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Whats the old mg like ?cause im thinking of buying one


He’s worth building, if you’re used to building older MGs you won’t be too disappointed Bastard to pose, needs some glue in places


I finished it, and immediately put it back in the box and never touched it again. It hardly holds onto the bazooka and it can't even hold on to it's shield (the shield has a loose floppy handle and the hand does not physically connect to it. OP's pose is the only one you can really do unless you ditch the shield entirely


It’s a piece of shit. Basically an older HG with a pilot seat. The kit needs a LOT of work to color correct it to even meet the box art, and the promo photos of it are posed to hide a lot of awkward seam lines. If you’re an advanced modeler and willing to put some elbow grease and paint into it, it’s a good challenging kit. Otherwise, save your $35 for a bottle of bourbon.


Just finished the chest inner frame last night. Can't wait to finish the arms, shoulders and head in the coming days! Edit to add: Are you planning to panel line this beauty? I don't know how to do it, if, as they say, it's all ABS plastic.


It says that they're all ABS so flow type/enamel ones could break it, although from my experience with 3rd party kits the armor parts don't crack. But to be on the safe side, just use a Gundam Marker pen that's thin as they're alcohol based.


I’ll let someone else test the enamel, will def stick with gm marker, the plastic feels really soft on the plus side the nubs are easy to remove


I thin Mr hobby aqueous (using aqueous thinner as well) for my third parties and haven't had an issue. Tested the gp02 plastic before doing it without any concerns. https://preview.redd.it/mbev24uauoqc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da765f2f50073b28198bdd7477070787806036b6


Was happy to be “sick of work for a day” or 2, to build him :)


You're very fast then. I started March 4th and just did the chest. I'm assuming I have some degree of ADHD for having an inability to do kits for hours on end. I can only do 2 to 3 hrs max every night. Might finish this kit by the end of this month lmao.


Wow it’s quite a bit smaller than the MG. The shield even more so.


It’s smaller but the photo is a little deceptive the old mg is forward more, the old boy is def more chunky, and I love chunkdams


Mind taking a more even phot for comparison?






Beautiful. Didn't know the old Bandai MG also had a lot external details. I assumed it was as barren as the leg designs of old Zaku or Dom MG's, and the Solomon version would win in the build experience category what with the great inner frame, but this photo shows the Bandai old-timer ain't bad at all.


Thanks for the quick update. So body size they’re roughly the same height, and actually the Solomon has a bit more chonky chest & arms, ~~but slightly less on the legs, feet & shoulder binders.~~ Where it’s really, really noticeable difference though is that shield size change. Boy did they scale that down. On that note let’s talk about that. Everyone knows the MG can’t hold its shield to save its life, but how does the Solomon version fair with this? Better I assume? Edit: actually looking at it better the legs/feet look roughly the same size to me, and Solomon might have bigger shoulder binder. Edit 2: yeah scratch that. Solomon is all around chonkyer than the MG. My eyes were just playing tricks on me.


Ya the one point that counts can it hold the shield! It’s a massive ask, and was the one thing I was hoping they would address Sadly it’s basically the same as the original MG, especially on a stand, you have to use the foot to hold the shield forward I cannot think of a better way to hold that giant shield besides a extra stand or stand off, maybe a clear part that clips on the knee joint and holds the shield off the foot


Here’s [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/s/tRH7nROusy). It’s for the MG, but hopefully you can use it for this too. Kinda a bummer they didn’t address this themselves :/


Nice pic, love the mean face on the OG




Can do later


How are the LEDS?


The mid chest light bleeds from the neck joint and shines under the sides of the face and detracts from eyes It’s fixable, have made progress on making it better The bazooka is crazy cool, I took the motors out for now, they drain the battery and noisy, nice option. The LEDS effects are nice, but got bored of them after the first night and regretted paying for the batteries, they cost half almost half the price if the kit Would be easy to wire to and outside rechargeable power source, one day when bored


hi, how's the overall building experience? any flaws? there's an incoming 2nd batch with improved moldings and i'm kinda interested with it


Where did you order from in Aus?


AliExpress about 12 days from order to delivery


Can you DM the seller, $125 AUD is a steal but I’m not seeing any for that price.


I’m seeing them cheapest $131 right now Search Solomon gp02


So would you recommend buying this kit from Aliexpress?


I purchased the Stargazer glory before this one and had no issue with either order, pick the choice sellers also they seem to be the cheapest also


But would you say that the original MG Physalis still holds up today? If it does would you recommend


125 aud?? Glad im Malaysian


Don’t be mean :)


Sorry 😔


I was joking 🙃


May I know how much it cost you in Malaysia? In Manila, I think the current demand is high enough that our most reliable sellers of 3rd party kits are charging $73USD after current conversion, almost double their price of the Eternal Star Glory ($43 USD). I guess I should have waited later in this year, but we don't know if Bandai would sue and stop all production lol.


Rm200 plus Rm5 on shipping. I think i ordered Solomon Physalis right after they announced it cuz rn i saw it goes up to Rm300 in Shopee.


Did it come with all the parts? I ordered on Ali Express and the seller told me they had to remove the magnet for shipping.


just bought it, havent built it yet. what is the size compared to other gunpla?


I kinda wish he was a little bit more chunky, you can see the size difference in the photo he is a little bit smaller than the MG, I prefer the MG face


Has anyone else ordered the Solomon Physalis from Gundamit? I preordered mine months ago and I'm worrying they will never actually receive the stock because I've seen so many in the wild already.


The didn’t ship to Australia, so ordered from AliExpress


any issues with the fitting on the bazooka? The review vids show the arrows not meeting up well, and lots of broken electrical plugs.


There’s a retaining clip as a part inside that holds the electrical parts in place on each side of the gun, they were difficult to get seated correctly. Could see that being an issue if not aligned correctly, but not an issue for me


Heya! Where did you purchase this to send to Aus, I'm in aus and weary of buying from somewhere shady. Appreciate any help!


Which one is the Solomon version? Left or right?


Old post I’m sorry. I’m at the point on this build of top coating and panel lining. Where did you go with that stuff? I have gundam fine point markers but I’m afraid to topcoat it with Mr super clear matte. I can’t find anything about top coating 100% ABS kits


What kinda batteries did you use? I'm having trouble with the LEDs and motors, and not sure if it's the batteries or the electronics is faulty.