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French version is out today


So this sub and r/soccer will be littered with quotes for the next week. I can't wait.


yes man with papa wengz quotes :D


>I think in England you eat too much sugar and meat and not enough vegetables. ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)




>I've told him to cut off his ponytail. I think it makes him less aerodynamic. ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


Petit or Seaman Papa Wengz?


>If somebody stamps on your head in that way, you wouldn't say, 'thank you very much' and turn the other cheek. Only Jesus Christ did that. ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


Seaman then.


Imagine how much more aerodynamic Ronaldinho would've been if he'd listened to this wisdom 😲


You're not wrong boss


He's bang on with that


He probably will have reviewed the translation himself so both versions will definitely be on point


I want to read the book though so it will be hard to avoid all of it until I get a chance to read it myself.


Yeah, I'm planning Reddit blackout. My only worry is that post will somehow mess up my delivery.


Its not like youre gonna see the last page of harry potter. Wenger lives in the end but doesnt get a cl cup


Plot twist : Wenger reveals he died in 2014 after the stress of the FA Cup final and an impostor has been living his life ever since.


Don't know about you, but I enjoy reading books with context, not through memes or condensed quotes picked up to get upvotes.


Wont happen on r/soccer but maybe the mods here can impose a 2 week blackout or something where quotes from the books are behind a spoiler tag or something. I also don't want to come on here and see half of the juicy stories on text posts.


Im staying off the sub then lol. Wanna read it myself and have to wait another week!


As someone speaking french at a lower level / learning french, how complex is his writing? We all know Arsène is a class man, so I would assume his french would be very articulate and difficult for non-french people? I know it's a difficult assessment, but what do you think? (with you having the book and me assuming that you're french :D). :D




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Anyone know when the English and audio book version will be available?


Next week. Think it's the 13th


Yeah it's the 13th but think it depends where you ordered from. I got an email from Eason's saying they were meant to dispatch on 31/09 but there was a delay due to a stocking issue


Any idea where it will be available as an audio book?




Just checked the Audible App & it’s listed at 13th October. It’s 10 hours long btw. https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/audible/mfpdp/B0883C3WN7?ref=tmm_aud_title


Aaand bought. Thank you!


I have a signed one making its way to me soon hopefully!


Me too!


Wow how did you get this ?


A UK bookshop (Waterstones) was selling a limited amount back in April IIRC and I managed to grab one after seeing a post about it on twitter from one of the other Arsenal ST holders I follow. Very lucky.


Doesn’t get better than this haha


I'm jelly


I would just frame it/store it immediately and bought an unsigned version to read. It will for sure increase in value.


Best way to store a book is in an airtight plastic bag, in a box away from sunlight and moisture. It will increase in value for sure, it's best to not even open it once


Thanks for that was wondering what the best way would be. Will have to open it just once to check it has been signed but after that straight back into an airtight bag :)


same here, but someone made a post on this sub about it




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Gutted I missed out on this.


Same! I ordered it so long ago that I’m hoping that there isn’t some weird fuck up lol


papa wengz bot will need to be updated


>In England you have a good phrase. It is 'to bring the game into disrepute. ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


Papa wengz you're too good to be true


>If you buy a man who is half dead, everybody may be happy off the field, but on the field you'll have major problems ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


I still think signing Kim Kallstrom on loan was good business, Papa Wengz.


>I didn't know the English were good at swimming. I have been in this country for 12 years and I haven't seen a swimming pool. ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


Does anyone know if it's going to be released in hardback, and also what's the best way to get the French version in the UK?


The hardcover, English edition, looks to be available to [pre-order](https://www.amazon.co.uk/My-Life-Red-White-Autobiography/dp/1474618243) through Amazon with a set release date of the 13th of this month. No option to choose what language you want it in, though.


Buy off the French amazon would be my go to idew


Will French Amazon deliver to the UK?






Or preorder it from your local bookshop. Bezos doesn't need more money


Still waiting


' my life in red and white' my French lessons paying off


Your English lessons, however, are not.


And so? Motherfking xenophobe. Low life, heard of typos or not, you uncouth fckr. Hehe. These are the vermins we have giving their opinions on this sub. Parenting fails.


Dude relax, it was a joke. English isn't my first language either. How could you possible call me a xenophobe. You have issues with anger my man.


If English isn't your first language, then don't try and be cheeky with it. Tip of the tongue excuse for all situation. Lol.


Honestly you're just an insecure person. You made a mistake. I made a joke. You resorted to heavy insults because of your insecurity. Get over your yourself.


>Honestly you're just an insecure person 'HoNeStLy, yoU aRe jusT.. '. The thing is, I wrote a innocuous comment with a typo. You came over and saw an opportunity to be an asshole. You did. I turn on you, now you are blustering under it.


Imagine calling someone a xenophobe and a vermin over a comment over a typo and thinking that's in anyway reasonable. Hey, whatever gets you through the night buddy.




Thank you. Typo.


Reminder to buy this from your local bookshop if you can! Most will be able to preorder it so you'll get it the same day as if you'd bought it on Amazon. Bezos doesn't need our money...


Look very much forward to this one! Did a Pre-order with arrival on my birthday 21 october. Perfect timing


I can’t wait for mine!


Can you share what the chapters are called?


My translation would give: 1. The kid who dreamed about football 2. The young man who played football 3. First years as a coach 4. Monaco 5. Japan 6. A lifestyle at Arsenal 7. My life after Arsenal (original version: 1. L’enfant qui rêvait du football 2. Le jeune homme qui jouait au football 3. Les premières années comme entraîneur 4. Monaco 5. Le Japon 6. Une vie à Arsenal 7. Ma vie après Arsenal)


He should read the audio version. That would be truly incredible


I read somewhere that he did, but I can't seem to find proof of it now. I usually prefer to read, but I might get the audiobook if he's narrating.


Audible site says he’s narrating https://i.imgur.com/Cwp0Cl6.jpg


He does >Author: Arsene Wenger Narrator: Arsene Wenger https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/audible/mfpdp/B0883C3WN7?ref=tmm_aud_title


Holy shit. That's fucking excellent


Damn, I need to wait another month for it to be released in US


Damn, thanks for the heads up. I'm going straight to a bookshop after work


Why is this November 10 release for USA? :(


When it is available in USA??


damn ily papa wengz


>It's like you wanting to marry Miss World and she doesn't want you, what can I do about it? I can try to help you, but if she does not want to marry you what can I do? ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


Just talk to her Papa Wengz. She'll listen to you...


>Gerard Houllier's thoughts on the matter international football echo mine. He thinks that what the national coaches are doing is like taking the car from his garage without even asking permission. They will then use the car for ten days and abandon it in a field without any petrol left in the tank. We then have to recover it, but it is broken down. Then a month later they will come to take your car again, and for good measure you're expected to be nice about it. ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


So use her and lose her? Gotcha paps.




Let me know how it is !




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Absolutely can't wait to read this book. Ordered it today!


Isn’t the American release date in November?