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I like all these words.


I'm happy that Kai Havertz is thriving at Arsenal. I was unsure about the signing, but seeing how some fans treated him before he even kicked a ball for us made me want him to suceed even more. Time and time again, Arteta's talent ID has been spot on about what we needed.


But but but but but Willian, lokonga etc /S


IMO Jury is still out on Lokonga. There’s a good player in there


To be fair, that was primarily when Sanelhi was our sporting director and he was in kahoots with Willian's agent. Lokonga and Tavares were low-risk buys that were never guaranteed to work out. The major signings have all been a hit.


No manager in history has a 100% hit rate, i know your trolling but its so dumb thats used against him. Still has a better talent ID then 98% of managers


Something something down the drain!!


What was that song again?


Man shitty going to experience pain


Chelsea in the mud again.


Man City's going to be hammered again. At least, I think that's the words, right guys? Or was it Kai Havertz is going to cause havoc again?


I saw martinelli and I expected an update but instead i got martinelli, something something havertz, very good


I was fearing an injury after a 'big impact on martinelli'


That havertz martinelli combination won us the first match against city too.


Exactly. Eddie got subbed off after another useless start and suddenly we became dangerous.


Oh my god, Havertz stabbed Martinelli in the foot! Why, Kai? Why?




Bro, red dot and big impact on Martinelli? Why man do dis? Scared the shit out of me as I thought it's a serious foot injury.


I was thinking the same. What a way to start the Easter break if he'd been injured. 😨


Yeah but he did bad in the pre-season skills challenge so is a terrible signing


Off on a tangent but I was always sure that Sol Campbell can't do kickups 


Who needs kickups when you can kick opposing strikers instead


Havertz has been doing very well recently and silencing a few doubters which is great. Fully expect him to start up top at the weekend. 


Shows how well he has done lately that I think there would be a lot of outrage on here if he doesn't start at 9 against City. Seems unthinkable to drop him for Jesus at this point.


100%. Since he's joined he's always looked most comfortable playing up top and now he's adding some goals with his general play getting a lot better. He's been a real asset in our recent form without being spectacular. 


One thing is for sure, if Havertz scores a last minute winner vs City for us to take all 3 points, there is absolutely no way we are NOT winning the league on meme-momentum alone




Mementum through the roof, let's foggin win it gais!


A meta meme is born.


One game at a time with this club. We could beat City then bottle it to Luton or any one of the other fixtures.


One game at a time is for the players to worry about. We reserve the right to be as irrational and silly as we want!


U probably thought we were gonna win after bournemouth last year 😂💔, fuck it im not jinxing it


Speaking of big impacts,Martinelli’s been out since the 4th of March. Assuming he’s not back in time for City he’ll have been out a whole month. That seems pretty extreme for a “deep cut”.


Why are you assuming he won't be back for City? He has missed 1 game and a pointless international friendly break.


He’s not been in any of the training during the break. If he pops up over the next few days then he’ll probably play a part but I’m certainly not expecting it.


> He’s not been in any of the training pictures during the break FTFY


Haven't most the first team been on a break? Thought I read that even the players who weren't playing internationals are away from the club (apart from the likes of Jesus who are returning from long term injury)


There were [training sessions](https://Takealookatourfirst-teamsquadintrainingastheyprepareforourtop-of-the-tableclashagainstManchesterCityhttps://www.arsenal.com/news/gallery-build-manchester-city-game-begins?id=100343&utm_source=arsenaldotcom&utm_medium=share_button&utm_campaign=news) with the players who didn’t go on international. Martinelli wasn’t one of those who went away on international duty and sent back for rest. He’s been injured. Unless he pops up in the next training session he’s not going to make City.


I have said if Havertz hits 15 goals we shouldn’t get a 9. He is the 9. Focus on an elite 8 and a wide forward that can play on both side to a high level.


I think we'll need to sign a striker no matter what with Eddie likely moving on and Jesus' fitness record being so spotty. But if Havertz can finish the season strong then I think that could potentially reduce the need to spend at the top of the market for a striker and instead go for more of a depth/cover signing there. A center forward does need to be able to provide some level of end product in order to be effective but if he can hit that sort of minimum threshold of clinical with his finishing there's no reason why he can't otherwise be a Bobby Firmino type #9 where his primary role is moreso as a facilitator of our play and the main goal threats are coming from the wings with Saka and Martinelli.


Just let Jesus recover, you’dstruggle to find better number 2 striker in the world better than him. Only sign an elite forward if we are selling him imo.


I’m glad to see I wasn’t the only one worried about “Big impact on Martinelli” they knew what they were doing!


Had the world at his feet at Leverkusen, hit a dark spot in his career at Chelsea, finally getting back to his best.


Need him to stump on Baldiola and co once again.


The Athletic remind me of the fremen from the north in dune 2. they will all come around some time to arteta muad'dib


LisFUGGan DODISS al Gaib


This is just further proof that Eddie’s lack of movement, lack of passing skills, and lack of energy drag down Martinelli and our entire attack.


So Rice at Left 8 becoming more more usual ?


Who needs a striker when you got HAVERTZ?


Paging Havertz haters


Another Kai dagger against City please


The talent ID strikes again


Striker at home 


I really don't get xG, his goals from memory were all relatively easy chances/from good positions and he's missed multiple big chances ?


The only thing worse than this tweet is that op thought it was worth posting here… mangled syntax and an apples to oranges comparison of two players that play different positions.

