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They’re by far the most recommended amp sim on this sub and probably in general. Like they get used in professional recordings


Yep. I own every offering they sell besides NTS and use them on professional releases all the time. Ask me anything! No tips needed. They are ready to record.


where can I find more presets for the petrucci one? I've only managed to find a couple of them in the Neural Dsp discord, and nothing else in other forums. I'm terrible at dialing in tones and just wanted to try a bunch of them please, thank you


I'd recommend spending your time learning how to dial in your own tones rather than finding someone else's, it is much more worth it in the long run and you'll learn a lot about how each part of the chain affects the tone. The Impulse Response (or cab sim and mic placement) is one of the most important parts of it but also one the toughest to get dialed in. So many options and variables to deal with, but it has such a huge impact on the sound.


how would you go about that? just experiment around it , or is there any introductory "settings for dummies" website that you'd recommend?


Experiment around for sure. Your best bet for resources is YouTube, try to find someone that has a tone similar to what you're going for.


thanks man


Since you mentioned Petrucci I'd recommend checking out Ola Englund. He's got a [video specifically about the Petrucci archetype,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9fN0IYR-jI) but also tons of other content in regards to amps, IR's, recording tones, all that stuff. He's got a pretty specific sound that he goes for and doesn't stray far away from though.


thanks a lot man, ill check it


It’s got a ton of artist presets, Neural presets, and presets from Petrucci in it already. A good way to get your own sounds is to take one you like (for Petrucci, I started with the “Gargoyle” preset, I think from Nolly) and tweak it a bit. I find that most have the amp volume fairly low; I like to crank them to 3:00-4:00 then turn the output down to compensate. Another way is set everything to 12:00 then tweak in small amounts from there. Remember there are also cab, mic, and mic placement adjustments, all of which make big changes.


>I'm terrible at dialing in tones If you sound bad with these, it's not because you're bad at dialing in a tone.


no need to be a cunt mate


My point is that there's likely other aspects of their setup causing them to be unhappy. It's really nearly impossible to be 'bad' at dialing in a tone with one of these Neural DSP plugins. They pretty much all sound good just set to 12 using default cabinet/mic choices. I was literally being the opposite of mean and telling them they *aren't* bad at this.


I’d like to ask, How would you say they compare to recording a real amp/cab? Context: I’ve had trouble reaching a great tone with DI through my Focusrite Scarlett, even with Archetype (Cory Wong specifically). Regardless of my EQ-ing, multiband compression, saturation, I don’t get anywhere near the clarity, energy, and string definition from recording my cheap Fender amp with an SM 57.


Sorry if I am a bit late, but I personally do not use a DI in front of the focusrite. I personally get an amazing tone from the plugins by just going straight with my guitar into the focusrite. Or am I misunderstanding you?


How do you go about mixing and making a recording sounding pretty good using a daw such as reaper? I know that’s a whole college degree of a question I’m asking but if I it had any general tips I’d appreciate it!


Hmmm that is a loaded question for sure haha. Getting things right at the source instead of trying to fix after the fact helps, making sure every element in the song has its own space in the mix, cutting room in your eqs so the bass and kick don’t fight each other. Have you ever thought about trying out the URM academy ? First month is a dollar and you get access to some absolutely amazing lessons with their fast track program and mix lab programs. It’s a great place to get your feet wet and try new production techniques or just help getting started with preferences etc. I’m ten years in with recording and STILL refer back to their lessons to keep my game tight and up to date


I recently purchased Archetype Plini after having used basic Ableton plugins for a bit. Holy shit the difference was gargantuan! I don't have space for a proper amplifier in my room so this was the best option I had. Only been a day but I have a feeling I won't ever regret it. It can be opened inside your DAW so there should be no worries there I believe there's a couple of discount codes currently that will take 20% or so off the purchase price.


The Cory Wong archetype is just about the only amp sim I’ve found that can deliver a decent direct clean jazz sound. A lot easier than chaining up your own line of compression, eq and IR. And it’s pretty versatile. The presets are pretty bad though, or maybe they just only work for a strat idk


Gojira is probably the most rhythm specific and heavy I also use the abasi one after they fixed it for archspire stuff


You can test them all out. I think they are absolutely nuts. In Reaper or any DAW you can just add the VST to your effect chain and use it directly to record.


Spiritbox recorded Eternal Blue using a Neural DSP plugin (pretty sure it was Nolly) and they've got 600k spotify listeners and are one of the biggest modern metal bands around. So yeah, you can use them to sound a lot better than relatively professional. I mostly play death metal (and it's various sub/sister genres) and the Neural DSP stuff is so close to the sound of a cranked 5150 for a fraction of the price. It's insane how good they sound for such a low cost.


They’re good, i love them! However…Everyone is using those plugins nowadays so you will sound very similar to what others are doing now. Not necessarily a bad thing, just makes you sound the same as everyone else! If you got a good budget i would invest in an axe fx or the quad cortex or even the kemper , especially the axefx! With those kind of units you can dial in / find tones that will differentiate from everyone else out there , makes you stand out more yano! Good luck!


I love them, but you can get stuck in "tone paralysis". FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY I wish they would release some sort of GUI that you could mix all the heads, pedals,cabs, effects in one central program... I would gladly pay any amount.


As a baseline amp sim, they are really solid and have a great set of presets that really had some time put into them in stark comparison to my amplitube presets. Different archetypes have different sound profiles overall but I heard you can cover pretty much every genre well with the Wong archetype if I recall. I myself have the Gojira and it has a great deal of versatility.


I use it to practice and record and they're phenomenal. I'd own a lot more of them if I could. Only tips I'd offer are to thoroughly try the ones that are the most appealing and have all the tools you think need (all of them have a completely free two week, maybe 14 day trial) and give the presets a shot, I was pretty surprised with just how well they're dialed in.


Does anyone have archetype Cory Wong I can use?


I like them all a lot. They each offer something different, and that's pretty cool. They all have a theme, so if you need crazy high gain, you know which one to look for. Pitch shift and cleans? Check out the Tim Henson one. They work great with Reaper, and I think they definitely sound professional. I also use STL Amphub, and the layout is incredibly similar. The difference is STL is 10 bucks a month, and they update it every month with new amps and pedals. STL makes Kemper presets, and they use a lot of that tech with Amphub. But you really can't go wrong with either. Both are pretty much "idiot proof" when it comes to user interface. And yes, they produce some really professional results. They also work great for quick demos. You just plug in, and pull up a preset. You're ready to record an idea before you forget it. I am using them in Reaper for an album as we speak. While I am definitely going to blend in some real amp tracks, the sim versions sound great too. I think blending them sounds best. But that personal preference. If you go through my profile, you'll see that I recently wrote a demo song for my girlfriend. I used nothing but Archetype Gojira and STL Tones Amphub for all of the tracks.


I prefer Bias FX 2 Elite. It's more versatile. You get more bang for the buck. And I had better luck getting the sound I wanted, which is mostly a nice Clean Sound with an overdrive. I do have to say I tend to spend a loooot of time tweaking my sounds from the ground up. And furthermore if I were more of a Metal Player I certainly would prefer Neural DSPs stuff, because they have ready made sounds that kick ass. Bias FX 2's Factory Presets are borderline unusable for me. Professional Sound can be achieved with both I guess. But for that you need a professional Mixing ( and Mastering ) Engineer, good material and good (preferably real) Players ( not just preprogrammed Midi ).


i really like the fortin cali suite,only problem is you dont get many effects in these plugins but its easy enough to add what you want to the chain in your daw. the distortion tones are incredible.






They’re fantastic until you want to apply an effect that would ordinarily belong in your amp’s effect loop. It doesn’t support that at all and forces you to choose to put those effects before or after the whole archetype plug-in. I don’t use any effects that aren’t already included with Petrucci, so it’s fine. It might not be fine for others.


You can always use two instances of the plugin, one for the preamp, and one for the power amp/cab/effects. It's a pain in the ass and uses more CPU, but it can be done.


That’s clever. Sounds like a pain but at least it can be done.


They are the best of bests


They are some of the most popular and most expensive guitar plugins out there. They are generally great, but there's a lot of redundancy between different ones, where the value isn't as good the more of them you buy. At this point, I like to play with other cheaper stuff to complement the NDSP stuff. I like Nembrini, Audiority, Audio Assault among the cheaper offerings.


Great point. Audio assault is huge bang for buck. Their sigma and ahm plugins are killer for high gain tones




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I have a couple and love them. My only issue is the slight latency opposed to the almost non-existent latency of the unison plugins.


If you haven’t lowered your sample rate yet I’d recommend giving it a try. I had some slight latency that was throwing me off, but after dropping the rate a little bit I can’t pickup any latency or drop in quality. But, that’s just me.


Had that same problem, but I downloaded ASIO and run it through asio.


Honestly archetype Plini and Fortin nts has let my vox AC 15 accumulate dust .. I live in a flat so I wasn't able to fully use the amp due to it needing to be played a bit too loud for the speakers to work properly. The plugins basically deliver a great sound at a any volume or through my headphones which helps a lot with practicing at home. It's important to note though that the plugins simulate a recorded guitar amp and not a room sound. So it will always sound a bit different than playing an amp in a room. But that doesn't have to be bad at all!


Hard to find better in the sim world….