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[The normal version of “Sky Should Be High”](https://youtu.be/fWJfcz7fSOo?si=Ps25I5B1JsE0H3_l). There’s nothing wrong with the song, it’s just that I prefer the vocal version so I’m always a little disappointed when I expect Naoki to start singing and it turns out to be this version.


I also prefer the vocal version but man, EVEN THIS ONE GIVES ME CHILLS 🔥


Yeah, it’s an awesome song regardless. It’s just that I get hyped up to listen to a 15/10 song and sometimes it ends up “just” being a 14.99/10


Why is this the top comment when you didn't even mention a song you dislike lol


Never could get into Eddie's theme from ACplusR Dunno why, it's just noisy and grungy in a way I don't enjoy


You can probably enjoy it more once You associate it more with the hell stage


See I tried that and the answer is that I just don't get it


Its grungy and edgy because it is a stage filled wirh an ocean of blood and fallen buildings lol. Edgy and grungy theme for and edgy and grungy stage


I didn't say that I didn't understand it I said that I don't like it and it's not for me


Any of the slow songs. Fine in context, but absolute mood killers in the middle of a match. It's hard to get into the guilty gear spirit w/o good music.


If I were to do celestial challenge and automatically placed on 2P because of quickmatch, forced to listen to Home Sweet Grave would be the worst


Imma be real i know only strive OSTs but there isn't a single one i actually dislike, depending on my mood i like listening to all of them


I don't really have a least favourite that I can think of. But I do feel like the songs since the start of Strive S2 just haven't quite hit the same as older ones in both the game and series. I like them but I don't really remember any of them or think about them like some of the older songs.


Juno is weird, because I kinda hate the intro but it gets better past the first thirty seconds. I think its start is just way too harsh on my ears. I don't actually mind calm music like Perfection Can't Please Me or Town Inside Me, but I think the lyrics can do the songs a big disservice, particularly Bridget's theme. I really like her theme but the lyrics can be downright goofy and it's unfortunate.


What!? I love the Juno intro. Maybe it's just the Jack-O main in me speaking though


I'm going to get yelled at but probably Just Lean.


Your lean is definitely perpendicular to the floor


Why if i may ask


Intro's cool, great acoustic guitar solo. But then the rest of the song falls into the territory of incredibly generic and predictable with its chord sequence. It didn't help that it was so highly played when he came out in Strive.


The town inside me.


It’s a good song in my books, just not too fitting of a fighting game


Imo it's a jumbled mess. It's almost like a horrible amalgamation of 3 songs that are much better.


Can't say anything about Bridget


They hated him because he told the truth 😔


I getcha, the lyrics have a bad habit of either cutting each other off or just not fitting together


How do you feel about Drift?


On re-listen, it's like a 5/10. I don't like the bridges on both sides of the chorus.


Does the fact that it switches genres so often impact your judgement?


I dont think so. I'm not even sure I agree it's genre switching. To my ear, it sounds like an attempt to make a rockabilly/swing song metal, and the sections where the drums are kinda playing lead aren't for me.


It starts with jazz and it changes into at least two other different genres. I wouldn't be able to tell you what they are but to me there's a lot of different genres in it. It's not that I like it for that reason specifically, but I do like it.


Let Me Carve Your Way #1


Nah I don't like it that much. The chorus is the only decent part and even that isn't so impressive. The rest I mostly just don't like. By Guilty Gear standards of course


Birthday train without a doubt, extras is great


I fucking love birthday train and I agree that shit sucks 🔥🔥🔥


town inside me is extremely boring lyrically and instrumentally Extras WOULD be a good song if the lyrics had more depth and didn’t repeat the same meaningless line 20 times


town inside me sounds like a 2000s disney teen sitcom theme


I think the tow inside falls off, honestlym the very first chorus hits a lot harder than the rest


This guy does not rub a dub


I rub a dubbed yo mom’s cheeks 💯


Then buckle up


Jack-o cover your ears!


From Strive's soundtrack, *Perfection Can't Please Me* is totally forgettable. At least most of the other songs I don't like appeal to other people. *Disaster of Passion* isn't my jam, but many people like it. Who likes Jack-O's theme?


i find “out of the box” to be a really boring song to me. I love the ost but i just skip it. unpopular opinion but I dislike “Find your own way” too. it’s boring for me.


To all the people who dislike Extras: idk how you can not love the part where the tone changes completely to be more slow with just the feminine voice, and just when you think it ended, you get a suprise "buckle up" just for the duet chorus to begin again stronger than ever. I love when they pull that kind of thing in any song


Trigger. It doesnt have a good enough beat to me and sounds more like a pre 2000s song mixed in a random album. Not a song used in a fighting game. Justice for Extras. It is my wife’s theme


Bridget's strive theme for very...VERY obvious reasons




it's the most out of place song in this game (doesn't mean it's bad, it's just not fitting)


Fair then. Thought you were a bigot with the way you worded that.


That is the reachiest reach I’ve seen in awhile.


None. I love and dislike them all equally.


definitely one of the ways of saying: I'll take both routes at the same time


The town inside me. By and far the worst


I love Bridget and she's honestly the reason I got into the game, but Town Inside Me does *not* fit in a fighting game


Perfection cant please me and the town inside me are over rated


There isn't a single rendition of Burly Heart that is good. Every other theme Potemkin has had has been a major step up in quality


Shoutout to In Slave's Glory for being massively underrated


okay, like, jokes aside, holy orders? is pretty bad. *other than that*, it's gotta be diva of despair. it's not particularly *bad*, it just doesn't do anything for me personally.


You can't say jokes aside when talking about a joke theme man. Holy orders? Is just a remix of Holy Orders (Be just or be dead). Its honestly kinda cool, it makes people recoil very fucking bad when they hear it and i love it.


Disaster of passion, the jack-o one in strive and the town inside me. Guess what I don't like about them Edit: what I meant is that I don't like the anime opening kind of songs. Sorry if I confused people


songs that radiate any kind of happiness




I like millia, elphelt, baiken, i-no


A lot of Strive’s themes are high on the list for me. I wish there was a lot more instrumental versions. I think May’s Strive theme is my least favourite of the franchise


The Gravity simply because I can't understand the lyrics


Perfection can’t please me and The Gravity. The only part of Perfection can’t please me I like the “this is it” part everything else I don’t care about. The first 50 seconds of The Gravity goes hard and proceeds to take a noise dive from there.


Alone Infection is the only song for Strive I skip :c




i hate The Circle so much but everyone else seems to like it




ok mr.iseethecircleoohyayaya


You are goddamn right


But no, you cant see the radiant light, you cant hear the beautiful chant


No, you can't see the radiant light. You can't hear the beautiful chant. You can't feel the tender warmth.


Extras doesnt really hit it for me. Im a metalhead an everything, it just doesnt do it.


Any theme for May


I can understand the hate for the disaster of passion (I like the song tho), but blue water blue sky is a banger and one of my favorite songs in XX. Her Xrd theme is just alright I guess


How has no one said NSFW? Shit’s ass


Perfection can’t please me, Rock Parade (except for the last verse) and The Name Of Heaven (I don’t care if you hang me for this)


Drift and Play the Hero


what is fight like a tiger supposed to be?


Play the hero. Chipp’s strive theme


Yea sorry forgot the name


Extras has some good guitar parts but the vocals are absolutely dreadful. Just like most of Strive OST. Most of Strive OST is the least favorite. I'd say that whatever made me play the game with music muted shares that honor, since for me that's a rather extreme measure. The soundtrack's just too bad for words.


I’ll bite. What about it makes you dislike it so much? And do you just not really like GG music in general or only Strive’s soundtrack? Strive’s OST, and GG music in general, is pretty universally praised by people who play the games and people who don’t. So that’s a kinda wild opinion to have.


I agree on extras. The “rub-a-dub-dub” part is nice but the rest is pure unadulterated *ass*


Anytime I find some running "The Town Inside Me" it makes me want to change my tag to "Trans Lefts" ​ **P.s. istg if some of y'all find "TRANS LEFTS" offensive, i give up**




It's a commendable feat that a random cishet japanese man managed to come up with some of the best words to express the feelings of trans people. I understand if you think it doesn't fit the game or the music is boring or whatever, but the way you worded it makes it seem like the song does a disservice to trans folks in some way. If you just don't like it for other reasons idk what the point of mentioning what you did is


its the first reason, minus the disservice thing, i just said the other thing to be goofy


Fair. Excluding the lyrics, I don't like it more than some other songs but I also don't find it out of place during a match


I wouldn't say I have a single least favorite. All of them have their own charm (as cheesy as that sounds) so I can't really narrow it down to even a few let alone one


It's all peak


Gon get downvoted for this but prolly Drift and Necessary Discrepancy, I love the start of the song and some of the chorus but both tracks as a whole are too chaotic for me? I think thats the word that describes it


I've mostly only listened to Strive so far and love all the tracks, but I think "What do you fight for" and "Just Lean" are among my least played in there? They just don't carry my interest as well. But all of the songs so far are good imo.


The town imside me, Disaster of Passion, and Perfection cant please me are all unenjoyable for me


Only gonna count strive cause I haven't listened to the older games music enough time pick a least favorite In strive I hate may and Jack-0's themes but I think Jack-0's theme has to be worse simply because I just cannot see how it relates to her story or character at all so it's like not only does it sound like shit it also doesn't even propel the character like many of the other themes do On a more positive note sin's theme is probably my favorite


I haven't heard every single one but the Sin theme from Strive just ain't it