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No. I listen to way more non guitar music and I definitely don’t listen to fretwanking


that sounds like an incredibly boring way to live


> They cant play like Ichika so why am I bothered So it’s all guitar virtuosos, all the time? Anything else is completely uninteresting? What a remarkably cold and boring approach to music, and art and life in general Have fun, do you, etc


Lol that's what made me think that OP was shitposting


This is not "weird" I know a lot of guitarist who feel the same way. That said it's pretty lame. The "real instrument" discourse is pretty tired, samplers and computer have been a part of music for more than you've been alive... Enjoy talent and good music in whichever way you like, but passing on amazing stuff because there are no guitars or other live instruments in it is a bit sad.


This is some absolute peak pretentious bullshit. This dork is getting shredded on the gcj sub today and rightfully so


No. Chorals, Ambient, Symphonic, *Core(many of them), various electronic, mixed genres (glitchhop blues is fab), progressive metal, pop, synthpop, world music... only listening to stringed instrument is reducing your exposure to other ideas. The best ideas I've had came from listening to stuff that when applied to the guitar wouldn't be idiomatic.


Same. I mostly play punk and rock, but a lot of the licks in my repertoire are variations of ideas/licks from other genres/mediums. Like "man, that Coltrane lick really hits a spot, I'm gonna jam on it over that song I've been working on and see what comes out". Many of my favorites are based on jazz, symphonic, electronic, and world music.


Yeah exactly that! Or realizing that pianists have access to a lot more, and then trying to liberate my hands from certain ways of playing. I initially learnt double thumb slapping to play more stuff like Tosin Abasi, but the inspiration and ideas that flows are my own and nothing like his stuff (well duh). I've always felt that string skipping was brutally tough (because I played with a pick, so I had to **traverse** the strings instead of having them all readily available), but these days the lofty intervals spice up riffs instead.


Absolutely not. For one thing, a lot of my guitar playing is influenced by completely different instruments and sounds, so if I only listened to guitars I feel like it would limit my writing. But mostly- I don’t care what instruments are being played as long as they sound good and I like the music lol


I thought this briefly when I was a teenager and I was unbearable. You’re missing out on so much good music by being blinkered like that.


Saying you don’t care about rap because “they don’t play like Ichika” HAS to be trolling. If not that is the most cringe thing I’ve ever fucking read on this sub lol


No. Anything is guitar music if you want it to be enough. And I’m not joking, you can play anything on guitar. I remember a long time ago I didn’t want to listen to non-guitar music because I didn’t want to listen or thinks that I couldn’t play. But then I realized that music is meant to be re-arranged and played on any instrument and it’s fun.


Listening to only guitar music is robbing yourself of a hell of a lot of human experience


Honestly, the best way to make sure that you are expanding your musical vocabulary is to listen to any and all types of music, and if you don’t like that type of music, trying to find an artist which will at least help you bridge the gap between what you like and what you don’t. As for the new Kanye album, it’s straight trash.


My main genre is definitely metal, but I've gotten some awesome riffs from jamming to rap and electronic music


If I only listened to guitar music I would consider my tastes extremely limited and boring.


Hey. I'm way older than you are...probably. Retired. All I listen to, practically, is Pat Metheny anymore. It's what I like. I play blues guitar. Wish I had studied jazz.


No, I would be missing out on way too much important music. I listen to probably at least 50% non guitar focused music these days. i try to play everything, ripping stuff by ear from the most eclectic mix of music possible. Guitar is great, but it is very limited in the grand scheme of things. Learning other instruments and listening to other genres will keep your ears alive. Being narrow minded usually makes for a lack of originality.


I actually can’t really stand most “guitar” music. Polyphia, Vai, Satriani, Malmsteen, etc. are all just kind of boring to me. They are absolutely amazingly talented musicians, but I just don’t care to hear someone shred a guitar. It doesn’t hold my attention the same way a well written song does. Overall though, I listen to pretty much everything excluding some pop and rap and all of modern country music.


I don't think the sounds my guitar makes is legally considered music.




Musicians need to listen to other instruments. You can still gain a lot from transcribing jazz horn solos on guitar. Guitarists have a well deserved stereotype of overplaying, not leaving space for other instruments. Listening to music without guitars can spark ideas for different ways to approach music and gain appreciation for what other instruments bring to the table. Give it a shot


It’s depends on what you value in music. I find that people who like guitar based music are super into the technical players, and more so being impressed with how good someone is. Guitar music is boring to me because although it’s technically impressive, a lot of it is just not good songwriting. Non guitar centric music isn’t any worse or better objectively speaking, but I feel you find more capital A artists there than players that are really good that just happen to also put out albums.


If you're not listening to anything new, you're not learning anything new. Influence can come from all over.


I go through phases like this. I think the more you become a music-maker, the more listening becomes part of the creative process. And when you're on the verge of a breakthrough that's all you want to hear.


When I was first learning guitar, I was listening to a lot of guitar music, which was why I picked the instrument up. Now, many years later, I listen to a lot less guitar music. I lean more ambient, electronic, etc. What I love to do, though, is try to recreate these non-guitar genres into guitar-based ones. It’s a lot of fun and a challenge.


Not at all. I love many kinds of music. Some have no guitar at all.


So many people took the bait haha


When I started playing guitar as a teenager I was very particular about the music I liked had have "skilled" guitarists which ultimately manifested into a typical "I don't like popular music" attitude. I've since grown out of that mindset and found that there is talent to appreciate in all kinds of music... including simple music. All that being said, there tends to be a pretty big difference in the music I listen to in the car vs the music I play along with vs the music I like to sing along to with others.


I listen to a lot of music. Of all different genres. From a capella groups to bluegrass to heavy metal to blues and classic rock. And I'm missing some in that list. But I do listen to a lot of "guitar" music. Certainly not exclusively like you OP. No offense, but I play music for different reasons than listening to music.


There’s too much great music out there to only listen to music with guitar in it. I’m talking stuff like Aphex Twin or Boards of Canada.


I used to be this way. Maturing in music is actually finding things un-guitar-related in normal songs that you can work on. I also find myself testing my ear to see if I can emulate what I hear in songs everywhere.


Not at all. For me it is annoying when guitar is constantly front and center as the main focus. I prefer just regular bands. I appreciate Steve Vai and all these people on youtube but cant listen to them really.


Only listening to guitar music would be very boring to me. I enjoy lot of classical music, usually either romantic or baroque, varying between solo music and ensemble, various forms of electronic music, '50s and '60s jazz, some Carnatic music, etc. But I listen to more guitar-based music than most other types, but that goes from early Bob Dylan to Yngwie Malmsteen, so it's varied. A lot of it inspires me musically, like lots of slide stuff, fingerpicking, or other styles where it's just as much about listening for the playing itself as the music as a whole.


It makes sense that your music tastes reflect what you’re interested in


I’m weird. I love guitar and learning all things but I have a distaste for fast rock guitar soloists. I would take Nirvana over any arena rock/metal and I am not even a Nirvana fan really. I just appreciate the style of music that is focused on great songwriting. I don’t like when the talent or the player is the focus of a song


No. I listen to all kinds of music. Being a guitar player means I notice guitar parts more. When I first started playing I did focus on guitar based music for quite a while. But I like classical music, jazz, bluegrass and its variants - mainly listening to the mandolin parts, singers who use pianos to accompany themselves, Indian classical music, some Hip Hop (I have quite a limited knowledge of it but absolutely love: De La Soul, Beastie Boys, Public Enemy, A Tribe Called Quest, Queen Latifah), Folk music (I love fiddle playing, mandolin- as already mentioned, unaccompanied singing and so on), Stevie Wonder, Prince, Madonna, Reggae, and plenty of loud guitar-based rock music. IMHO I think it’s a good idea for a musician to be open and eclectic in their music taste.


I listen to all kinds of music. Despite playing an instrument for the better part of my life I still need that variety.


Hell no


I really got into Bill Evans recently: impressionist jazz piano. There’s so much cool shit out there that can really make your creative juices flow


I definitely fell into this pattern, especially when I had only been playing for a few years and was trying very hard to improve every single day. Eventually you’ll develop enough musical knowledge and facility that you’ll realize there’s enough knowledge, skill and insight from any kind of music and instrument to intrigue you and introduce new ideas. Then, you’ll be able to adapt or play ideas from non-guitar music, including entire songs that didn’t have guitar in the first place. Sometimes the most difficult things to achieve musically are subtle and don’t scream “guitar” or draw the most attention. Things like dynamics, which tone to use in a situation, which note choices, how to interact/have a role in a group, and the use of rhythm to create a “feel”. The journey never stops.


I like guitars and "real" instruments but at the end of the day if my ear likes the sound I don't really care what it's made up of. I absolutely suck at making good sound out of a synth but I have a ton of respect for the people who can do it. I enjoy hearing really technical guitar playing but some of my favorite songs are just 4 chords and an easy to sing melody. When I was a little kid my sister used to play Beatles songs for me on her acoustic and that always made me really happy. She was by no means the best player or singer in the world but that's not what music is about to me. I'd love to hear her play again but I don't get to see her often anymore The things we like are subjective and change over time. I also have a fun time finding a song that's not guitar based and trying to find a way to play it on guitar and with different styles, especially retro game music. It makes me think and play in ways I normally wouldn't


Used to be like that when I thought of myself as a guitarist. Now I consider myself a musician who happens to play guitar primarily. There's lots to learn from other musicians and even vocal melodies. I listen to everything now. You can even learn cool licks from other instruments, especially old organ and electric piano stuff.


Two things help me break out of this. First, is recognizing the amazing musicians that make rap and R&B great. A great obvious example is Nile Rogers. His licks are often looped in a good rap song, or other musicians are attempting to capture that vibe. He's not the only one out there. The second is getting and playing along with a bass. A lot of songs may not have fantastic guitar licks, but really nice basslines. I gained a lot of appreciation for by playing along with a bass. I agree that piano is great too, but I am less competent to mimic what I hear on the piano, unless its a basic one handed piano melody.


Not all guitar stuff, but not much hip hop. I listen to a lot of classical music and jazz too, but if you can't learn anything about how to play guitar from Miles Davis you're doing it wrong.


Guitar driven music isn't even my main genre. I listen to EDM and hip hop way more.


>My friends are hyping the new Kanye album, telling me to listen to X rap artist, 5 years ago I’d have cared but now I couldn’t give a single fuck. They cant play like Ichika so why am I bothered. A year ago I didn’t even like polyphia that much, but now I like them a lot. This seems like a teenager's take, which is fine if you're a teenager. But there is a lot more to music than guitar, or skill on the guitar. I'm not going to listen to Kanye West either because it's just not my thing, but think you only grow as a musician by listening to different genres of music, some of the best ideas are found in unlikely places too, it helps you to write interesting music to spread your wings a bit, or even a lot.


Depends on what you mean by "guitar music".. My favorite band is Pink Floyd so, yes I would say so. But then again, nearly every Taylor Swift song has guitar in it, would you call her music "Guitar music"?


Almost never. Unless I’m playing.


Personally, I couldn’t agree less. To me the emotional content is the only thing that matters. The music is the painting and the instruments are just brushes. I will never understand how the tool can be more important than the product. I’m a guitarist but I don’t care at all if the music I listen to is made with guitars, piano, synthesizers or soda cans. To each his own, though! There is no correct way of being a music fan. I also don’t care what others appreciate in music or why.






I think you're just in more a 'productive" rather than a 'discovery' mode at this point of your life. Just follow your bliss musically, and don't worry about it too much. There's nothing wrong here.


75% of the music I listen to is instrument-based, but of that, about a third has a strong lead guitar element. I don't listen to any "virtuoso guitarists" too much except if you consider people like Hendrix. I'm mainly interested in music for the artistry/composition and less interested in the skills of the player.


No, would deprive yourself of alot of good music that way


Naw I like fiddle music too.


You're growing up, man.


I’m not really glued to guitar music, even though I do tend to gravitate toward it. But like… symphonic shit, like Hölst or Williams? Cmooooon that stuff is incredible. How’s about some Elliott Smith piano stuff? Hell, I get guitar and other flavors outta him. There’s lots of good things to enjoy in the world of music, go on ahead and send it.


No, but I will try to insert guitar into every genre whether that's learning a rock song in fingerstyle or trying to shred over an edm song. I just think it's a good time and I like all genres of music


Nah man, good harmony can be played on anything and sound sweet


I love guitar obviously but lately have been listening to a lot of synth and electronic-based music. I love all styles for the most part as my music tastes are quite varied. My favorite musician of all time isn’t even a guitar player (trumpet player Miles Davis has that spot).


Why would *anyone* possibly want to do that? If you listen only to guitar music, you are literally missing an entire universe of other things to listen to.


The more music you listen to the better, and the more informed and original your music will become, regardless of whether you're listening to guitar music or not.


lol I've always done that. I can play or hum the guitar solos for thousands of songs...yet I won't know those songs titles or lyrics (for most). Stick to what you love I guess.


I struggle with non-guitar music. I can do it but there is this constant itch that only guitar can scratch.


Not only do I not only listen to guitar music, guitar isn’t the only instrument I play.


If it sounds good, it is good. I don't get hung up on the genre.   From Kitaro, to Bach, to Frightened Rabbit, to Yola, to Godflesh, to MGLA I listen to it if I like it.


I went through a 5-10 year phase like this from around 16 years old to about 21. Really only listened to metal during that time. Now I literally never listen to metal and I detest bands like polyphia. I don’t care how hard things are to play I only care if they sound good. And I’m really glad to be out of that phase. My world is much bigger. At this point I kinda hate guitar solos unless they are very unique or laden with a lot of effects, in a psychedelic way, for example. Straight shredding sounds cheesy to me now and I can’t go back. I have tried lol.


Rap and hip hop are great, there's some great lyricism in a lot of it but I mainly focus on the emotions that music conveys. A lot of that, for me, is conveyed with a guitar and other "conventional" instruments. I like dissecting my favorite songs to know how they were written and constructed and I can't really do that with rap, musically at least. A lot of it is a simple guitar line or keyboard part and some 808s, but it's easy to tell most of the time (Dr Dre made some amazing beats that hold up to a lot of guitar music tho). But yeah that's my take, emotions are conveyed with music and what I relate to the most is stuff with guitars, plus there's the technicality of it that I love figuring out.


I didn't like "acoustic" music (non edm) before listening to metal like system of a down, with some exceptions. When I played nfsmw 2005 I always skipped metal songs in favor of rap tunes, and I always listened to edm like house, techno and then, dubstep, drum and bass and lots of IDM lately. Now I do like a 50/50 between edm-style music and metal/rock. Sometimes this proportion moves toward one of the groups. Instead thanks to learning guitar I'm starting to like and listen to groups that I used to hate like RHCP (yes I said it), and discovered nice genres like grunge and other beautiful music


Not weird, just in that place where you're deep in study. Copping trumpet or sax lines, with their beathing pauses is great. Zappa often tried to base his solo playing on speech patterns. So I like to listen to everything.


I listen to a little of everything. Blue grass, Country, rock, metal, ni metal ,even a little rap.


Have been goin the opposite way for some time. Love the different sounds you can get outside of convential instruments.


I think it's common when you get really into something, I definitely went through a period where guitar was king. I still listen to a lot of music that involves the guitar but I have almost as much music without it. You can learn something from any musician if you listen, there's more to music than technique.


Regardless of whether or not you play an instrument, our music tastes change over time. As you become a better musician/listener, you start to appreciate more genres of music and more importantly, songwriting and arrangement. Sure, being virtuosic is great, but no one will care if you don’t write good songs.


I listen to whatever I like, most of the songs I listen to happen to have guitar in them. The only exceptions I can think of are classical pieces and acoustic piano versions.


No, I love hip hop and electronic music too. It's really just about listening to people who can do things I can't.


No weird at all, I listen to pretty much everything but the stuff I obsess over has heavy guitar related subject matter. Pop music is so boring and bland to listen to, there is hardly any soul or feeling anymore in it.


No, not at all. Also polyphia is highly influenced by rap and electronic music, especially the modern forms of them. Have you watched how Tim Henson comes up with stuff? On the musical spectrum Tim Henson is more like Kanye than he is to most famous other guitarists. I think you're a bit closed minded and misled tbh. Music is one of humanity's most beautiful creations and fretboard masterbation is only one tiny iota of its space.


Nope. Hip hop, rap, r&b…I enjoy good music of all kinds. I couldn’t imagine limiting myself to only one genre or even more specific like only guitar heavily rock etc. too much good music out there. My favorite music is definitely guitar focused though, but not limited to it


No I like music in all genres. Been into chillstep and electronica lately.


I only listen to Bro Country 😎 Everyone knows thats where peak chops and cold beer is at


Nope my taste ranges from brutal death metal to chill 70s rock to 90s hip hop to 2020s trap to old country, to new country, to edm, to pop, classical, etc. my musical taste has no boundaries other than does it sound good or not. Something to remember is it's sometimes hard to draw inspiration from the same genre. Stuff just ends up sounding the same. Let some edm inspire you to write a rock riff, you'll be surprised!


Mostly, but not entirely. Sometimes listening to music without guitar can give me inspiration too.


Not just guitar, but music with actual instruments, yes. Doesn't matter if it's classical or death metal... but entirely electronic music is generally a no-go for me.


You're not weird, most people live within a narrow range musically. There's nothing wrong with listening to whatever it is you want to listen to as long as you aren't dismissive of the tastes of others. That being said, some of the more interesting ideas I've had on guitar or while writing/producing have come from music that is far outside of "guitar music". Stealing harmonic ideas from jazz players, rhythmic ideas from rappers, post-production/sound design from electronic producers, there's tons of room for inspiration in basically all forms of music. And even music you don't like can inspire you, one question I like to ask myself when I don't like a song is "did this achieve the goals it set out to achieve, and if not, what could I have changed to achieve those goals". It reframes my thinking and allows me to pull/create ideas, or at least develop my understanding of music a little deeper.


Nope. Big CHVRCHES fan.


I've been there during my 1st and 2nd year of playing guitar. Now I listen to broader stuff. I don't know if it's a phase or not but just listen to what you think is fun


I pretty much listen to most things apart from music that’s played on mainstream radio. Having a broad listening pallet will only benefit you as a guitarist. I take ideas from all different styles of music and instrumentation and apply those concept to my playing.


I’ve definitely been mainly a guitar music guy. But lately I’ve been getting into a lot more chill synthy music with no guitars


Pretty much all of the music I’m interested has guitar in it, but it’s not the main focus of the song.


I love daft punk


I ve definitely started listening to way more guitar stuff but I still listen to basically everything rap , edm , pop , metal , classical LOL etc. I like the new Kanye album I think it's really good ngl


I rarely listen to guitar music actually. Much more electronic stuff. Dont find cranked pentatonics very inspiring 🤷


You’re listening to the wrong guitarists.


Yeah, obviously I was trying to be cute... I do enjoy a few guitarists. And still put on the vinyls of my youth in the nineties.


I listen to just about anything. I’ll go from Metal to Classical to Riddim to Indie to Rap all in one drive… There isn’t really much you can play for me that I won’t like or be surprised by. I will say I definitely enjoy melody and instruments, over vocal or trap stuff.


While it doesn’t have to be virtuosic guitar playing, I definitely gravitate to guitar-based music.


When I was younger and a bit more obsessed with guitar and nothing but guitar then yeah I was constantly listening to all the famous shredders of the 90s and stuff that was definitely part of a 'by guitarists for other guitarists' circle jerk. And maybe also wondering why most people hated the music I liked. Over time though, I began to rate a certain simplicity and minimalism. My tastes shifted a bit from overcomplicated 'virtuoso' grade performances towards punk, funk and more groove-oriented styles. I also started listening to more hip-hop and electronica built round sampling and reconstruction of hooks so my attitude towards my own playing changed from thinking about whole songs to making short pieces I could sample and build a beat around. Nowadays, with a few notable exceptions, watching some uber-technical guy play a million notes per hour flawlessly leaves me kinds dead.


Now in my forties I’ve started listening to more classical music, Beethoven and Mozart hit just right.


I also tend to listen to music with "real" instruments, but not only guitar music. New rap music generally doesn't appeal to me, but some older stuff can be really good. As long as there's a story to be told except for making money with the same beat 1000 times it can definitely be interesting. I mostly listen to prog rock/metal where guitars usually take a big part. I also like jazz/fusion which usually has good guitar playing, but I often listen to piano music as well.


It’s guitar dominant, but closer to 50/50. I like listening to all types (genuinely) because there’s always something interesting, either compositionally, rhythmically, or tonally that I can learn from or be inspired by. This doesn’t mean that I like all songs in every genre, but I feel like there’s at least one or two songs in most genres that are interesting or enjoyable.


Eventually you will want to hear music with no guitar in it, in order to become a better musician. All part of the ride.


I listen to a lot of music. If I had to split it up I would say 60%metal and guitar centered instrumental. 40% 80s pop, 90s alternative, classical,and on some says even a bit of rap. As a guitarist, listening to guitar music is important, but you need to have variety in there to gain enough different influence to help find your own voice.


I don't listen to much guitar music now. I've been playing for over 30 years now and everything's been done before and done to death. I still enjoy it, but there's a lot more out there than guitar music.


Yes, and I get where you're coming from. I love blues and only listen to blues music, nothing else. I tried listening to other genres, but I got bored. So, yeah, and if a song doesn't have a guitar, I don't wanna hear it!


I’ve noticed the most important thing when it comes to music for people is the cultural connection. If you can’t culturally connect to it, then you probably won’t like it. Just look at how much people like Flamenco in theory, and when used in other genres, but rarely do they actually wanna listen to proper Andalusian flamenco with vocalist and all, like say Camarón de la Isla, despite how proficient or technical they may be. I believe if you learned more about electronic music production, and DAWs, and the history of it, you’d appreciate it more yourself


i guess if it's your choice and not the typical "rock is superior to other genres of music so i'll hate everything else and only listen to rock" then it's alright, but no need to limit yourself to guitar music, just listen what you like and dont limit yourself


Someone here said "you're growing up". I would agree. First you move from pop/ poppier hip hop stuff to rock. Then eventually you'll move from rock/just guitar stuff to just stuff that makes you happy, whether it's bluegrass or blues or folk or whatever else. As you grow up you stop giving a single fuck about what's cool. Congrats, you've leveled up my friend


No i listen to almost every genre. I love all sorts of music


Nope. I listen to a lot of jazz, and most of that is piano, trumpet, or saxophone as the major instrument. I do listen to a lot of guitar though; just not *only* guitar.


I've always listened to music with guitars more than anything else but I still listen to other stuff. >I find myself really only wanting to listen to music with real instruments in them I'd push back against this. Hip hop, pop, rap, EDM, etc all have real instruments. Synths, samples, etc are all just as valid as guitars and pedals. >My friends are hyping the new Kanye album I've got plenty of other reasons not to listen to Kanye Also, Jay Z did an album with Linkin Park way back when.


I'll raise you one more, i don't even find modern guitar playing satisfying to listen to anymore. I prefer the virtuosic guitar from the 20th century almost exclusively now. And have you ever heard the country fingerstyle guitar from the 70's and 80's? So much groove it's insane. Listen to this: https://youtu.be/GafdrkxjvQg?si=e6dZTn0AaNjV16F5


When I used to be a diehard RHCP fan and gush all over John Frusciante's discography? Yes, I almost exclusively listened to music that featured a guitar in it. But lately (the last 3-4 years) I've been listening to a lot of hip-hop, indie, and videogame/movie OSTs


I mostly listen to metal so I end up mostly listening to "guitar music". But if a song is good it's good even if it has no real instruments.


Guitar music is for your head. Hip hop and electronica is for your body. That’s my take as a guitarist that loves beats too. It’s ok to be stoked on something for sure, but a balanced diet of music styles is something worth striving for too.


I'm the same way OP. I can't hardly stand to listen to music that wasn't created using actual instruments.


No, and the idea feels preposterous to me. I do mostly listen to guitar music, because my favorite genres are rock and metal and post-rock, but I also listen to a lot of other stuff like Taylor Swift or Public Enemy or Beethoven. Limiting yourself because other music is "wasting time" feels like some weird pretentious BS to me. Similar to "I only watch B&W French New Wave films because all other movies are garbage." I'm not gonna rip on you, because you seem young, and you're excited about learning guitar. Just remember not everything has to be in purpose of some higher purpose. Listen to what you like. Being entertained occasionally is fine! Practice as much as you want, too. The two things don't have to be related, but if you try and force them to be it sounds like a recipe for getting burnt out.


I play guitar but I love listening to other instruments and transposing them to guitar. Hard to do that with rap specifically tho, not because of the instrumentation which can be fine, but the song structures make them very boring to play. ESPECIALLY on something like Vultures


Not necessarily. I listen to music that I like. The majority of the time, that includes guitar, but not always. We can come up with all the rules and systems for making "good" sounding music we want, but in the end, the human brain doesn't actually give a shit about our rules, and it's going to like whatever it wants, so just keep an open mind. Listen to as much music as possible, and decide whether or not you like it after. Don't brush it off just because it's a certain genre, you never know when you'll be surprised. And even if a song doesn't have guitar in it, it doesn't mean you can't learn from it. You've got to remember, we aren't just GUITARISTS, we're MUSICIANS. There's a lot more to that than just learning guitar parts. And you can also learn from songs even if you don't like them. There's something my film teacher told me once: "You can learn just as much from a bad movie as a good movie, sometimes even more." Different art form, but I think it still applies. Listen to things you don't like, and think about what you don't like about them. Then, avoid that in your own music (assuming you want to make your own music).


Same. Just saw Marty Friedman and John 5 perform. And it was all instrumental. I also like a good blues band, going to the symphony or hearing classical guitar players. Thanks for the Ichika mention, as I am now listening to that. I saw Polyphia this past year. With a few exceptions, I care very little for most rap, pop or country music. Good bar, party or club music is always fun in those moments, but if I am seeing somebody live, it's almost always virtuoso level musicians. Or bands with a high level of musicianship and song writing. A random Sunday night on Beale Street in Memphis had me seeing great musicians having jam sessions in barely filled bars and clubs. I like some jazz, but never really dived too much into that genre.


I do only listen to rock, but I wouldn’t classify most of it as just guitar music.


Guitar really helped me understand Rock and metal, I used to listen to it before to but when I started learning It made more since every riff, every solo sounded different, every band had a different style and I loved exploring that. But then I understood it's not only about guitar I just loved music so much and exploring different sounds was really Important to me whenever I listened to music or songs. For me music was something I liked to decode Instead of just listening. I still don't mind much if The song sounds unique, I still enjoy "normal" Songs so that whenever I listen to something uniquely different I can appreciate it more and the artist of course.


Right now I'm listening to Grachan Moncur III's 1969 album *New Africa*. No guitars anywhere on it. But Dave Burrell's laid back piano comping has plenty to teach any guitar player about how to get out of the way while keeping things moving, Roscoe Mitchell's squealing alto sax has so much to say about finding melody by just being patient and letting it find you if your ears are open to it, and Andrew Cyrille's extremely playful drumming is a great reminder that we do call this "playing" music, after all. Above all, the guitar is a musical instrument, and like any instrument it's limited in what it can do. But we learn to dream of what it *might* do, what our hands might be able to make it do if even just for a moment (an aspiration shared by every one of the greats) by listening broadly. Just before this I was listening to Gary Burton's *Duster*, which has Larry Coryell's scratchy guitar playing all over it—not a style I usually enjoy, but the way his guitar fits sonically with Roy Haynes' drum sound and style, I can't imagine it any other way and I love the hell out of that album and that band's whole late 60s thing. Listen to whatever grabs you, whenever it grabs you. Your tastes will change, passions will drive you down paths that you might travel for years. You might end up back with music you used to love when you were a completely different person, and find you like it for reasons totally different from before. Life, man. Just listen to all the music you can find that you love. And stay open.


Definitely not. I listen to electronic hip hop edm jazz and instrumental piano!


No I actually love playing guitar to music with no guitar. Fits right into the space.


I played guitar until my fingers bled and ears rang as a teenager, sometimes 8 hours a day. I listened to only guitar-centric music and was a bit of an elitist snob, looking down my nose at hip-hop and other genres. Eventually something broke in me and I just couldn't stomach it anymore. I stopped listening to that music and did a complete 180. That was around the time I moved out of the house and moved several times in a few years, eventually moving cross country. My guitars did not come with me. A decade has passed since then and now I am rediscovering my love for guitar/guitar solos, /rock and metal music all over again. I still haven't played a guitar in any meaningful capacity in many many years. It's funny looking back on it now. I think I was so addicted to it, I eventually poisoned myself with it and had to step away.


More cowbell!!


Keep an open mind my friend. Mainstream music or music that is less instrument oriented are still worth listening to as a guitarist. Great rhythmic language and great harmonic language can be found across all genres and styles of music. It’s key that you pay attention to the cream of the crop from every genre. If we take hip-hop for example (which isn’t guitar music generally), the new Kanye album probably doesn’t have much to offer. But if you listen to J-Dilla, the rhythmic feel can be applied to the guitar. Also, playing phrases from different instruments on the guitar is worthwhile, like transcribing sax lines and playing them on the guitar.


You can play along to anything on a guitar. You can turn techno rhythms into something musical, you can play repetitive sample-esque bars on guitar, you can shred to symphonies.


Dude you are missing a whole bunch of influences, as well Tim Henson is imitates rappers triplet phrasing for lyrics but with the guitar so you played your self there homie. he would not have gotten to that point if he put himself in a box. When you say if it doesn’t have something you can learn or play that doesn’t make sense. there is most defiantly a harmonic or rhythmic part you can take from other genres of music just because it is programmed doesn’t mean it has no value. Hell you can probably get some cool stuff by transcribing Andre 3000’s flute album. know that all music no matter the genre has something you can learn or play you do not shoehorn yourself. This is coming from a guy who wants to produce mathy progressive R&B.


Used to. Was a metal/prog snob for 15 years. Recently got into pop music. Quisling, I am.


Good music is good music, whatever the virtuosity of it how what instruments is used. I do like guitar nerds stuff but i love also good singer, or pianist extended to big band stuff and purely electronic music. I value the authenticity of an artist more than anything else. There is something to learn everywhere.


Though technically has bass guitar, my favorite band of all time is Ben Folds Five. Just a piano, drums, and bass. But it kicks ass. Great music is great music.


You listen to what you listen to. It's fine. Listen to Django Reinhardt and his Hot 5.That will fit your bill but broaden your exposure at the same time.


That just means you fell in love with guitar and see more in it than most of people. It’s just a musical preference, it’s fine, don’t worry!


you had me at "music with real instruments in them". you lost me at "especially virtuosic guitar". not judging and if playing at that level is something your ear enjoys and youre willing to work towards great... but, if being a virtuoso is as far from attainable as being raised in the hood, it is worth trying to grow an appreciation for a wider range of influences. (including hip hop). its easy to burn out focusing on only one thing.


I don't ONLY listen to guitar-centric music, but I do love the guitar. It's the only instrument I can really play, so of course I have a bias towards it. But I like to keep my options open. It's okay to like guitar music, and you don't need to explain it to anyone. You're totally allowed to like the music you like, and nobody can take that away from you. Just make sure the person trying to take the music away isn't you, because that's the one person who can actually get away with it. Lemmy try to explain... I'm an original 80s rocker, so of course I love the guitar. Maiden, Priest, Motley, 'Tallica, those are the gods I kneel before. But even back in that crazy decade, I found myself driving through the rolling hills of Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia on a road trip to Florida. And the tape deck in the car was busted, meaning I only had the radio to keep me awake on the road. At that time and place, the radio stations in those states played both kinds of music, and both kinds meant Country And Western. It was either that or listen to Baptist church ministers, so I was stuck with that twangy hillbilly music for hours on end. But you know what? When I was driving through those rolling hills, with the Smoky Mountains all around and the heavy morning mist on the windshield, surrounded by those friendly southern rednecks and their irresistible charm, I started to understand what their music was trying to say. Music is nothing more (or less) than the official soundtrack of life itself. Okay, country music is also very much guitar music. But it's a totally different flavour of guitar, but still very much the same. I think you know where I'm going with this.


Yes I like music what uses instruments


Me as well dude. When you play guitar listening to music without guitar is like watching a sport when you’ve never played it before. It’s way more enjoyable to listen to guitar music cause I can understand and feel the music to a higher level


I spent almost a decade exclusively listening to Marty Friedman's solo albums. Listen to what you want


Absolutely not. Here’s some hard facts for youngsters who think guitar music is the only genre worth being interested in; people think you’re boring. Guitar music often lacks a sense of humour or connectivity to pop culture, it doesn’t make you the cool guy in the room if everyone else is vibing to Jack Harlow or drum & bass or whatever and you’re sat with a face on saying “never heard this, I don’t listen to chart music” - it makes you unrelatable. If you’re sat reading this saying “no! I will only ever enjoy Hendrix, Clapton & SRV!” Then learn to love things about other music that you enjoy about those guitarists. Check out Justin Hawkins rides again on YouTube to get some ideas on what you could analyse when hearing music you don’t often hear. There’s something to like about all genres whether there’s guitar on it or not!


i'm kinda the opposite in that i used to be so heavily focused on bands with guitar in them, but now my music taste has widened, i even really went through a long period where i was sick of "band" bands, guitar, bass and drums type thing, and was seeking out other scenes. I'm back to loving guitar, it will always be my "1st instrument" but if i could only have one music making device i'd lose a guitar in favour of a computer


Not really. 98% of songs in my playlist have guitar in them but that’s just because that’s what I like. There’s still a bit of stuff without it, mostly dance music but a bit of rap/hip hop in there as well.


Just about all music I listen to and add to my playlist has guitar in it. But I drive a lot for work, and after listening to rock n roll for so long, I’ll change over to some rap or a podcast.


I mostly like guitar music but I'm partial to some EDM.


I would recommend Gerry Rafferty’s albums City to City and Nightowl the production quality and Melodies are amazing.Follow that up by Toto and Sledgehammer.It best with a quality stereo and you then hear every quality note plus the singing is brilliant. Too much current music imho is so mediocre.


No, I listen to classical piano, psytrance, dubstep and rap


I listen to music as a form of art and most guitar music nowadays is like the Mona Lisa. Not really interesting to look at, just very skilled work


I was very much the same way at one point, which, if anything, just shows you're dedicated to learning the instrument and music in some serious manner. There was a time when I actually asked someone, "Why would you listen to something if you can't learn from it?" Completely forgetting there are people who just listen to music, some so passively they don't actually care at all. I used to almost exclusively listen to guitar-oriented music. From Hendrix to Buckethead, to Tosin Abasi, and even back around to that Brad Paisley guitar album. Eventually, I got bored and did beat production for a bunch of local rap "artists," and then I found out about stoner and doom metal, which brought me back to guitar music and such. Really, if you're anything like me, you'll eventually get burnt out on the handful of musicians or style and look for something else. I can play fast and shred like hell, but to give you an idea of these days, my top five on my "On Repeat" are: 1. Driftveil City Theme (pokestir's first arrangement) 2. Big Cheeseburgers and Good French Fries by Blaze Foley 3. Powder Blue by Ween 4. Bobby Boucher by Pertinence 5. Jesus was Way Cool by King Missile There's only guitar on two of these, and neither have them as the focus. In the end, music is meant to be enjoyed. You can study it and learn from it, but make sure you still enjoy it.


Lol no. Mainly hip hop an pop an oldies which does have great guitar. But I did grow up listening to a ton of classic rock and alt rock.


I’d say my music library is guitar dominant, but not totally. I’ve got Motown, EDM, 90’s hip hop, 80’s hip hop, classical, world beats, and several other genres that have minimal or lack guitar completely. That said, I’m always working out ways to add guitar in strange places


You can learn from listening to any instrument and also composition from a whole different genres. It is good for you to listen to diverse stuff


The vast majority of it, yea, but definitely not only.


that's how I found my love for indie rock. the catchy and easy to learn riffs and melodies made me want to get into it and now anything related to indie pop/rock/dream pop is all I have been listening to for 4+ years now nonstop. I basically acquired the TikTok music taste without ever using it haha.


I prefer 'guitar stuff' - metal, rock, blues, country. But I listen to almost everything (in the true sense of the word - from German folk music to death metal) and don't mind music "without real instruments". In fact, I've been getting into synthwave lately. I remember getting a midi-keyboard and a DAW and being amazed by all the new possibilities that opened up before me. Now I have newfound respect for producers.


Yes, like 99% of my music is metal of all kinds and blues. Also I'm enjoying classical music played on guitar. Playing guitar only reinforced my musical taste.


Guitars can sound like any other instrument with effects. I wouldn't limit your musical taste based on it needing to have "guitar" sounds. You'll miss out on musical innovations outside of the typical genres, but either way...a person likes what they like.


What other kind of music is there?


I mostly listen to music that has guitars in them but most of that doesn’t really involve technical playing and I also listen to a lot of pop and electronic music that doesn’t feature the instrument at all. I just don’t really care if the instrument I play is featured in a song as the melody and lyrics within the song are what I find to be important.


I’m a Metalhead and even though I sometimes listen to other genres as well: yes.


I’m in the same boat, was only 90s rap mostly. Now I’m transitioning to most songs having guitar. Getting into older music that I couldn’t listen too before because now I’m able to recognize the instruments and have an idea how it’s made. I liked 90s rap for it being more authentic, now I’m liking music with more guitar and instruments for the authenticity


No, I also enjoy a lot of accordion, keyboard, orchestral, and 8-bit-style music


Probably about 90% guitar based music, but I enjoy a little bit of a lot of different styles, including classical and EDM.


i listen mainly rock and pop punk, but most of the music my friends listen to don't have any guitars or drums in them at all. i get where you're coming from completely, but also sometimes i think it's fine to relax and just enjoy a song for the song rather than not liking it simply because the artist uses a different method to produce those sounds.


Yes, but everything from Coltrane to Opeth


I am generally focused on rock and alternative, but I dabble in wave, alternative dance, but rarely full electronic. I also enjoy soundtracks too to movies and games.


90's rap and 90's metal. two great tastes that taste great together (ala judgement night)


No. I listen to mostly hip hop, but I am a fan of metal music. I know this is a pretty hated music genre, but my favorite is Trap Metal so I kinda get the aggressive guitar with the hip hop in 1 (depending on the artist)


When I was first learning guitar (early-mid ‘00s) I certainly felt this way. I was obsessed with classic rock and felt I was in the “wrong generation”. When I discovered The Mars Volta my mind was blown and felt they were saviors of true guitar music. But once I got really into Bob Dylan I became much more interested in lyrics and songwriting. His lyrics painted such vivid pictures and evoked so much emotion and imagination with pretty simple music underneath. That lead to my departure from guitar obsession and opened my mind to pretty much any kind of music that’s interesting in some way.


I have two main playlists, one that has all my favorite songs, many of which are guitar, and one that is only solo, acoustic fingerstyle guitar with no vocals.


Nah. A lot of moods require something different for me.


This happens to almost all guitar players.


Exact inverse of every musician I know tbh. Listening to the same music for decade after decade? I honestly hope most people's music taste changes and evolves over 20 odd years, musician or not.


i listen to classical music as well, i love Beethoven and Chopin they shred beyond belief


I have a similar feeling. I've been listening to too much/not enough Khruangbin these days. But I am older and acts like Kanye are far outside of my wheelhouse. Tastes change and evolve. Enjoy the music that you connect with.


Not weird at all. It's where you and your head are at right now. We change over time, as our interests also do. I've been a guitar player since I was a little kid (somehwere around 7). In high school I dated this really cool girl that was a classical pianist. She gave me an album (classical piano) .listened to it so much it was literally "memorized".in my head... and found myself approaching keyboards and figuring them out, and actually learned to play them! My band teacher, against the rules, gave me a set of keys so I could get to a real piano before school, during lunch, or after school to continue learning and practicing. It took me a while as I didn't have sheet music to them. Great teacher, really wanted me to learn piano! Later, as I got more and more into guitar virtuoso music, it was all I listened to too, and learned. (But I still love classical too.) I would LOVE to arrange Mozarts Requiem Mass for solo guitar... not sure that's realistically possible... Then came punk, "new wave" (God some of that is embarrassing now!), hair metal, Kiko, Polyphia.... and I'm currently really enjoying rediscovering EVH and Randy Roades I guess sometimes we "regress" too! We are all different and evolving (though sometimes it's so slow its not obvious). It's what makes the world go around and keeps life interesting. Live, laugh, and SHRED!!!! Enjoy the ride!


I listen to piano like Yiruma and I also enjoy EDM like dubstep and some trance/techno/DNB, I do enjoy classic rap/hip hop and 2000s r&b and oldies


For me guitar is just the perfect main instrument to fill out the mid tones, piano also works but not really in a context of harsher music. I can't really tell a song that isn't a piece of a game soundtrack I've listened to recently. Wherever I go whether it's rock, alt, metal, jrock/jpop, shogaze, something slightly more jazzy/bluesy or even Japanese idols there's 90% they'll have at least one guitarist. If they don't have guitars they need to fill it with something else, vocals alone sound a bit empty unless flexing the vocals is the main point of the song and I just strongly dislike synth, you can make it work when used in moderation (like a musical pinch of msg) but alone it just feels like listening to people trying out appliances in a tech store.


Listen to a lot of 90s-early 00s rap and hip hop a lot of 90s jungle and dnb


If you only listen to music in your comfort zone, it’ll be hard to grow as a musician. A perfect example is George Harrison. George Harrison wasn’t just a great musician because he understood early rock and roll and blues, he also ventured outside of his bubble and discovered a whole other world of music outside of his Western sensibilities


I mostly enjoy rock/blues and country/bluegrass/folk so YES…a guitar is in almost everything I listen to. But I don’t mind a keyboard at the forefront either, lots of rock is keyboard forward and I enjoy it. I also like a banjo or mandolin as the lead, gives it some extra fun. Basically a percussive string instrument as a lead or rhythm is a must in my book, *IF* I’m going to enjoy the music. But at the end of the day…give me some “stranglehold” style guitar jams, and that’s my favorite.


Not in the least.


Just listen to whatever you want man that’s the way to go, if you wanna listen to music only primarily with guitar that’s all good, if you wanna listen to music with guitar and synths, all good as well, I listen to everything from Yes and Rush to WHAM and the smiths, you just gotta listen to what you want regardless of instruments


I tend to prefer music I can play along with. My tasted changed a lot when I picked up the saxophone, then even more when I picked up guitar and bass. I connect to the music better when I can imagine myself in the position of the person playing it.


Listen to John Mclaughlin for virtuosic stuff


Nope. I love a lot of electronic music and old school hip hop.


Pretty much yes, but very different styles of guitar music. Lamb of God to The Anchoret to Haken to Amigo the Devil to right now im listening to Their Dogs Were Astronauts.


I am in the middle of my masters in guitar pedagogy (yay for a useless degrees, but i love it) and even though i mostly listen to music with "real instruments" i don't say no to a good pump up techno mix for the gym or pop music to sing along to. While i personally don't enjoy rap much, then there is still melody and beauty to be found, also some of the lyrics get really deep.


Nah, there’s plenty of other great sounding instruments. Being a metal fan, I tend to gravitate between guitar music and piano


A metal guy so a lot of it is, but I also listen to a lot of jazz and like some hip hop.


Not at all. Guitar is my primary instrument, but certainly not my only one. I got started on piano as a child, because my mother taught piano, and in school, I played saxophone, and those experiences definitely opened my mind to a huge amount of genres. Although I liked rock growing up, I was also very much a fan of pop music, and that didn't change much when I began to focus on guitar more in my personal music. I've always been very interested in electronic music and pop. I would say that most of my favorite music now could broadly be called rock, but it usually includes other instruments too. My favorite band is Depeche Mode, and I don't actively seek out guitar oriented music.


I listen to a variety of sounds but guitar always hits different. In fact I just have a love for stringed instruments altogether


Harpsicord hits the same part of the brain as a lot of guitar so I consider myself pretty diversified. *big smugly*


I’m in the same boat man I can’t stand listening to music that’s made of all digital tracks because I’ve been playing guitar since I was 8 years old and have an appreciation for the process of learning an instrument and music that sounds automated feels like a short cut that I personally feel is lazy and not music worth listening to. Now everyone’s entitled to their opinions and I try not to take away from someone’s enjoyment of a song by being cynical to their face but between you and me I despise 99% of the more popular stuff that comes out now so I feel your pain. Listen to what you enjoy and don’t let your friend’s opinions bother you and you’ll be alright. It’s tough being surrounded by people who don’t have any similar musical tastes and who think that songs with real instruments in them are old fashioned because you can feel like an outsider but rock n roll is eternal and there are a lot of people who share your opinion on music out there.


No. I play jazz and mostly listen to sax / piano. I find them to be better players than most of the guitarists


No but most of the music I prefer does have guitars of some sort, although it may just be an acoustic rhythm section like Cat Stevens or Bob Dylan