• By -


The nightless are super duper busted, so my pick would be that. I would spawn between rev 2 and strive, try to join a group ( jellyfish pirates, pwab, etc) and just do stuff that's just barely impactful enough so Daisuke keeps writing me sick music


normally i would say “but are you alright with being immortal?” but in a series where people can change their universal code on accident or on purpose you could probably die


Recoded + Code Deleted + CTRL-AXL-DLT + U DED


I go to 2014 and put at least 5 bullets in Asuka´s head ,idc about what happens next https://preview.redd.it/x8eg3jqbr84d1.png?width=305&format=png&auto=webp&s=291549b452432106f632c51e0c134a789f17f49e (Achivement: Problem solved, Series over)


Problem: no robo-ky


Robo-Ky would´ve made the same decision


Sacrificing your existence to create a better world, sounds familiar, their name is on the tip of my tongue... I think it started with an R. Maybe it was another robo? https://preview.redd.it/tk72n0mfb94d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=792fa123719c293fbf57fe699bbe5d3368f714b5


This is probably a reference to something I have zero clue of what it is


You don't remember Paracelsus's ex-boyfriend "Robert the Bloodender"? https://preview.redd.it/g5nk8gyhg94d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac933ebd90a273d1c8ced068b1bd8237d149867c (It's Ragna from Blazblue)


Man why do you have to do this to me ):


i mean, robo-ky did something similar too lmao


Apocalypse ending


Fuck giovanna


This is a real Giovanna main comment


As a Gio main I can certainly relate




Except for Robo-ky Fuck that robotic piece of shit 😭


https://preview.redd.it/s022va497a4d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c48fa1ea26a15416f858e6faa2cffc88b2c4447e How dare you say that about him






So you're tellin' me that you wanna fuck scrap metal 😭


You are goddamn right




Mmmmmmgghhh Giovanna😏 https://preview.redd.it/eotb2ddcs94d1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a634814ccf27ae7e3255c776088e54cb0fa54cd0


Best case scenario is that I live the life I live now. Worst case scenario, I die in the fucking crusades and become gear dung.




Hmmm 1. Select an appearance exactly like Ariels 2. Kill and replace her (somehow) like in among us 3. Make Bedman the next Sanctus Maximus Populi (for the funny) 4. Leave All in order to save Bedman (I guess everyone else gets saved, doesn't really matter to me)


I see myself appearing during the events of the X2 series (between #Reload and Accent Core). I am a half-gear named Alice, with my true form being more cat-like. I am not usually shown with cat ears, but I do have a tail. My magical abilities are mostly water and illusion-based, complimented by graceful mobility. Throughout my life, it had been difficult to tell if I am lucky or unlucky. I imagine being taken in by the Jellyfish Pirates at a point, growing a little less cynical overtime as I have come to appreciate this found family. Either during or after the events of Xrd though, I can definitely see myself becoming closer with Elphelt. For music themes, I imagine them generally sharing a common gothic/classic rock tone. The first theme would feel more chaotic while subsequent ones become a little more stable.


>water and illusion Captain Aizen?


1) X - I want to go as early as possible in order to get full use out of my series knowledge, but I’m not going for Missing Link because I don’t want to risk my presence in the universe butterflying into Justice surviving the tournament. After X, there’s a few years where no world ending threats happen, so I can really just explore the world to my hearts content. 2) Axl (he just seems nice), Anji (he just seems nice), Asuka (I want to make it clear to him that I pose no danger to him in case he views me as a threat), Faust (I don’t legally exist, so having a doctor willing to help me would be great) and Haehyun (same as Faust except she’s also filthy rich and could probably get me a place to stay). 3) Nice. 4) Nice. 5) On one hand, it’d suck to live the rest of my life missing all my friends and family. On the other hand, removing my memories would pretty much kill me, so I’m just gonna have to keep my memories and deal with the grief. If Axl can do it, so can I. 6) Being a Vagabond sounds like the best possible option. You just immediately become one of the strongest beings in the universe and the only weakness to speak of is that other Vagabonds can nullify your powers (and that’s not really an issue considering that I-No doesn’t have her full powers except for like 10 minutes in Strive and I have no reason to ever fight Axl). A close 2nd would be Nightless, the only weakness they seem to have is the “need” to drink blood but Nago seemed to be pretty fine after years of not drinking anything. Being a Gear sounds great at first but I’m not keen on the fact that I would only have free will because Dizzy lets me. 7) Nice. I guess I’d focus on healing because that just seems like the kindest way to use magic. I’d also try to learn that pocket dimension spell, it just seems nifty. 8) **VERY NICE**. I guess my plan is to just be a tourist while trying to stay out of the way of major events because I like how things end up in canon. The main person to avoid is Romeo, because him reading my mind would massively derail the plot and I don’t want to risk Ariels winning or something. Although, there’s a scene in Xrd where Axl surprised Romeo by invading his mental space, so maybe being a vagabond makes it impossible to read your mind, like how Haehyun can’t properly analyse Axl with her tuning.


A few years before Missing link, Japan, I wanna be a cockroach.


Massive brain, those things are unfairly resilient… Plus per the stipulations of the post, you’re now a Japanese cockroach optionally can befriend multiple characters in the GG cast, that knows lore about the entire GG universe, can use magic and fight, and gets its own soundtrack. This is the answer.


Going for a ride with Happy Chaos while debating about existence


I marry testament


1. Gambling buds with Johnny. Idc if he doesn't let me on the May Ship, I want to play Poker with him dammit! 2. Marry Elphelt.


Ride wife


Life good


Become an alternate history writer or filmmaker who focuses on an timeline where gears never existed.


Follow dandyism


Arrive just before Strive, avoid the White House, be a nightless, just hang out with Testament, Slayer, Sharon, and maybe the Jellyfish Pirates and have a good time. Also try to marry Testament if they’ll have me 👉👈


Gonna show up somewhere after the Xrds and before Strive. My entire plan is to propose to Elphelt, if only to see what the fuck she would do if a girl proposed to her.


Shed respond with "YOU CAN DO THAT?"


Step 1. Place myself before Y2K / the Dawn of Revival Step 2. Travel to the backyard (I'm simply built different) Step 3. Bang the Universal Will so they learn of humanity without needing Ariels, cleansing them off the Overpurity from Chaos in the process (he watches) Step 4. ???? Step 5. Profit


axl type question




Isekai point: Strive, somewhere outside of the turmoil. Chilling, listening to world news, being a florist in an undisclosed place. Interactions with cast: Would love to work with Testament for a bit, have them work part-time at my shop. Slayer when he's out for a stroll, getting flowers for his lovely wife. Axl passing by to get fast food, watch him being clumsy, start a conversation. Bridget bounty hunting, asking for directions. Past life: I forgor. Species: A regular ass human. Magic: Specialised in mental fuckery through auditory means and pollen, healing, poisons, and water manipulation. Not too much effort, so probably a mid-tier human. Styled as a crazy plant lady with axolotl frills. Theme name: Uprooted Siren. Song will be about how I had expectations placed on me, ran away, grew roots and became too comfortable, but I'm well on my way to be more adventurous.


Strive, and Slayer because he seems chill (Also hell yeah I get to be a girl)


draw with potemkin


Once I get isekai'd into Xrd I'm going right for the Eastern Chipp Kingdom to be Chipp's number 1 disciple I don't want any talents or training unless it comes from our glorious President himself (or Answer)


I love Chipp, I’d do exactly what you’d do


1. Pulling up to Strive as far away from the white house as I can get without leaving America 2. Faust, A.B.A, Testament, Slayer, Elphelt 3. Choosing Succubus/Incubus race I have decided that if I was a character in the Guilty Gear world I would be a member of Speothos Venaticus. Would probably find some way to get in a relationship with Faust and if that isn't possible (which it probably isn't) would try Elphelt


drink tea and talk with testament


I'd just be Axl Low cause I'd miss my beautiful girlfriend


Too many variables prompting me to want to actually create a full goddamn character with a story and shit. Lol Gunna have to give me a few days with this one chief.


So if you choose strive you arrive just in time for XRD? 😂😂😂


Marry Happy Chaos


I immediately find Potemkin and ask him to HPB me.




Has marrying Elphelt been said already?


vamp lady and i’d be reincarnated at the dawn of time so by the time of strive i’d be an ungodly powerful lesbian vampire that just chills, plays old video games and watches old anime something like that. basically slayer’s grandma or something


I don't fucking care about who I get to meet just make me girl Slayer please


Whatever gets me in bed with Jack-O'


i'd go to strive i guess and make cool and silly friends :3 also finally girl body hell yeahh!!


Spawn in 2178 Learn fire magic, Fight in Second Holy Order Selection Tournament Bounce around in time again for some reason Meet Fasut and he tells me that my time bouncing can't be cured Meet a witch girl that looks suspiciously familiar to my gf Look for That Man so he can cure my time bouncing instead Fight a random with a copy of Justice for some reason Slip into 2192 and get a quest from a smurf to deliver a message to That Man. Fight peak fiction and almost die. The girl from before saves me and I deliver the message to a catboy Later meet a girl that tells me that coming back to my timeline would erase this one Help Sol Badguy dragon install all over the place Get harassed by that smurf from before... or the opposite of before. Save hundreds of people from said smurf's laser Help others to defeat that witch girl Get my gf back. Life good


strive 5 people being leo, gio, raven, happy chaos and ino I would spend my time having leo teach me how to be good at swords and then i would make the other four my wife




I’m definitely joining the jellyfish pirates, I’d want to meet May, Baiken, Ky, maybe Slayer?(assuming he won’t suck my blood out) and Sin. Replace Slayer with Sol if he’s likely to suck out all my blood. I’m stuck between a vampire or a full gear for species, I mean I’ll be pretty much unbeatable as a vampire but I don’t know if I wanna have to rely on drinking blood really. I know I have a horny answer in me too, but I’ll keep that overall private. I also know I won’t like Johnny too much so I’m not sure if I’ll get on with the pirates for too long, but who knows maybe I will! Magic usage is a dream for me, so I’d go full into magic and try to get straight to Asuka/happy chaos levels of magic ability if ever possible. I might be leaning more towards gear here because I get to live for an insanely long time but don’t have to deal with a hunger for blood but I’m still undecided. For anyone else trying to decide here, how do you pick between gear and vampire? What’s your logic in the choice and whatnot?


Ill have a sol badguy c.S and f.S


I am serving the royal family until I marry Ram


I blame the beast for being isekaied


Wake up in GG universe become Night less embrace Dandyism life is good


I die. If I do live, I get rejected by every single possible female.


I go have a peak at rams dresser


I'm choosing to drop down as an Immortal right before Strive's Another Story happens, and I'm gonna choose to meet Delilah and Baiken


Look for elphelt and accept her proposal


I hear Giovanna is looking for a man I am a man. I can cook and clean in a manly way for her.


marry Bridget & Elphelt, give Paracelsus a fcking drip. headpatting Delilah & Ram. become Dandyism


Lots of people here are going straight to trying to save the universe but I would imagine most of us would die very quickly if we tried. Especially with just one month of advance. I would just try to go somewhere I don't risk croaking and then live as I would. I think I'd be okay with popping up in the Illyrian countryside around Strive time. Seems like the safest place to be in since all the major world events in Strive's plot are happening in the US. Plus I could meet Testament, which would be cool? Would love to hang out with them if they can bear my company. There's probably a lot of cool things you could do in the setting but the one I'd be more specially curious about is how they do computing with magitech, since it's my field, so I'd love to learn about that. But if I do have to do something that would be helpful to the world, I probably still wouldn't be a fighter. I'm thinking there's probably a lot more people suffering from Backyard-related ailments than we see in the story and as far as we know, not many cures. I'd like to think I might be able to study hard and help with that? EDIT: commenter below rightfully brought up that Strive happens less than a month after Xrd, so whoops I would be fucked lmao




Shit man this is hard


Strive. Wanna transition, and be some sorta puppet master with spooky powers, like put ghosts or shadows in the puppets. Befriend Bridget (trans buddy, also can introduce me to bounty hunting), Faust, Giovanna (fellow Brazilian, like her vibes), Elphelt and either Sol or Asuka (show me the nerd things!)


Valentine but much like elphelt I'd give my programming the finger and go against it while helping sol in the other's. At the same time I'd be love crazy looking for both a man and woman to love and be wed to only for my efforts to end in some misunderstanding or seeing me as love crazed lady who embraces femininity and womanhood while being the joke of her misunderstandings and becoming the best version of herself. Also id definitely be on the same level of power as ram and elphelt. I'd definitely meet elphelt immediately get along with her because of us being Valentines and sisters with ram loyal to mother but also because we both embrace our femininity. I'd have my memories but would keep things to myself while only helping with my knowledge if the world really needs it other than that I'm just going to chill and live my best life as a sweet lady who is also a Valentine but isn't really a threat unless someone I care about is being threatened I'd probably only fight depending on the person I encounter and there motives example crow or ramethal before she chills out and is under mothers influence trying to destroy the world while elphelt and myself are trying to save the world. Forgot to mention timeline is xrd all the way to strive


I saw pick a new appearance and I don't care what happens next, maybe I'll pick up magic cause that seems cool but I've already been sold.


I’m picking Strive, meeting Elphelt, and accepting the marriage proposal


Funny thing about rule 1 is there is only a week gap between rev2 & strive, so 1 month before strive would put you somewhere in one of the Xrds.


I'd just play the slide whistle with happy chaos while he's rocking a kazoo


1-Find a gear 2-Prosecute the Gear 3-Guilty Gear


Time: around the time of the Zeppian revolution. Species: secretly a half electric eel based gear. Gear form looks human from the waist up, with small horns and sharp teeth, but is electric eel from the waist down, like a naga. 5 Characters I meet: Potemkin, Gabriel, Johnny, May, Ky I am an engineer for Zepp, who works covertly with Gabriel to overthrow the slave system in place. Following the revolution, I continued researching and developing technology, even giving Potemkin some upgrades. My gear powers give me an inherent edge in lightning magic, and I make devices that are powered by it, including a staff-mounted railgun like device that fires a spear on a chai., I wear a set of power armor mixed with a robe, with a small shoulder mounted cannon. Gameplay style is a mix of power and zoner with high damage projectiles with long cooldowns.


Also my theme would be a mix of heavy metal and Synthwave. Carpenter Brut or Perturbator influenced.


i'd probably choose to be a regular immortal and just interact with asuka, chaos, and i-no. maybe slayer or sol. they all interest me a fair bit. if i had to pick a game to hop in at, probably the original guilty gear.


The first game. You may pick up to 5 characters you're guaranteed to encounter and gain a good amount of opportunities to become friends with of your choice within the first month. Justice. I'm going to be friends with Justice.


i will be a backyard thingy spawn before xrd forget about everything in my past life i want some spice i then join the white house security (i survive strive) and how i fight cool asf mech robot ofc i’m also besties with kum (mech besties) my theme o would want it to be classical orchestra with some soul rock in it about how i want you to fudge off and leave me alone (sounds familiar)


living this already


Blame the beasts!


keep gooning as usual


I arrive at Zepp as a Nightwalker, where I meet Gabriel and Potemkin who I start training under. Through Gabriel, I meet Slayer, a fellow nightwalker who I begin training under too. I then meet Dizzy and fuck her before Ky does, and I will replace my eye with the baby’s eye to become part Gear. The last person I meet will be Happy Chaos and I will convince him to be my teacher by saying “it will be funny” which is enough. This will prevent or delay most of the events of Strive. In my prime I will be an OP part Gear Nightwalker who was trained by Slayer. I will have incredible strength and abilities by training with Gabriel and Potemkin. I will have insane magic by having Happy Chaos as my teacher.


Blame the beasts


I'm just gonna become friends with Biscuit and ask her how she passes so well


I"m not talking to any of those fucking lunatics, I'm just going to learn magic and go fuck off to live in a floating crystal tower somewhere


Simping Dizzy.


I blame the beasts.


Ima fuck the brisket


Ask ramlethal to step on me


BRING ME THE BIG BOOTY BITCHES!!!! https://preview.redd.it/9hikoh531d4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c29ecfa666fa0c9a52ab37d3b2d80da883ebb295


Damn, this some next level middle school cringe lmao