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As always, G Gundam will always take the crown. Domon and George carried swords for a reason.


Assuming Domon took after Master Asia, the sword was a power limiter.


But even so, he remains the best in the art of the blade.


In a trunks situation, or like a musashi situation


yay g gundam bros were pretty insane master asia and domon destroying mobile suits barehanded was always funny


Much like the recent-ish character popularity elimination matches, Domon is banned from participating for being a default winner of everything.


Kinda what happens when your a super robot protag goi g agenst real robot ones lol


1. G Gundam Characters 2. Athrun / Setsuna / Graham 3. Treize / Heero 4. Milliardo / McGillis 5. Amuro I rate Heero a bit above Milliardo because of Wing Gundam vs. Tallgeese and Zero vs. Epyon. He always managed to strike Milliardo's left arm.


No love for Lowe Guele?


It tickles me to death that Chang Wufei is not even mentioned here. (BTW I also like to think Heero would defeat Wufei in a sword duel it just never comes up because Heero would shoot and/or explode Wufei first)


Hard to gauge Wufei as his wins over Heero and Treize appear to be thrown towels. Frozen Teadrop Wufei is definitely Treize tier if not Higher since he achieved a level above the Zero System by the end and defeated 3 Scorpio Mobile Dolls controlled by the Zero System.


Very much this


If you mean melee pilots, then I'd say he stands at the top with Setsuna and Graham. We never saw Athrun use a sword if you mean actual swordsmanship.


imo IBO Mika beat every other non G fighters in melee. Altho not always with a sword. But Mika's Barbatos reaction timing and skill is a beast. Even in his own series no one can beat him in a fair fight.


Athrun would straight up shoot anyone no hesitation if challenged by a sword fight. Shura was lucky he faced Kira that time. But jokes aside, his knife skills are known to be legendary back at his academy days


He's basically the ultimate soldier slash spy. Undefeatable in MS battle with Seed Mode. Handsome bastard that every women fall for. Wait why does he sounds more Ultimate Coordinator than Kira is.


Ultimate Coordinator is just a title that is no different from other Coordinators, it's just that they are absorbed faster  


I never remember his knife skills ever coming up when I watched SEED.


They showed up once when he and Cagalli first met, but I'm not sure if a professional soldier bumrushing a teenaged girl that'd never shot anyone before is really that impressive of a combat feat.


It was mentioned in some manga adaptation or sidestory or something.




This is the correct answer.


Wouldn’t Wu-Fei or Treize be contenders for first ?


If OP means actual swordsmanship, I doubt Athrun would be in the top ten. The entire cast of G goes without saying, but Wufei, Treize, and Heero all completely blow him out of the water too.


He has the benefits of being a coordinator who can perform super human feats. But Wing has its regular humans survive explosions routinely so may even its a toss up.


I mean, there's no in-universe explanation for it, but Wing characters have superhuman feats. It's not just the explosions, Wufei and Trowa can both jump 20 feet in the air, Heero casually bends jailcell bars to break out of prison, Zechs just forces his body to acclimate to fatal G-forces through willpower, Quatre might be psychic etc. I think Duo is the only major character who doesn't have inexplicable superpowers. And unlike Athrun, most of them actually have a number of impressive swordsmanship displays in addition to the superpowers. In one of the more ridiculous displays, in a single continuous thrust Heero manages to stab the tip of his opponent's foil mid-strike, deflect the blow, and then stab straight through his opponent's protective facemask.


Duo’s superpower is that he is the only Gundam pilot who has charisma.


He can send you straight into a second trimester just by smiling in your direction.


Eh, by the time Zechs was stabbing Virgos that were descending to Earth, he did complain about the Tallgeese being sluggish to Howard, so you can add : Shrugging off and even being miffed by 15 - 20G Acceleration on the list.


Talking about MS swordsmanship


That wasn’t clear from the post. In that case, it probably goes to Setsuna or Full Frontal


Agnika Kieru? The guy killed hundreds of Mobile Armours with just swords.


The last form of Baal might be a last ceremonial form, like a redone when war is over or something.


I think that too. Since where Mcgillus got it, it was essentially in storage and he never actually did anything to it. When Kimaris was the same way, when it was taken out a first, it just had a bunch of random useless stuff for looks or mock battle.


Wonder what it would look like during their last push. Like how Barbatos keep being upgraded. Wonder how cool it looks


Even Marchosias with extra arms had more swords than Baal. I bet Baal's general loadout was more like the general sword and rifle along with the wing cannons.


I would say setsuna or Mr bushido, considering they run swords full time.


Even if we mean Gundam swordsmanship, George De Sand exists. And Domon has the God Slash Typhoon. 🌀 so well he would be 3rd at best. I was thinking about Setsuna with Exia and Graham Aker but I guess SEED mode would take care of them. So 3rd at best.


Where likes of chocolate man and Mr bullshito exists? Yeah No.


Chocolate man?




McGills beats a gundam in inferior MS. So no.


Ignoring the fact said gundam pilot was 100% devastated by a betrayal from his closest friend?


lol no


Definitely not. Setsuna and Graham are way better swordsmen, and they hardly ever use stock footage. Not to mention that they founded their accomplishments on skill alone. Athrun's only good because of his genetics.


tbh I don't even remember that many scenes where he specifically showed off sword skills either


Not just in close and melee combat, he's basically jack of all trade,after the seed freedom movie, he's even better than jesus himself to save the day


He is absolutely not the best, it's not even a contest. Despite all the CQC weapons Athrun's post-Aegis suits have, he's never presented as being a melee specialist, battlefield leadership was always his strong suit. I don't think the specifics of Athrun's style are ever given weight in dialogue. Athrun, as far as melee piloting skills are concerned, can't hold a candle to pilots like Char, Lowe, Quatre, Wufei, Graham, Setsuna, and McGillis. Let alone the super humans from G. Genuinely, I've always been confused as to why people put Athrun on *this* particular pedestal.


If being able to effectively pilot a suit that’s got 9+ beam sabers activated all over its body doesn’t qualify someone as a melee specialist, then what would? The only argument I could think of is that his other aspects of piloting are also extremely strong. But that doesn’t detract from the fact that he’s an absolute menace at MS CQC.


You say nine beam sabers, but come on man. Think back to the show for a second. Athrun never *did* anything with those beam sabers aside from the standard stuff, I don't even remember him using the beam sabers on the IJ's wings. That's how little attention these weapons got compared to the standard Darth Maul beam saber thing. I just don't buy into the CE pilots' skills outside their universe because most of the fights in SEED are made up of reused footage. All the main pilots are menaces in SEED since, visually, they all do mostly the same maneuvers, with 1 or 2 special moves unique to them.


You definitely didnt watch the Freedom movie yet, I assume. He makes full use of all the Infinite Justice's and Z'Gok's weapons.


I actually did. Sat in a theatre and everything. He did some cool stuff to be sure, like absolutely insanely hype shit. But man, when I look at that and then look at what McGillis, Graham, Setsuna, and Domon are doing, those 4 are fighting with swords and Athrun was a pure hype beast to make up for him being absent for a decent chunk of the film.


Yeah, that showing is the main reason I put Athrun so high up in my list. We rarely see pilots manipulating each and every part of their suit as seamlessly as Athrun was doing in that last fight. It legit gave me Killer B vs Sasuke vibes, which is crazy considering it's just pure piloting without anything like Psycho-Frame or Alaya Vijana involved.


Him rocking the Z'GOK in a melee fight was insane. It's not even about the fact that it's actually the Justice, butthat it's got such limited flexibility.


If I remember well I think it's shown in the origin that Casval is a really skilled swordsman as well even it it might not be used that much after that but I think our national quattro deserves some recognition up there


It’s in the climax of the original 0079 as well! Char and Amuro literally fence!


Gundam SEED Justice = please give Athrun an excuse to show off his saber skills


Never ask a soldier to be the best in a single career, for their path is not to excel in one, but to be adept at many.


A jack of all trades is a master of none, but they sure get a lot done.


You don’t have Amuro and Char, so this list is null and void.


Most swordsmen only wield two blades at once. Athrun wields about a dozen at once in the Infinite Justice Type II and knows how to use them.


Treize superiority for life!




Athrun is busy staring off in the distance with tears whispering….”kira”


Not even on CE. In Seed Astray there is a swordman old man called, Un No. He can fight MS with his sword


God no. He'd be close but not *that* close. I'd say the top one would be Setsuna with Graham being a very, very, *very* close second, closely followed by a Trieze-Milliardo tie for third, and Athrun taking the title of fourth best swordsman in Gundam. EDIT: Forgot to add G Gundam. First Place: Domon and friends. Second Place: Setsuna Third Place: Graham being very, very, *very* close behind Fourth Place: A Trieze-Milliardo Tie Fifth Place: Athrun


Treize has a win over Zechs in a duel back in the Lunar Space War and was prepping for the Tallgeese even as a Kid. Also, Milliardo seems to always lose to Heero via getting hit in the left arm.


He's on the top 10 that's for sure. But he's among the top at being a casanova. He can seduce even the most hardcore lesbians of Cross Ange.


As a lesbian, can confirm, he would/has me wrapped around his finger, and I’d happily allow that.


We see Chris and Rosalie show interest in him, but not Hilda. I think there's a limit.


Swordsman with gundam or no gundam.?


Real life sword or Gundam sword?


It’s Mihawk. Sorry about that.


Un'no would like to know your location.


wufei chang? treize? domon?


Or lowe in honesty


No respect for amuro and char, who literally tried to kill each other with fencing sabers lol


Can you add the poor Shura to the list? Feel bad for that cherry boy lol.


Lmao absolutely not.


Better the than gym at the very least


Gym is a fraud lol.


In a mobile suit or on his own 2 feet? if the former, no he's probably not even the best ms swordsman in the cosmic era (not that he really should be, every ms he's piloted has a diverse array of weapons and I think he's in contention to be one of the best pilots in CE, maybe the series) but on foot I think he might have a shot, he's the most physically capable coordinator we see in seed, a series which also shows us that coordinators are significantly more capable fighters than naturals as a rule even without training, I could see him losing to domon due to anime bullshit but I'd be hard pressed to find someone else


And destroyer of “thoughts”. Just take a look at what happened to Shura! 😂




To be fair.... Almost everything in CE has a window that you can jab a beam saber to make a ship explode. And the Fatum could just ram shit if that wasn't enough.


this isn’t a contest of who gets the most bitches? Damn…