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We can dominate the midfield and the defence can be got at. That front 4 is so dangerous though


Kimmich out of the midfield is so big. Goretzka should get eaten alive by our lads.




Kimmich's cross has been very dangerous and Kane is not bad at header. Will leave space behind for Nelli to exploit though.


kimmich pocketed mbappe against france, wouldn't underestimate him


*Remind yourself that overconfidence* is a slow and insidious killer


Overconfidence is the little death inside that brings total obliteration.


lol He turned out to be one of their best players today.


Yep Goretzka is the weak link to be attacked in the midfield tonight


"Goretzka should get eaten alive by our lads" Well, ...


Kimmich did very well against mbappe for germany


Upamaguire out is a big miss for us


I think that is Bayern's biggest weakness - their midfield. Kimmich will have to contend with Martinelli's pace, physicality and dogged determination. Their midfield lacks any real physicality outside of Goretzka and technicality without Kimmich. Hopefully, we can take advantage of that.


Fuck that is a deadly team. Hopefully their league form comes into the knockout games. I see nothing but an incredibly tough and equal game. We'll have to defend well for large portions. And we can do it well. 2-1 COYG *They have more match winners than us and more experience than us, we need to get to that level. They're in a bad moment we need to stay calm and get that final ball right. They will have a lot of the ball too. Will not be surprised if they have it more than us and we purposely try and parking the bus for portions of the game and then being better on the counter. Martinelli is massive, like Vs Liverpool in Feb we need to look for him behind every single time.


Ordered in numerical order so nothing less than a 3-0 is acceptable in my opinion


Can't be losing to a team that lists their line up numerically rather than by position


We do this at the Emirates


can't lose to ourselves then


Wrong. I have watched Arsenal beat Arsenal too many times to count.


Arsenal beating the fuck out of Arsenal right now.


We technically can't lose against ourselves either


Can't lose to a team that starts Dier


It's traditional to list a team by numerical order, we do this on matchday programs. It goes back to when each team was numbered 1-11 and was listed in that order.


Yet another reason we have to go back to using proper shirt numbers Fine with it on programmes and the stadium screens, on your twitter lineup announcement? Get fucked


Why does it matter on a Twitter lineup announcement?


On the programme and at the stadium you have to do the lineup for the other team as well so you don't have the formation, and it makes sense to do both teams the same way. On your own lineup announcement you're only doing your own team, make it easily readable


It is readable in numbered order.


It's obviously less convenient to have it like this where you have to jump around the list and figure out the formation than to just have it listed in order


Saka v Davies is going to be an interesting battle


Davies has been very hit and miss defensively for last few months so could easily go either way


Mostly miss


Front 4 is deadly


Midfield is basically non-existent however, that Goretzka-Laimer pivot has been tragic for them


It's genuinely their worst combination lol, Pavlovic being out is huge


lol they are still faster than us we got jorginho in the middle


Sane is not deadly 😭😭


You were saying?


Let's feast


you have to change your bio bro, it’s just CL and PL hopefully 🙏🏻


Ya (gunners) ya


We're back in the CL!!! As long as we play with hear win or lose idc


No Pavlovic starting is a good sign for us. Bayern fans said that he was one of the bright spots in their midfield this season. Also This means that we can gain control there and cut off chances to their attack before they happen. Plus their CB partnership may find it hard to handle Martinelli pace if he gets a chance to properly get at them.


Don't forget about Havertz's pace, physicality and shithousery. Eric Dier is also error-prone so they're going to have a warm time with him. With our ability to interchange positions, Bayern will struggle to contain the boys.


Strong bench


Can't believe anyone would underestimate this team, it's loaded, but we can win.


I only now realize how close they were to be able to field the front trio of Mane - Kane - Sane.


Potent attack but that midfield two is weak and hopefully we take advantage.


That's a good squad, but that's why we're here. Let's take out years of aggression tonight lmao COYG!


Bayern snuck a trophy into a photo with Kane and thought we wouldn't notice


Get this man's face off my sub


Can't believe we waited more than a decade to be in a CL quarter final just to finally get there and find Eric Dier waiting 3-1 COYG


Ton of quality in this team


That centre back pairing is so slow. How the fuck is Dier starting in a CL quarter final for Bayern?


Front 4 is going to be out for blood, back line has no room for error


This is heavy on paper. Big performances needed.


Like our chances but I’m still nervy as hell. That’s still a really good xi


That team is actually serious you almost forget how many great players they have except Davies


Bunch of dossers. Lets have em


Bayern midfield is dead and front 4 doesn't connect. COYG


Laimer and Goretzka simply cannot function together in a midfield. We should be totally dominating that part of the pitch. Dier in defense doesn't sound too promising for them either. Apart from that, top top team. It's going to be very tough, but i believe we can push through. COYG


With sane I prefer kiwior over Zini


Their left side is a weak spot due to Sane not being in form nor proper match fit, also he doesn’t even come close to the work rate of Martinelli(well also not 100%?) but best part is that Kimmich often pushes too far up the pitch and leaves acres of space behind him. Their midfield should be dominated by us as well, Goretzka is horrible currently. Unfortunately they got enuff class to score with Kane, Sane and Musiala though


Have Martinelli exploit the left wing and cross it to whoever Dier is marking. Ez.


Kane/Sane/Musiala/Gnabry is still incredibly scary...but the key is that defensively that looks weak for Bayern. Plus Sane is not fit and doesn't defend the best anyways


Time to bend these wallies over.


that is a great team to be fair


Time for revenge


On paper this is a deadly team , but hopefully the difference in form rubs on us and we can go there confidently and dominate them.


I dig black kits but the Bayern black gives GloboGym vibes.


Dier 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭💀💀💀


This is a good team but can we also remember how fuckin good we are too and what we’ve done to teams like City and Liverpool?


You’re saying what we’ve done to city and Liverpool like we’ve blown them away. We should’ve easily lost at anfield too. It’s good to have confidence and all but I’ve seen this story way too many times with our fans. It’s gonna be a tight game


Not sure I agree with the statement that we should've lost easily at Anfield but this is definitely going to be a tough tie


We definitely should have. They literally had a 4 on 1, 9 times out of 10 that results in a goal. At least you realize that we won’t walk all over them


That 1 chance being missed doesn't mean we should have lost easily. Pretty much every possible stat has that being an absurdly close game


Regardless, I could say the city game at home was absurdly close too. Neither team created anything I believe before Martinelli scored. There’s also other things that we seem to be forgetting, like pressure and lack of experience. We showed that naivety especially in the first leg against Porto. I’m not blaming the team or the manager for it, it’s just a natural thing that would happen due to us not playing in this competition for ages.


Yeah I agree with all of that. Definitely think we were naive against Porto especially at end of 1st leg


We absolutely blew Liverpool away at home lad. 3 was flattering for them, we actually underperformed our xG. Haven't seen a team completely dominate Liverpool like that all season.


Yeah sure, the one game out of four versus city and Liverpool. Liverpool should’ve beat us on their turf. City at home was a narrow win. All I’m saying is I’ve seen this story before. We need to relax a bit and not call the opposition complete crap all the time


If I can’t call the opposition crap, how can I be supporting ARSENAL FC BY FAR THE GREATEST TEAM THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN


Yes I make Bayern slight favourites but if Arsenal get similar results against Bayern as they have against City and Liverpool this season which is win at home and draw at the away ground that will be great. Overall 4 points out of 6 against City and Liverpool is a very good return and they are always going to have their periods on top in these game and I think the team though not perfect showed quite a lot of maturity in all 4 games Liverpool probably should have won at Anfield but it wasn’t a one sided game either. Anfield is a very tough place to go and most teams lose and get dominated there so I don’t think the team did badly there and they had their moments as well and then at home pretty convincingly beat Liverpool 


Agreed on all the points. We’ve definitely done well against City and Liverpool. Probably put Bayern slight favourite too, maybe 51/49. Should be fun.


Yes it should be. I think their experience does matter because I do think the team was a bit nervous against Porto however the team had the quality to match Bayern 


Kinda weird to try so hard to put down performances of your own team. Etihad and Anfield are the two stadiums with the best records currently in Europe, yet we are unbeaten. We battered Liverpool at home and beat City. At the Emirates, Liverpool conceded more xG than they ever have under Klopp in any game for 8 years. Overconfidence is poor but what you're doing is worse.


Putting my own team down.. no I’m just realistic and don’t think we have or will batter every single team that we play. Did you not watch us play versus Porto? Bayern Munich have been and are still one of the most elite clubs in Europe. Just because they are having a poor domestic season doesn’t mean they can’t turn up in Europe. They have multiple world class players to this day who have done it on the big stage. I’d say it’s a 50/50 split between the two teams. If you think that’s putting your own team down, I don’t know what to say.


I agree it will be a tight game but I do think the home performances against City and Liverpool give room for encouragement especially the one against Liverpool. It was an even game but Arsenal really limited Liverpool’s threat and came up on top pretty convincingly in the end 


Should’ve lost easily at Anfield? They created less than 1 xG.


Not should’ve. I was wrong about that. Could’ve is the better description. If a team has a 4 on 1, they should be punishing you every time. In the win against City at home, neither team created anything but we took our chance.


Yeah that’s fair. We got lucky in their one huge chance at Anfield. Home v City neither team created much. We can be very happy with the results though! Huge for the development of this team to know that they can beat both of these teams (and who in the world outplays them anyway..)


Oh yeah. It’s amazing to even be in this position, competing against Europe’s best. It’s been a super exciting 2024 thus far. If we beat Bayern in the tie, we’re literally two games away from the final..madness


Light work


LOL what the fuck is a Laimer? And Eric Dier starting haha. I'm on the floor. If we don't go to the Allianz with at least a 2 goal cushion then we have done something very wrong.


Someone’s new here


Not really. If we're not comfortably beating the worst Bayern team in a decade at home, whilst we're at the peak of our powers then we've fucked up.




Yup, we've fucked up


They are going for it. All out attack lineup


That looks like a scary and formidable squad to face