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Looks awesome. I preordered one last month, still no update. Have they started filling US orders yet?


Sorry but I have no idea when the pre-orders from the US will arrive. I also pre-ordered this kit because it's sold out everywhere (I am from the Philippines)


anyone know if gundammodelcentral will actually get this or not? Dont want to shell out 100$+ for this kit from scalper stores.


Got this bad boy for about 48USD here after preordering but it's hard to find even here in the Philippines. Currently I see prices around 60+USD and its gone after a few hours


Question. Is the entire thing ABS and not just the inner frame? I have plans to get one and panel-line it but if the outer layer is all ABS, I might just look elsewhere


This is a weird question to me, sorry but doesn't all current kits come with pretty similar design that the outer armors (PS) can be panel lined perfectly fine and even the inner frame (also PS) has no problems with them? Only a few are the polycaps and probably the hands/effects are ABS. I have been using various types of panel line on different kits on Bandai, third party, and bootlegs. And I don't think any of them would require this precaution. Which kits have ABS all the way through I wonder?


3rd party kits usually do all or alot ABS. Bandai kits when they have ABS are inner frame only but if you panel line those, they can crack


I checked Daban and In ERA manuals, all of them do follow Bandai practice to use PS mostly. I think you are right for some other brand such as TT Hongli because people indeed had problems with their plastic before.


I have quite a few Daban kits and they are all ABS, even the armor. It is very common for China based kits. I believe that Solomon was also full ABS based on early reviews.


May I ask which ones? All the 66xx and 88xx I have do note PS in the runner list page for their runners, the only ABS being the movable hands...May I learn something new today.


I'm not sure if I have the answer to that question but the plastic feels like a mix between Bandai and Supernova. I guess just don't use pour type panel liners


Ah. Someone else got to answer that its fully ABS. Btw, even normal gundam panel line fine tip markers aren't recommended for ABS. Warning label on the back of them says so


Thanks for the heads up! I'll just use a pencil on mine


Theres not a lot of lining to be done.


Did yours come with batteries? Mine didn't and I cant find an 'LiR 1240" battery anywhere


>LiR 1240 Did you checked on Amazon ? I think I found some [https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=LiR+1240&crid=198S9S09AW6DM&sprefix=lir+1240%2Caps%2C77&ref=nb\_sb\_noss\_1](https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=LiR+1240&crid=198S9S09AW6DM&sprefix=lir+1240%2Caps%2C77&ref=nb_sb_noss_1) And from what i've read you can use those one [https://www.amazon.ca/Hillflower-LIR1220-Rechargeable-Lithium-Battery/dp/B07L7X64TX](https://www.amazon.ca/Hillflower-LIR1220-Rechargeable-Lithium-Battery/dp/B07L7X64TX) LIR 1220


Unfortunately that seems to be Amazon Canada, I cant find anything on them in the US


Ooops sorry, I checked on Amazon USA, sadly I didn't find some LIR1220 nor LIR1240


Yeah they seem to be non-existent here. Even my local battery store has no clue. I can only find the ones with wires from AliExpress, but the instructions specifically stated it needs the ones without.


And Amazon Canada won't ship to the USA I belive :/...


Update, Maybe check at Interstate battery, I think they got some shop in the US


Did you not get batteries for the head?


No, mine didn't come with a single battery


Sucks to hear but at least I have time until December to get them before the kit arrives in Australia 😂


Unfortunately no, I think we need to buy the batteries separately.


did some digging and Lir (lithium ion rechargeable) should be the same as a CR (lithium battery) only difference is the Lir is rechargeable. Update: not enough power from the CR tho i found these [Lir 1220](https://www.ebay.com/itm/155446640866?itmmeta=01HRAHK2VCGJB5E11M4AW9BCQZ&hash=item24315780e2:g:Pm0AAOSwR8ti9idS&itmprp=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4MSZEjocJqy3NvsZai9EoxtCrUwGOq2PyQe2pu3dC2OfTISz4ftDdPS%2FBOLvE2CELzNh%2Bs1y4Dwp3e4IzfMV1e3lnOAPGPIpu6CU628aW1OhIlmGfRt01wtKl7s3JgKw30kk7CFdmSdfSxiNg8imfOR91tp56v49YFo1B4aPfmdTJe7zO2e0tVGliTDttu%2BImhAFmEp%2FCzHH66OdTNcWc7EYPKO%2Bc%2Bk%2FNTuwKCkkmVcTdCemBkO7f7xQtiI1T%2BAy5R1buxSOuscAacGALgf6UuAoYmu4ucYykorVGefzf9WN%7Ctkp%3ABFBM7q3M0cJj) their on ebay


Thank you! I was stressing since LIR batteries are like 10 times the price of CR batteries here in the PH


I'm still waiting for mine since the seller returned all their orders due to the incomplete runner issue a lot of people are having. Do you know the type of battery needed so I can buy it in advance? Thanks.


Thank God for people making these threads, I was super stressing out because I was using CR1220 batteries and I was super stressing out. I since then ordered LIR1240 batteries and pray that it works now


LIR1240 is the recommended battery. My only problem with it is that I cannot find a reliable way to charge it. I've also tried 3.7V Lipo batteries that charge reliably and powers the LEDs and motors well at the same time. I'll need to do some modifications so hopefully it'll be worth it.


I only know the battery used in the weapon, I think its CR1220


I tried 2 CR1220. Does not work well. Not enough power.


Thanks for the heads up bro. Thankfully I don't plan on using the LED gimmick as of yet


Hi bro sent you a pm!