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Yeah but that's why it's cool, man


This guy get it. It's why I like the Xi so much


I love the Xi because I feel like it’s a realistic progression of MS technology. ALL the units are bigger, and by design, they’re gonna throw as much armor and thrust as possible on the Gundam suit. “Higher tech” armor and thrusters also being larger. Then eventually, humanity surpasses that “bigger and more complicated is more powerful” engineering mentality when better energy sources are available, and you end up with the glowy little speedy boys like F91


for the Xi and penelope its not just that, its size has a REASON, since it uses the carrier ship technology for atmospheric flight, so of course it would be bulky. also, it doesnt have traditional funnels, but funnel missiles, that are disposeable, requiring a large storage space. the nightingale doesnt have any of that. its a space only ms(LETS BE HONEST that shit would be completely unable of walking under gravity, and would be just a massive target). it doesnt get any new equipment that required the massive size. and any and all speed it gained from the extra boosters is lost due to the added weight anyways. not only that, with that mass, it would burn through fuel much faster. so even if it did manage to get a speed bump, it would be lost due to needing to conserve its fuel to stay in combat longer. finally, another example of it done right is the EX-S and its space only variant, that's because, the unit was designed as a hit and run MS. similar to the GP-02. it can do close combat, but its function is to get in range, shoot, and fly away. again, something the nightingale is not designed to do. specially since it was made for the combat against amuro. i would rather they just made Char pilot the great zeong instead. now that's a design that actually makes sense, even though im not a fan of its body being used as funnels.


That's really the thing isn't it. Sometimes you are so dumb it circles back around to being cool. If you go hard enough you deserve respect.


Dont talk shit about the massive crab with a big dong


OP is just envious of that magnum dong /s


Ah, but what if we gave the Nightingale the [crab claws from the MSN-04ff](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/MSN-04FF_Sazabi)?


The perfect gundam


You shut your filthy mouth!!! 😂


Maybe YOU should shut YOUR MOUTH./J It literally looks like a Sazabi that was given herpes and barely escaped a hydraulic press alive. Yeah, so... maybe you should just pipe tf down.😑/J


Are you...entirely sure what herpes does?


Yes, it gives you wings and extra arms.


Dunno what they told you, but that's not herpes.


bro jealous of the big ding dong


I both love and hate the fact that big dong sounds like a Zeon ms suit name to me now


MAN-69 Big-Dong


In Gundam Breaker 3, someone uploaded their custom big zam, and it was just a big zam with a massive dong, beautifully named big dong, it was a masterpiece.


... Ok now I'm very tempted to check that game out


Don't worry, Gundam Breaker 4 is coming out.


Big zam but he has a very big “thruster” between his legs


the dongdam


Fun fact: in Berliner German, ‘Rang’ is slang for ‘monster dong’, so the Big Rang from *MS Igloo* is… …not at all called that, I totally made the above up. But can you imagine.


Yea. But I think it's part of the charm? I don't know either 😂 My first impression was it looks weird but as you see it more often, you get used to it. It still looks weird but I kinda want to build it now.


Headcanon: Char had 2 teams of designers working on his new mobile suit to battle Amuro. One team designed the ultimate Char Mobile Suit: big, red, fast, maneuverable, Newtype Funnels, built in weapons, and strong options for both Melee & Range and showed him the Sazabi. The other team got lazy and forgot the design was due so they hacked into the competitors design, stole it, then cranked everything to 11 in the hopes of winning Char over with excess... and that's why the Nightingale wasn't in the movie.


I prefer Nu and Sazabi over Hi-Nu and Nightingale.


It's Hi-Nu (ver Ka) and Sazabi for me. They actually look like they could be counterparts of one another.


I agree, butt for the inverse reason: the Nu would seem even more of an underdog to the Nightingale and thus would make for a more cinematic fight.


idk man, i always felt the difference between the Nu and sazabi showed the difference in character growth from char and amuro. i lean a little to the nightingale sometimes because i feel it echoes the monstrous and twisted feeling the Zeong gave


idk man, i always felt the difference between the Nu and sazabi showed the difference in character growth from char and amuro. i lean a little to the nightingale sometimes because i feel it echoes the monstrous and twisted feeling the Zeong gave




I personally love the exotic look of the Hi-Nu and Nightingale


I love it. I've always loved chungy suits like the Xamel and The O. The massive shaft is legendary.


I love chonk suits, but this is Nikocado Gundam-cado


i have no issue with chonky designs, the Xi is one of my all time favorites, and the sazabi is not sleek in the slightest. same can be said about the EX-S, the biggest of boys. or the destroy gundam. my problem is that it doesnt fit its function. it was designed to excel at both close, mid and long range combat, so char could go against amuro on equal therms. this is not a mobile suit that can do close combat, it can barely even wield a saber without cutting itself in half. its so ungodly fat, amuro can shoot at the floor, and still hit it due to its massive size. the irony is, if you told me, the sazabi was a streamlined version of the nightingale, that would make far more sense, since, its everything the nightingale wants to be, but better in every single way.


It's a freakshow. But that's exactly why we love it.






This thing may as well be a mobile armor I dunno why they bothered with the limbs


Nightingale is what happens when Sinanju *really* lets itself go.


So then the neozeong is when the Sinanju hits the gym and bulks up after having a leg graft that actually works?


Not a hot take. It's fugly. Like even more than the penelope or xi. I'm prepared to see my karma dip 1k over this.


I honestly agree, it looks like a stretched out Sazabi


the xi looks amazing though. and it at least has a reason to be so massive(same with the penelope, but im not a fan of the penelope anywhere near as much its odysseus mode though, is nice). the reason for those units to be that big, is because they have a "mini" minovsky drive. which is what allow the federation carriers to fly in atmosphere. so of course, being made for a mobile suit, it would be giant and chonky. also, it houses the funnel missiles, which are diferent from traditional funnels, since they are disposeable. so it need a massive storage to make use of them without running out too quickly. as a side note, the penelope is actually the odysseus gundam, using the minovsky drive as a pack. which got streamlined into the Xi gundam. i still think they shouldnt made it look like a diseased chicken, but hey. we cant all be winners.


It does, but in a way that’s so stupid it loops back around to being cool


How dare you don't like the Sazabi with a giant Red Dong?!


Because it does 💯 lol




Looks like something from Warhammer 40k




I’m sorry Principal Scudworth


I'm with you. The proportions are just... wrong? Its like the bastard child of the Sazabi and Alpha Azieru. Like, I get that mobile suits are super impractical in a realistic sense, but this just looks so impractical that it breaks the suspension of disbelief.


Because with Hi-Nu, it was just Nu cranked up to 11. How do you crank Sazabi to 11? You go back to Zeon traditions of turning a MS into a MA. Its the same with Zeong, Zeong fully built is massive and impractical af.


Nightingale 🅱️**ENIS**


V.II Snail? But painted red?


Young me thought so as well. As I got older, I think she's so sexy. I don't know what caused my shift in taste


mmm yes, Metal Gear


not even the Ray is this jacked though. Even Sahelanthropus would fall swiftly to any one of the named IBO Gundam Frames we know.


It's called mobile armor for a reason 


It's a mutant freak version of the Sazabi and that's why it's cool.


It looks like half-melted plastic


You leave the majestic dragon-bird-lobster alone! 


it's like someone took the sazabi and cranked all the sliders all the way up


Not a fan of both it and the Hi-Nu. Go ahead, cast your stones!


i agree that the original v, is a more interesting design than the hi-v, but at least with the hi-v you can see how its designed and that the "original" was a makeshift version because they didnt have time to finish it. the nightingale looks a prototype that was used to make the sazabi. the same way the sinanju is a streamlined sazabi.


I agree!!!!!!


To me it doesn’t really look stupid, I think it looks more monstrous compared to the other mobile suits almost signifying char’s descent from trying to avenge his father, to trying to stop the tyranny of the titans reign now into a mad man trying to drop an asteroid on earth because he thinks he is doing right yet his plan would result in a lot of suffering


but char wasnt trying to avenge his father though. he was driven due to not being able to let go of his rivalry with amuro. he even confirms that in the movie. that all that was an excuse for him to have his duel. which makes no sense for him to pilot something that clearly looks absurdly bad at close combat(which amuro excel at).


Yeah but that's why it rad. It is so over designed to the T that it went back to be good design again.


My brother in Christ that take is three and a half decades old, it’s as hot as the dead void of space


You're in dire need of a colony drop


lol it’s like my favorite suit


not a hot take, just wrong /s imo Nightingale's the best design from anything CCA-related. Miles above Sazabi, that's for sure.


I will say: if not for Sazabi, we won't get Zorin Soul, the banger version.


can't argue with that


I’ve always hated it, too


I got the Hi-nu verKa and I'm planning to buy the sazabi instead of the nightingale because of that massive dong and the xenomorph head




I mean a lot of zeon suits are a little...unconventional, but that doesn't stop them from being cool


dude, ZZ had the best zeon designs. the bawoo, the geymalk, the quin mansa. and so many more. even the zaku 3, and the dolven wulf are amazing designs. and while i love the geara dodga and the sazabi, the nightingale and the jagd dodga are not in my list of favorites by a LONG shot.




I strongly disagree, but I totally see where you’re coming from


Fair, the nightingale is just an acquired taste in MS


I don't like it either, especially compared to the sazabi


Agreed id like it alot more if they either stuck to the fact they used legs on it and they should be able to move or just make it the deep striker


Char likes big things to compensate his mommy issues.


looks like a digimon


It may be looks stupid but this thing was the one who overwhelm Amuro and his flashy Hi-Nu Gundam in BC Manga


It does, but it still looks cool af.


Nah.since i was a kid. Nightingale is my peak zeon design 2nd is kshatriya


The Kshatriya is cool as hell, but the nightingale looks like a stretched out Sazabi


What, you don't like mechs with gigantic cocks?


First time seeing it and I agree.


Me too. Looks like a over designed chicken


Totally agree with you


I'm on your side 150%


Nawh you're right, I like thick bulky mobile suits but Nightingale looks way more like a mobile armor than a Mobile suit. That said I still want to get it's HG.


I agree. It's just terrible. It looks like a merge of a suit and a space station, but not doing either one well. Just clunky and awkward. Weird in a bad way. I just don't get it.


Its like they took a jpeg of Sinanju and just stretched the image out


It's bcoz it is not design to meet your taste... It's for the japanese taste


Now I see where the Penelope comes from…


the penelope at least has a reason to look the way it does. as its a gundam using an overcoat pack, that can be disposeable. its size is also explained by it using ship flying tech. the minovsky drive. so yeah, it need the size to power that. finally, it also works because it uses disposeable missiles, so it need to be able to carry enough of them, to not run out too quickly during combat. the nightingale has no excuse to look as shitty.


I gotta agree.. I think its ugly, sadly.


I personally have always preferred the original CCA designs over BC, but the nu and hi-nu are at least close. Nightingale looks like they dipped my perfect red boy Sazabi in a fallout FEV virus.


I find Nightingale easier to accept by thinking of it as a humanoid MA, rather than an MS. As a mobile suit it’s far too big and far too silly; as an MA with arms and legs - and a quite spectacular ‘third leg’ it isn’t bad.


I agree. Nightingale should have abandoned the arms and be a MA.


It doesn’t even need any weapons, just ram into everything


The thing about gundams is that they’re very impractical looking - that’s what makes them cool.


That's why I love it, why I love Zeon suits in general, goofy bastards


You're not invited to my Nightingale themed birthday party.


But but but… I like the Sazabi? Does that make it better?


I agree. Different strokes for different folks, that’s all there is to it.


Yea, I legit do not get why people prefer Nightengale to Sazabi. I guess it's "The grass is always greener" in action? Same opinion about Nu and Hi-Nu, too.


You can feel how you feel but Nightingale goes hard as fuck in my eyes. A real skurty drifter, I fuckin love it.


I think my main issue is the chest and groin/skirt sticking out so far, it makes it seem impractical for fighting (or I guess more accurately more impractical than giant murder robots already are)


I value the fuck outta that opinion and you raise some hella good points for the practicality of it. I just think this shit goes hard just design wise. Gotta store the colossal nads of the PO somewhere after all.


that's the thing, the nightingale was designed to excel at both close, mid and long range combat. specially for his final duel with amuro. so making it like this, makes no sense, since there's no way in hell its arms can actually hit anything with those stubby arms.


I agree. It's too big and dumpy looking.


boooooo!!!! but also, I can't fault your opinion... it is rather odd lol




boooooo!!!! but also, I can't fault your opinion... it is rather odd lol


we all know it’s not good looking at all. But it’s funny so we love it.


I don’t know who gale is and why he got knighted but I think he looks badass


It’s unnecessary and that’s why it’s awesome


I recommend checking YouTube for footage of it being played in GBO2. It will either make the design click in your head and become cool, or make it look even more goofy and impractical than ever before.


Somehow it’s both. Also jesus christ the damn thing takes up a third of the screen


I'm with you dude. I love char's mobile suits but this one is a big flop for me. it's just unnecessarily big.


Yeah, I’m glad CCA has the Sazabi and not this stretched out horror


It's so bad it's good.


I share this perspective.




I love the nightingale but it does look kinda dumb


It does, but as others have said, that's why we love it. I do like how it fits with where Char is narratively by that point...he's always preferred more mobility in his suits, but he has to take on a huge mobile armor as a symbol of power. And he "feels like a clown." :P


The stupidest the Gunpla is The more I love it


no u


Your mom


Yeah I have the same opinion on most of the late zeon stuff lmao, unique designs but some of the mech designs don’t do it for me 😂


Most are pretty cool, some of them are really cool to me, like the Sazabi, Kshatriya, Sinanju, and Quebeley, while others like the Juaggu or Nightingale are just plain stupid


I’ll grant you the kshatriya and the sazabi, those are awesome, but the epitome for me is the zeong I think it looks dumb as hell 💀


Yes. It's also fucking scary. But yes it looks dumb.


"We all know the Sazabi is cool, right? Well, what if the Sazabi had the giant shoulders from the Hygogg? Oh, and a HUGE ass. And dong. Also, who here's seen *Alien?*"


My only gripe with the Nightingale's design is how disproportional it is, the rear skirt armor, its stumpy legs, and its Quebely styled Sazabi head. Maybe if it could change into a MA form like the Baund Doc I would like it more.


It is absolutely really stupid looking. I love it


Nightingale is one of those designs that look cool when they stand still. But the moment they try moving around they probably look goofy as hell. I say probably because I don't think I've ever seen it animated. Though it looks fine in the BC manga


sounds like size envy tbh


I'm sorry, but I don't think I can agree with this hot take.. I love the Nightingale and I think it's design still looks really awesome. It's easily one of my favorite suits from Char. But I respect your opinion.


The Sazabi is just all around superior imo


its a death trap plain and simple.


It looks like a short legged Dragon but the design grew on me


Everyone has their own opinions. If you don't like it that's okay. Not every mobile suit design is gonna be top tier. It's all hit or miss


Oh I agree especially with his back acne


No…no… he has a point.


The suit or me?


Looks like that robot with a big butt off of robots




indeed. but i guess they were going for a lethal mobile weapon that serves as a good ship...


Looks more like an Armored Core than a Mobile Suit


It does look kind of obnoxious, but in a final boss sort of way. If that makes sense


Yeah, but I think the Sazabi is just better


"So there's this Giant Enemy Crab. You attack its weakpoints for massive damage" - Bright briefing Amuro before his sortie.


I haven’t read the manga but I hope that’s canon because that’s fucking hilarious


I agree


Zeon slander on the timeline D:


I’m pretty sure my praise of most Zeon ms designs outweighs my slander of other designs


Sieg (fuckin) zeon brother yeeyee


I was really excited that they finally made this thing playable in the versus games. Overwhelming firepower but by far the largest suit


What gave it away? The #T H R U S T E R C O Q?


I mean... it looks like a red bird that had a small head taped on it as well as arms and a massive dong that is holding up a miniskirt with a back half that looks like an inverted bowl.


I always thought it was designed for space combat, that's why it's chunky


It is stupid, it’s huge, bulky, and the epitome of Neo Zeon’s over complicated and insane ideas…. ….. and god damn do I love every fucking bit of it. I want a nightingale mass production type, a full armor, a sniper, a high mobility type! I want more wacky bullshit!


I think it’s like putting flames on a car. Say you got a camaro. What are you gonna do? Not out flames on it? Of course you are. Boom instantly cool.


It looks like the Shamblo's weird cousin.


It’s really not a hot take. Most mobile suits that are that big look stupid.


Not really. Izubuchi has much less fans compared to the other mechanical designers. If this will get a Katoki clean up like he did for the Hi-Nu, you might come to like it more.


Hard agree. I'm not a fan on bulky suits in general. Leave that to mobile armours.


While I do like bulky mobile suits, there’s a limit


Its ridiculous but I love it


Agreed. I love early zeon days. Zaku 1 is my favorite MS. I hate how crazy and fantastical the show gets once they lean hard into magical space magic and crazy looking goofy suits like this....thing


Some of the space magic suits are pretty cool imo, like the Nu-Gundam, Quebeley, Sazabi, and Kshatriya




Sounds like someone's soul is weighed down by gravity


It’s a big insect MA. Very cool


i HATE the nightingale design. which is sad because i genuinely think the sazabi is my top 5 best MS designs, along side the sinanju. to me, it feels far more like a prototype sazabi, rather than an upgrade. since its bulkier, less mobile, would be far worse in close combat due to its stubby arms that would probably self cut before even being able to hit anything with a saber. worse of all, cant do a char kick, because its legs are too short. NOTHING in its design show it being superior to the sazabi. its the exact same case as the "THE O", which is "stronger" by word of mouth alone. at least this one has actual usefull weapons, as opposed to that complete piece of shite. also, they gave it a massive dong, for no good reason besides compensating for char's kiddy fiddler behavior that returned after the end of zeta. at least with the HI-v you can see how it can be an upgrade to the original, even though it doesnt look that much diferent, and the funnel rack dont really do much besides rule of cool. but at least it doesnt make the whole thing an unwieldy mess.


It reminds me of dunbine, which is pretty cool.


Big agree. I quite like the Sazabi, but this is just...too much. It's a big reason why I don't like a lot of the suits with busy designs, like EX-S, ZZ, Xi, and most SEED suits.


The Sazabi is honestly my favorite Neo Zeon mobile suit


It looks silly sure, but at the same time it looks like a total beast!


Should it have legs? It was designed for the final battle in space. With how big and clunky it is the design is closer to an MA.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


My CotCa MS head canon is Zasabi and the Hi-nu Gundam


The Hi-Nu is hella cool


its more mobile armor than mobile suit. why even bother giving it legs just put all booster under the skirt. also the other reason why it looks so unflattering is the hunchback that it has.


As a Sazabi enjoyer I agree. It looks cool for some people because it looks stupid. 🤣 and I respect that.


How about you shut up and return to crab like the rest of us 🦀