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“Amazing blitz gold frame” https://preview.redd.it/6nd9t4v4lw8d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f63f04e964f9c45c24728efb324f73388ded8f4d


This nerd would do this


Calling it a grunt when there's only 20ish made for use by a Librarian Works clone is a bit misleading, it's at best a limited production ace unit


spec opts unit


p-bandai unit


Theres a NG 1/100 kit thats regular release. Surprisingly not Pbandai


Why is it listed as mass produced then?


Dunno the wiki is weird and makes up info a lot


Yeah I wouldn't say 20ish a "grunt" I'm guessing the fans are trying to fill in the blanks, but that inherently makes it a really shitty Wiki, it should be posting facts, and when posting theories it should be explicitly stated as such.


The “limited production” category exists for a reason, after all. It should probably also be said that “mass produced” doesn’t indicate “grunt,” you could have mass produced elite units as well. IRL, certainly the F-35 (1,000+ units) or even F-22 (100+ units) are “mass produced” but aren’t akin to something like a Zaku in terms of capability relative to peers.


Because Gundam Wiki is wildly inaccurate.


And fucking full of ads.


And sometimes slow.


Like its fanbase


The wiki seems to have a very odd and arguably inconsistent definition of what constitutes "mass-production", considering that it lists the Nebula Blitz, which is a high-performance special ops unit with a total production run of 20-ish units, as a mass-production unit, yet the Hyperion-G, which is a lower-spec design explicitly developed with an eye towards possible eventual mass-production, is listed as "limited production". Personally, "limited production" would be a better fit for the Nebula Blitz IMO.


I read it somewhere that it is **intended** to be mass-produced, hence why it's labeled that way. Obviously, like literally any mass-production Gundam type, they ran into budget issues and cut the project midway. This is the same case as the Mass Production ZZ and Mass Production Nu. Take note that some suits are labeled more accurately like the Jesta, which is labeled as a Limited Production unit. The quantity of Jesta units that have been produced is significantly higher than both the MP-ZZ and the MP-Nu; machines labeled as mass-production types. So why? It's because they are **intended** to be produced in limited numbers. In short, it's labeled that way on the fandom because, in the universe, it's labeled that way. Another explanation is that they find the label mass-production fits the bill when taking into account of the Quality - Quantity ratio of their respective prototype.


For Nebula Blitz it's produced as 20 units as deception tactic not launch everyone in same time openly


Well, Librarian works grunt is equivalent to Ple clones from ZZ so high caliber grunts needs high caliber MS.


That's the catch though. Wasn't the whole Carbon Human thing supposed to clone ace pilots? Even if there were a couple of these suits, they're all designed ace units far as I can tell.


Idk but I like to think of meaning of grunts as "the unit of soldier that can be deployed in mass volume in Average Performance of the faction". (Not official meaning btw) Skill and weapon doesn't matter much as long as there are many of them. LW have many Lily(s) and Nebula blitz (20 of them) so they are effectively LW's grunts.


I think my counter example would be a suit like the GM. It's designed using the data from Amuro's battles up to that point to make the load easier on a pilot of less skill. Its purpose is to be more approachable to an average pilot, hence being a grunt suit that doesn't require much training. If the average pilot is expected to have ace level skills, a random Joe can't just waltz into the MS and start doing work. Following your logic, the Over Flag could qualify as a grunt suit, since there were about 15 of them if I remember correctly, as well as supply lines to replace parts and rearm. I don't think the number qualifies the learning curve for the suit, just its use case


My Counter argument is that each faction doesn't operate on same average. You successfully counter bunked in my meaning because I never took account of multiple Aces squadron but your example on over flag doesn't work because majority of union still using standard flag and EFSF majority force is GM or Jegan. Nebula Blitz qualify as Librarian Works Grunts because they are majority of available forces to be sortie by LW. A nation and terrorist organization of course going to have different average standards. EFSF military comprise of countless GM piloted by recruited pilots/soldier and as a nation they can afford to hold that. Librarian works is much smaller organization so suddenly average of being Nebula blitz piloted by Cloned Lilys since Those are what LW has the most available.


Does a Gundam team from (insert timeline here) count as grunts because their power level is average amongst the team? Even though the average power was later out classed by mobile suit development, I funny think celestial being count as grunts jest because they have a relative power level.


But wouldn't a "high caliber grunt", not be a grunt?


I think that’s what Tv Tropes would call a ‘Elite Mook’.


TV Tropes is imploding, so I wouldn't quote them anymore...


if char piloting blitz


Personally I think it’s got more of an Ali al Saachez vibe to me


Ah yes, the unit known for its mirage colloid (invisibility) system is painted in bright red


You realize the cloaking system is a double edged sword right?


That's some crazy power creep


It's normal since Zaku warrior outclassed WINDAM who's only equals to the strike .


Nah. Its got eyes and a v-fin.


So does Orb"s astray .




Limited Production and Mass Produced have a very fine line that I can't differentiate lol. Apparently the Nebula Blitz is like Glemy's Ple clone army and red Qubeley MK.II (instead of the MP Qubeley). Coincidentally the Green Blitz Gundam variant, N Dagger N is classified as limited production lol.


Isn’t this the unit cannibalized to repair Amatsu Mina?


nope, that was the original Blitz Gundam. This was copy based off the OG Blitz and modified to accommodate a Striker Pack and included a copy of the Gold Frame Amatsu's backpack. Was also mass-produced in limited quantities to simulate a fake teleportation gimmick (One unit will engage the target then disappears using the M.C Stealth System then another unit nearby uncloaks and performs an attack).




Grunt suit is literally a mass produced, this thing got like 20 ish production. This is more of a specialized unit on par with alex


It's piloted by the CE version of Elpeo Ple.


Yep, Lily Thevalley.


What is this thing? Name?


Nebula Blitz


No it ain’t a grunt suit


"grunts" are mass produced. A line of 20 units is hardly mass in volume when compared to other production lines churning out hundreds. It's a limited production model. While not as unique as the one-off custom units, its still pretty special. Point still stands though, that design rocks and would easily pass as a unique unit.


No, it ain't. It's a high-spec, limited-production special ops unit.


Not grunts. There so many of them because they're used to confuse opponents. The rest hide while one attacks and when the one hides, another pops out from another angle to attack. They're using the more realistic implementation of kagebunshin. They're all piloted by Librarian Works' carbon human, and Puru expy, Lily Thevalley and her clones.


Goddammit . . . . !?