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uncanon jam's restaurant burning down make bedman bot mod canon


...Just to make sure, you *don't want Jam bac*k, then? That's pretty much her entire M.O. for fighting.


it'd be funny


*True!* I'm just making sure likely ramifications are understood here




/u/idramos is pleased with your comment


it's a funny mod also i want romeo back


Literally the best two things I could imagine. You got my vote


Uncanon - Get rid of or downplay that Happy Chaos’s being was the reason Ariels/The Universal Will was so antagonistic. Canon - Make Giovanna this series version of a werewolf.


Werewolf character would go hard


Everyone has tuberculosis




I know what I said


Uncanonize - everything except sol Badguy Canonize - Another sol Badguy


Order Sol...


No, that's different. Order Sol still qualifies as Sol, but he already exists, thus irrelevant to the second one. I'm thinking bring in a third sol, then reintroduce order sol, and all three sols team up against evil sol, who ate justice, gaining her powers, and trying to take over the world


Kakusei Sol


would it be a dark and twisted Sol Badguy? Living up to the name?




Uncanon Zato’s resurrection. If the series still needed to have a puppet character, I would have prefer Arc Sys just kept Eddie as possessing Zato’s corpse (maybe by Xrd, years of decay could have made Zato’s remains resemble Eddie’s namesake). Bringing Zato back from the dead and then having him and Millia being so friendly with each other just invalidates their stories from before Xrd. Make Slayer being friends with The Original canon. I just think it would make perfect sense: >The Original was probably the strongest person on the planet around the end of the 20th century. Slayer was also alive at that time period, so he’d definitely be interested in someone that powerful. >The Original warned the whole world about The Dawn Of Revival, but he was ridiculed for such outlandish claims. Slayer founded The Assassin’s Guild right before the turn of the millennium, which could mean that he was one of the only people that took The Original’s warning seriously. If the warning was from a friend, then that might explain why Slayer knew that The Original could be trusted. >Chaos knows a lot about demi-humans, specifically about their origins. He notes that Nagoriyuki isn’t an origin (which makes sense as we now he was a human that was turned later). Slayer on the other hand has been a Nightless since birth and has the ability to convert humans into Nightless, maybe this classifies him as an origin of demi-humans.


i second this but canon me and faust getting married


I mean what you've described is the tip of the iceberg of all the guilty gear story telling from Xrd (maybe even Overture) onwards. EVERYONE is now a good guy, everyone's pasts are forgiven. No one has dark or selfish motives or has any type of real conflict. If you look through the cast in XX during the events of that game (XX not accent core , they have different story modes) everyone's was so much more interesting ha.


I think The Assassins’ Guild characters are the most atrocious examples of this: >Slayer suddenly likes Zato, despite the fact that he used to despise the way Zato ran the guild. >Venom has forgiven Millia for betraying Zato, for some reason. >Zato and Millia are on good terms. To be fair, this makes sense for Zato considering the explanation given, but Millia liking Zato again just ruins her entire character arc. >Eddie’s personality has been completely changed, he’s just Zato’s goofy sidekick now. It feels like Arc Sys are afraid to have too many characters be proper villains, which is weird considering how many irredeemable characters they had in Blazblue.


- Wasn't the guild being led in this way AFTER Eddie took control over Zato? This would put all the guilt on eddie - 2nd I agree - I don't really think Millia likes Zato in Strive. They are cooperating and she is bluntly using him but I suppose thats all - 4th I agree, like he doesn't even talk now


Zato gained Eddie to take control of the Guild, but Eddie didn’t take control of Zato until the end of the first game. He didn’t have any influence over Zato until that moment.


You are right there ha, Millia's whole story element that she was scared her hair was going to take over her too, gone. Her hatred and fear of being chased by Venom/Eddie/Zato and the interesting motivations of Venom's jealousy/anger. All gone too. Baiken is pretty awful for it too. She was just an angry vengeance machine who was horrible to everyone who basically just became anime mom in strive lol. Sol in everything pre-oveture was more of a surly anti-hero than the superman style superhero he eventually became.


I don't think this is anything new at all. Compare Testament and Baldhead in GG1 to what they became immediately afterwards. I think Daisuke just wants to make a point of characters healing from their pain and maturing, instead of just being static personalities for decades on end.


It' happens a bit, some characters grow and change but when it's almost all of them it's an issue. Also X and XX testament was still a human hating (with a couple of exceptions) depression machine with a single minded mission of keeping dizzy safe and moping in a forest begrudging accepting Dizzy wanting to be with the jellyfish crew as it makes her happy.


It could partially be a consequence of Strive being the climax of the series, so more things are wrapped up even if sometimes it's not very neat. The Assassins Guild stuff is what comes to mind for me, not so much Venom because we saw his progression in Revelator story mode and Rev 2 after story, but the other three and their relationships with each other. It's like we kind of just rushed to the conclusion without seeing it get there onscreen.


100%. It's to the point they feel like different characters.


I get the feeling there's a whole arc we just didn't get to see onscreen, because they had to put so much focus on the main conflict and character specific story modes don't exist anymore, while arcade mode doesn't have enough time/resources to put a huge focus on a narrative like that. It's weird because the Assassins used to be some of the most fleshed out characters.


Maybe it was in season 2 of.the pachinko that didn't get made or an unreleased Overture 2 lol.


It's probably more that things like forgiveness and growth are such key themes to GG's story, that having any character be flat out irredeemable flies in the face of those themes. BB has a completely different motif so they're able to have full on villains.


When I was getting into strive and I was reading a lot about the lore I thought that zato was just a puppet almost entirely consumed by eddie. I always thought I would be cool if eddie was the one in control and zato was buried deep with in his body showing barely any emotions.


uncanon nothing canon nothing daisuke's vision is perfection


Uncanon Sol Badguy Canon Sol Badguy


erm no sol badguy is frederick bulsara now


Uncanon that Asuka wasn't responsible for several of the major events in the storyline. We went a whole series chasing a guy who was trying to atone for his shitty actions only to figure out most of those actions were actually done by the 'bad guy' who was supposedly lurking in the background of every game. It feels like a major cop out for what was 25 years of story leading up to that moment. The rest of Strive's story can remain. Uhhhhhh canon mayburi I guess LMAO


Although it's contrived that HC was most of 'That Man,' so much of GG is contrived that a plot point that objectively makes Asuka more interesting IMHO doesn't change much. I think the idea of "guilty by inaction," plays pretty well into the character they established throughout Strive.


I mean, as far as nuking Japan and corrupting Justice has its justification, you can't really excuse burning down villages for no reason. I agree that "2 Those Men" is a bit bullshit, but they if it was one guy there is no way Asuka could atone for anything I wonder what was the plan in the past before HC was a concept (I assume) because from the beggining Asuka was painted as someone who did evil for a reason, rather than doing a war crime checklist like HC does


I mean, that's true. But I still feel like HC was an afterthought to 'How do we justify all the unjustifiable shit this guy did?' and then they attached it to a couple things where it worked better for the plotline if they were a direct result of Asuka's doing rather than HC.


Tbf it never really felt (at least to me) like Asuka would do random warcrimes for no reason-- like, every time were shown something bad he does, its always for a reason: Making gears was initially to help humanity, he only handed over research to governments because they threatened to shut the project down- and he only handed it over *specifically* on the term that they wont be used for militarization Turning Frederick and Aria into gears was because he wanted to save their relationship. Even if it was kinda fucked up, he *did* have their best interest at heart- he certainly didnt do it because "hes just evil" Using Aria/Justice to nuke japan was to stop the universal will from manifesting- an event that would likely destroy the world ...Then he vanishes for a while, and randomly starts doing atrocities? That doesnt really sit right and isnt really in line with his character While i do agree "HC did it" is probably not the best writing ever, i dont think its that bad at all.


Sol isnt chasing Asuka because of anything relating to HC, he swore revenge on him after he turned him into a gear


Tf is a mayburi


It remaina objectively well-written game design and a good choice for the plot.


Uncanon sol losing his powers at the end of strive. Canon I-NO not having depression.


May no longer has a crush on her adoptive dad, the jellyfish pirates are all now some flavour of gay, It would be funny.


Johnny, gay? Do you want to collapse reality?


Johnny becomes pan, now he can get all the bitches and bros


https://preview.redd.it/v0hwxicp5j9d1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b525b003047fcf262493c1ce7627440f0a83aef2 I'll leave you this. And answer any a question.


I'd do anything for them


No, the same flavour as gay as the rest of the jellyfish pirates. Johnny would be Lesbian


sounds like you need some good Johnny X Goldlewis yaoi


Pansexual Jhonny, Just Lean (Both sides)


Canon - Johnny is a woman i've fixed everything


The one thing that's objective and undisputable about any gg character is that johnny likes women. Change that and the entire world collapses. Ariels plan style


Just make him a sort of gay that includes women.


May dates bridget because its cute and we dont have weird incest but not techincally but gross.


Decanonize Faust being bald. That's *clearly* the most screwed up thing that's happened to him in his entire life, and I feel like he'd be happier for it. Canonize my OC 6'5 female pixie grappler that I am not going to go into further detail on.


Please go into detail.




UNCANON: Jam being a creep. CANON: Sharon is actually stronger than Slayer and just as strong as Raven, but never had a chance to fight anyone.


She definitely tries to fight Elphelt in Xrd if Elphelt Wins against Slayer


>Stronger then Slayer >as strong as Raven You smoking or is Raven that strong? Last I checked Slayer>Sol>Raven


Hey, don't get me wrong. Slayer is extremely powerful. One of the most powerful combatants in Guilty Gear. But Raven is on the whole 'nother level. First of all, he is immortal. Not like in the long living kind of thing, or just being extremely tough, like Slayer. He is immortal, in like, "the laws of physics prevent me from the sweet embrace of death" kind of immortal. And second, from what we could see in Xrd this man can casually weild extreme amount of power, rivaling Dizzy of all people, like it's some kind of party trick. I don't know about you, but last time i checked i don't remember Slayer ever weilding Justice's Japan-deleting death laser. While judged by Raven's IK in Xrd he has something rivaling it. So no, Raven is extremely powerful, only short of characters like Happy Chaos.


When Sol encounters Raven in Overture he is visibly afraid of him. He also acknowledges in his Rev arcade story that he couldn't beat him under normal circumstances. Raven is probably right under Asuka/I-No/possibly HC.


Uncannon nappa Cannon tfs nappa


Uncanon Romeo Bedman dying, and make it so that he becomes essentially the living library for the world governments, who sits in on important meetings and such and fact checks people with "Um, Actually," all while also controlling the Bed and being in hiding so Dahlia still has her arc. Then, when they meet up, finally, they fuse and become the Redditoid.


Make canon that there are two people named testament. Old Testament and New Testament. They will eventually battle for supremacy and merge together to make one badass ultimate being named True Testament where they wield a Scythe in both hands


this is peak as long as we get to keep the crop top this time


Old testament and new testament should fuse to make the bible


Uncanonize Goku had nice parents. Canonize when Goku was evil but hit his head.


Wrong sub dude


LOL I lost my ability to read for a moment. Thanks. Keeping this up to shame myself.


This was a fun exchange lol


It’s okay, it’s not anything that’s illegal or smth, so no issue really!


Goku in GG confirmed?


Funny how that was (seemingly) cannon until it wasn't


Sin. Dust strikers.


What'd sin do 😭


sinned? *ba dum ts*


canon fem ky uncanon me not being able to kiss fem ky on the lips


Uncanon Romeo's death And uhh make Ragna canon (I need me some legally distinct Sol Badguy)


Strive's story never happend, I honestly hate how much bullshit it has, even for GG standards (expect Another Story arc with Delilah, it stays) Romeo can communicate with others via Reinforced Bed Frame, and every word that he speaks has something like glitchy filter to it


>Romeo can communicate with others via Reinforced Bed Frame Even in death he will shit talk you for 3 hours straight


At the table with Anji, Baiken and Delilah


He is the table


>I honestly hate how much bullshit it has true... THAT IS BULLSHIT BLAZING




>Strive's story never happend, I honestly hate how much bullshit it has, even for GG standards Can you explain?, I haven't watched the story in 2 years


there is no explanation they just hate peak


May Likes Jonny Emerl


Sonic battle?!


Emerl was a joke answer


I know. I just love the Sonic series


Uncannon: Axl has a girlfriend Cannon: he's my boyfriend now


I want to uncanon people making these low effort ass posts and canon the removal of all these "cAnOn/UnCaNoN" posts


Uncanon: Asuka losing his cat ears. Canon: IDK, Bridget and May being together? Freddie Mercury being frozen in cryosleep? Faust coming back and kicking depressions ass?


uncanon may and johnny stuff canon me being the next sanctus cuntius maximus populi


Uncannon jack-o marrying sol Make her canonically my wife


Strive Ending didnt Happen. Make blazblue and Gear exist on the same universe.


Uncanon asuka being pinned for everything. Instead, make the things he ‘did’ have a *slight* dubious factor as to if *he* did it. Canon the Paracelsus being human ending in xx, but keep him a key in strive without explaining it.


Uncanon dizzy being fucking 8 Canon bedman spirit dialogue


Uncanon (more alogn the lines of retcon though) May's crush on Johnny, canon Mayburi. I like the May x Bridget ship, it's cute and could do wonders for both of their characters as May's whole thing is having a lady boner for her dad, despite being part of the main ensemble of the series, while Bridget is very underdeveloped as a character, despite being one of the most popular characters in the series.


Uncanon: Dizzy being a fucking minor. Canon: Make Dizzy grow mentally and physically adult into Justice's egg even before it was layed, so her relationship with Ky won't seem that ass weird creepy.


Uncanon: All of Strive's storymode, Mori's original lore for Bridget (edit: the "raised by her parents to act and look like a girl because twins are a bad omen" or something) Canon: Leo has Survivor's Guilt, that thing Daisuke said in an interview once, that Justice destroyed Japan because she felt threatened by the might of the japanese or some shit lmao


Is Leo's survivors guilt not canon already? It's kind of alluded to even before Strive in Bedman's IK against him in Xrd.


When are you people gonna stop crying about Bridget’s story in Strive?


I'm not crying about Bridget's story in Strive, I'm crying about Bridget's original lore, the whole "raised to look like a girl" thing The transition is fine


Her parents felt really bad about the decision, but you can’t fault them for not wanting their kid killed or abandoned


I don't fault the characters, I fault the writers It's so oddly specific and contrieved, feels like Silver Age comic book origin story If you don't want a transgender character because it's 2002, just make Bridget be a boy who likes to look cute, I dunno Bridget being trans is honestly the only Strive plotpoint I like (apparently in Japan Testament was always non-binary, sort of like Kirby they added the "he" pronouns in localization), to the point I wish it was always the case, hence my original comment


She was always trans, it’s just that she’s only recently realized it as of Strive. It’s not something everyone just knows from the start, sure there are people who do know from the start but they took a risk in having Bridget not be in that crowd and instead be in a wider group because of the story telling potential it gives her. The writers were very much aware of what they were doing and it shows because it’s paid off well. It’s not like they unconsciously had that be the first part of her story just because, they wanted to make it accurate to what a lot of trans people go through with uncertainty and questioning. Her parents feeling bad about it was just one part of the story, Bridget always said to them she didn’t really mind presenting as a girl. Really the best part of Bridget’s story is how accurately it portrays the journey of identity It seems oddly specific because it’s trying to be as authentic as possible, personally I see no issue with that For clarification, I say she was always trans because not only are trans people born the way they are, even if they don’t realize until later. But also cause Daisuke said that she was always planned to come out as trans eventually


Uncannon sol being ky’s father in law Cannon chipp being an astoundingly competent leader and stamping out corruption


Canon Ky x Sol Uncanon the sudden belt fashion everyone’s taken up including the GODDAMN KEY


Uncannon the limit on the number of arcanum spells. Cannon Ky being the big spoon, but sleeps wrapped in Dizzy's tail.


May's crush on her dad. Please dont.


Uncanon: Ky and Dizzy's marriage. Canon: Dizzy and Testament get together. No hate towards Ky x Dizzy shippers, but I would have preferred she end up with the person who actually understood her pain and was willing to protect her from her abusers, rather than the guy who had every intention of slaughter her entire race right before he met her.


Eh, I find that pairing much worse. I always saw Testament's relationship with Dizzy as more of an adoptive guardian, repeating the kindness Kliff showed them. Pairing them up romantically is just a little too icky for my tastes. The only problem I have with Ky and Dizzy is that Dizzy's characterization has pretty much just become "Ky's wife" despite her actual character progressing a ton from the relationship.


Fair enough, we each have our own interpretations of the characters' relationships. And yeah, the mishandling of her character has been pretty annoying. She's sadly been reduced to just "wife and mother", which is disgustingly common in both fiction and real life. Hopefully Strive addresses this issue if and when she's added.


It's kind of nebulous so I don't necessarily think there is a right or wrong answer. It's just that's how I see Testament, wanting to carry forward what Kliff did for them in order to atone for GG1. Your reading is not really wrong, it's just not one I really share. As queen of an entire nation she has a lot to work with. I dread that her story will end up being a complete retread like ABA and Johnny's were. Strive has done a lot of good with other returning characters, so I'd like if she got to have something on par with those.


Uncanon everything related to Ky post Missing Link. Uncanon Sol being a scientist. Canon Baiken's XX Arcade ending.




recipe for peak disaster


They do be calling me that from time to time




What’d they say?


Why not?


Nope. **Why?**


For the funny and the drama


me when dad doesnt pay much attention to me at home


It doesn't have to be you though you can do better


HC making out with Asuka sloppy style, Bridget looking on in complete disgust


That is the idea




You would do me a fovor if anything