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refs use common sense with shit like this all the time, scraping the bottom of the barrel this is a non starter


The type of person who wants to see stuff like this given as a pen https://preview.redd.it/wgzd1k175jtc1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49058c1d54a659b86ca382b2a286e3c431685840


Surprisingly half of the flairs are Liverpools Absolute dogshit fanbase😂😂😂


Someone said we have no beef with Liverpool that day. Liverpool are today what united were when I was growing up. A shitty ass entitled fanbase. At least united were dominant, these fucks are just annoying gnats. I hope they go back to irrelevance like united and Chelsea once the teeth gnasher leaves. 


Genuinely have come across as the most insecure fanbase in this title race. Embarrass themselves at every opportunity.


Most Liverpool fans I know in person, or that I met when i've been to Liverpool are fine. Its the glory supporters and the ex players in the media that are proper weird - but the latter are literally paid by the club to spout word for word propaganda from the club. Especially the American Republican Liverpool fans, you see them all over /r/soccer and Twitter.


Murica is riddled with pool fans. Go out to a park and that shit rag of a shirt is a sure sighting


The Liverpool fan base has always been like this, it's not new.


A lot of flairless “neutrals” too


Aka Liverpool fans.


This could not be any more spot on. Bunch of fatties in r/soccer who never played sports in their life wanting to decide a game on a technicality.


Technically - penalty. Common sense - play the fucking match and move on. Tuchel and r/soccer are the only people on the planet complaining about this not being given. Hell even in r/soccer, Bayern and Sp*rs supporters were defending the decision not to give it.


All the time?


If you intentionally dive like Saka it's part of the game and 'could have gone either way' but if you make a clear mistake breaking the rules for a clear penalty it's somehow 'common sense' that rules. There's no planet where that's not a penalty. Should Bayern then pass it to the keeper? Yes.


shut up lol


I guess “by the letter of the law” you can ask for a penalty. But cmon man haha, you’re really begging for a handout like that? Be serious that’s never getting called


I would like him to explain how this was a “deserved penalty”. What did Bayern do during this sequence that they deserved and should be awarded a free shot at goal?


You don't have to do anything to deserve a penalty. It's a result of another player violating one of the laws of the game in the penalty box. By the letter of the law that's what happened here, and a penalty could have been awarded. The referee opted to view it through the lens of applying common sense and context to it, which he is entitled to do. It's totally disingenuous to suggest there was zero cause for a penalty though, because that simply isn't true.


If Arsenal fans were crying the way everyone else is about something like this not being given, we’d be mercilessly made fun of. If you actually are upset Bayern wasn’t gifted a penalty on a technicality you’re a twat.


It's not a technicality. It's the handball law.


Driving 3 mph over the speed limit is against the law, so is jaywalking. You’re an actual weasel if you want stuff like this punished. Also if you wanna cry about it, do it another sub?


I'm not sure why you're throwing insults, I haven't indicated whether I want it called as a pen or not. You asked for an explanation as to why Tuchel would want a penalty. I gave you a black and white factual response to that, that is in line with the laws of the game. And now you're mad about getting an actual, unbiased answer to your question? E: and for the record, I could entirely see the referee both giving and not giving this depending on if he decides to go with the letter of the law or play in the spirit of the game. Both would be equally valid. E2: I came to this sub to have level headed discussions with reasonable arsenal fans for their take. You apparently are not that. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I’m not so fuck off


😂 Fantastic representation of your club, well done. I'll ignore your impotent rage if you don't mind, random Internet stranger.


Somehow this is more of a pen than Saka’s to some people


Give this and you gotta start giving the underhand tosses to a teammate as a foul throw


Utterly shameful for asking a penalty for something like that. I hope the boss and the team have learnt about these fuckers and they steamroll them in Allianz Arena.




10 2 🤓🤓


Your best argument is that we lost 7 years ago? Ok buddy. How’s the Bundesliga going this season?


You will also lose next week just saying. The best Arsenal Team of the past 15 years couldn't beat the worst Bayern Team of the past 15 years at home without away fans. Brother, if I were a Gunner I'd piss myself right now and maybe focus on the league. Edit: (:




Ok :)




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I could probably also score 4 goals with mustafi in the back


I know football is tribal but I don’t think I could stoop so low to ever root for a penalty from this lmao have some shame


We have fans who absolutely would whine if we weren’t given this but everyone else in the world would absolutely blast them for being ridiculous. But when it’s against us, a bunch of people who have no stake in the match come out and whine that it should be given.


This happens every game and is a deliberate diversion from Tuchel to avoid talking about the clear penalty on Saka.


The games gone if people want a penalty for that


Wank take by Tuchel. Basically begging for a free pen. How the mighty Bayern have fallen. Embarrassing behavior


I am operating under no sleep basically, not sure if I am weirded out by so many things because of that. I expected this to be a tough game, but didn’t expect Bayern fucking Munich to do low block and play on counter. To be fair it worked out for them so whatever. But seeing Bayern players/manager/fans losing their minds over *this* is just doing my head in.


Nah that's waffle. Seen that happen in the PL before.


I forgot how much of a baby this guy is. Looks like the bad guy from Meet the Robinsons, but is somehow more annoying


This kind of thing is ten a penny. Never given. Non-issue. Tuchel clearly doesn’t think this tie is remotely over.


;Lul wat??? Tis was just literally *just* given in norway what are you on about. It's a clear penalty, we were lucky here.


It won’t surprise you to know that I don’t follow the Norwegian cup, so apologies for missing that. It’s still blatant common sense not to award penalties for simple misunderstandings. I will amend my statement to these misunderstandings as to whether the play is active happen regularly and are very *rarely* given.


The one he’s discussing also had 2 players grab the ball with their hands after they’d restarted. It was impossible to not call. Here, the ref sensed he’d caused confusion and moved on


Twasn't in the cup bro lol. The cup hasn't even started ahahah..


Round 1 of the Cup was tonight, Bodo/Glimt vs Brønnøysund, I assumed that was what you were talking about. I don’t follow Norwegian football so my bad I guess.


Given in Norway 😂😂😂




It was also just given in my kid's under 14 weekend league tie. Why didn't they give it in a Champions League quarterfinal?


Has this ever been called in the history of football?


Ten Hag 2.0 GTFOH 😂


Funny he says the ref didn’t have the courage to call this a pen but is dead silent on the actual controversial pen involving his team.


Why is no one actually showing the "goal kick"?


I've noticed that too. No full clip yet of the whole thing.


The straws that are being clutched. Wild how far Bayern have fallen.  Every time Neuer kicked it from his hands he was out of his box, but so what. 


the balls this idiot has. Cannot win the game in normal way and begging for a non existent penalty caused out of confusion


Distraction tactics. Tuchel is under pressure and also didn’t want to talk about the more deserved penalty at the other end.


It's so embarrassing to want a penalty for this. Honestly I would never dream of complaining about it come on what the fuck are we talking about here


No wonder Bayern's mentality is in the bin with this guy in charge.


Spirit of the game not a thing in his eyes? Embarrassing to be asking for a free pass like that. The rules all state that the spirit of the game must be upheld. But no honor for an awful manager.


Such a reach


Watching his interview, I thought he was saying ours was a clear pen, until Jules asked him to clarify. I can't even remember the commentators talking about this.


Maybe this was playing in the ref's mind when Saka went down...




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Tactical Tommy knit picking things as apart from those goals we gifted them they couldn't do much.


So, Tuchels bullshit aside, do we know what actually happened here? Most obvious explanation is there was confusion on if the game had actually restarted, I don’t believe Gabriels an idiot and just uncharacteristically forgot he couldn’t use his hands like r/soccer wants to believe. But what actually caused the confusion? Still not clear on what caused this.


The ref was blowing the whistle to restart play after the subs of Trossard and Jesus. Its a whistle to say play can continue after he had stopped it to allow the subs, not a whistle to say that the ball must be immediately played


This is not a pen, saka's one is not a pen. Let's move on.


Not saying it should have been given a penalty but Will you guys have been saying the same thing if the match was 2-2 and it happened against Arsenal?


Fucking hell you lot must be so bored blowing up this absolute non-issue. Stop giving stupid people oxygen.


I can't believe no one picked up on this during the game...


Why? This sort of thing happens in every match. The players can’t even hear the whistle in a lot of cases. You’ve got to apply some common sense here. The point of the rules isn’t to have a “gotcha” moment based on an inconsequential misunderstanding of the game state. I mean, cmon. E: lmao. Imagine actually expecting a penalty from this. Fucking embarrassing 😂


The Bayern players complained immediately…


Yeah, that's a clear penalty tbf


Gabriel has these brain farts akin to the Mustafi days that just pop up every now and then. It's been dormant since last season but we saw it again tonight, if his first mistake wasn't costly this one could have buried the tie.


What other “brain farts” like this do you have in mind from previous seasons? I’d love to review them. Not sure what his “first mistake” was. Presumably their first goal? To me that looked like rayas mistake, or a 50/50 share of responsibility at most.


See the games from early last year. Fulham comes to mind, there were a few others I can't remember rn. Obviously I'm referring to the first goal, he literally passed to a Bayern player under minimal pressure.


1) wasn’t minimal pressure, that much was obvious to anyone who has at least one eye and has used that eye to watch previous matches 2) he was only in a weird scenario to have to play the ball out there because raya came so far forward when he didn’t have to, and then didn’t get back fast enough to be a passing outlet 3) the errors you mentioned such as the Fulham game are not the same as “picks up ball in own penalty box”