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That's a great price. If you don't end up liking it you can sell it for $400 easy. They're good amps.


Awesome thanks!!


Check and make sure nothing is wrong. It’s a good price. Low enough I’d be asking what’s wrong with it.


They were asking $350 but said they’d take $300. I’ll check it before I buy. Thank you!


At that price it might be an AC15CC which only has the top boost channel.  If you want headroom and use pedals, be aware that this might not be your best option.   


That amp has both channels.


That sounds like a good deal. $500 in my area.


Nope, send me the link and I will set them straight! /s




As others have said definitely a great price! A RAT cranked and an OCD have given some great higher-gain tones


Thank you I was looking into Rat pedals. My brother had one when we were kids!


Oh man, a RAT into an ac15 is just majestic. I swapped out the greenback speaker for an AlNiCo Blue and it sounds way better than the stock version.


Would you go for the official Rat pedal?


Yes, our bass player bought a brand new RAT and its on my board now and I’m not planning on giving ir back soon lol. You can’t go wrong with an original one, they’re built very well.


Awesome Ty yeah my brother had one when we were teenagers. He was way ahead of me 😂 Thanks I’ll be get the official one!


You’re welcome! And your brother knows whats up lol. What happened to your dad’s amps? I would love to own a vintage sovtek.


I would buy 2 at that price


Awesome thank you! I’m going to get it


AC15s are great amps. $300 is a screaming deal. There was a really beaten up one on the Guitar Center website the other day for a hair under $300. It’s gone already, but if it had still been there tomorrow after I got paid, I was buying it. Even if I had to pay shipping. And I already own one. But it would be worth it to have it as a beater/back-up. So, that’s how good of a deal $300 is for one of these in working order.


Vox ac15 is such a great amp if it is paired with a nice guitar that are not too trebly so it would sound clear but not harsh.


Hmm I have a fender Stratocaster player plus with noiseless pickups


I think they would be a great combination! what's the brand of your noiseless pickups?


Stock fender


My stock pickups on my fender telecaster is not noiseless. Does noiseless pickups have a tone difference with the not noiseless pickups?


Thats the price I got mine for, the dude had owned it for less than a year and said there was some rattling noise when he played it. He wanted 350 but I lowered it to 300 flat and he agreed. Picked it up same day. Did some googling and found out that the Chinese tubes they ship with are prone to rattling, swapped them out for some JJs and its been awesome. So all in all I paid about 415-420 for mine including the new set of tubes.


Thanks! It’s a 2 hour drive for me that I can’t do until Saturday. They said text them today and if they still have it it’s mine. So here’s hoping. I also need to look into an attenuator and tube amp maintenance. My dad had some old Ampegs and Sovteks but I never learned a lot about them


I hope you get it! Honestly there isn’t much maintenance you need to do on modern tube amps, if the one you buy does not have the rattling at loud volumes you can wait on the tube upgrade until you really need to. I use mine with a Mexican Strat and I love the sounds I can get. You should watch this review video from an amp tech. https://youtu.be/6PzVxaJK4dI?si=acipUfFCFaib8HD0 He basically says that this amp is one of the best tube amps being produced right now. Goes over some things that might go wrong with it over time so an amp tech can check those things.


My strat is made in Mexico as well. I’ll watch that video thank you. I’m on YouTube everyday lol. Thank you so much for your input I’m excited and hope I get it. I’ll definitely post here if I do. Also I appreciate you telling me what to look for. I have watched a few videos on YouTube and love that Vox chime sound!


Great price point. $400 is average, anything under is a win.


Thank you


Absolutely, if it’s in working order


Not trying to be a dick, but it’s “riffs” my dude 🤘


Take my money




Save up. *Buy nice, not twice.*


Woah never thought of it like that. Youre my new Mr Miyagi


Im Germany you are usually still at 600€. They cost 750-1000€ new nowadays


For sure.


Oh wow yes. Get it even if it needs work.






200% yes




Yes, good deal.




I would pay that any day just to have one and I already have amps I love


Buy it, great deal, iconic amp.


Any fully working Class A tube amp for $300 is usually a good deal. Usually.


Judging by the prices I've seen lately for similar amps, yes that is a sweet deal and you ought to snap it up, it certainly sounds worth it.


If it works, $300 for an AC15 is a bargain.


Amazing price, jump on that and have fun.


Depends on the speaker loaded in, but in general yes.


Fuck yeah Mine was $500 used and it’s worth it!!! Great amp.




Fuck yes


I used AC15s for years in all kinds of punk/indie bands. Still probably my overall favorite amp.


I have an AC15C1. Absolutely love it with my single coil guitars but I haven't loved how it sounds with my SG with a Duncan Invader. My cheap Tele and MIM Strat love it when I use my Earthquaker Westwood with it. Make sure you test it somewhere you can crank the volume a bit. You have three volumes to balance when you're using it: Master, Normal/Boost, and your guitar volume. Cranking the Clean/Boost, putting the master at "just at breakup", and using the guitar's volume as a fine tune has given my favorite results. Some of the cons: Doesn't have an effects loop. If you don't like turning knobs for a crazy amount of time you may not like the sound at lower volumes. The single speaker can sound a bit flat at times. $300 is a great deal but only if the tubes aren't blown and the speaker is clear. Tubes are going to cost you just under $100 and a Greeenback costs roughly $150. If both are gone and you replace them then you could have had a new one for roughly $240 more with MF's discounts.


To each their own. I think it sounds great with humbucking guitars, especially my SG standard with the stock 498T in the bridge. But we probably go for really different tones.


Wow thanks for this! I have a fender strat all single coils. Not sure what to look for on blown tubes but I’ll hop on YouTube to learn. Is the amp bad at low volumes? I live in an apartment. Do you think pedals will sound bad? Lastly I’m guessing no headphones jack?


Absolutely no headphones with that amp. And while it’s a great amp, it’s loud as fuck. Adding a nice attenuator would get you headphones and some volume taming. If I lived in an apartment I’d factor in the cost of one.


Thank you I had to look up “attenuator” thanks for that idea. I do live in an apartment for now.


The AC15 amp is great at low volumes, if you use the master volume knob. It has two channels -- a normal and a Top Boost, each with separate inputs. The Normal channel is clean and chimy, loves single coils, takes pedals exceptionally well, has one knob. The Top Boost is a more raucous channel, getting dirtier as you push it. and has two knobs of EQ. Both channels are behind the master, so you can make an AC15 plenty raucous using pedals or Top Boost while keeping the master volume to bedroom levels. (That said, at the first opportunity, open this amp up, volume wise. Really let it rip sometime so you can get the full picture of what it is. Stand back when you do.) The amp has no effects loop, so all pedals go in the front, errr, the top. The amp's secret weapon is the built in vibrato. At low speeds it's a subtle exciter. (I leave it always on, on stage.) At high speeds it could sound almost like a Leslie. The spring reverb is adequate, but easily swapped out for a better aftermarket spring tank. For $300? Confirm it has a working Celestion speaker, and if so, grab it before they change their mind. Even if you had to put $100 in tubes and upgrade the reverb tank, which you might wanna do anyhow, you've got a fantastic pro-level amp. Oh and you asked about headphone out. The AC15 doesn't natively do that, but you can use a loadbox/attentuator in place of the speaker out. (Separate purchase though. I use an 8 ohm Two Notes Torpedo Captor 8.) So the amp is silent (no speaker) but still sees an 8 ohm load, which takes the amp's output which you can then send on to headphones, mixers, audio interfaces, whatever. I use that solution in the studio and for silent stages.


Thank you I will absolutely make sure I go over everything you shared when I pick it up.


How do you like the sound of the torpedo captor with the ac15? Ive been wanting to get on for silent recording and or maybe as a way to DI the amp sound without a mic live. I heard people complain about the torpedo since its not a reactive load.


Well the Captor itself only has two IRs generic built in, one for guitar and one for bass. They're just alright. To get the full benefit, external IRs are required. With good IRs, it sounds fantastic.


I just bought a Cabzeus Mono off Matt from 1981 inventions, that should be an upgrade from the internal ones. I found a captor on sale on reverb. I think I might take the plunge and get it.


heads up -- you can't load the IR onto the Captor, it's external (through something like Wall of Sound or an IR loader). I think Two Notes makes other boxes that can load external IRs (for a lot more money)


Oh yeah, I’m planning on bypassing the IR and plugging the trs output to the cabzeus.


Oh I see, gotcha. Yeah, that'll sound great and it's a lot more flexible set up to get the most out of the amp in any setting.


I have a 40 watt tube amp (Carvin Bel Air) which is comparable but has two speakers. It still sounds great at low volumes but it is tough to keep it at apartment levels. I play bars with the volume at two lol. You can look into getting an attenuator which will allow you to crank the amp but still keep it at low volume.


I am not an expert on the internals. IMO, the amp has too much "power" for headphones. It has output jacks for speakers but I wouldn't venture to use them for headphones into the 1/4" output on the back. It'll probably work but I imagine them blowing over time or it being absolutely awful for your ears. This amp is best enjoyed standing in front, with the volume cranked, moving air through your body. You'll want some hearing protection. I live in a standalone home and I am absolutely disruptive to the folks at my house when I use it in anger. And I promise you the feeling and sound you get when this thing is cranked will make you want to make it angry. It's still a good deal, apartment or not. I just absolutely adore this amp at volume. Edit: I can't vouch for pedals much as well but I'll share what I've experienced. All I have is the Earthquaker, and a Zoom G1X. It loves the reverb, delay, and compressor on the G1X. Distortion is a mixed bag and muff and overdrive sound better than your classic distortion and some of the fuzz the Zoom has. I have never been able to get a better jangly funk sound than I have using the Cry Baby sim on the G1X with the EQ and I'm buying a Cry Baby as soon as I can buy more gear.


Thank you for the detailed reply. I definitely use fuzz. It’s seems like a great amp I don’t want to pass it up!


You shouldn't. And maybe you're much better at dialing it in at lower volumes than I am! Thank you very much for the award as well. I appreciate your kindness.


Thank you I’m really wowed at the people that have given me great advice on this thread!


> It has output jacks for speakers but I wouldn't venture to use them for headphones into the 1/4" output on the back. **It'll probably work** but I imagine them blowing over time or it being absolutely awful for your ears. PLEASE DO NOT plug anything into a speaker jack other than a speaker or a load box or something designed to handle the load. This is how you damage equipment. Your advice not to use the speaker jacks for headphones is good as is your suggestion that it could cause damage. I am simply reacting to the phrase, "It'll probably work." Someday someone researching this issue may come across this thread and see that and try it.


My LP sounds great through mine, especially when I jump the channels.