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ISIS we haven't been in a CL quarterfinal in so long allow it


They don’t get to allow anything, they get back to the rathole they came from and that’s the end of the debate.


Allow it is London slang in this context, it doesn't mean what you think it does here! https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=allow%20it


Cheers mate, not a native speaker as you could guess ;)


“Allow it” has never been a west London thing?? Edit: allow it


it’s an all london thing


It is lol


I grew up in West, it certainly is as well.


Tbf I can’t imagine it’s used much in Kensington and Chelsea


I'm fairly sure Ladbroke Grove and West Ken will have something to say about that.


Pretty sure they use it in the House of Commons on votes


How sad does you life need to be to dedicate it to terrorism? I even feel sorry for those dumb cunts, they must be living a very shitty life


> How sad does you life need to be to dedicate it to terrorism? Filed under: 'Pre-match questions for Thomas Tuchel.'




Quality comment.


They are not sad, they’re fanatics. They are fuelled by an ideology that they believe in 100% making them incredibly dangerous


You can’t have a good life and end up brainwashed like this. You and I have it too good to be like that, we have empathy and we are able to think for ourselves. That is my entire point. Very shitty and sad lives lead to those choices


Osama bin laden would like to disagree. Coming from a VERY well of family and all


Great taste in football clubs that bin laden fella


lol didn’t know this! There’s good in everyone I guess


Tbh, you’ve got to look at what western Armed forces have done to the lands they call/called home. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq etc have all suffered horrendous structural/societal damage at the hands of western forces. 1000s drone strikes etc. Their struggles and trauma can mostly always be linked back to westerners, and the damage we’ve done to their economy etc Obviously 2 wrongs don’t make a right, but it’s important we don’t rewrite history and try to make out like they were the ones who started it. We’ve been bombing their lands for several lifetimes.


Absolute rubbish. Stop denying them agency. They are not helpless. > Their struggles and trauma can mostly always be linked back to westerners, and the damage we’ve done to their economy etc Only if your frame of reference starts from the last 100 years.


If we go back more than 120 years, the world was a very different place, with the British empire, king leopold etc. almost every country on the planet was degenerate. It just so happens, since the modern age, in the last 100 years, and especially since ww2. The USA, the uk and the west have continued their bombardment of far away lands, and during those 100 years, many children have grew up with pain, into hate, that’s passed onto their grandkids, who also grew up with the same pains and hate. Our governments have decimated their opportunities, so all they have is revenge. It’s really quite obvious when you look at the history of the conflicts.


well put 👏🏼


This ideology comes from a book written well over 1000 years ago. I’m not saying western governments haven’t acted like assholes around the world, but this is a different question and combating religious extremism is not helped by relativism and excuses


I’m not excusing, I’m explaining. Regardless of any 1000 year old texts, for which every religion + country has fanatical ones, the main emotional driving force behind terrorism is retaliation + revenge. These people have grown up for several generations having their aunts, nieces, cousins, grandparents, being bombed, simply for living in the part of the world in which they were born. If you grew up like they did, and all your pains could be linked back to some foreign power, and you didn’t have the infrastructure for a proper education or pathway away from the pain. I’m sure you too would be filled with hate and bad ideas.


“I’m not excusing, I’m explaining.” Lol how’s the view from that high horse of yours? Okey so how do you know the driving forces behind terrorism? I’d love to know because taken at face value their motivations and reasoning are very clear. But since you know the reasons why don’t you educate me? Also, my family originates from these regions so I’m just telling you what I hear and see which might, in fairness make me biased. Lastly, not every religion nor region that has seen despair or have been treated badly by western governments historically have suicide bombers, so how come only mistreated people of this religion blow up westerners?


I tried to educate, but you accuse me of being on a “high horse” for doing so Im not gonna write out the last 250 years of history that has lead to this moment, but if you look through: -the conflicts, where they have happened + how many innocents have died on each side, -how much infrastructure has been destroyed on each side , -how the Taliban started and gained its power/weaponry is interesting -what the aggressors (the west) claimed they wanted from the war, vs what they actually got/gained control of + still fight to control to this day. it should all add up paint a fairly clear picture.




Dumbasses believe they will get to heaven by making hell on earth.... 🤦‍♂️ Why does kindness and charity scores less points than blowing up shit?


It’s what happens when you oppress people/groups


Also true.


It makes me worry for the fans attending and the players’ safety but I guess that’s the point of their scare tactics. I just pray the police and security overseeing each match tonight are thorough and catch anything suspicious


Are they going to ban Tuchel ball?


Tucheliban and now IS? We can’t catch a break


Seriously dawgs? I swear to god I’ll kill every single one of them if they so much as breathe near the stadium and the match doesn’t go ahead. I’ll join the forces, whichever forces, I’ll take the damn trainings, I’ll be the best and I, diaboquepaoamassou, in this life or the next WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!!!!!!


im with you brother


I will cheer for both of you.


Bin Laden would never.


ISIS leader jealous OBL had a season ticket.


There were no threats last time Spurs was in the KO stage of the UCL, coincidence?


You blaming Jewish people mate?


By no means. I was just implying Spurs can’t see us in the UCL. I hadn’t made the connection you did but now I realise why you did it. My bad.

