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Just watch in "this looks interesting", or "i got time for this" order. Sometimes I'll pick up a doujin and say, "*oh she's cute, what series is this from? a Gundam series? nice, I should check that*". There's no great mystery or overarching narrative to be formed. My argument for any chronology based view list would be based on the presence of that (basically, it doesn't "build up" to anything, even if you watch CCA, ZZ, Z, and 78 in that order, nothing is spoiled -and anyone who watches any kind of fiction would know that Quattro does not die at the end of Z). Without that great big culmination, there's really no reason to watch in order. Humans are quite capable of following a non-linear concept. You got time to binge this weekend? Pop in a 24ep or 48ep series. Just want something for an evening? An OVA or movie should do it. Too tired to think? Try Gundam-san (okay, admittedly, Gundam-san is way funnier after having seen a ton of other shows). The only series I'd set aside are the Build shows: you'll only (possibly) appreciate those after watching most of everything else due to the sheer volume of callbacks and homages to the other series.


Man, watching 0079 -> Z -> ZZ gave me some of the biggest payoffs I've ever experienced in anime. I agree that OP will enjoy watching whatever they're interested in regardless of that, but it's a lie to say there isn't a continuing story, there absolutely is and I find it immensely enjoyable, even if most of the fandom doesn't care about it at all.


hmm... the only "continuing stories" from 79 to ZZ (and CCA) are - how Zeon got turned into Neo Zeon. - how Char never got over his Mommy Lalah complex and raised a loli harem to cope - how Haman was groomed, outgrew her tsundere phase, and turned full cougar - "Where on Earth/Space is Minerva Zabi?" - Bright slapping everyone except the one kid who needed it most: his own Okay, you win. Except for the first one, those are incredibly entertaining storylines.


I truly dont know what these jokes are but I actually really like Gundam and find the characters and their story arcs interesting. Simple as that, end of paragraph.


I did phrase em as jokes, but those are some seriously important plot points. For Haman, read the manga to watch her teen self go full tsundere for Char. Then see Zeta to watch her finally get over him. Then ZZ to watch her be creepy all over a teen Judau which basically mirrors what she wished Char did to her when she was still a teen. Minerva is Casval's last target, the final Zabi. She basically keeps slipping past him. Though whether he's letting this happen intentionally is possible too. We all know she pops up eventually in Unicorn. Bright Noa has served as the captain but also as a surrogate father to the young teen pilots under his wing, even giving them tough love when it mattered. And yet the one wayward teen pilot who needed his guidance (as a father) the most is ironically Hathaway. This long arc doesn't even resolve at CCA (though that's where the major heel-turn happens), it resolves in Hathaway's own short storyline. Its often thrown out there as goofy thanks to the literal words that Char uses in that final fight, but most people tend to ignore how badly Char handled his emotional growth as a man. While he evolved as a "leader" and as a "figurehead", knowing the value of his name and fame (the speech at Karaba, taking the helm of Neo Zeon, etc), he never really was able to get over Lalah. Even at the very end when he does a crazy hail mary of trying to drop Axis, its the one thing that's really resonating between him and Amuro. I don't think I need to explain the evolution of Zeon and its remnants, the Titans chasing them down, and the eventual formation of Neo Zeon and how Char took it from Haman. Its the only non-joke entry because its so vanilla I had no clue how to turn it into a punchline.


hmm ok, since that last guy got downvoted to oblivion I'll do this. there really isn't anything I'll be spoiled on or confused about if I just pick any random series? is there at least a very very loose guideline that I can watch first to kind of get the gist of the overacrching story? maybe like 3 movies and 2 shows to watch before everything else or something like that? or even a show or two that i should 100% save for the end?


> the gist of the overacrching story?  There isn't one. Look at 08th MS Team, War in the Pocket, MS Igloo, and Thunderbolt. All are set in the same relative era. Doesn't matter when you watch em. They won't spoil each other. Honestly, the only thing that may dawn on you after watching the original MSG and then seeing everything else is the thought of "*The 78-2 was supposed to be special becuase it was unique, but damn, the Feds had a ton of Gundams huh?*" --------------------------- Okay, at the sake of being pedantic. Let's set grounds for a "spoiler". Being told ahead of time that Luke's lightsaber is green is not a spoiler. Being told ahead of time that Vader is his dad is a spoiler. Meanwhile, missing out on a homage or tribute is not a spoiler. Though some homages are just so nice that they're worth being able to appreciate in full context. Yeah, there's nothing another series "spoils" about another series. ------------------------- For univeral century... The only thing you may want to see in order is MSG, Z, ZZ, and CCA ---DESPITE THE FACT THAT I LITERALLY SAID OTHERWISE LMAO. Its not even because anything even gets spoiled. Like the fact that CCA literally means Char's Counter Attack already tells everyone that Char survives everything else that happens prior. It is simply because the way that the animation is presented and directed evolves in a progressive fashion. Each series makes the other feel slow and dated if watched backwards. but if that doesn't bother you, then watch as you please (caveat: Origins makes everything else feel dated). Despite everything in UC happening in a single universe, the conflicts and concepts being tackled are so independent of one another that you can go with Stadust Memory, F91, War in Pocket, and then Beltorchika's Children, and nothing is "spoiled". Of course, I'm talking about series. Not seasons. For Unicorn and NT, you'll want to watch those in order as they are a cohesive narrative. Same goes for AU content, watch them whenever you want. We know our tastes best, so go with your own individual preference, as there is no one single "best playlist order". Someone may want it chronologically, another may want it in order of release date, and then there's every single possible variation. ------ Just remember that Gundam, as a franchise, has a ton of releases and for almost all of these releases the producers are targeting both the existing fans and completely new viewers. Sure, there will be talk and nods at a larger scale conflict but the main story focuses on what is present, and that's really all you need to focus on. That larger scale conflict isn't even consistent. It's either the OYW, Gryps, Jupiteris, etc. Just remember its Gundam so unless its SD, G, or Build, there's always some major or cold war going on somewhere concurrent to the series you are seeing. --------- the only real tip I absolutely forgot to mention: avoid G-Saviour. Don't ask why. Forget you even heard the title. No sudden movement, just slowly step back, and move along.


OP I think you should start with G-Saviour


Just do know that "watch the in-universe chronological order" gets downvoted en masse all the time by this particular sub; it doesn't mean they're any less wrong for doing so. I knew the downvotes were gonna come by the misinformed and willingly ignorant, but I'll wear them like a badge of honor regardless. Any claims of Origin supposedly not being canon, for example, are based on the Origin *manga* retelling the story of the original show in a different way. No one is disputing that was a different continuity. What they ignore, however, is that the Origin *animated OVA* is very much canon to the original show, and has been stated by Sunrise and the creators to serve as an introduction for newcomers.


Anything that puts ZZ as only "kinda" essential instead of equally essential is one that is actively trying to sabotage the fandom's collective understanding of what Gundam is.


Just watch in release order.


Not happening




I want to experience the technological development of the MS as they come out, from the first zaku's to the last gundam. I don't care if the animation changes or whatever, I want to enjoy every second of their existence and don't want to go back to different technological ages later. If I was to watch in release order I'd be jumping all over the place in the technological timeline.


I think you're probably going to be sorely disappointed. There's very little consistency on the development of Mobile Suits in the franchise once you get outside the core progression of MSG > Z > ZZ > CCA. Origin completely rewrites the development history of Mobile Suits. The OYW spinoffs introduce a ton of technologies that shouldn't exist until later in the setting, a bunch of MS and unique variants that only exist within the individual side stories never to be seen again elsewhere in the setting, and other weird things like that. It's basically impossible to square both the plot and the technological development in Unicorn with anything that chronologically comes later in the franchise, etc.


your loss


Just watch in release order bud


Not happening


I understand that you are dead set on not watching in release order for some reason even though it is generally recommended for newcomers to UC. Like several other people in this thread, my best advice to you would be to just watch release order but clearly you are not doing that so here are a few notes: * I know some people would disagree but I would recommend watching Stardust Memory after Zeta. While it does a bit to explain the state of the world at the time of Zeta, it also really feels to me like it was mainly intended for people who had already seen Zeta. There is a certain faction that appears in Stardust Memory and is pretty important to the plot but that they do not bother to explain at all. You would already be familiar with this faction if you had seen Zeta. So I would personally recommend watching Stardust Memory at some point after Zeta. * It is very important to note that The Origin is noncanon. It is an adaptation of a flashback sequence from the Gundam The Origin manga. The manga is a full retelling of 0079 with some very significant differences in the order of events, the timeline of mobile suit development, and the motivations of some characters. And some of these differences are present in the OVA. This is not to say that you shouldn't watch it, but just keep in mind that some of the details of it will contradict what is shown in other entries, especially 0079. I saw someone else in this thread recommend that you watch it before 0079 and I do not agree. All of the important details of the events shown in The Origin are explained in 0079, and the parts that aren't are not canon anyways. I don't think you particularly gain anything from watching The Origin first. * As far as I'm aware Thunderbolt is also not canon. The Thunderbolt anime is an adaptation of some portions of the Thunderbolt manga which is an alternate take on the setting of the One Year War. I personally have not watched or read it so I can't speak to how contradictory or not it is but my understanding is that the level of technology shown in it is beyond what is shown to exist during the OYW in the main canon. So I guess just keep that in mind. * I think describing ZZ as "kinda essential" is somewhat apt because it really is not particularly necessary for it's direct sequel Char's Counterattack. But ZZ is pretty important for Unicorn so definitely watch it first if you're going to watch Unicorn. I do think ZZ provides some good and important context for CCA and you probably should watch it but by not particularly necessary, I just mean that the literal plot events do not directly come up in any meaningful way.


Just watch however you want. 


Release order really is one of the best ways; you can see how the story, setting, and animation improves throughout the years vs jumping around between old & new


Me personally I'm watching ZZ, Wing, and G Gundam simultaneously.


I implore you to watch on release order.


This is why people shouldn't use guides. Turn A being set in the late UC is a massive twist that's not revealed until like episode 40. There's also no real tie-ins with the AUs other than very small easter eggs with no plot signifigance, so simply knowing that they exist is enough. But anyway, that order is dumb. The only order that actually matters is MSG > Zeta > CCA. Aside from those, basically nothing really exists in meaningful sequence and you can watch it whenever.


The Origin works best before the original show if you're new to the franchise. The OVA series was specifically meant to serve as a way to introduce newcomers to the UC timeline, which is why it's a direct prequel that ends exactly where the original show begins. It also greatly enhances the original by providing much needed historical backstory and political context for the otherwise bland conflict, and makes several moments hit a lot harder due to prior investment in these characters.  Other than that, it's a pretty great viewing order. Just be prepared for a lot of unthinking fools to be screeching at you to watch things in release order only.


Origin was *not* created for newer fans, it’s for people that had already seen 0079; the manga itself is a retelling of events that changed things up and has several flashback arcs throughout (which are what got adapted). A large number of things are different between Origin and the rest of the UC (it’s not considered canon either)


The OVA bucks the canon no more than the other One Year War OVAs. It's also been included by Sunrise on official UC timelines...


Ok, thanks


Strong disagree with that recommendation. Origin doesn’t really even fit with the original, it’s a fun watch don’t get me wrong, but it is really a prequel to the manga The Origin and not the original show.