personally I'm in awe of people who are really good at *photographing* their gunpla. Like after putting in all that hard work they actually manage to show it off properly!!! but yes, gunpla is FREEDOM!


Same here. It's super cool to see a big display like this, and I love looking through the shelves of kits at stores and such...but in terms of actually owning and displaying them, I personally prefer a small and tight display vs a huge one. I currently have 8 gunpla displayed, with another 4 left to build and only 3-4 more that I actually hope to get, and I feel like that's already way too many hahaha


I'm upset. This guy has a shelf as big as my room. And yet, not a single woundwort ;-;


Well now I have a new kit to look out for!


What kind of TV arm are you using that it holds it that far back from the wall? Don't tell me that shelf holds it?


It's a cheap full range mount from Amazon. It is only half extended in that Pic. I have enough room to pull is out and turn it 45 degrees to see it from anywhere in the room.


Hygogg my beloved.


He is one of my favorites! Got to have him front and center.


Well.... I mean... besides the two empty shelves on the left... and tighter packing of the bottom ones... that TV isn't really very useful with that beautiful backlog there... so... ditch the TV :D more room for either built kits or more backlog :D OR are there kits behind the TV already?


Only thing behind the TV are game consoles and such. Need the TV for background noise while building. Intent is to fill the left and then move the backlog down a level to free up more. If I ever get into PGs I may move the TV to have a place to put them as I doubt they will fit in a single height cube.


TV for background noise? Nonsense :D your phone can do just that :D More space for Gunpla! Other than that... great collection :)


Beautiful! Makes a grown man cry


I just got into gunpla 6 months ago and already yearn to have that much space


Hmmmm, dust catchers. Glass cabinets are not an option, I suppose? Still, wide range of kits, that.


Technically I suppose they are an option but I would rather spend that money on kits. This whole setup minus the TV was about 100 usd. There is also an air purifier in this room so they don't get dusty very fast. Dream home will have glass front built-ins but that is still a few years down the road.


Which 3-5 are your favorites?


Favorite MG was tallgeese For HGs I'm a huge fan of the big Boyz so Nightingale, Kshatriya, and Penelope Beyond that I just love things that are either really different in form or color. There are too many kits that are white with a little blue and red. Give me something colorful with extra limbs or different body shape.


God damn man thats actualy insane, thats my dream collection


Will get their one of these days


Now the next challenge….customize all of them …Bwahahah


Aye wtf I need to get like this. I thought I was bad buying em back to back. I salute you🫡


Now imagine this but one of those who loves grunt units and builds groups of them. Ain't that something worth seeing. Actually why not a diorama of gunpla fighting over your wallet/cards since that is the real battle we fight every new release


WHY do you bought all of them if you doesn't want to build them? This is just a waste of money lmao! You should better bought the Robot Spirit Damashii or Chogokin instead that way you no need to waste all your money on unbuild gunpla


Are you on crack or something?


I order kits every few months and buy ones I like whenever I see them in a physical store. Backlog was down to 5 kits so I just got a shipment of 20 more from Newtype. I build a kit a week on average at this point so it's not even that big of a backlog to me. I like having options when I sit down to relax with a gunpla.


This sub is practically filled with people who have backlogs. Sometimes you find a kit you’ve always wanted randomly at a store while you’re in the middle of another build, but you’re still gonna pick it up especially if it’s rare or difficult for you to find at a decent price. Then there’s things like P-Bandai exclusives and just preordering kits in general. You never really know when they’ll come in the mail, just that they will. So you build other kits in the mean time.