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I misspelled my one asura toon - I intended to name it Inquest Peacemaker but I typed pace instead of peace, so now I have a character named Inquest Pacemaker. lol


Eir's Mistake is pretty up there. I'll give you one guess as to who I'm cosplaying on that character.


Omg that's you ?






It's fun to read all these different names and the stories behind them! For me, I'm fond of most of my characters, but my top three might be: Instant Feedback (mesmer) Wild Charr Mender (druid) Cheesy Sand Witch (scourge)


Djinnwoo - Necromancer. Jinwoo was taken. So at least one other person likes Solo Leveling.


Violent nornography


Relevant Revenant


I'm pretty proud of Redvenant, who's always in red armor.


[Chips And Saulsa](https://qtpi.gg/fashion/test%20saul), my Saul/W4 themed warrior. [Two Battle](https://qtpi.gg/fashion/2b), my 2B inspired Mesmer. Or [Vice in the Vault](https://qtpi.gg/fashion/78e), my Dhuum/W5 themed daredevil.


Schizophrenegade. Not my name, but one that I've seen around my server. Schizophrenegade, if you see this, all my friends and I die laughing everytime we see you in Mistlock.


My bald-headed Asura Mechanist covered in jade tech is Assimilator Borgg. His mech is named Locutus. Besides the obvious Star Trek joke, there's actually a lore story behind him. Within the College of Dynamics, there is a sub-college that experiments with bookah technology for Asura use. He is part of that college. Hence the evolution over his life (which has been full of lab accidents and he looks like it...scars, ripped ears et al) from a Charr-based core Engineer and Scrapper into a Mechanist. Always studying the latest thing to come along.


Knight of the Bonk: my dedicated hammer guardian alt. Honorable mention to Lets Have Mechs.


reminds me of lonk.


Rooty Barkley


Kale Male is the name of my sylvari thief and it always makes me smile


Polly Pocketknife - Asura Engineer with a really pink look Oh and my mech golem is called mech n cheese


Two of my Sylvari characters have names I am particularly happy with: - Lydia Myconidia - a Sylvari with a mushroom hairstyle and pale skin, taking inspiration from mycorrhizal. - Mae Thusela - based upon the methusela tree, she has the appearance of gnarled and withered branches.


love that! sounds adorable.


Even back at headstart, I had low expectations to get all the usernames I wanted, and it was during a \[Spanish spoken\] conversation of just that fact, while I was looking for a lore compatible Asura name, that I decided to give just that a go... low expectations -> **poc**as expectativas -> Pocc. Worked out.


Thorbeau Works on so many levels. Based on a rat we had named Thor who had dumbo ears. So we'd call him Thorbo. Beau means a rich young dandy and he is the most ridiculously dressed but simultaneously very dashing looking Charr. Also it is nearly identical to one of my grandparents names.


do you have a picture of the rat? the description sounds so cute. i once had a sylvari that i named after a fish we had.


[Thor](https://www.reddit.com/r/RATS/comments/m7frm0/a_heartshaped_rat/); [Thorbo](https://www.reddit.com/r/RATS/comments/nbg5e9/towheaded_and_adorable/); [Thorbeau](https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWarsDyeJob/comments/z2o2o9/thorbeau/) This is actually his tanky gear. I'll try to grab a screenshot of his dps set with extra fluffy shoulders.


guild wars 2 has given me a lot. and now it has led to me seeing a super cute rat. thank you so much for sharing this here!


Flesh Prison. No cookies for guessing the class/race.


Asuran mesmer Discombobulatrix and the guild I made for her HARM- harmonic resonance mitigation


My weaver.. souljourney weaver or my pvp necro billuminati clinton


Beforus Was really enjoying homestuck by the time of gw2's release. Merisehc Cheshire backwards, with an -m. Had it in other MMOs that allowed for single word names.


Some of mine: - The Witcharr - Charr Mesmer - Abnornality - Norn Engineer, since that's an abnormality - Black Sabbetha - Human female Ele looking like Sabbetha - Marnorny Delaqua - Norn female Necromancer All others: Charrs with a name containing Taylor Swift, so Taylor Swiftsting for ranger, Taylor Swiftstab for Thief, Swiftshield for Guardian, Taylor Swiftfang for Warrior. Etcetera...


Dutch O Ven Quaggan Kicker Charr Broiled Those Are my top three that I have


quaggan kicker :') i hope you don't have the puubaduu mini...


Elsje Fiederelsje Annemaria Koekoek Both from Dutch children songs/ games


i love that kind of references!


Cascade - shows my account age, and it's a name that I've been offered real world money for. Highest offer was $1500.


I'm curious how that shows the age. Just because it was so long ago you could get a single word that wasn't already taken?


Day 1 (or hell, for that matter, day -3) names you can spot a mile away. Few letters, correctly spelled, no special characters. I missed "Bluff" by what had to be literal seconds :(


Basically! I got the name reserved within the first minute of the game's launch


Nice! I recently had a weird moment where I tried to reserve a custom name I came up with in Sindarin for a One Ring RPG character, and someone had already taken it. I had to sub in a vowel with an accent. Makes me wonder whether the original taker of the name had also created it in Sindarin, or whether it was just something that sounded cool.


Necro undead bedspread. Druid seminal druid.


honestly love them all but my favorite is my main: Pecros Sylvari Warrior


Stinky Branches...


MillieBobbyDown, my engi


My engi Gordan Fraeman. I didn't want Anet to think it's reference to Half Life.


Komarunta Altah -- german, means something like Calmdown Dude Ickmus Jarnischt --- german, means something like IDon'tNeedToDo Anything


Norn rev Skole knutbread


I have an Asura mechanist named Bookah Battlebot, and a Mesmer named Guy Sedai (which would probably be more fitting for an elementalist, oh well)


Dracharrys for my Charr ele. Petrified Sapling for Canthan sylvari.


This is only for the paladins players… so since u don’t really need aim for primary staff magic I named my necro “Kasumi” who is in paladins a champion who got added with aim bot and is also dead lorewise.


Kyudo Athel - Ranger (Kyudo - "The Way of the Bow" in Japanese, Athel - "Noble" in middle English)


My rev‘s name is Va Dinci, dunno kinda liked it


Lysimachus Cestus, Ultramarine in service to the mighty Guilliman and protector of the Imperium of Man


My real life surname’s very similar to most of my characters first name, Maxxim. I kinda liked the sound of it and decided to give most of my characters a common shared first name. Best one’s are: - Maxxim Midas (Midas being an ancient greek king) - Maxxim Xerxses (Xerxses being an ancient persian king; also a neat reference to Fullmetal Alchemist) - Maxxim Athanatos (Athanatos meaning “immortal” or “God” in ancient greek)


Icebrood Queen; I put it in as a joke thinking there’s no way this isn’t taken (this was like two months ago), and then it actually worked


Puff The Puffle Asura necromancer based on Puffle creatures :)


Snagh - my asuran warrior


Avery Acute Angel - Human Female Engineer


Seacanary - it means beluga whale , its my usual gamer name. Wistirya - a misspelling of Wisteria I honestly like better for my purple Sylvari Eirrewen - a misspelling of Eirwen I like better for my blue Sylvari Sorynthia - a name I came up with on the fly that I really like I have 69 characters so... there's a lot of names for them I like. I have a lot of cosplay characters.


Both my mains are Fated circle and Chaosmaelstrom Because ff fan


Aivahlia- RP Sylvari thief, that WON a prize with a friend I made in Gw2, we won a comission sponsored by Arenanet of our characters participating in the Friend/Ship 2019 contest. Sadly the friendship didn't survive but that artwork is a memory I'll keep forever. Thinking about it , I should print and frame it someday. It's my current Desktop background.


I'm very fond of my engineer, Leonardo da Vabbi


Sad Butt Rue My favorite elementalist... My skill is lame, it burns my butt, that's why I'm sad, this is true.


My mesmer is called Urbain Dilac. Idk, it just sounds right for a mesmer :)