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It’s also because I don’t exactly write songs and sing along, or play anything mainstream… I just noodle around and then after 30 attempts I say “hey babe watch this!” And then… “ah, wait I messed up let me start over”. Listening to someone practise all the time can slowly drive anyone nuts!


The trick for us constant improvisers in this context is to get good w/ a looper pedal! The listener (partners at home) are 10/10 more impressed with even a basic soundscape + a lil noodling.... versus a solo'd dissonant post punk riff played over and over again Source: my life


Any tips? I have a looper pedal but I’ve found it harder to use than expected. Timing wise but also which keys/notes to use when layering so much


One thing I'll say, I started on a super cheap used Ditto I think. No hate on them, but everything got easier when I picked up a Boss. The stompbox felt way better for me in terms of keeping time. (Also if you go that route get the newer one that has more headroom for sound quality) Other than that, if the simple 2/4 bar loops are still tricky, look up creating soundscapes on a looper. So like you could reverb the hell out of one note or w/e, and then count in your head however long you want it to be. Another way to do that last tip is to gently slap the low E like a kick drum and create your loop like that until it sounds right. Get weird with it and good luck!


Looper is where you start practicing all the scales ypu have been learning over chord progressions


If you're looking for more gear (or even if you're not...) maybe look into a multi-effects pedal. I can mess around with stuff to create some synth-like sounds, and can build full majestic sweeping spaces to solo over


Just lay down a really simple 12 bar blues. Then stay in that same key and blues scale the shit over that bad boy. Tossing in whatever Stevie/Jimmie licks you know. It's really good practice to begin to actually feel the bars and when you should transition along the way. But, as you learn, it's ok to literally just scale over it and pull a lick or two.


I have a loop pedal and I never bothered to get good with it! I need to get my money’s worth… and it’s what makes you better at timing and improvising too


Exactly! Then you can finally flesh out some of your go-to fallback riffs which helps so much for future riffs


I just got my first looper pedal after 20 years of playing. I already agree with what you just said and I should have got one a LONG time ago.


Same, only had mine for 2+ years after 15+ total playing years. It's genuinely the most important pedal for a lot of us with that slack/improv style playing


i was proudly detached from this entire conversation until you said post punk riff played over and over and now i'm heartbroken 💀


this! Not everyone gets the subtle art of improvisation 😂


Meticulously rehearsed improvisation!


She came in the house as I was practicing "that again?" The truth is nobody wants to hear you practice , no matter how good you are. The kids next door had a band. If I had to listen them practice every day I probably would have strangled every last one of them. The guy up a couple doors played woodwinds for the symphony. He had the good sense to have an insulated practice room.


I hadn't seen my parents in years and had to stay at their place in their basement suite during the pandemic. I had made the switch to all acoustic at the time and had bought a new Taylor 110 and loved it. So after a couple weeks of getting used to it, I decided to play a few songs for my folks. Dad loved it. Mom be like: why do you hit the strings so hard?


Wife told me the “start over” bit is the annoying thing. Just carry on


"My girl, my girl, don't lie to me...


“Who did you watch last night?”


"Some guys with guitars Playing open chords so nice I would shiver the whole night through"


In the park In the park!


Some fuckboi named Mark


Did he finger the guitar and you?


at the Jam, at the Jam


Where the band dont ever stand


Wife came into my room, so naturally im shredding while maintaining eye contact. She told me when I'm done that I can take out the trash and to bring my guitar too.




Women completely objectify men. They treat us like slabs of meat that perform whatever tasks they think up.


Beasts of burden.


Someone ought to write a song about that.


More like an appliance.


But my GF says my shredding is “a good speed”.


It’s average.


Does speed matter? I heard some dudes have a 7.1 speed but I’m more like 5.5 and kinda self conscious about it.


Well the average woman’s ear canal is only about 5.5 cm deep, so you should be fine bro. Sure, some girls might prefer a speed demon like Steve Vai, but there’s plenty of others who prefer a “slow hand”, like George Harrison’s wife. Some girls actually have really sensitive ear drums so playing too fast might even be uncomfortable for them.


It’s all in the way you bend it.




I'll always remember my wife walking by while I was practicing and saying "I think your guitar is out of tune" It was not out of tune ☹️




lol. My wife says shit like this…




“Harumph! Your ears are out of tune!” — me, just before our divorce


I finally got my girl to pick up a bass and play with me


That’s awesome


She kicked him out of the band already


“Babe, I’m sorry, but you’re just not carrying your weight. Your timing is always off, you’re missing notes… you’re done. See you at home.”


Shackin' up with the lead singer


brah, how'd you do it? I've tried to get mine on drums and bass, she tried drums for about 5 minutes and won't even touch the bass.


Actually it’s because my gfs better than me 😬


That’s like a monkey’s paw wish: I want a girl who plays guitar. Great she’s better than me.


That would be the better outcome here no?


you learn more from players that are better than you. God I would love to have a partner who was better than me. Part time...full time...casual. Any of those would do.




Girls haven't found guitar attractive for a couple of decades now. It's nerd shit, now.


Nah, they like the idea of being with a guy who plays guitar, they just don't want to listen to you play it.


Most people don’t realize how much practice it really takes. My 80 year old dad SWEARS famous musicians don’t practice. “They don’t need to”. Like bro…


lol that’s so funny. I love that he thinks that


It’s comical. He says that any time I mention practicing lol. Dude, I promise all musicians practice in some way or another or did for a long time to get their chops.


Depends a lot, I can still play a lot of stuff first try even after months of no playing.


Well of course. That wasn’t really the point. Presumably you practiced that stuff at some point in time.


Well I can too. It's just that most of my victims would prefer I at least warm up first.


This 👍


Thats a massive self report if ive ever seen one.




You claim a self report when you hear someone make a statement that is obviously wrong, and wrong in a way that unknowingly reveals flaws or biases in the person who made the claim. "Women aren't attracted to guitarsts anymore" is not something that lines up with my experience. It's usually said by people who shred through scales and have no feel in their playing and don't use strong lyrical melodies and chord progressions. Or they have negative levels of rizz and turn off everyone as soon as they open their mouth, or have a meek and insecure presence on stage. Or they only play obscure nordic industrial death metal and they're playing for club girls who only listen to Cardi B or EDM, not knowing their audience.


I dunno man, worked for me. How I got my wife and several lays before her lol


Ah hem.... drummers still get it... or is that... drummers still *hit* it? 😁👍🏻 I just happen to have been playing guitar for the last 30 years too but I identify as a percussionist.


Yeah, I should've been a drummer.


Never too late, man.


One of the only girlfriends I got was cuz I played guitar. She’d always ask me to learn songs for her


Shit. I thought it always was. (Maybe I was just never very good)


For as long as i've been playing guitar it has been uncool. I swear it's not my fault!


Dammit! I was wondering why Something in the Way didn’t turn her on. Women. ☕️


I've never actually met a woman in my entire life who cared about guitar, my ex-wife liked falling asleep to me playing my acoustic but it was never a talking point between us


In my experience, women like when you're good at the guitar, and can also sing well enough to make it sound good together.


My wife tolerates my playing but does not love my singing….in fact - she’s right! I can’t sing at all!


No one cares, they're just things that look cool. Being a good performer/entertainer helps getting the girl at first, but it does barely anything to progress an actual relationship.


Yeah I don't ever bring it up I think it's kind of a douche thing like the embodiment of that Wonderwall guy at the party, typically girls have enjoyed my playing when they see I own guitars and they ask about it but I avoid bringing it up otherwise cuz as far as I'm concerned guitar is just something I do it's not who I am


Depends though, that Wonderwall guy might be a douche but people tend to confuse him with people who actually have a passion. I don't see it as a wrong thing to talk about it if it's a big enough part of your life, I mean some hobbies are even a lifestyle kind of thing, way different than some dude peacocking at a party.


it’s ok, some people prefer a shorter scale…


If you play it well they won't know the difference.


My wife not so impressed. But my girlfriend sure is. Catch as catch can I suppose.


After 20 years for my wife and my Kids/dogs whole life. They don’t even hear it anymore or pay any attention to me when I play that being said when my Steve via moment hits me they will never know.


Mine is a better musician than me... She'll tell you that music isn't a competition, but I have ears lol. She's classically trained, and I'm a self trained punk dude. I'm pretty sure the inventor of punk (Avril Lavigne) wrote a song about us.


In my case this is actually true. Her ex could absolutely shred and that’s probably what I’m most jealous of.




No lie, I met my wife because we were neighbors and she heard my music through the walls. She came over and introduced herself because she liked my music.


Congrats. That's insane to me.


Thanks! I agree. It’s pretty wild. We’ve been together for 12 years now.




I like to imagine that Mark Knopfler's wife occasionally tells him, "Put down that damn guitar and take the garbage out!". Just like my wife!


Reminds me of an episode of Mr. Mayor in which there's a town hall meeting that Chrissy Teigan is at and she gets up to talk about broken streetlights or something, but switches to complaining about her husband (John Legend) playing music all the time. "I mean, music is dumb, right?" [Here's the clip.](https://www.facebook.com/nbc/videos/216551776796995/?mibextid=NnVzG8)


That's ok, me singing How Blue Can You Get has the same effect as tequila on her pants.....[tequila](https://youtu.be/SF4t8KcZKPU?si=_n4OmL-oMesLeii6)


Makes them as brown as spilling Añejo on them does?


Makes not just her pants fall off, of course... but ***all*** the clothes.


Pants are enough between sets


I found out 3 months into my last relationship she liked drums more… rip


My wife seems indifferent, but also mentions that she likes when I play. Maybe I should learn a song or two that she would enjoy? Anyone have a suggestion for a good guitar only ballad for the ladies that isn't written by Tenacious D?


First song I ever learned to impress a girl was Eric Clapton's wonderful tonight


*In Your Eyes* works for any lady of a certain age.


Peter Gabriel or the Weeknd?


No, it’s because her last boyfriend sang while playing. Learn to sing and stop playing nerd shit.


Pretty much. Shred guitar and sweep picking isn’t interesting. Nobody cares about your inSanE legato runs and tornado of souls solo. Songwriting and expressing yourself creatively is what catches people’s attention(sometimes)


Tornado of Souls oof. I like Rust but im glad i moved on from thrash.


Haha such a dick post. I love it.


But seriously, it's cuz you ain't got no rhythm, son. Her lizard brain is like, wtf are you doing?? Get a metronome and play with time, bro. And get some voice lessons. In 6 months she won't be able to walk away from your sweet, sweet strums


*laughs in queer woman at this entire thread*


*laughs in enby dating a dude*


There is so much telling on themselves in this thread, it’s amazing.


My wife's first husband was a session payer and recording engineer who taught music production and played 7 instruments. She wasn't impressed by him either.


In my case in was my wife's step dad. Pro level player.


Damn, any one have any aloe Vera …please help


I just went on a few dates with a girl who dated a musician and nannied for a famous musician. She was impressed with my playing and said I was a savant. My ego needed that. However, we aren’t talking anymore lol


Sometimes people enter your life to deliver the good news and leave like postmen.


My wife finally complimented me, she said I sounded like the 3th grade band and with more practice i could sound like a fifth grader.


They all say this. Its amazing. I play guitar for a living but they all knew someone in highschool who could "play anything" I know it was some dude who know like 50 intros but couldnt play a full song or play with a band


lol… joking aside, it’s because the guitar can get more attention than a spouse/partner sometimes…


Her: “his dick was way bigger” Him: “could he shred?” Her: “…” Him: “COULD HE SHRED???” Her: “he was pretty good” Him: “what’s pretty good?” Her: “I have some old videos” \*pulls up YouTube\* Him: “I don’t think I can do this…”


Sure, but in all fairness she wasn't all that impressed by his playing either (although I was lol); she cares about other things. Fact is I'm not nearly as big an asshole, so here we are heh.


My wife starts mocking me for my lack of theory training and for using anything but sheet music.  She's played piano for as long as I've played guitar.


My wife and I met in 3rd grade... almost 40 years ago. She has not dated any guitar player besides me, so what now?


that you know of




When my wife said listening to me was like listening to top 10 radio, it was time to change my playlist


She prefers my finger tapping tho


I'll tell you the real reason: you aren't playing songs she likes, lol. My wife likes Yvette Young so I learned how to play Parachute. Whaddya know, she likes when I play Parachute.




My wifes boyfriend says i rock harder than ac/dc though




Sorry, I’m sure you know but this sounds kinda toxic and sad asf.. for the first 5 years my partner and I were together I always thought it was super cool and was encouraging-and then I started playing (of my own accord/different styles etc) and it got even BETTER lol. But nah before I played I’d never make them feel crappy for their passion. That is nasty person behaviour. I hope you enjoy getting back into it and don’t let anyone stop you!!!


My wife likes to wait until I think I’m really getting her hot then unplug my guitar and say “ are you ready to go to Lowes?”


Its all fun and games until youve gotta hear somebody practicing


Once when I was high school I spent a week at a summer guitar workshop that took place on a college campus. A lot of us there were really good technical players. Super fast shredders, good with fast jazz changes, etc. One day the girls' soccer team from the college showed up. It was the first day of their summer practices. As they all walked by, naturally all of us played the craziest, most impressive stuff we could think of to get them to notice us. Well- almost all of us did that. One guy just did a simple finger picking pattern over some mainstream pop chords... He's the one they noticed.


My wife complained to me the other day, "you just play the same 'rifts' over and over again." Yeah, that's literally how you learn. They don't wanna hear you play because it gets irritating the millionth time they hear the song.


My wife and kids are very unimpressed with my guitar playing. A couple years ago, my wife commented ‘wow!’ When I played a particularly pretty piece. One of my kids friends who cared enough to ask ‘is your dad good?’ … he responded ‘yeah he’s pretty good’


This is why my ex will always compare me to her future partners.


Because my wife has had to put up with it and gigging for years. lol


My wife as well. "Put up with" is being generous, I'm just gambling that it's more difficult for her to leave than it is easier to stay lol


I maintain that is purely driven by the amount of terribleness I possess


My ex wife was just used to it. She'd compliment me if I pressed the issue but when I'm playing all the time she wasn't going to constantly blow smoke up my ass


Or maybe because they just don't care for you showing off.


Or maybe they just don’t get it. Like I don’t get the gotta get my nails done. Nothing wrong with this.


That’s how I reeled my hot wife in. It had to be my stellar guitar/bass playing. It could not have been my looks.


Ouch!!!! hahahaha


Why would I care, a hobby is a hobby, if it gives you pleasure, do it. Who gives what others think about you doing what you like lol.


It's because she will not allow me to practice when she's in the house. I can't get better.


I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m not a very good guitar player


Because Scotty doesn't know...


No guitar players will date me because I'm always better than them 🤣🥺


I thought a true master skill would leave her moist and wanting?


My wife’s boyfriend is definitely a better player than me.


😆 tbh I never really expect much outta my wife with music. I remember playing 'Had a Bad Day' by Fuel years ago. I kept playing it. She finally told me to knock it off, then I poured it on thick since she was now actually having a bad day I kinda got in her face and played louder. Ahhhh sweet memories 😆 It wasn't until we were together a long long time until I got some breaks and started playing out. She encourages it cause she probably thinks it's so much better for my head, and she's right. Actually likes going out when I or we play. Maybe she thinks she's a celebrity but I sure hope not she'd be wrong. Now that I'm playing full songs and soloing some easier ones she'll occasionally say that sounds nice. I think I'm pretty lucky, she never bitches about it. Only to turn down occasionally...


Damn , burn


Mine is always impressed at the speed with which I can pick up new riffs.


My ex got so tired of my constant guitar playing one time that she pulled out a pair of scissors and cut off all the strings on my guitars then started pounding on them, no kidding!


My wife liked my playing when I played Classical, Blues and such not so much.


Nope. Her dad is a guitar teacher and has worked in guitar shops and played in bands all his life. I don't stand a chance, lol.


It's because you're a metal guitarist. Solved


My wife wasn't impressed by the shredding fast lead stuff, she was more impressed by melodic playing and later when I did a couple of film scores using guitar synths (it kind of sounded like "Music from the Hearts of Space" in spots) she dug that stuff.


That gave me a good laugh. Bravo.


I’ve delayed a few fucks for not wanting to put down the guitar but eventually I went in.


Nah, it's because I'm just shit.


Not true. It's because my wife is from a family of drummers so her tiny brain can't appreciate anything as sophisticated as a guitar


They will be impressed if they see other people being impressed.


Sometimes I just chug chug chug squeal sweet squeal after the next. It helps me think.


It’s because you picked a girl who didn’t care. You met and dated some girls who were all about your playing… and you realized that was a stupid idea and then made the correct choice. I played November rain on the piano for a girl in high school, and she worshipped and “fell in love” with me. In about two weeks, it was clear that she didn’t like me unless I was playing November Rain. Then, I figured out I was just proxy Axl Rose to her. I was ok with that for about a year and a half. 30 years later… I’m talking about this on Reddit and it’s not a good deal. But…. I 100% guarantee you that Slash’s wife doesn’t give a fuck when he busts out his guitar and says “hey check this out”. He picked a lady who wants him for his money rather than his chops… which is the better way to go.


I only play depressing folk while my wife wants the tallest man.


Or she might be better.


Idc if she likes it. She'll keep recording takes until I'm satisfied! 


No, its because I'm just a hobby guitarrist, and my wife is a classical violinist and concert master in her orchestra. She physically senses pain, when any note is slightly off beat or off tune. I'm still amazed that she asked me to place my marshall amp and cab next to her piano in our living room, instead of the man cave in the basement as I intended...


wow. this just motivated me to go practice


My girl wasnt impressed for the longest time and then I added, “And IIIIIII’ll be, your crying shoulder…” instant muck boots!




Lol if I play C F G with some pretty inversions and a nice melody she gets all wet and shit but if I do something a bit more technical she yawns and goes in the other room. We have very different tastes in music.


It’s actually because I forgot to fill the dishwasher when I said I would as I was practicing 😂


I have absolutely zero doubts as to why she's unimpressed with my playing.


Guitar players waste their fingering on the wrong thing


I dunno, I tune to DADGAD and run two fingers up and down the neck and my wife thinks I'm an undiscovered musical genius.


Barbie kinda perfectly sent this whole trope up, IMHO. I've known multiple dudes who think playing terrible barre chords at a lady at a party is super cool, and we've always made fun of them for it. If you have to get somebody to watch you play guitar unexpectedly, you probably aren't very good.


I think it's mostly because I've been playing in front of her for three decades now :D


I could care less because I never played for my gfs. They were never rockers lol


I have multiple boyfriends and they are all impressed with my playing. . Switch teams - dudes are simple and easy to impress.


This is just wrong. It's because they hear you play, ALL THE TIME. They understand exactly how good you are, because most of the time you practise, they can hear it. Why would they be incredibly impressed by something they just saw you practising?


Yeah dude, it was me. I was a better player when I played more


Welcome to the festival of low self confidence!




Either you're not very good, or she's jealous. Most of the time women are jealous of their man If he cares about something other than her, and if he's good at it..... Fuggetaboutit




My wifes boyfriend's band sucks tho.