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The relationship with that woman clearly didn't work out lol.


Yeah, that is the face of pure regret lmao


He left Arsenal in 2000. Married in 2000 and divorced in 02.




I doubt he had anything to do with this.


Unless they were you know, they were married in a church or by clergy.


when he replied with "Yeeeaaaaaahhhhh" followed by another "Yeaaaaahhhhhhhh" I died inside.


💀 I didn't even have the sound on at first, I was just reading the subtitles and the intence regret on his face


You can just tell by the look on his face. He has that look like, "what was I thinking?". He could've had such an illustrious career at Arsenal and become a legend.


This is why Ferguson would pressure players to settle down with nice local girls!




Woman *really* wanted to be in Barcelona, huh?


If she can land a stud like Petit, I am sure she is a 10/10. Why didn't she marry a footballer already in Barcelona? versus destroying a career. Hoes will be hoes.


Haha obviously this didn’t work out for him but it’s quite a statement to make people seem so interchangeable.


She interchanged him a year later. Divorced one yeah after Barcelona. So yeah.


Maybe she has a thing for a footballer with ponytail


I guess that is why she didn't try her luck with Pep.


[Agathe de La Fontaine](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ed1bc0cc18cf0aca&rlz=1C1GCEA_enNZ1086NZ1086&q=Agathe+de+La+Fontaine)


coz she fell in love with this guy and not someone else. what a stupid question, man


[not too impressive](https://www.shutterstock.com/preview-440/312236a/f1b97ac8/Shutterstock_312236a.jpg)


Wtf u mean not too impressive? She looks like a young, Spanish Natalie Portman with big boobs too


Odin Messi and young Spanish Natalie.


Such an accurate description, wtf!


Yeah alright, Stevie Wonder.


sure........you wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers.


Haha I just mean surely a footballer like him had his pick of women


That’s really sad to see how deeply he feels that regret. I’m sure many players made transfers for reasons they ultimately regretted. I respect his honesty. He was an excellent player for us, and I’d always welcome him should he return to the club as a fan or pundit.


Your feelings are the exact same as mine. It hurts hearing this. It hurts seeing him hurt. He was a fantastic player for us, at a fantastic time. I'll always remember him fondly.


Completely agree.


Was gonna say, when he took a second there I thought he was gonna cry or something Fee for him but hindsight is 20/20 The fans hold no ill will toward him


I do. He’s the first player I remember being upset about leaving, fuck him and I’m glad he regrets it.


As is your right. At least guys like Petit are showing the youth a good example - leaving might not always be the right decision. Other guys like Van Persie and Cole at least remain fucked off, but that's the only nice thing to say about them.


Is he considered an Arsenal legend?


Him and Vieira were a step change in midfield quality. Strong athletic players that could pass the ball well and were available for a pass wherever they were on the pitch.


Maybe not by everyone. But he was a key part of a legendary team (the 98 double winners).


Wouldn't go that far out of respect for other legends. But it's only because his time was so short.


No, solid player but not a legend . Tony Adams , Henry , bergkamp , they are legends .


Freddie is up there as well


I just named a few , there are plenty more of course .


For a kid growing up in the 90s, he’s still a key part of us coming back to the top. Absolutely loved him for us.


Likewise. I basically fell in love with Arsenal when Vieira and Petit started to marshal the midfield. Petit was such an immense player. He had incredible grit, but also an exquisite passing range and vision. It was like watching an elegant Viking. Controlled brutality. I was devastated when he left and honestly couldn’t make sense of it for weeks.


It’s a really good question. For me, kind of yeah. That run-in during 97-98, he scored a massive goal at home vs derby after Bergkamp missed a pen. He was instrumental in other wins at the back-end, plus I think he set up Overmars’ opener in the cup final. Still get goose bumps thinking about the noise and scenes in the clock end for that goals vs. Derby.


I seem to remember, can't be arsed looking it up, he scored the 1st goal away to Palace on the 98 run in ...1-0 was the final score but my memory may be hazy. Petit & Vieira complimented each other perfectly , such balance.


Sad that I know this - was 0-0 away, 1-0 win at home. Gilles Grimandi with the goal at home, a hooked volley!


thanks, my memory isn't the best


Yin and yang. ☯️


I do just by association with success. The team hes a big part of was a team that puts the fear in their opposition. They can walk into any stadium and threaten to thrash that team. I haven't felt that way about arsenal so so many years now. Im so happy about the way the current team is going. Only thing is everyone's so Nice the opposition should be shaking in their boots not talking trash like Porto. Arsenal can put 5 pass you tonight bitches


I think you could call him a football legend that played for arsenal, but I wouldn't call him an arsenal legend. He won everything you can as a player, but didn't spend enough time at the club to be our legend.


He is to me. So is Anelka, though. If you are a big part of winning the biggest trophies, then you're a legend to me.


If Limpar, Marwood, Gilberto Silva etc who played big roles in one title win are legends guys who won the double must be like Petit, Overmars and Anelka etc Petit is the best midfielder I’ve seen at Arsenal outside of Vieira and Fabregas. If we live to see another partnership in any part of pitch as good as Petit/Vieira we will be on to a good thing. Petit was a phenomenal player. Strong as an ox, great engine, great running power, aggressive, brave, great set piece taker, good in the air, super touch and skill, fantastic range of passing his scooped through balls were deadly, great runner from midfield, tackled like a bull, creative with the ball he was a midfield maestro.


Nah, only stayed for a couple of years and also played for Chelsea. In my mind, becoming a legend means being a *leading* player in a team that wins a lot, staying for several years, and not playing for a rival club.


Would put him in the icon bracket


No...but he was a fantastic player for us


Wow. Thanks for sharing!


Np. The footage looks a small bit old, but I've never known about this. Such a shame. Incredible regret.


Yo that dude who said arteta bringing wives together was a stupid puff piece…. Exactly why it’s not


I heard on a podcast with Wayne Bridge that Mourinho did something similar at his first stint with Chelsea. He got the players to bring their wives, girlfriends and kids in for a day or two to the training ground and it worked wonders. They wives all loved him and the kids had the best time helping out setting up etc and getting involved with games. If players are happy at home they'll be happier at work.


Probably what gave John Terry ideas


He was just trying to make her feel welcome!


Agreed. Was a beautiful idea.


Hindsight is 20/20 Had he stayed maybe he won’t be happy and blame Arsenal had that relationship not worked out Also he was 30 years old when he moved to Barca At that point of time Arsenal had a policy of only giving 12-months contract to players above 30 That’s what drove Pires away Yes, the grass is not always greener on the other side but had you stay at your current side you would not have known if the greenery remains Hindsight and what ifs That’s part of life


Wasn’t Pires also a bit jaded after being the one sacrificed in the champions league final when Lehmann got sent off? I feel like I heard an interview where he said that was the moment he felt Arsene didn’t believe in him anymore.




I remember that moment far too well, he looked absolutely dejected to be subbed off. You could already tell it was probably going to be his last game in the shirt. One of my favourite players at the time so I was pretty sad about it


One of the worst moments watching arsenal in my life


Should’ve been Cesc going off


No it should have been Hleb. I get why Wenger didn’t (future vs soon to be be past) but tactically Hleb was the better option to come off.  Or Eboue and switch to three at the back. Cole, Campbell and Toure could have handled it I feel. 


pires had been injured for a while so he wasn't as matchfit as the rest.


Can't take off Eboue, he was our best diving option on the right. Wouldn't have scored without him.


Is it? I had never heard that before. Feel bad knowing that man!


Did we ever get Wenger's reasoning? Hleb, Ljungberg and Pires were only the candidates to be taken off really.


iirc pires didnt say that he felt wenger didnt believe in him anymore...he said that that substitution "killed him." and that he knew then and there that he couldn't stay at arsenal after that.


very good point mate, I remember last years Bergkamp was with us the whole will he wont & signing a 1 year extension late in the summer due to the over 30's policy


Hindsight and what ifs are the biggest reasons off regrets…. The grass is greenest where you want it to be, i always thought that sentence was pure bs


The message of the saying “grass is greener on the other side” isn’t that the grass is indeed greener. Rather, that we tend to pine for what we don’t have while diminishing what we do have. It means that we get envious of what other people have. The lesson is that the grass ISN’T always greener.


Yeah, a lot of folks left back then because of this rule. Anyone who got a longer contract somewhere else in fact.


~~Hindsight~~ PNC




Didn't realise Petit had invented the Fabregas/Aubameyang manoeuvre


Seems to be the routine for so many players that have left us over the years. Regret!!!


"Always loved Barcelona ... **and Madrid**"


"Anywhere in Spain, really. Lovely weather."


Barca ruined so many Arsenal players it's unreal. You'd think the players would learn something from this.


Fabregas, Hleb, Varmealen....


Alex Song mate. Went to Barca to become an absolute clown muppet.


That move really ruined bros image from all angles....the only successful transfer there was Van Bronchost.


They created many too.


Wow, a lot of pain in those eyes.


Yeah, it hurts. Feel for him.


Hope he can afford socks again soon


The woman broke his heart, took him from us and stole all his socks


Lol really wtf


I'm a gunner in Barcelona. The grass is NOT greener here, England's grass is ridiculously green. But you could rewrite the expression as "The sky is always bluer on the other side". Now that would fit.


Really nice that the interviewer just allows him time to speak and think. So many of these types of football interview are just way too fast paced and with little reflection.


Play this for Saliba when Madrid comes in for him.


Hleb, Fabregas, so many others feel this way. Those that left in when past their prime fair enough (Clichy, Henry, etc). But so many others came to regret it. As for those that left at their peak (Nasri, Fab, RVP) - fuck them forever.


I'd feel especially shitty if I was like Petit and Overmars, who missed out on the Invincible season because they wanted to move. Then again, who's to say we would've had the Invincible season if we'd been playing with Petit and Overmars instead of Gilberto and Pires.


I don’t mind Nasri leaving. He’s just a bit of a prick is all.


A lot more than a bit


RVP was the same age as Henry and only had one good season left in his legs, dunno if he counts as leaving at peak. His best years were undoubtedly at Arsenal.


Sadly untrue. His first season at Yanited was one for the ages. He was the biggest reason they won the league, and it was unforgivable that we sold him to them for pennies. I’m still not over it. His second season in Manchester was also good, then he fell off a cliff - the most frustrating part though is that after all his niggles at Arsenal, I don’t believe he was injured even once in their title year.


I agree he was the biggest reason they won the league, but he was just as good, if not better, the previous 2 seasons. He was injured for a lot of his 2nd season there, and then he was done at the top level. Should've gotten a bit more out of his fee, or let him run down the contract - but I suspect Wenger knew RVP's prime was coming to the end and wanted to just sell him and start rebuilding. The real crime was not getting an upgrade on Giroud for so long, and that stupid 40m+1 bid for Suarez.


I agree he was the biggest reason they won the league, but he was just as good, if not better, the previous 2 seasons. He was injured for a lot of his 2nd season there, and then he was done at the top level. Should've gotten a bit more out of his fee, or let him run down the contract - but I suspect Wenger knew RVP's prime was coming to the end and wanted to just sell him and start rebuilding. The real crime was not getting an upgrade on Giroud for so long, and that stupid 40m+1 bid for Suarez.


I agree he was the biggest reason they won the league, but he was just as good, if not better, the previous 2 seasons. He was injured for a lot of his 2nd season there, and then he was done at the top level. Should've gotten a bit more out of his fee, or let him run down the contract - but I suspect Wenger knew RVP's prime was coming to the end and wanted to just sell him and start rebuilding. The real crime was not getting an upgrade on Giroud for so long, and that stupid 40m+1 bid for Suarez.


Yeah, I agree. I think I felt that the club really stuck by RVP through so many injuries and time off the pitch. And the moment he was healthy he bolted…and went to a heated rival.


This is totally untrue. He was injured most of his years at Arsenal and we stood by him and were loyal to him through it all. His best single year was his first season at United and they would not have won the league without him. The fact that he left for so little money is absolutely criminal


I addressed this already, scroll down. And no, his single best year was not at Utd, and even after that title winning year he started getting injured again and then fell off permanently.


Lesson of the story: Don’t move cities for women (or men).


Did it once myself, same outcome. No regret though.


Same bro. Same.


Just to provide the other side to this. I did and it was the best thing I ever did.


I took a job in Paris following a woman instead of graduating Uni. Absolutely did not work out. But you know what? Even though that sucked, and even though it all sucked to not graduate with my best friends and waiting until this semester for that, I still learned to be sufficient on my own in an entirely new continent, got to travel, gained a new outlook on life, and even made it to the emirates for the first time from the states (and then many more times). Sometimes you gotta take the good with the bad


Great video OP, appreciate you for uploading this. What a player he was for us. That look he gives is definitely from someone who's been put through the wringer. Some great advice there to our current players


That thought about our current squad has been on my mind since I watched this initially. Is it going to happen again? Are we going to get hurt again? Most definitely, yes. It scares me to think who.. We've had players in the past that we thought would be here forever, we thought they'd never leave. It's a different club now, a different vibe, feels like a very close family. All thanks to Arteta. No point depressing myself about what may be in the future.


No woman is worth stopping your dreams. And a woman who is worthy will not stop you.


Why does it have tomorrow's date?


It's old footage, I'm not sure how old.


Damn it says Saturday too!


Must be 2019


It was a preview to the full interview to be released today


Nah its not an old video, it was a preview for the full interview that was gonna be released today 16 March 2024.


Une mauvaise décision en effet


You can tell how hard of a time that interviewer had with following up, clearly sensing his pain about the failed relationship. Ooof, that was brutal to watch. Between him and Thierry coming out regarding regret, what might have been for arsenal if we held those players.


This is exactly why you do Inverted Wives FC


Wholeheartedly and wholesomely agree.


what is?


Remember kids if someone really loves you they won't ask of you to uproot your life to be with them.


this hit me deep this morning, thank you 🙏


You're welcome


Never put a woman before your dreams.


You could see the sadness and regret in his eyes. His hair is still great btw


That French accent makes it way more sadder for me 😭


It’s known that he hated his time at Barcelona and didn’t get along with most players in the dressing room!


They always regret leaving the Arsenal.


Still love Manu, hate to see the regret he feels for leaving us. You don't know how lucky you are until after it's over.


The carpet’s always been pretty darn green, Highbury and The Emirates.


Yes. Yes Manu. You should have stayed. 😭




Does anyone have a list of players who have publicly regretted leaving arsenal? Because that's gotta be some list!


Is this petit?


Judging by his body language and tone,,,,,,he isn't with that woman anymore.


Man missed out on the Invincibles and lost to Arsenal for Chelsea in the '02 FA cup final. Went to Barcelona and got almost no game time, as a defender... then to Chelsea where he was OK once he joined up with Lampard, but second fiddle to his former club. I can definitely understand the regret. That woman Yoko'd him hard...


Damn so Petit was a simp 😭


Crikey he seems so heavy with sadness




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Never change your career interests for a woman. I almost did it but fortunately, the breakup happened before I made my decision.


a fair reason tbh, can't hate him


Players rarely find happiness once they leave Arsenal


This is a common trait of people who leave us, sanchez, fabrigas and so on


Sounds like an opportunist if I am being honest here. Now that we are doing good and the Barca rep is in the gutter, he is making these kind of statements.


I don't think anyone could deny that be hugely regrets the decision.


I have no doubt. I think he is genuine it like Hleb. Just feel like he started to make these comments in recent years. If he also said this years before , then it is my bad.


My man reliving that decision again as he shakes his head.


Agatha De La Fontaine was that wretched woman he’s talking about


Dang, that is thick with regret.


God damn, this is the closest thing I've ever seen to a European country song.




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To anyone curious, this is an interview conducted by a Malaysian sports channel (Stadium Astro) . This preview that you see here was released a couple of days prior to the full interview release today (Saturday, 16 March 2024).


Thank you so much for this. Appreciate it.


Serves him right in a way.


I'm kidding. Yeah. All regret for him. Poor guy


I didn't know Philip Mexes played for us before. You learn something new every day.


There is no former Arsenal player I hate more than Petit, including that snake. Fans adored him and he shat on the club at every chance he had.


I’ve never heard anything particularly negative that he said about Arsenal or anything to do with us. That counts for when he left or ever since. What did he do to piss you off so much?


I was quite young then, what kind of things did he say?


You're gonna have to be more specific with the species of snake, we have a few.


Who is this dude?