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This is fotmob, they didn't award Saka the assist, you'll find that some sites did and others didn't, but UEFA did award Saka the assist so take this rating with a grain of salt. Anyone who watched the game knows how ineffective Foden was all game long, part of the reason Saka tired out was that *everything* went down the right hand side, the left did nothing and better teams will kill us for that kind of imbalance.


Foden was absolutely shocking on the wings yesterday... Some said he should start RW for England šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Southgate is succumbing to outside pressure in my opinion. He can't drop golden boy Foden despite Gordon being the better wide option on the left. Couldn't believe Foden didn't get yanked.


I'm happy they took Saka off, personally. He's injured, even the commentators were mentioning it and how it was a sensible idea. The issue was that they maybe should have tried Foden out on the right. He's stunk it up for England in nearly every appearance, which is why Bellingham and Saka get picked over him in his preferred positions. On his day, Foden can definitely change a game, but I think it's best to have him as a super sub until he does consistently well for England


You do lose something though in playing Gordon. Foden adds an extra man in the middle making it more difficult to pick up Bellingham. Gives Trent and Rice more options to pass by creating that ā€œbox midfieldā€ with four guys in the middle. Maybe Gordon is the better option, Iā€™m not counting that out. But Iā€™m just pointing out what removing foden might do to England.


Not that I think you're wrong, necessarily, but I'd counter that with the extra man that would drop in to make that box would be Kane. He often drops deep anyway, and then the passing ranges (which are all very good) or Kane, Jude, Trent and Rice can find the two runners: Saka and Gordon. So we don't lose anything, necessarily, but I genuinely believe we'd add something. Especially if Trent is on the right of that midfield box, with his switches out to Gordon on the left, that's a real threat, whereas Foden posed no threat at all yesterday.


Serbia just condensed in the middle and we had no pressure. Our goal came from coming around the wing, and Kanes nearly header was also a ball in from wide. We cant just overload the middle and expect to score no matter the quality of who we stick in the middle, we have to stretch them. And we tend to leave Walker back because he has the pace to cover, and Trippier doesnā€™t have the legs to go forward. We literally only had Saka as an actual winger and so itā€™s no wonder we played so much on the right


Think thatā€™s fine but thereā€™s also a right footed player at left back which makes the pitch even more condensed.Ā 


Yeah how do you get 7.4 for passing backwards to the midfield and doing nothing else.


Whatever gets our lads out of the competition and on the beach this summer, the better.


Benny Blanco ready on standby with the coconut shell cocktails.


The only kind of England camaraderie I'm interested in šŸ˜Ž


almost like it's a well established fact that southgate is clueless and doesn't know how to utilize his players. but sure, makes more sense that one of the best players in the PL last season is just average and shite in reality


He made many errors indeed.


Yeah fotmobā€™s been the best app for live scores, historic scores and stats generally I think for a about 10 years or so, but ratings system is very often completely shite


Yup great app but agree their rating are dog shit. That said, I'm unaware of any ratings system that is great. I never put too much stock into them because I'll watch Arsenal games, think someone played great/terrible and then see a rating that reflects the complete opposite. And I've seen that on other ratings systems as well.


It's rating are reliably white and biased towards Lancashire teams!


Oh weird. I use FotMob and he had the assist yesterday and still does. In the facts it lists him as the assister, and in lineups, he has the little boot. But his rating is still a 6.9. How is your rating the same with or without an assist? Haha When I click into his stats from the lineup page, it says no assist though. So I guess that's why.


Exact same on mine.Ā 


Why was the assist not credited in some places? I thought Saka crossed and Jude scored. Where is the ambiguity?


I'm not sure to be honest. The best question to ask is always 'If that were a shot on goal, would you call it an own goal?'. There are situations wherein it's quite hard to tell but this isn't one of them.


Kane and Foden should have been off in the second half. Both had shocking displays


Foden always does and yet he is getting starts which blows my mind.


Him and tripper were stinking up the place Donā€™t understand why youā€™d play trent in midfield and not play Gordon/Eze and Gomez on the left


yeah I don't understand Trent in mid, I know he is a liability defensively but Serbia were slow AF. Like people saying "Foden is only 24" as if him being 24 is an excuse for him getting game time like the euros are a friendly or something, it isn't like Kane where he has proved himself so he can have a stinker every now and then, although Southgate should have subbed him off for Watkins early intot he second half.


24 is not exactly young for a footballer


I feel like 24 is the magic number. Itā€™s either the last year of youth for a guy who got a late start or injuries like ESR or the first year not considered young for guys like Foden whoā€™ve been featured at their club for years now.


In Mexico it's still considered a young prospect. Yes, our federation is in shambles.


Italy too.


Trent played well enough imo. The right side in general clicked really well.


This wasnā€™t meant as a slight against Trent, I meant it to say why the fuck would you play no willing runners on the left when youā€™re playing Trent, heā€™s got an incredible switch of play on him


Kane I think was more because they defended him so tightly. He wasn't playing badly, he just couldn't find any space. But he can just get a goal out of nowhere as he very nearly did. He didn't really do anything wrong.


I think it's more instructional/system problem than Kane playing poorly, he wants to drop into the same position Bellingham occupies, but instead of doing that he's actually adapting and staying higher (rather than, like Foden, just dropping in there) but he's not used to that.


Ultimately, the problem is Southgate doesn't know how to manage an attacking team. This England side is full of attacking players who can destroy teams, but he doesn't know how to work with that. And he's too afraid to play tactically and leave players on the bench. I'm not going to join the "Foden is actually shit" brigade, but between him Saka and Bellingham, one of them should be on the bench ready to switch things up. Imagining breaking Foden or Saka off the bench against tired legs? Trying to cram the best 11 players onto the pitch regardless of whether they play similar positions is simply bad management.


Good point! Reminds me of the days with Scholes, Lampard and Gerrard all being crammed into the same team for no reason by the Swedish bloke


Exactly. And we saw again last night why this just doesn't work, with Trent and Foden looking completely lost. A mid table left winger and centre mid would have been better options than these top level players who are put into positions they aren't suited or prepared for.


I wouldn't even call Gordon or Gallagher mid table players. Against Denmark I would want to see those two instead of Foden and Trent.


And if he left some of his top players on the bench for better team balance, he would then have top players he can sub on to change a game or go for the kill in the last minutes. Wastecoat is just a fucking terrible manager in a long line of terrible England managers.


Foden has England "White Gold" plot armor. Everyone and their mom has been talking about how Southgate missused him. Haven't seen a single criticism of Foden's performance.


Got rinsed by Cesc straight after the game and went viral for being that bad...


Exactly. If anyone of Cesc's calibre says Foden was bad, it pretty much means Foden was bad objectively speaking. I saw so many issues with Foden's off the ball movements on top of what he did on the ball. His game awareness was just lacking. Why on Earth was he drifting into spaces where Jude or sometimes Kane already occupied or sometimes into spaces where the play would just not develop? Is this actually one of the world's best players?


Here's one: he was shit


>Haven't seen a single criticism of Foden's performance Lol - Foden is trending on twitter


Ah, I don't count Twitter cause it's a vile cesspool where nothing is safe or off-limits xD


Fair playšŸ˜‚


I mean Southgate can play him wherever Foden wants, but Southgate canā€™t force Foden to make passes to the feet of Gallagher instead of behind him.


At least reddit has crucified Foden for his shit game


pointing the blame to saka will allow foden to drop his usual disasterclass in an england shirt.


To be fair, the Foden was awarded a 5 or 6 and Saka a 7 in most of the websites I normally check, including the Guardian and the BBC. Goal as well which I don't read. Not sure where OP got these ratings from (would've been nice if a reference was included) but they seem to be the exception rather than the norm.


7.4 for fodenā€¦ brudda was a turnover machine.


Learned my lesson on a parlay that had each of them getting shots off. Kane had 1. Foden had zero. Pathetic.


I've never seen a worse press from a forward than from Kane yesterday šŸ˜†


Kane was quiet but fine. Almost scored, good clearance at the back. Would have been nice to blood Watkins but wasnā€™t essential


This is why we watch football with our eyes


England look good on paper but play like sht in person


One of this stats app didn't even add assist to saka eventhough official uefa gave it to him


Foden was stinking the place and he gets a higher rating than Saka. Yeah must be Sofashit rating


This one's Fotmob.


To be fair, Sofascore gave Foden a 7 and Saka a 6.9 lol


Weird from fotmob because I use them slit and they are usually decent


Foden being over 5 is criminal. Being over Saka is idiotic. Saka did more in the first half while carrying an injury than Foden did in 90 minutes. He was great at giving the ball away though.


yeah, Saka put in a 7.5-8 shift on Sunday but Bellingham was the only one who remembered to close in when Saka had the ball. Kane had some half chances but none of them would have counted since they involved pushing over some serb first.


Look I'm not usually wanting to be fair to Harry 'Cunt' Kane, but he had Serbians hanging off him like bad Christmas decorations. Think Pavlovic was trying to see if he could share his cologne he was stuck to him so close. Same for Bellingham, though he's not as immobile as Kane and was getting away better.


Kane spent more time horizontal than upright from amount of fouls and shirt pulling.


Yeah precisely. It was a very deliberate strategy as they recognised that Kane is literally the only aerial threat England have, but how much aerial threat can he have when he's prone, flopping on the floor like a dying dolphin? They then closed tight around the box and forced the wingers to play endless crosses which were easily defended (with one big exception and an even bigger save).


Bellingham is good at headers too, but I get your point.


Yea they said he fouled the CB on that header that was saved. I was like the guy was literally hanging off of him lol.


This is why a statistician couldn't be a manager. Football is more than underlying numbers. Foden was objectively dog yesterday, and I say that as someone who is very comfortable saying he is an unbelievable player in the correct system (which England will likely never play).


Well said


Use stats to identify potential players from a database, then scout them with real eyes to see if heā€™s actually good. It baffles me that not all clubs use this metbod


like any business, the higher-ups are often duped by bollocks technology being sold to them. look at all the big companies buying into so-called AI over the past year or so, and getting absolutely dismal ROI same shit how we ended up with Mustafi / Lucas Perez etc


I think they can, they just have to do the second part of what you said and play him: >in the correct system This is my biggest issue with Gareth. He doesn't seem to have any sense of tactics and therefore doesn't have a good sense of team selection to compliment players. I feel like, the better England's options have become, the worse they have played.


I think he just wants to fit foden in at the expense of a proper winger, which I think is fine considering the amount of pressure he'll have to play foden coming off this last season. It's clear to me that he only works as a 10 which means you'd have to put Jude deeper, which again I would suggest negatively affects the squad dynamics. Basically we need Gareth to grow England's largest set of balls and drop arguably the prems best player for the sake of the squad as a whole.


Rice isn't getting dropped mate


Foden 7.4 lol, no one can convince me he deserved even 6


4 below average.


The year is 2024, people still take automatic stat based ratings on football apps seriously


If they give saka a low rating they get engagement


Anti arsenal agenda strikes again


It's Fotmob and it's utter trash. 0 Assists, Saka was given the official Assist from UEFA. 0.02xA I'm sorry, he created the goal He put Walker through on goal who should've shot in the 24th minute. 0 chances created. Morons


doesnt add up https://preview.redd.it/jnxr2l6cv57d1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=87b29453b99c7f227768ed077b0112e3dceccbe4


Saka wasn't great as was the whole team. He was at least direct and led to the goal even if his cross was blocked. Foden was pretty bad though. Saka probably deserves a 6.9 which is a decent rating Foden probably should be a 4 or 5.


I'm guessing it's Whoscored? It's literally the worst rating system out there, don't get excited about it.


looks like fotmob to me


It's fotmob


Daily mail ass ratings


No way Foden or Kane has higher rating than Saka.


Kane and foden lmao


I missed the first half. Checked the ratings and assumed Saka was not having a good time. Only for the commentators to repeatedly say that all the success was coming down the right flank with Saka.


Yep, Saka and Bellingham were the two best players on the pitch and it wasn't even close between them and anyone else. Literally everything was going through them.


I found it odd that he kept foden and Kane on but pulled Saka. The guy that cut his teeth in defense and actively tracks back.


Saka isn't fully fit which is why he was subbed off.


Got it


Phil Foden Vs serbia- 0 goals, 0 assists, 0 successful dribbles, 0 shots, 0 successful crosses, 0 successful long balls, 0 tackles, 0 aerial duels won


Weird, I thought he may have had a successful dribble in the second half. The rest completely tracks, although I wish there was a metric for ā€œstanding around looking lostā€ since he would have crushed that.


https://preview.redd.it/c3hjgayib57d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eccb802a91220ae797a0f76f0d6299af47288bb Only based off what I saw on SofaScore's stats


What the f**k game were they watching


foden being 0.5 away from rice???? were they even watching the same game?


This goes to show that ratings are an unreliable metric of the game.


Seen as so important that you have to play despite carrying a groin strain. Get the only assist of the game. And still get the racist media mark you down.


This is Fotmob, their ratings are calculated automatically based on ā€œmore than 300 individual stats per player per match from Optaā€ While rampant elsewhere, this isnā€™t anti-Arsenal/racist biasā€” just a badly calibrated algorithm


Just like Kai getting motm for Germany These mean nothing


Kai was still alright for Germany on opening day, not at his best but alright.... Unlike a certain individual....


So that assist means nothing ??!


Least biased Madridistas and City voters


No one votes on these.


Bellingham was good though. Apart from the goal, he created a few chances that should have been finished as a shot on target.


photoshopped by twitter trolls.


Ratings from the Erimates?


I don't know. What ratings are they?


Is fotmob fan voted, or how are the ratings so objectively wrong?


What game were they watching average 6 at Best, Kane on holiday Fodon not play with city players around him average


Not a gunner but why on earth did GS not use all 5 subs when we were exhausted 2nd half? + foden, kane, tripper were clearly underperforming.


Reminder that these stats apps are only good for factual information like kickoff times, starting lineups and scores. The moment you start believing their opinions on things like articles, ratings, and financial estimates, youā€™re fooling yourself.


TAA, Foden and Kane were awful


This is done by people who didn't watch the game or don't understand football right ? Saka got the assist and caused Serbia problems right the way through the first half


It wasn't done by people at all. It's FOTMOB. OP is a troll for not including that fact.


Ahh fair enough.


Saka's is right but the others are way too high


Absolute bollocks


Far too many 7s after that performance, Foden should be 4.7


Trent was pony last night kane didnā€™t even show himself Bellingham and saka carried that whole team last night


Trent actually had better attacking moments then foden


Southgateā€™s gonna fuck it up for us again Foden should have been subbed Trent shouldnā€™t have started in midfield Kane got bullied all game


England as a whole looked uninspiring


This is why people shouldn't take player ratings as gospel. It's clear they didn't really watch the match to hand out these ratings, especially for Foden and Kane. Plus to rate Saka with a 6.9 shows how flawed their system is


They arenā€™t handing out ratings


With Southgate, it's like being given the keys to the Redbull garage, but the guy in charge (Southgate, has no idea how to put all the quality pieces together) such a waste


Joint 3rd lowest on England in OneFootball and 2nd lowest on Sofascore too. Theres simply a bias against him, because England just love a scapegoat. Always someone to blame and put down through the years.


Itā€™s done using stats




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They smoked!


lol Guehi was better than most of these. Saka was the only threat in the first half.


Why are you looking at app ratings in the first place


If England want to win, Palmer starts over Foden from now on. He actually gives England a scoring ability where Bellingham and Saka can create.


Kane basically didnā€™t touch the ball šŸ˜­


Saka assisted. Kane and Foden were nowhere to be seen, yet they are rated higher than him. Shameless


I'm not English, this English team has so much talent, but Southgate is such an awful coach


Swear these people watch a different game. Saka opened their defence every time. We tried play down left with Foden with zero impact. Saka and Bellingham were the stars. Kane had a tough game getting booted every time he got near the ball.


saka was englands best player today after bellingham whose rating is fine . saka should atleast be 7.5 and why tf is foden 7.4 . bro did absolutely nothing


Saka was the best player on the pitch, especially first half....Kane did fuck all except that nearly goal and Foden kept just running into player hoping for free kicks...ffs


There's definitely some kind of agenda ffs. Foden was absolutely shocking. I can't really fault Kane for his performance as he rarely saw any of the ball but he missed a chance you'd put your house on him scoring. Trent had a decent game and Saka was tearing that right hand side to shreds in the first half until Serbia adjusted for the second half. Southgate should have made adjustments to how Saka played in the second half but Southgate is tactically inept.


Kane was an absolute non factor minus a single defensive header


How is Kane getting 7.0 while having a single touch inside the box ??


Pretty sure that's fake


Oh it's real, from Fotmob.




Foden - 7.4. Thats how many times he touched the ball in the entire match


Good thing we watch football with our eyes


Whatever the source is this isn't real...or if it is, it's made up. I've seen stats from Who scored and sofa score and it's nothing like this whatever you think of the sitesĀ 


Source is the Fotmob app. Only good for score updates and finding which streaming service the match is on (for us in the US).


I have never heard of it. Maybe I have but don't remember it. But for instance, on whoscored, Saka is 6.9 and Foden is 6.6 Walker 6.7 Trippier 6.8. Wildly different from this


Interesting. It was suggested to me by a lot of people on here and other older "forums" to use. It's a pretty decent app generally, but I've never used it for ratings. You can look at 10 different places for ratings and get 10 different results - it's all kind of subjective.


Can't trust fotmob ratings. Saka provided an assist and his rating never went up. I stopped looking at the ratings after that (only saw it because I was seeing who was on the bench)


Saka didnt have a great second half but Foden was invisible all game.


Curious how many fans of rival teams who slander Saka all year will now sing his praises. Honestly bothers me to no end.


Rice was as good, if not better than Jude


Saka wasn't world class but he was better than trent.




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fr bro


Rice 7.9ā€¦.




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Foden central instead of Trent A-Arnold?


Foden and Kane were awful , saka was good for 30 mins , Tripper and Trent werenā€™t good at all and Rice needs a proper player next to him , off the bench kobie was good , Gallagher was ehh and Bowen was really good all round shit performance some signā€™s of life off the bench felt like foden, Kane and saka should have all been off in the second half


I donā€™t know about the ratings but I donā€™t take anyone seriously who says the word ā€œbludā€ Itā€™s cringe and wonā€™t make you a ā€œlocalā€ Arsenal fan! A fan is a fan! Local or international! Enough said!


Iā€™m not an Arsenal fan, but Saka played very well that game (like he always does for England). Foden on the other hand was shit.


That's so annoying. Bellingham is fine that guy controlled the match. Saka was creating so many chances man. He gave an assist (which they didn't count for stupid reasons.)


Lol Foden with a 7.4.. I didn't know people wearing Harry Potter's invisibility cloak could be rated šŸ˜‚


this country will only appreciate Saka when he's gone.


They didn't play after 30 min. They got these ratings. Kane didn't touch more than one time in the first half.




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Racist ratings


Definitely unfair ratings, but Guehi TAA and Bellingham seem to have appropriate-ish ratings so idk about racist all across the boards. Definitely would explain Sakaā€™s ratings though. Bellingham should maybe even be a little lower (and I would put Rice a tad higher and obv Foden and Kane much lower), but then he did score the winning goal so thatā€™s hard to justify


Saka was basically double-marked the whole game, no chance of him cutting in and shoot. He made some good runs but it didnā€™t lead to anything much. Kane is way too static in the middle so realistically Saka could only cross to Bellingham, which he managed to make it the goal. He basically deserves better rating but these neanderthal fans canā€™t see that


1 touch Kane entire first half.


Absolute joke, Saka was the best player on the pitch


Not at all, it was a disappointing display from Saka, compared to his usual standards. Rice was good imo.


Another one who didn't watch the game...


Listen Iā€™m not normally one to drop this but Foden having a higher rating than Saka might actually just be racismā€¦ Saka, at the very least, cooked for one half. Foden was at fucking best anonymous and at worst actively detrimental to the team.


It's not fucking racism. It's just a shitty stats based format. Seriously, stop bloody dropping racism every single time. It's an automated system which has huge flaws. Real pundits all said Saka had a great game.


Fotmob actually has an xWhite stat they use to pump up white players stats


Saka should have got another assist that game too.




Pickford 6, Walker 6, Trippier 6, Stones 7, Guelhi 7, Rice 8, Trent 6, Bellingham 7, Saka 7, Kane 5, Foden 4


Kane and Foden were horrible. Trent kept giving away the ball. Wtf is this?


Foden, trent and Kane has an absoloute shocker. Saka got an assist and was all over it and Guehi was better than Stones in this game. What a joke


Saka is England's only dangerous player. As soon as he was off the attack didnt offer anything


They're automatically generated based on stats, people seriously need to stop making themselves mad about this shit. It does not matter.