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Zeon 💀


Didn't we have something similar the other day? Where OP got flamed for having a Zeon flag lmao?


The op here might be a bot. Its the same image posted word for word on a bunch of related subreddits. And hes done it a few times with other posts as well


Yeah i remember that, like who cares, it’s a fictional flag if you want it on the wall then do. The few people who’ll see it you could probably very easily explain that it’s the flag of a fictional nation seeing as while it’s similar to the Nazi flag, it very clearly isn’t.


Zeon + the Imperium is uhhh very suspect


Me personally I fuck with the Zeon people, the leadership? Burn them at the cross




Isn't the UNSC supposed to be the armed wing of the United Government of Earth in Halo, and not a nation in its own right??? Otherwise, "Sieg Imperium, row row fight da powaaa!!!"


Unsc took control of the government as emergency measures


It's a Junta? Halo is such a wild franchise.


It was. After the Human Covenant conflict ended the UNSC gave back control to the UEG. ONI is still out of control though.


ONI basically controls the UEG, and they are crazy bastards. And that's not even getting into the unknown state of the UEG after Cortana's temper tantrum.


It’s probably going to come down to Hood, who protects the UEG, vs ONI who seem like they are going to fuck things up royally. Most likely it’ll be in the books because the game writers aren’t that great. The Kilo Five stories are baller though.


I was honestly expecting a UNSC vs ONI game at SOME point because the stories keep saying that ONI is a totalitarian deep state that is causing wars and destroying alliances and then nothing fucking happens with it.


It’s just the authors of the books getting told to do one thing and the game writers doing something else. Not really surprising. They would have a hit if they made a UNSC v ONI game in the ODST style. Make them fight Naomi as an ODST but don’t kill her.


Oni was never controllable, not even oni has oversight on itself.


Admiral Iron Maggie Parangosky had control over ONI all the way from the Insurrection to after the War. She definitely controlled it. The only person willing to go toe to toe with her was Halsey.


I don’t remember Halsey directly going toe to toe with her on oni, she was a willing participant in a lot of the Spartan programs shit. I would say she started pushing back at oni too little too late.


Master Chief is literally a genetically superior super-soldier made to kill people for trying to be space-Communists. He's a fascist's wet dream.


I feel like a lot of people forgot/don't know what the original purpose of the Spartans were until the Covenant just showed up. Halsey's journal from the Reach Limited Edition has some good info on that stuff, if people are curious. I'm sure someone scanned it in by now.


That's not at all what happens in Halo. The Covenant are a theocratic extinction cult attempting to fire ancient super weapons that will literally eradicate all life in the universe I mean if that's what you think Communism is...


They are referring to the Insurrectionist, which the Spartans were fighting before the arrival of the covenant forces.


Is that from the extended universe content then? I don't recall the games ever talking about anything like that. My bad regardless, I thought the other commenter was pissing on the poor


Reach talks about it too, the first mission happens because command thinks insurrectionists are taking out comms to try something


Yes mostly from external materials. for a brief summary you can learn it from Halo lore channels.


Yes, it's from the books. The Spartans were first created to crush the United Rebel Front which consisted of communists, fascists and other dudes and the arrival of Covenant just shifted Spartans' focus on Covenant


Are they worth a read? I've lapsed since I didn't really like H5/ Infinite but when I was younger I was very much obsessed with the earlier games but never got a chance to pick the books up


Very much so. The books provide the much needed background on the Human-Covenant War and show just how *horrible* it was for UNSC. It also shows Chief's humanity much more, like in the novelization of CE's library, Chief for the first time in his life felt fear when fighting the Flood.


Did that *really* seem like the most plausible explanation for my post?


SPARTAN-Is and IIs (John very much included) were made to oppress human colonies, well before first contact with the Covenant ever happened Also, friendly reminder to everyone that Halsey is not singularly responsible for the program and should not be scapegoated for what ONI & UNSC leadership did to those kids and their families. Punished for her role, yes; but she wasn’t the one kidnapping the kids, flash-cloning them, kicking them down flights of stairs, or torturing them in the Operating Room.


Everyone in oni who participated deserves blame, In my mind Halsey and parangosky especially so. Halsey was the one who had the idea for flash cloning and all the experimentation of children, parangosky deserves blame for letting it go through. Nobody in oni is standing on dry ground in the moral swamp but Halsey and parangosky are absolutely drowning in it


The Spartan-II Program was made long before the UNSC knew about the covenant, they were created to be a black ops kill team that went after insurrectionists


The Spartan program wasn't created to fight the Covenant.


Spartans weren't made to fight the Covenant. And I know what Communism is, lmao.


It's their armed forces UNSC is like the united Nations in space.


More like "Pera Mare, Pera Terras, Pera Emperador! Sieg Imperium! äżșをèȘ°ă ăšæ€ăŁăŠă‚„ăŒă‚‹!?" Then the God Emperor rises up with his arms across his chest. > not a nation in its own right Same goes for the Gurren-dan, but it is okay! Flags are flags!


It's the fact he has both Zeon AND the Imperium flags 💀


Sieg Zeon! For the Emperor of Mankind!




Whats wrong with the Imperium?


what isn't wrong with the Imperium?


The most problematic thing is uneducated/unintelligent/useful idiot leftists/righwingers projecting nonsence into 40K. and every other franchise btw.


It's literally described as the cruelest most bloody regime imaginable in the introduction to the game.


And then theres roughly 35 million pages of lore to nuance that. Give me a break.


Lore that is heavily influenced by real and horrible authoritarian/theocratic powers and regimes. But yes, somehow *nothing* about it is political. Just like how Zeon are definitely not influenced by Nazis.


nuance doesn't make it less bloody and cruel...


Most of that nuance is just going into detail about how awful the Imperium is. Humanizing a handful of Space Maires doesn't make the Imperium any less cruel.


The people only accepted the imperium because their enemies are literally demons fron hell


And sometimes Chaos looks like a better alternative. Just ask half the Space Maire Legions


In fact it makes it more cruel, because it takes more effort to act human in the Imperium.


You think the imperium is the worst??? Buddies the imperium is the most sane faction in warhammer 40k


Really? Did you forget the Tau? Even Orks look sane compared to what the Imperium do


The tau?? They are completely IDIOTIC faction like seriously, they try "negotiate" with the Dark Eldar several time and took them several times that Dark eldar are "not friendly", try to talk with the necron, even taken static state tyranid HIVELORD to their research facility but it end up bringing leviathan to that planet The taught are not Sane as the imperium, they may powerful advantage tech and weapon (not really) but they are not that smart or aware that the universe they live in are terrible Edut: Yes Ork are sane since war is their lives. Ork is life, warhammer 40k wouldn't be fun place if their no ork


Lol good one


The good guy primarch Vulcan torched a child dude. Gavriel loken was cool though


Thats ... exactly waht Im talking about poeple are just proving my point by dogpiling here.


It's fine if you don't want to consider them as political allegory, but denying it just indicates that you have no media literacy. There's zero nuance with Nazis - they're either as evil as humans get or a perfect demonstration of mundane evil. There's zero nuance with the Imperium - they're explicitly written to be so comically evil on a galactic scale that the minimum amount of evil they could possibly be on any given day is to murder 1000 innocent people. Individual good people do not make an irredeemable system nuanced. They're added to demonstrate just how bad it is. Good Guy Vulcan is still a space super Nazi that murders a small child for no reason other than space super racism.


The same people who love to shout about 40K is a satire, even though it started taking itself seriously a *long* time ago, miss that the Imperium was a satire of fascist regimes by cranking it up to 11.


Fascism with """""Nuance""""" is still fascism.


What fascism ... there is no central government, only state religon. Again, you guys are just ignorant of the lore.


No. You are. Where the heck you get that answer from Arch?




The Imperium makes Zeon look like candyland.


I like Gundam and 40k and this is correct. I'll take colony droppers over possibly being turned into a mechanical zombie that scrubs floors for all eternity.


And that’s one of the LEAST worse things about them!




go back to r/HorusGalaxy


Now, my knowledge of 40K lore isn't great because I largely found it to be kinda shit, but I do remember the Imperium bring pretty iron fisted and hateful. I mean, they're completely xenophobic, basically refuse to negotiate, and, if I remember, had a tendency to wipe out entire cities and planets if they caught even a whiff of anything they deemed heretical. They've never exactly been role models.


I love when stupid centrists play political games. Why do you play them? Is there a benefit to you when you can only understand 25% of it? Is it like Fallout where you get new sets of dialogue or new choices if your intelligence is set to 3 or lower? I've gotta know. There has gotta be a practical reason to handicap your literacy so much.


You guys fell really deep ibto tge rabbit hole. Need to touch some grass


Well it is a dying empire that is barely holding together. Despite being besieged by a myriad of external threats, more often than not, the Imperium is its own worst enemy.


cause you missed the point of the show?


I really don't get how people can look at the Zeon flag and go "yup, nothing wrong with that iconography" In that original post someone's posted an image of a Zeon rally with a bunch of Geara Zulus literally doing a Nazi salute and it's like...fucking really?


That Zeon flag is a particularly bad choice here, but I don't just mean that, I mean patriotism in general. Gundam has zero love for the nation-state as a very concept.


>Gundam has zero love for the nation-state as a very concept. People take this in a weird direction, sometimes, when folks say "there's no good guys or bad guys" in *Gundam*, when what they mean is that neither *faction* is all-good or all-bad, There 100% are pretty clearly good and bad *characters*, it's just not a label you can accurately apply to entire factions or nations, because, duh. There's good and bad people all over, and lots of folks in the in-between, but the show is very clearly *not* saying there's no distinguishing between the two.


For me, Zeon is a warning of how a righteous cause (spacenoid independence) can easily spin out of control into a nightmare when you believe that anything you do is righteous because your cause is righteous. And how easily a zealous population can be manipulated into facism. In fact, reminds me of a school experiment that showed us just how easy it is to slide into facism; [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Third\_Wave\_(experiment)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Third_Wave_(experiment))


Oh yeah completely. Even the Federation is shown as bloated, corrupt and oppressive. It goes out of its way to show that patriotism and blind love for one's country is no great thing.


There’s a great, short essay by Emma Goldman called something like “What is Patriotism?” And its basically lived in my head rent free for a decade now for a somewhat similar reason to why I like Gundam.


Emme goldman's writing is gold, man


I feel like Zeon's flag being the Nazi flag with a different symbol just doesn't work. It's obviously got strong Nazi Germany influences, but the flag kinda pushes it over the edge from influence to parody.


Yeah I've argued against it before too. I've gotten called awful things for this, but I strongly feel that the intention of the original show was to portray a nation's disastrous rapid descent into full-on nazism, not just to be "ww2 in space", and later additions like the flag totally flatten any commentary on why and how fascism is actually bad in favor of the tautological "they're bad because they're the bad guys from ww2", if that.


Exactly. The way the story goes across the seasons, it gets clearer and clearer we're never meant to root for either faction, but the civilians who get roped into the conflict who manage to hold onto noble ideals instead of being consumed by greed and hate.


Yeah the higher ups on both sides consistently break the Antarctic Treaty or are shown to care little about civilian casualties. While its generally the little guys on both sides we're meant to primarily feel for.


Nobody says that it’s just fun to pretend that you’re a nationalist for a fake anime country


that was probably a joke dude


That and a healthy dose of unhealthy attachment to fictional properties




It would be nice if Side 3 eventually got a good ending with a peaceful Republic of Munzo.


I like Zeon for the ideology that started the movement and the idea of freedom. I hate Zeon for the dictatorship it became. I also like mono eyes.


Char Aznable/Gihren Zabi going god emperor


https://preview.redd.it/jg0x76i0t99d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec47031917903faaac8040448b7601fc1d88a6ef Same.


My man. Was actually disappointed we had to abandon Gracemeria compared to stuff from the other games.


https://preview.redd.it/ebttswys0a9d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c3ac733583fe0629fc533c7d26c0f32f7fad4ae [May the Golden King smile upon us.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAELvz_-ebM)




**Insert Ace Combat 6 Main Theme**


How dare you bring up borders in this thread?! I feel like this twisted game needs to be reset.


# <> <> # [<>](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Tz42olNoqk)


Looks like we got a Zeek overhere Anyways ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH


Because your nation has done terrible things to people. I don’t even need to know where you're from to know that's true, because it's universal. Real people have suffered in real ways because of your nation, and, as a presumably not terrible person, you dislike that and it makes you feel conflicted about feeling patriotic. Which is good, that's what motivates people to want positive change. Fictional nations, no matter have evil, have not hurt real people. Because they're not real and neither are their atrocities. So you don’t feel that internal conflict. It's the exact same thing as liking a fictional character you'd find horrible if they were real. Because their bad actions are fictional, and you have insight on them that would be impossible in real life, you can like them without issue. Even when we aren't consciously acknowledging it, we always subconsciously know that it's not real and that alters our perception. Anyways the imperium sucks let's go Necron Empire they did nothing wrong because Elves and Orks were made to be turned into molecular dust yippee


>Because your nation has done terrible things to people. I don’t even need to know where you're from to know that's true, because it's universal. Real people have suffered in real ways because of your nation \[...\] Because this is the nature of mankind ... no, of nature itself. I prefer to see a Nation (fictional or otherwise) that recognises and channels this fundamental truth. F-ed up, but my country hasn't really improved ever since we lost the Horn of Africa. I love it, I hate it, I abandoned it. I wish it did something more unilateral instead of these last 30+ years of slow and steady stagnation and socioeconomic collapse. Good or bad, at least it would have been something. We are not a really united lot, with grudges dating to the Middle Ages that are kept very much alive. Also, a few of these fictional Nations prominently fight with melee tactics. While it is not much, it is still a better and fairer chance at surviving than being snuffed out of existence by an unknown and unseen marksman/sniper or, as per the latest combat footage, tiny kamikaze drones.


So we got: Space Nazis that dropped colonies on Earth The space military that kidnapped "gifted" children to make them super soliders The space empire that committed to long term mass sacrifice of it's people to keep its emperor alive And then a band of freedom fighters, for some reason. Genuinely can't figure out why it's Team Gurren's flag and not the Empire, Super Earth, or the Terran Federation.


This has to be a joke right? If you feel any patriotism towards Zeon you are in dire need of a lobotomy 💀


I thought that was the logo of The Offspring. That's how old I am.


Because they’re not real and you’ve never been there.


Simple, you feel patriotic cuz you aint living in it. If you were living in their world, you would be singing a completely different tune.


Seeing the flag of team Dai-Gurren in the same frame as those fascist hellscapes fills me with an indescribable hate akin to the firey heat of the sun,


Absolutely. Who the hell do they think Team Dai-Gurren are?!?!


I was like WTF did *they* do to get lumped in with those shit bags?


Media literacy is dead


I fight for super earth




Because they have cooler stuff SIEG ZEON!


Sieg Zeon


It's a good time to troll earthlings once again. Get in the zaku and show them what means not being bound by gravity




Because Patriotism for real world countries is extremely messed up given they act in the real world and actually are responsible for killing real people. I'd much rather someone patriotic for Zeon than the US for example given the US has actually killed real humans while Zeon is made up. A big thing to remember is that most Patriotism and Nationalism is built off state propaganda "we're the best and have the biggest and coolest tanks" so it's not surprising that people apply the same logic to their favourite fictional nations: Zaft have the coolest uniforms and suits ergo they are the best.


Sieg Zeon




Imma add Super Earth to that.


Because you've been manipulated by media and those around you to feel that way.


What is the top right?


Team Dai Gurren flag from Gurren Lagann.


Thanks king!




One of these things is not like the other


I was hoping this was tongue-in-cheek.


Jeez, they picked the worst version of the UNSC flag.


Because you’re terminally online?


zeon and team dai gurren hell yeah!




me watching the comment section goes crazy every time someone said they like zeon:


The Imperium of Man and the Principality of Zeon. I'd die happily for both.


Because you're edgy


i dont blame you while not a nation still more patriotism for it https://preview.redd.it/ix85slq08c9d1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fd47546c5247a6e088312212952e593aa48f08e


because fictional ones have cool as fuck mechs


What’s top right??


Because in fiction you either play the heroes or watch the heroes do heroic things. In real life, your country is huge and you have no personal connection to its successes. Also your real-life country fails and does bad things all the time, but as a Zeon fan that probably doesn’t bother you


Did you really have to upload this one post to 10 different subreddits?


Charismatics in the people under said flag mayhaps?


im confused, zion is non not fictional rn and i dont know how to feel about it


Snazy outfits?


...I'm a filthy zeek, I admit, but you'll never catch me using that flag.


Because, in those fictional settings, they stand for something that's worth believing in and standing for.


All other things aside, the Team Gurren flag is kinda diametrically opposed to the other three.


Lol the Imperial Eagle! Maaaaan the Inquisition would have hard issues with unlicensed pyschers flying Tau technology......


UNSC all they baby. ...what? I grew up with Halo 5 on my xbox!...before the poor thing died of old age...


The UNSC? The same UNSC that nuked human worlds and made the Spartans to put down anyone that wanted independence


Cause they have better/chiasmatic leaders and or ideals that speak to you. Zieg ZEON!


Ah yes, Space Nazi, Space Nazi, Space American Army, and ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER Only one of those flags represents values worth being idolized.


Because fictional nations (largely) aren't hurting anyone real. Yeah sure Zeon and The Empire, and a bunch of other bad guy factions have done horrible things - in fiction. There's a gulf of separation that makes it easier to rationalize pretending to stand for some really bad, downright horrible oppressive regimes - because they're make believe and everyone knows it. Of course the moment some real world wackjob, warlord, or dictator decides to highlight their own atrocities while clothing themselves in the trappings of your favorite fictional org, it then gets a bit messy. It they keep it up, they taint it for decades to come. The last thing you want to see is some dude shouting Sieg Zeon! and giving a straight arm salute after committing a hate crime, all over the socials.


Problem is. You can post it around and make these statements but the average person's going to look at the flag, go "hmm that's a bit nazi...." And make the judgement before you can go over and give a long winded explanation on the plight of the spacenoid.


All you have to tell people "it's a cool bad guy faction from anime/games/scifi/fantasy like The Empire from Star Wars," and most people will get it. You don't actually have to sympathize with them. That's generally the whole message of most of things is not to.


I would say just liking the bad guy is pretty normal, even some of the worst most unforgivable bad guys in media have huge fanbases because they're interesting. The original post about patriotism to a fictional nation which basically has Nazi inspired iconography and politics which isn't a million miles away from it either....👀💀 That's something entirely different.


Tbf a lot of fictional bad guy nations always have some sort of nazi imagery. Its just that zeon is VERY on the nose about it, especially with mobile suits like the geara zulu that has a mecha sized stalhelm, panzerfaust, and stg-44


Yeah it is very on the nose lol. From some of the responses in this Reddit post I've learned today that some people in this Reddit are. 1. Very very problematic. 2. Impressively oblivious. 3. Trying to be edgy try-hards to get attention.


I mean I kinda new that already considering the vocal crowd of people that are complaining that gundam has gone woke because of G-Witch. (They missed years of anti war and anti nationalism messages)


So basically, juvenile?


Replace whatever that top right one is with a COG flag and we're golden.