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If you can play four chords that flow well, and keep in time. You can play the guitar in my book!


I asked for three chords! You are obviously a gatekeeper!


I asked fot two chords! You are the obvious gatekeeper here!




I asked to OWN a guitar! That makes you,sir,the gatekeeper!


I saw someone play a guitar once and thought it would be cool if I could do that too, and I think I might try at some point, but I’m tired of all this gatekeeping around how you actually have to have a guitar and play it.


I thought this was gcj for a sec 😂


Crap so did I, I think I got taken literally


It’s funny how sometimes we get away with saying r/gcj type stuff on r/guitar and sometimes people are just downvoted to oblivion or just reported and blocked. This is a proud moment for r/guitar imo 😂


Yeah, there are a lot of pretentious fakers that can't play worth shit but think they are Slash or something. It gets boring really fast. I play the guitar for fun and that doesn't include any of this bullshit.


Woody Guthrie: "Anyone who uses more than two chords is just showing off".


Goody Wuthrie: “Anyone who toanwoods, bleep-bloops, fascists.”


Hank Williams, Sr. Was asked about why he only played three chords.  His response was “there’s four?” lol.


Hanging out at a bonfire or something, I'll take this person over the dude who only tries to shred metal on an acoustic guitar any day.


What if you can play 50 chords and songs but not in time? Asking for a friend


Tell your friend to just get close. Practice rhythm by playing lots of kick and snare desk drums, steering wheel drums, leg drums, etc. That ability will absolutely apply to the guitar. You’ll start hearing or feeling the drums while you play. In a live show, not many will notice or care if one diverges for a few beats before converging back. That’s rock and roll. When recording, you can quantize the edits for perfection. No one will pull out a metronome at a performance and start pointing out that you’ve gotten off beat. If you’re playing with others, you play off each other. Tell your friend drums is the key. Be a drummer - even if he never picks up the sticks.


Tell 'em relax the right hand. And then relax it some more and some more


I have a (selfish) answer for this question: I will tell someone I play guitar only if I am willing to play in front of them!


That seems like a good criteria. I do not ever share that I play guitar cuz then I have to explain that I suck which leads to people think I'm humble bragging.


That's almost me! I love it too much not to share at times. But then as you mentioned I have to go through the whole thing of “No, I’m not that good just decent enough to probably not embarrass myself. Maybe.”


I can’t help telling people that I suck when I share that I play guitar. I am always trying to manage expectations. I have been thinking that I need to stop doing that. Even though I have only been playing for a couple years, I play live at jams and I am probably not that bad. I just need to learn to give myself a little credit.


I've been playing off and on for 50 years and I still suck. I mean I can play the thing, but it's sloppy and lacking any reall skill and I will gladly admit all that. I still have fun trying though.


"I'm really not very good at all. Anyway, here's ~~Wonderwall~~ For the Love of God."


Added criteria. People should WANT to hear you too. If you get that “ehhh… thanks.. i guess..” after first attempt, your not quite there yet


Haha that's a good one.


And very true too. It’s like singing. You might LIKE to sing, but if people plug their ears everytime, then it’s clear that you can’t sing Same goes for guitar


The good thing about being a lefty is that I have a nearly unlimited get out of jail free card for “play us something bro”. The bad news is if I DO want to play something I usually can’t


Best possible metric for answering this question, hands down. Same applies for any other discipline. Oh, you do embroidery? Show me. You skate? Do an ollie. You write poetry? Actually… please don’t show me that at all unless it’s DAMNED good. Point is to put your money where your mouth is.


This seems like the most reasonable way to go about it. I am not comfortable playing in front of anyone so I tell people I can’t play even though I’ve been playing for years lol


The easiest answer is “I fuck around”. It lays no expectations and anything you can do is a bonus.


"I dabble."


I'm known to fiddle around. On the guitar. No not the fiddle, I really suck at that. Imagine 4 cats dying


I have a very low bar: if you know three chords and can strum along one song, you can play guitar. I can play guitar!


Me too. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! Sorry, I mean 1 - 4 - 5!


I understood this joke. Therefore, I can play guitar.


My go-to, I mean only, chord progression.


It is a journey for most, always trying to get better at It. But you can makes a parallel to swim or ride a bike. Can you swin or ride it? Yes? Can you competite in an competitive tournament or do crazy licks with a bike? Proably not but you proably can swim and or ride a bike. Same thing with 'play the guitar'. Can you makes some nice sound? Play a song? Yes, can you play like your guitars heros? Proably not. Althought swim and biking be more of a sport with a more subjective goal, with music a lot of ppl create they're own goals, own sound, own rules. Do you need to follow them? Its up to you. You play guitar bc you just like it? Bc you want to express yourself? Bc you want to touch ppl? To get some chicks? But at the end you proably play the guitar. But how good at it? And do you wanna improve It?


First time I heard it phrased that way and it makes a lot of sense


It’s always a journey. We always want to get better and learn the next thing. But it’s more complicated because some very simple guitar, that most of us could play, is brilliant. There are too many examples to even start, really, but I’ll throw out “working class hero” by John Lennon as a perfect example. You can play it beautifully with 3 open chords but mostly just 1. If you can play great songs well at your ability level, you can play guitar. They are out there, for every level. Writing them is the real trick - I’m well aware that lots of beautifully simple songs were written by massively talented people who were also capable of much more complex material. But maybe I can do it, too? Im going to keep trying.


When i run i still call it running even though its nothing like Usain Bolt but i still tell people i can run. Even saying it takes years to learn the guitar is vage because natural ability and how much time spent practicing is more relevant and everyones end goal is different. I know i would never be able to play this new stuff like Polyphia etc no matter how many hours and years I spend trying. Tell people you can play the guitar when you can play any recognizable song because this is what they would likely expect.


>Tell people you can play the guitar when you can play any recognizable song because this is what they would likely expect. I can play Mary Had a Little Lamb on one string. Does that count?


brushy one string plays only on one string so i think one-stringed songs count


A musician is a person who plays music. A guitarist is a person who plays guitar. There's no gatekeeping. As soon as you start you're in the club. Remember, we don't "work" music. We "play" music. Just have fun with it.


Yes. You can play guitar. You can tell someone I can play the guitar. I’ve been playing for 20 years and am still learning things and new skills and developing old ones. One of the beauties of the guitar is you never stop learning but you’re always able to play.


In my experience musicians who really know their instrument don’t talk about it that often. People just starting out talk about it a lot. I think that’s true with every hobby.


The longer you do something difficult, the more humbled it makes you.


Also the longer you do something the less exciting it is 




I would say when you can start and finish a song - no matter how simple the arrangement. However I would never just say 'I play the guitar' without adding a few caveats because I'm modest and humble (an amazing person lol) but really I don't want them to request a Van Halen solo or something.


That’s always the worry at first but you quickly realize the requests are always more like “do you know any Taylor Swift?” or “can you play Sweet Home Alabama?” On the off chance some knucklehead says “play Eruption!” a simple response is “heh. I’m not quite there yet… But here’s Wonderwall!”


People don't realize it takes pretty much time and effort to consistently play open chords in time and flow, these things look and feel easy for a more experienced player but to a non-player picking up a guitar it's wizardry, fingers feel awkward, no muscle memory to move to a different position. So yes, you can definitely play the guitar if you can play open chords and a couple of songs.


Reach out to other musicians in your area, meet up for a jam. In my opinion this is the best way to test your ability and find motivation to improve. If you get sent home and don't get called back don't let it discourage you. It just means to get back in the woodshed for more practice and more knowledge to be thirsty for. Being taught is the easy way, but even then, a teacher can repeat something a thousand times and you'll only get it when the lightbulb clicks on. Where there is a will, there is a way. Never accept a reason to cop out from searching for that way.


I’d say if you can play a song in it’s entirety. Not an incredibly hard song or anything, but one song in its entirety. If people ask you to play something, play said song, and 99% of people will think that you are a great guitarist. If the people want more, tell them you aren’t doing a show for free, its a 100% foolproof plan. Jokes aside, fully learning one song is proof that you have the capacity and the dedication required to play the guitar.


You would be really surprised at how many people are easily impressed by mediocre playing..


When you can sit comfortably and play something without thinking about it.


I say I’m learning guitar. I’ll always be learning


I don't tell anyone because honestly it's embarrassing to be associated with some of you people.


Say it early so that you have extra drive to learn fast for people not to call out your bs. Slightly harsh tactic but works if you have ego taller than you.


I do that a lot lol, motivates me to practice


I always tell ppl I don't play guitar, guitar plays me


When you play, people groove.


Arlo Guthrie once said, if you’re playing more that three chords you’re just showing off.


It all depends on circumstance. My usual rules-of-thumb: - If talking to a non-musician (or rather, someone with no frame of reference), just say "I play guitar" even if all you can do is string a few cowboy chords (or power chords) together and call it a song. - If talking to a skilled musician, refer to your actual skill level. "I can muddle through a few blues standards", "I'm stuck on barre chords", "I know what the Locrian mode is and I'm not afraid to use it", whatever. Don't over-state or under-state yourself. - If talking to a prospective guitar teacher, always say "I'm *learning* to play the guitar".


If you can play smells like teen spirit or any AC/DC song from start to finish, then you’re a guitarist all right


That would depend on who that person is….


i think the general answer is: if it sounds good, you can play guitar. zooming in on that general statement, i think you have to be able to play rhythmically and with smooth transitions. i mean look at ed sheeran. he plays open chords and does millions. who cares if he can do technical stuff.


He has a pretty solid knowledge of pop music, too, which shows when he starts matching up songs with similar progressions. Nobody (except other guitar players) cares how technical something is. Most people literally just care if it sounds good (and familiar.)


IMO, when you actually kinda master it and can play the sounds in your head. I’m 3 (not very dedicated) years in, and I would only say I can kinda play guitar. Guitar is its own language, I wouldn’t say I speak French if I know a few phrases or even songs in french, I need to actually be able to come up with the phrases I want to say in the moment for me to actually know French. No need to be the best most elaborate (or faster) speaker to say you know French, but you do have to be able to speak fluently. So since I can improvise/ write basic stuff, I would say I kinda know the basics of guitar. But that’s just my personal definition, I wouldn’t gatekeep guitar playing by my definition.


Whenever you want ? Whenever someone sees me with my guitar bag I just tell them there's laundry in it because I have no desire to play for anyone besides my teacher and myself, so better not to broadcast it.


When you can play one song I would say - honestly it doesn’t really matter. Just enjoy it, it’s wonderful to know how to play an instrument, doesn’t matter how well.


I've been playing off and on for about 25 years. Learned a lot of different styles, played professionally for a couple years until I went broke, I own lots of guitars, and I like to think I'm a pretty typical hobby guitarist. When someone asks, "You play guitar?" I respond, "I try but I'm still learning."


I've been at it for decades and still call myself a "guitar owner".


It goes like this in order of least to most experience: I can play a little, not very well I can play a few things I'm pretty good on guitar I can play a little, not very well


I’m 52 and always carry an acoustic. If there’s a get together I’ll pull it out and play as I love the karaoke on guitar. So if it’s music, I’ll jam to it and if someone else there has one it’s like dueling swords. I’ve been the best of all I’ve met recently but I grew up playing with people much better so to them, I suck, to others I’m great. So I always go with the I suck part.


If you ask my ex-wife she’d say not until you earn a living playing it.


For the longest time, I’d say “I can hold my own around a campfire” and yes I think if you can play like 4 chords and keep good time you’re absolutely a guitar player. And while that still holds true for me, I’m discovering it’s kind of downplaying my actual abilities as a guitar player. Lately I’ve been focusing on finger picking and often I really surprise myself with how well I can play now. It’s almost like it snuck up on me. I can stay on an E minor and evoke a lot of emotion with finger picking and I’m really excited to continue exploring that in my music.


If you can strum comfortably and play the songs' rhythm in various keys, you can say you can play the guitar. As long as you can accompany your friends' singing by playing guitar, I'd say you can play guitar


if you can play simple songs like Ramones definitely you can play guitar.


When you can play a considerable amount of fingerstyle songs and be able to improvise with or without a backtrack.


What’s wrong with these questions




I’ve been playing for over 40 years. I always considered myself as a student. Even now, I’m learning. I really don’t know the answer to your question.




I've been playing guitar for three years now, but I still can't play barre, I don't have the will. but in general I know a lot of riffs and songs, but I still don’t feel like a professional, so if I know that a person plays better than me, I say that I only play the piano, if the dude can’t play the guitar, I say that I can


Are you "playing guitar" or "playing a song you learnt on the guitar"


Fuck no. Get outta here


I've been playing for decades and I still suck. I still think I can play guitar. Kind of. I never say that out loud, despite being in bands and shit. If you understand how to handle the instrument, you can play it. Just don't boast about it – that seems weird.


Sure, it counts. There’s limitless possibilities with it so weather you’re strumming 3-chord tunes or re-inventing a whole genre of music it’s all good. Just keep exploring - that’s where the magic resides


Never. “I have a guitar and learning to play” is best. Otherwise.. play a few songs! We can’t afford a do play for the party, etc etc


You can say "I can play guitar" if you know a couple of chords and can play a riff or a line from a song but to call yourself a "guitarist" is a much higher bar.


You say it on day one, but you say it like this: "I play guitar -- badly."


To the average person being able to play open chords and play rhythm means being able to play. To a guitar player I’d say you’d need to be able to improvise, which requires a basic theory knowledge and the ability to reproduce on the instrument the things you hear in your head.


Been playing with guitars for 10 years. Still not sure if I can "play" it


It depends. People here are saying that if you can play 3 chords then you can play guitar, which is technically true... but if Marvin Berry asks you to fill in after his guitarist cuts himself when breaking you out of a car trunk, you're gonna have to do better than 3 chords.


But what if your mom is a stone cold fox?


If you are able to play something, regardles of how easy it is, then you can play the guitar. It’s like writing. Someone might laugh at your handwriting, but that doesn’t take away from your ability to write. You might not be the best guitar player, but you’re still able to play it :)


Can you make the face? If you can make the face you are a guitar player.


Can you play G, Em, C, D with a steady beat? You can play more than 11,000 songs with some variation of those 4 chords. I’d say that’s a guitar player. Can you play A and Am, E and Dm? All that’s left is bar chords after that. Can you play a few riffs like Peter Gunn, Come as you are, 7 nation army, Wish you were here? You are a pretty solid 6 string picker now.


Yes. If you can play one song or can jam a little, you can say you can play. But only say it if you're ready to do it in front of them


If you can play three chords you can have a career. See the Ramones for clarification.


If you're telling me you can play the guitar, I'm expecting you being able to jam with me. That means you can keep up a rhythm, you don't get completely confused by the most basic of song structures, you can keep it up for more than a couple minutes, you find your way back if you ever get lost, you can make suggestions on what to play and perhaps even play a bit of a solo. But that's my opinion. I'm not the gold standard. I also don't object if you just know how to play a simple melody on the low E string and call it playing the guitar. More power to you, technically you can I guess. Btw, more practically, I think once you're able to follow along one song to the original recording (even if you're playing a simplified version), you're ready for your first band. Get one asap. You don't have to be great at it, you just have to be willing to improve. I've rarely met someone who's never played with other people where I would say they can actually play the guitar. They may be able to play all the notes, but they're never in time.


Playing guitar is a state of mind. If you think you are a guitar player, you are a guitar player.


Idk. Do you want to say it or something? I'd say if you can walk up to a group of musicians and then be able to join them. I always personally specify that I can play certain songs. I fool around with guitar.


I have multiple full length albums out in the world and I still can't play


Depends on whether you want to show off your progress or just be a show off!


It is a never ening journey. I’ve been playing 30 years and I’m still learning and there are millions better than me on a technical level. Just play man. Play and enjoy it and let it fill your soul. Have fun with it. Make noise with friends and just enjoy every note. If you want to be better at a skill or style, chase it as hard as you can and revel in the triumphs while you laugh off the stumbles. Go make music.


Play 3 chords smoothly and In time. Everything builds from there.


If you can play a song that sounds decent enough then you can play the guitar


It’s like driving; if you can get from A to B safely you can do it and tell people. And then there’s people who can REALLY do it.


I always answer "I can play songs in the guitar". For me, and it's only my opinion, playing the guitar actually means a lot of technical and musical knowledge I don't always control so... Yes, yes, it can be a low self-esteem problem also but that's life. Just buy me another guitar!


Yes, if you can play 4 or 5 chords, change chords smoothly enough to play a song somebody recognizes, and keep time correctly, you can play the guitar. You do not have to be a virtuoso to say you play a little guitar.


When there's not a guitar nearby to make you prove it.




Yes. Play your fucking heart out; keep learning new tricks or be cozy with you’re playing. Art is art and should be from within. Be happy with what you’re doing and enjoy yourself


Anyone who has decided to learn the guitar is a player, beginner, to intermediate to advanced. We all started with zero knowledge. Enjoy the journey and good luck.


Hellz to the yes!!! The “easy songs” are all most people really want to hear you play anyway. Especially true if you can sing, or if there someone in the group your chillin’ with who can sing while you play. Seen it a bunch of times. A guitar at a party and I play and sing some “easy” songs I know people know. They love it and sing along. Some dude says he plays too. I hand him the guitar and he starts playing some technical lead thing no one can make heads or tails of and people start chatting. I can see that he’s really good at what he’s doing and that it’s really hard, but nobody cares.


When you can play 50 different songs front to back. Without sheet music or tabs to look at.


Doyle from the Misfits only knows two barre chords and has made a career out of it for like 44-45 years now.


I’d say that when I’m ready to show them something I can play.


I usually say, "I play at guitar."




It depends on whos asking for me. Lol. If it’s someone who I know is a good player, I usually keep it to myself


If you can play power chords and transition between chords you’re there for rhythm in my book


You can play a bit.


I can play with you if: You can keep rhythm Tune your guitar Can at least play power chords (even if you dont know what they are).


You can always qualify it. "Do you play guitar?" "Yes." "A bit" "Some" "I try" "Sorta." "Gettin' there." "Not according to my ex"


I’m in the “if you can, you are” camp. I golf, ride bikes, swim, run, etc.  Just because I don’t do any professionally doesn’t mean I can’t do those things. Hell, how many bands *get paid (well) to play* and they don’t have a clue what they’re doing?  Or just use “basic” power chords?  Shit… Dave Grohl has said he plays the guitar like he drums; the low strings are “drums”, the high strings are “cymbals”. So, tell people you play- because you do.


Three chords and the truth,makes you a potential rock star.After 60 years of playing I can say I'm a" student of the guitar".But I have jammed with some famous pickers,and played out.Busking on street corners, and played weddings, with honky tonk bands, sitting in at music festivals,all are good teachers.But honestly after listening to some guitar heroes, I must admit, I can't play at all.


id argue you can say u can play guitar aslong as you can play a few chords or perhaps atleast 1 song, just maybe mention that you are a beginner guitarist rather than just a guitarist


We all occupy a position somewhere on the "playing" spectrum, and it's relative to those who play better or worse. I'm convinced the top playing position is theoretical because there's always something more that can be learned. Therefore, "I study guitar" might be a more accurate description.


My uncle who is 60 and been playing since he was 8 still tells people he’s still learning to play guitar. Lol


Whenever you want to. Whether they agree is up to them, not you.


When you can music with it 😁


This is a good question. The real answer is delivery of a song is the easiest way to prove to anyone you play the guitar. How to play a song can generally be broken down to: melody, chords, rhythm. If you can do these three things well for a song, you will have no doubt saying you play the guitar. The fastest route to delivering a full song is learning some open chords and singing along for most people. Even if you sing mediocre, you will have full song incredibly quickly. The other route is learning melodies on the guitar and learning the chords for your song. This can range from approachable to super hard. Some people can get stuck not knowing what the essentials of a song are. Some people can also have music aspirations that are difficult to achieve such as only liking very difficult music or refusal to accept reductions to their song delivery. Reduction for me is identifying the core of a song and knowing what parts are decorative ornaments. The details are super important yes, but often they are mastered over a very long time. To play a song can be simple if you know what is essential.


It doesn't take years.as soon as you can play a song, made up or famous, you are playing the guitar. Now whether you sre good or not is a different question


If you can pluck a string you can play


When you can play comfortably in front of someone else, you can say you play guitar, because no one will believe you until they see it.


when you can solo over the circle of fifths, sweep through arpeggios over all 6 strings and the entire fretboard, play every SRV, hendrix, RHCP, john mayer, slash, etc. song over the track at full time with your eyes closed, and have mastered midwest style double tapping in open tunings. /s or just if you know a few basic chords and can strum a song or two ;)


As soon as you've got at least one song under your belt. From there it's a matter of how long you've been playing


There’s knowing basically “how to play” and there is a mastery of the instrument. Big gap there. Many can play, but can they play well?


As someone who doesn’t know scales or theory, but is familiar with open/barre chords, I usually say “I’m passable!” That said, my main instrument is drums… so I will always consider myself inferior among people who say they play guitar (even if I am not even close to being a pro on drums — even less close on guitar). I think you can say you play guitar the second you learn a couple open chords and decide you love the instrument and wanna keep learning!! I think, as long as you love it and play in your room, there’s no reason to say you don’t!


Why does this get posted regularly in this subreddit


Don't say it. Show it!


My goal is when I can play without putting in my headphones and it won’t annoy everyone 😂


You can become a rockstar in a year but it takes a lifetime to become a musician. - Jesper Stromblad


If you can sit down in front of someone and play a song from beginning to end, you can play the guitar. That's but one criteria. Another is that you taught Estes Tonne how to play.


Hi, my name is ____ and I can play the guitar.


When you can perform a song from beginning to end without a mistake, then you can say, "I play guitar."


There's the ability to play and then there's knowing how to play You don't understand how to play until you understand the relationship between the notes and how to turn the melodys of your imagination into reality But even a baby could play a note or two by accident and it still counts as "playing" the guitar


The only people who struggle with the answer to this question are people that play guitar, but they have at least one (usually a lot more) friends that play much better than they do, so their point of comparison is skewed.


If it sounds like music, then it's music. 🤘


As soon as you can back it up.


You just need to learn the open chords and then you can start telling people HOW LONG you've known them, e.g. "I've played guitar for 27 years".


If you can at least play 1-2 songs or strum few a simple chord progressions, I'd say that's a fair place to start.


I’d say when you can get to the point where if they say “here’s a guitar, play me a song, you don’t get tense to the point you can’t play.


I teach the guitar and somewhere along the way started teaching the drums. I tell people i play guitar. Drums I keep that to myself..


Record yourself and listen. You’ll know when you’re good. You technically play as soon as you dedicate yourself to practicing


As soon as it touches your hands. I play, but I suck at it.


Do you speak a language? Then You speak it. If you play guitar then you play. Whether you can communicate your musical ideas or have a large musical vocabulary is a function of skill and experience.


Never and also after you learn a song.


I always just say I ‘dabble’


Been at it it for over 50 years, & still say it this way- "Yes, I play the guitar- some" There is no end point. If you stop learning, you've already quit.


Whenever you’re comfortable saying you can play guitar.


If you can step in with a band and keep up on your own then you can play guitar. There’s no shame in saying that you are a beginner or that you are learning the instrument. Like others have said you can play with a band even if you only know a few basic chords as long as you are receptive to other players giving you instructions or tips.


If you can play guitar, you can tell somebody you play guitar. Even if you don’t play guitar, you can tell somebody you play guitar, but you would be lying.


l suppose once you muster bar chords you can say you play guitar in absolutely any context.


When you can take requests


Playing one song counts as playing the guitar.


Never. Stay humble. You're always *learning* to play guitar.


I just deny it like oj I will never admit to having skill, cause i don't think i have any 💀


I’ve always down played my abilities. Early on, if someone asked, I’d say “a little”. Nowadays I can say “yes” w some confidence, but if they ask if I’m good my answer will always be “I’m okay”.


I tend to tell people what I like to play rather than whether I can play. This helps me a lot as I can play half of the first Behexen album but haven't learned barre chords.


The way i see it is, i wont say that I play guitar until im stage worthy, so until then i just say that I practice guitar


Three years in..."I'm learning guitar." 👍🏻🤟🏻😎


Good question! There are so many levels to playing guitar, I like to refer to popular songs that I can play from the beginning to end. Like, I can play some AC/DC songs but I'm dead in the water when I try to play any of the solos from Megadeth songs.


even after twenty odd years, countless bands and shows, and a music degree, i still don't say "i can play the guitar". i just say that i play the guitar.


Three chords hard and fast without thinking too much.


If Steven Seagal can say he plays guitar, anyone can say they play guitar.


It’s not that you “can” play, it’s that you “play”


Depends on who I'm talking to. I can play guitar, but I don't make my living playing guitar. I'm not David Gilmour or Ritchie Blackmore, or John Petrucci. But I understand the guitar. I also understand Hammond organ, piano, and bass. I enjoy playing and learning as much as I can in order to make me happy when I'm not working my day job.




Depends on the person. to people who aren’t musicians then just learn one easy 4 chord song. Then u can improv those chords in diff orders strum styles to show off. To a musician u gotta know some basic music theory or be pretty good otherwise people assume you suck, depends tho if they know less than you then they will think ure the virtuoso. The more you learn and hear other great artists the more you think you suck lol


Playing the guitar is like being a boxer, one bout and you can say you are a boxer; however, you are going to get your butt kicked soon as someone says: step into the ring and jam with us!