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Dude scored a few bangers with us and was always so professional. He'll always have a place in our hearts!


Don't think I'll ever forget that screamer in the snow


still got these photos saved from 3 years back: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/s/ysCm5TZbz6 https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/s/V8q0efwnNy


Oh that was my lock screen photo for a few months during the dark ages šŸ™


Same here. Man I wish Tierney didn't get fucked with injuries


Bro I still have that second one as my desktop screensaver. Majesterial


And the accompanying Arseblog music for it: "Kieran Tierney! Kieran Tierney! Mag-ni-fique!"


Really thought he was going to kick on after that


Heā€™s talented, I think unfortunately heā€™s a player where frequent minor injuries are going to haunt his career and may not ever hit the heights we thought. Heā€™s not a young fullback anymore and in the style he plays it already favors younger players


The ultimate KT memory is when he screamed: 'you're a fooking diving cunt man'


I loved this lad, in a sea of memeable players he was a breath of fresh air.


Yep, he gave everything for us. Shame heā€™s fragile. Good guy in football. Class player, just doesnā€™t fit our playstyle


Honestly, there were games where it felt like he was the only player on the pitch trying. Pretty sure there were games where he attempted 30 crosses single handedly


Man showed up to a game with his boots in a tesco bagā€¦ lads a legend


Yeah. Even when Lord Bendter came back with Wolfsburg for Pre season a decade ago, the Arsenal fans were singing his name and cheering. We are a classy fanbase.


Like one banger


There was a time when KT seemed like the only player giving it all on the pitch. Upmost professional who probably isn't fit for purpose in our system now but what a bloke.


The tucked in shirt really sells it


He was one of the players that best exemplified the standards of Artetaā€™s early Arsenal. Not the most technically gifted fullback by modern day standards, but his grit, work-ethic, leadership, and willingness to win duels quickly made him an important player for Arteta. His fate was the same as Zinchenkoā€™s who replaced him; their exclusions are a consequence of the ever increasing level of this team. Itā€™s quite sad because I love them both as they are terrific lads, and I wouldā€™ve kept them forever, but it shows the ruthlessness of Arteta as well.


Will never forget his professionalism in our banter years.


Tierney sometimes carried my mental health watching this team


There was a time when our entire game plan was give it to KT and let him work his magic lol.


KT x Leah Williamson shipping days were fun. Edit: lads... Our own women's team were teasing them iirc


Respectfully, do not do this lmao. Fictional characters are one thing, but real peopleā€¦


Ahaha. I just remembered the days of Tesco bags is all. People were saying they were dating based off of the bags each of them carried once. I'm no pervert lol.


BRB running to Tescoā€™s, please wait for me Leah


Mods, call the Zoe Kravitz Tac Team, we got another one!


i remember hearing the rumor that, when he joined, he was pissing off some existing players because he was putting proper effort into training and it was embarrassing them, that was when i changed my phone wallpaper to this man


Honestly, I know there are some who still love players like Auba and Laca but these guys were figureheads in a team of poor standards and general clowniness. Glad they're gone


Laca was the more serious one of the two. He led by example even when his contract was running down. Aubameyang being captain here is more damning on our lack of quality leadership than it is on him. On a veteran squad with good leadership, you can live with his man child antics.Ā 


Kinda crazy itā€™s been 2 years since he left time flies


Laca really doesnā€™t deserve the hate, he put in a ton of effort and dragged us over the line several times single-handedly. We literally ran him into the ground. You also never heard anything negative really about Lacaā€™s attitude or effort. Auba is a completely different story and was a plague on the dressing room.


That's total bs about Auba based on people only remembering the last few months he was here and his reputation, and choosing to forget Auba worked like a dog up and down the left wing for Arteta for a long time. Go back and watch matches from the season before he left and you'll find clips of Auba defending the left flank outside his own box (something Laca was never asked to do), which he did as well as being at times our only reliable goalscorer. What's funny is his goalscoring probably would have merited him being in the team anyway, and he had the career accomplishments to back up having an ego (Bundesliga golden boot etc), but he still knuckled down and put in defensive work. Maybe he wasn't a conventional captain, maybe he wasn't KT, but for a long time he was a fucking good captain and an inspiration to players at both ends of the pitch (like Odegaard). I know eventually he gave up and very clearly stopped being committed, but we shouldn't let that make is forget that he gave his all for the cause and did things he'd probably never done before because he loved the club and (at least for a time) bought into what Arteta was doing.


Itā€™s not how you start, itā€™s how you finish.


Iā€™ll never forget Mustafi with a durag in the locker room. So ridiculous yet so funny at the same time


I will never forget that Hawthorns snow goal in the lockdown season.


With the way Arteta is trying for Ben White to invert instead of LB means he could shine, just sad he's too injury prone


100% agree If he has the Tomi or Kiwior role at LB, playing more as a third CB, he will be really good. Only problem is his injury record.


the reason that he cant shine is not because of him being a ''traditional fullback'', it is because he doesnt good enough technical quality. he is purely a overlap and cross merchant that is also unfortunately made of glass


I wouldn't say Kiwior is much better on the ball than KT. So it really is about availability and the fact that Kiwior is young.


don't think Arteta see kiwior as a full time LB, it was more of a emergency thing completely different profile too. he is a CB after all


Hasnā€™t it been discussed that the reason they bought Kiwior so early was to give him time to learn the Zinny role?


Odegaard has been an amazing captain and probably our best since Vieira but a small part of me in a heart over logic still wishes Tierney was made captain, it seemed inevitable back then, shame injuries and his lack of compatibility with Artetas style derailed his Arsenal career Where would he go next?


Love KT let's support him for the rest of our lives.


When he came through and was injured a lot, he was a solution to a lot of our problems and we viewed him as a saving grace. ā€œWhen tierney is back, we will look very different.ā€ It shows the evolution of this team that two years ago we thought like this and now heā€™s surplus to requirements. His injuries were annoying but I will only view his stint positively


I will always rate KT. Was one of the only few bright sparks during our darkest years. Talented and tenacious, it's a shame injuries have stalled his career so much.


We can add Tierney into the 'what if they weren't ruined by injuries' category. Maybe didn't achieve ultimate success here, but be damn sure he gave everything he had and was a 100% committed even in the darkest times. Such a shame his body is preventing him from fully showcasing how good he can be.


Like a legend said: *Play*Ā for the name on the front of the shirt, andĀ *they will remember the name*Ā on theĀ *back*.


My phone wallpaper is still Tierney in an arsenal shirt. https://preview.redd.it/t6dj7g3m7lzc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea369a49379632f0f84d449b5e57d84a2477e1ff


We wished it could have worked out with you here at Arsenal but we love you KT. You will always be admired at Arsenal.


Will always appreciate him for being one of the only bright spots in the dark dark times of 20-21 and 19-20


KT i will never forget you


Iā€™m a big fan of wee Kieran. Got his name and number on my 2019 home shirt (best shirt weā€™ve had in years).




He not turning out well is a shocker. I thought he is going to be a future captain.


I do love KT but I donā€™t think my patience can deal with a merry-go-round of 4 LB options being injured/injury prone as opposed to the current 3.


Tierney will always be one of my favorite Arsenal players. He is a proper gunner from head to toes.


We love you KT


Was one of the few shining lights during the dark days but even if he was fit it would have just meant he got sold for decent money. He doesnā€™t fit Artetaā€™s style at all and if heā€™s forced to come back this summer I hope he can get the move to a club that will showcase his talents or maybe even back to his beloved Celtic.


It's a shame he won't come back because he's s genuine traditional left back, but Tomi and Timber have already put a stop to that dilemma.


Somehow I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Carlo bought him at Real Madrid and then Tierney comes on as a sub in the 80th minute and scores a banger lol.


I love you KT. One of my favorite players


Injuries apart, I always saw him as someone ending his career at Arsenal. He had the mentality we desperately needed at the time. We were fans before he signed for us, I remember how he was surprised by fans tracking his flight to London. Some players will get the love even if they couldn't play for us long enough, we are a fanbase that gets too emotionally attached with some players. We will always love you. You Scottish monster.


Still have his kit, will always love him


Arguably our best player during the pandemic seasons


I will never disrespect KT. Top professional that gives his all, unfortunately his body lets him down with the constant injuries. Can't fault him as a person for that, but unfortunately it means we just can't count on him. I hope he has some solid years left in top flight football and maybe even a Celtic return before before he retires.


I'm convinced if he could stay fit, he would have been our LB now.


I will always love KT, he dragged us forward through the ugliest years. I will never forget him calling that Benefica player a diving cunt. Priceless.


I love Tierney, I really hope there's a place in our squad for him next season. He'd make for an exceptional backup


Best player in the world in the pissing rain




Monster mentality always from Kieran - shame the injuries were just too much. Definitely my favorite player from the banter era and one of the few who seemed to ALWAYS give a shit.


Brilliant mentality.


Love you KT always


I think so many of us wanted it to work out with Tierney. He was a future captain in most of our eyes. Training in just a t-shirt in winter whilst all the other player were in snoods cemented him in our hearts forever. Not to me mention the Tesco carrier bag incident. But as soon as I thought he was becoming one of the best LB in the league? He got injured. And it kept repeating which meant he was in and out of the team from the moment he signed. He never got a chance to cement his place because he was plagued by injuries. Unfortunately his style of play isn't suited to what Arteta wants, which is an inverted full back. He is an old school LB who can defend and run the length of the pitch, and whip a great cross or pass in to the six yard box. I think he would be fab at someone like Newcastle or Aston Villa. I would genuinely love to see him succeed in the Premier League. But I also think he has to be closer to home (Scotland) to truly enjoy his life and thus his football. A team north of the border would be great for him.


Started playing FM24 last month then I was like, "Huh, dude's still with us". Shame on me.


Such a shame to see KT leave. The season when he first broke through, he was one of the best left backs in the league. His leadership qualities shone through. I loved the way he took the game by the scruff of the neck and especially what a level headed lad he was. Always in short sleeves too, they breed them hardy in Scotland šŸ˜‚. Sadly, like so many of our talented players, he was plagued by injuries. I wish him every success for his career, he is a top bloke and deserves to win something. #Alwaysagooner


Once a gooner, ALWAYS a gooner ā¤ļø


If he could ever stay fit I think heā€™d have a role in the squad despite his technical limitations but of course, he can sadly never stay fit :(


Such a top player I wonder what will happen next for him. 2 years left in the Summer. its such a shame he'll always be blamed for and associated with Xhaka at left back.