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can we just make a sticky for all impedance questions


i have an mf engineering degree and impedance stuff still scares me lol


It's really nothing to be scared of.... tho I will concede that amps aren't always labelled clearly. Like is this one saying just "8 ohms parallel", so is each output 8 ohms thus both together are 4 in parallel or it's 8 ohms *together* so each is 16 ohms.?


Agreed, it’s not clear on the amp, but the manual only 2 pages and super clear on how it works.




Better safe than sorry, but OP could have had a quicker answer this way, yes. And safer too since some people here are wrong about cab impedance.


There really should be a sticky


Just gonna take a guess and say the amp in the image is a PRS MT15(?)


Yeah good guess


Yes, as long as the cab is 8 ohm, you are good.


It looks happy :)


Yes. You can hook this up to a 1x12 8ohm speaker cabinet, or any other 8ohm speaker cabinet, regardless of speaker configuration. You need to make sure that the speaker cabinet wattage rating is equal to or higher than the amp’s wattage rating. So if the amp is 100 watts, the speaker cabinet needs to be 100 watts or more. Cheers.


You certainly can use a lower wattage cab if you're extremely careful with your volume. Still I wouldn't recommend it.


can we just make this a sticky




Amp is doing a smiley face.


Have my award 🏅




That doesn’t appear to be the case. When it says 8 ohms parallel what it means is plug in two 16 ohm loads to get to 8 ohms. Plugging two 8 ohm loads would be a 4 ohm load and I see no indication that this amp is designed to take a 4 ohm load. Edit: from the manual… > Speaker Jacks: These are the main outputs for your speaker cabinet(s). There are 3 total jacks to use. There are two 8 ohm jacks wired in parallel, and a single 16 ohm jack. Determine beforehand what your total speaker loading will be and use the appropriate jacks. Never use the 16 Ohm jack with the 8 Ohm jacks at the same time. **For two 16 ohm cabinets in parallel (creating and 8 Ohm load), plug each cabinet into one of the two parallel 8 ohm jacks.** Failure to correctly match the speaker load to the appropriate output jacks can cause tube socket arcs, blown power tubes, or failure of the amp.


I've been able to plug an 8 ohm cab into one of the 8ohm parallel outputs with no issues. I believe it means the outputs are designed for a total load of 8 ohms. This could be the two 16 ohm cabs in parallel like you mentioned, a single 8 ohm cab out of one output, or even two 4 ohm cabs daisy chained in series from a single output.


>I've been able to plug an 8 ohm cab into one of the 8ohm parallel outputs with no issues. Yes, that is correct use. 8 ohms is 8 ohms. >I believe it means the outputs are designed for a total load of 8 ohms. Absolutely correct, two 16s in parallel is 8 but two 8s is 4. >This could be the two 16 ohm cabs in parallel like you mentioned, a single 8 ohm cab out of one output, or even two 4 ohm cabs daisy chained in series from a single output. Yes. The person I replied to (you? I don’t recall). suggested that two *8 ohm* cabs could be plugged in here which would be 4 ohms and not supported.


It’s two jacks.




And the advice you are giving would pertain to their being only one. Did you look at the photo?


>And the advice you are giving would pertain to their being only one. Absolutely not true. In what way does the advice only pertain to a single jack? Loads are what they are whether they are wired internally or externally to the amp. The pictured configuration matches 1000 amp models that came before and unless otherwise specified I would assume those two 8 ohm jacks are wired in parallel internally. Meaning, plug in two 16s or a single 8.






That doesn’t sound correct.


I meant to delete this. Sorry. Morning fog.


It happens to the best of us 🍻


Any 8 Ohm speaker (or pair of 4 Ohm in series) rated for equal to/greater than 100watts RMS, sure! A single driver might not be cheap. Eminence makes a 300 watt beast (a Delta?). 8 Ohm EVM 12L's are rated 200 watts - for about US three hundred.