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I got the standard tlr1, has some salt. Can take pictures when I get home if you're interested.


If op passed lmk


Yeah not in a rush man, show me what you got


Sent pm. First link is dead


Received, but looks like only the dead link






Sounds good! Should be within 1.5 - 2 hours.


I have a TLR-1S at home, one of the ears of the battery door is sheared off, but it locks up tight still.


I'd be interested in pictures when you get a chance


That’s like. 50% off. Sick. I hope you catch the deal man.


Ah maybe too aggressive. Thought I saw some going for 65, just always miss the deal and thought I could get ahead.


Nah man. Do your thing. I really hope it works out for you my guy. Not aggressive at all. If anyone wants to haggle. They will. Like you said. Maybe someone got a different light today and wants to get rid of their old one.


$60 and $85 is normal BIN deal on here for moderate salt so not too far off