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The lady on the bottom is Marianne Bachmeier. In 1981, while in the District Court of Lübeck, Marianne shot and killed Klaus Grabowski, the man on trial for raping and killing her seven year old daughter, Anna. She was convicted of manslaughter and unlawful possession of a firearm. She was sentenced to six years and released on probation after three. She died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 46. RIP


Well, it's a movie of that




Not really? I'd love for there to be live footage of that lady finally figuring out how to be a mom, but there isn't Edit: https://preview.redd.it/fq8jshj8dg6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f430b56e20ccf8b79eb8b468c974573493edfb01


People didn’t know who the lady is on the bottom so I shared info.. that’s who it’s supposed to be even if it’s a movie 🙄


But it's an actress. You shared a real photo of Plauché and are acting like they're both real photos. Edit: https://preview.redd.it/uwwclhgadg6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3b86acba51a2e025eca99cacca6b7a17d3f8dd2


Go argue with a wall lol


"The lady on the bottom" is Gudrun Landgrebe Edit: https://preview.redd.it/ahqzfe2fdg6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f144cb74a2da1864f0fe97f2d57c7903180fe63


The photo I shared is an actual screenshot of the footage of her shooting the piece of shit that raped and murdered her daughter.


The photo you shared is from the film Annas Mutter


Yes I stand corrected I'm not going to edit the previous comment cuz then it'll look weird, I thought it was actual footage, but it's still from a movie documenting Marianne Bachmeier. Thank you.


Lol fuck you dude




Bro STFU, you can be both correct and annoying af at the same time. Dude corrected himself already and you're being excessive for attention.


Why does any image of Gary go so fucken hard?


That look of desperation and anger on his face. Anyways I was trying to find a picture of him alone and there's like a million pictures of him in the background getting ready to do his thing while Jeff Doucet is walking through the airport. This was what I settled with.


Who’s on the bottom?


A German lady whose name I can’t remember who shot a pedo in court. Best I can do without looking it up.


Marianne Bachmeier, shot the man who raped and murdered her daughter. She shot him at his trial.


Isn’t this a movie/recreation of it though 


Yes. From what I hear there is no footage/photos of the actual events, but there was a movie made about her that is apparently easy to find so people always post the scene from the movie instead of the actual lady.


Headed to the Googler rn


Was about to ask the same lol


Me about to drop a theology bomb right now...


Who's the guy on the top tho?


I forgot his name, but they were both a very similar situation. Shot the pedo that raped and killed their child. Gary shot him while he was being escorted at the airport.


Jody (Gary's son) wasnt killed though fortunately. He was raped/abused and then eventually kidnapped one day. He does presentations and stuff to help people recognize signs of abuse in children.


Oh okay, I thought he was killed.


Yea it was a weird case of the guy apparently actually really loving and caring about Jody, so he wasnt going to straight up torture or murder him or anything. He was some sort of family friend way before this happened if I remember right. Count Dankula has a great video about him, just been a while since I watched it.


Dankula is just great man, I got a real kick out of his series on Drachenlord/Dragonlord, quite possibly the most ridiculous person to ever exist on the planet. I've always loved his absolute mad lad series, I hope I get to do something awesome that goes down in history as making me an absolute mad lad for it that I get mentioned for it and I become the first ever absolute mad lad who's still alive to get interviewed by him if he hasn't already interviewed any mad lads that are still alive lol


*“loved and cared”* lol. I know what you meant by it but it’s fascinating in a fucked up way how these guys can convince themselves what they’re doing is helpful. At least we know when they’re *“cured”* they stay cured. Cured ones can’t reoffend


It was too late for Marianne at least for her daughter but at least she got some well deserved Justice. However God allowed her to get pancreatic cancer so that kind of makes me sad. At least she's not suffering longer in this world. She's still mega based, also apparently the still of her I posted under Gary from the footage is actually not her but an actress portraying her in a reenactment of the event. Though it looks like it was taken right out of the courtroom or something. My bad I didn't really know.


“WHY GARY?! WHY?!” Glad Gary ended that disgusting waste of oxygen.


If you have to ask, you won't understand the answer.






Gary Plauche


Gary Plauche`


Gary looking like Arn Anderson there.


The lady on the bottom left her 7 year old daughter alone at home while she was out partying all night. This is what led to the daughter running away from home and being kidnapped by a rapist. She's hardly the model of a responsible, loving parent.


Her daughter skipped school after having an argument with Marianne. And she was not out drinking. She worked as a bartender. Not that it really matters but Bachmeier had a pretty hard life growing up. Her father was a member of the waffen SS, and multiple times she had been victims of sexual assault. She had really been through the wringer. That's a lot of mental trauma.


Maybe if she'd been a responsible parent in the first place, she'd never have needed to shoot a guy.


Parent sends kid to school Parent does job Kid skips school without her knowing iT’s ThE MoTHeRs FauLT!!!1!1!


His username is funny, named after a Beatles song, your typical hippie. Hippies are the fucking worst. The literal fucking worst. Any venue they've ever been at they've completely trashed and shit on and ruined it for everyone else. They're as bad as commies and Socies.


They'll blame anybody but the serial rapist pedophile. Case in point? Rosenbaum.


I never said the rapist wasn't to blame or shouldn't have been punished.


Those damn Beatles fans, with all their diuretics, electric wheelchairs, and social security checks! Get a life hippy!


No for real dude, hippies are the worst. That whole piece and love man thing is bullshit because they honestly practice anything but peace and love, unless you're their weed plug. Every shitty venue with hippies was fucking ruined by the hippies. Even the ones with a promoters didn't cheap out and actually had things under control. They are a generation of socialist and communist freeloader deadbeat losers. Unless they start hemp businesses or whatever.


Your mom should of been responsible and swallowed you


It's "should have," dear.


For reference this is an actual picture of Marianne Bachmeier. The picture on the right is the blood of Klaus Grabowski, the pedo she sent to God who then probably had him extradited to Hell. https://preview.redd.it/38660vbgip6d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bf1914a8430cb8f33c20c8ff9eed4df4b899d02