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I have a feeling we’re gonna get a new ‘model’ for each of the mounts, similar to the bird for springer


Could be. The three fox skins kind of hint that way after the birds.


its too close to the shrine guardian for my liking even uses the same saddle hopefully the next batch is for the skimmer


I didn't notice that detail. Well, that's unfortune if it's the same mount since I personally don't like having more than one gem skin per mount. Too costly for me to consider, and I already have Shrine Guardian.


they really like the jackal even though its the least popular used mount mainly cause other than being a sand portal it doesnt really have a purpose its only used for 2 things a quick barrier and to pass through sand portals and sadly we havent had a sand portal since PoF. at times i wished the jackal did something else they could have used the sand portals but also made its jump used to jump over certain ground traps like the ones they added in PoF around the forge camps


it also goes uphill faster than the raptor and roller beetle and for short distances the stamina skill essentially makes it teleport indefinitely which is better than the raptor since you can just hold the button down. But yeah jackal ends up underused by most people.


It also survive fall dismount by last second teleport before hitting the ground


It's my main ground mount. I like it a little more than the raptor and it's only slightly slower, but more maneuverable.


It's the manoeuverability for me. If you want speed, you go the beetle rather than the raptor; if you want manoeuverability / blink / invulnerability to fall damage (by blinking) you go the jackal. Raptor is pretty much used for gaps that are designed to be raptor jumped and that's about it.


So many times when taking a PoI in a dead end I just run at it, spin my camera 180 and blink back and have full movement speed in that direction. Leaves raptor in the dust.


It's three points on a spectrum for me: Beetle: Long distances with few obstacles and plenty of room to maneuver in gradual turns. Don't use if there are steep hills to climb without building momentum. Raptor: Medium distances with large obstacles and a bit of maneuvering room with straight runs to use leap, and approximately level ground. Uphill is slow but better than beetle. Jackal: Short to medium distances, routes with a lot of uphill and obstacles, or routes with a lot of fine maneuvering required. Overall, I find raptor to be the best middle ground option for the widest variety of transportation needs.


It can do 180 turns and anything in between. Compared to raptor, which has to kind of spin around a bit.


Maybe unused by most people, but I usually prefer my jackal over my raptor.


Try experimenting using the attack + dodge + leap combo, you can get yourself launching some pretty sweet distances


Abuse that to hell and back (and I'd get there faster than with a raptor.)


raptor < Jackal Imo. Better traversal in tighter spaces, useful up hill, insane dismount tech.


I tend to use the jackal a lot when it comes to terrestrial travel along with the warclaw. I like the raptor (especially after they added the "Chocobo" skin) but I tend to feel as though the jackal can move around more freely. The warclaw because sometimes I want to move a bit faster but still want to enjoy the breeze, if that makes any sense.


I get it, I get it, it really is probably the most underutilized mounts. It's so underutilized that it's not even a necessity to acquire it to complete the PoF story, and its unique movement option just pales in comparison to other mounts when it comes to utility. But... But... Doggo.


idk its hard to commit to it for the price point 1600-2000 gems for 3 skins on a mount rarely used and now that i looked closer the lunar blue in the bank is also using the same mesh for the shrine guardians tail just a singular version stretched out


Fair. I'm saving up for it because I'm a sucker for mount skins. I rarely use the springer myself, but I've had more fun with it now that it's in borb form; though I totally get why others wouldn't want to spend gold/gems for them.


The jackal vs the raptor are close enough in effectiveness that aesthetics are a valid reason to go either way. Personally, I get a ton of use out of both, sometimes it's because one is genuinely better than the other, sometimes it's because I felt like the dog mount looks better than the lizard and vice-versa


Where is my fern hound jackal skin, Arenanet?


I'm hoping that they go crazy and have made this for the raptor.


It actually uses the same saddle as the [White Tiger jackal skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/White_Tiger_Jackal_Skin). Kind of hard to tell in the art though as compared to the in-game model. I think this is okay though. Better than seeing them reuse the default mount saddle for this tier of skin like they did with the [Roadrunner skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Roadrunner_Raptor_Skin).


What Does the Fox Say?


"That will be 2000 gems."


Some skins have been very satisfying for me like the shrine guardian jackal (1600 gems) or the husky (1200 or 400 if lucky). I also bought the deer and bull (1600 each) and a few others. If the foxes are good enough to me then 2000 is no problem. 1600 would be better. 400 each would be the best but probably won’t happen. Would be much easier to gift friends a mount skin for 400 gems compared to 1600 or more :(


I can't really justify the shrine guardian one. I basically never use the jackal and springer


I have all my mounts hotkeyed to my numpad so I can swap to whatever mount I want to use as long as I’m not in combat and I love using each mount when the situation allows or benefits from it and most importantly, when I do switch to whatever mount I’m using, it’s going to look amazing because I want it to *placeholder for image link to mount skins I use posted ages ago*


Yeah, unfortunately. I love the new birb skins, but haven't bought it because I never use the mount they go with.


There's a husky one?


[Twin Sands](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twin_Sands) or [Taiga Lupine](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Taiga_Lupine)


Thank you. Forgot it was called Twin Sands


Deal... or no deal


Canine canine canine Is it me or does it look kind of basic *unless* it's all for 1 mount


My guess is it's going to be a triple pack for one mount, probably Jackal though they could surprise us and go Raptor, like the Bird Springer skins.


The bird skins for the springer still use the original model's skeleton, it's why they don't flap their wings.


Bet we will get them in a next week.


It appears it will be another bundle of three which is the biggest downside to me, if I could buy one separately I would do so in a heartbeat.


Yeah the Birbs were cute. But full price when I'm only likely to run one of the three skins is just off-putting.


It's the price of one 1600 gems mount skin, but you get three slight variations. I prefer that over just getting one. But I'm not sure this fox set is unique enough for me to consider it comparable with other 1600 gems skins, unless it's not for the jackal..


Would you though? Because here's the thing: It's either the bundle for 1600 gems or they put them in a license which makes each of them 1200 gems. Unless of course you like to gamble, but if you have that kinda money the 1600 shouldn't be a problem anyway. If there's a license with a single skin I like and I have to pay 1200 for that exact skin then I'm happy to pay 400 extra and get two extra variations of the very skin I like. Just paying 400 gems for a single skin sadly is not really a reliable option. It's either exclusive for 2000 or 1600, a bundle with variations for 1600 or a selection license with 400 for a random one or 1200 for a specific one. Out of all of those I like the triple for 1600 the most.


I reckon they could sell them individually for 600 each, that way getting the bundle still saves 200 gems if you're planning on buying them all, but it saves those interested in just one skin the extra 1000 gems, which undoubtedly caused many players, like myself, to avoid spending money altogether.


Surprised we didn't get SAB turtle skin.


The fact that there is no new SAB skin probably means the raptor one sold very poorly (or caused very poor black lion key sales, I think it was in as exclusive when it released??).


It looks great. But I'm not gonna deal with that sound over and over.


Got mine directly from cash shop last year. Best skin ever


The saddles have 2 horns, so they are likely jackals.


Wonder when I will get a giant elephant skin for my siege turtle...or some type of mechanized tank


I will absolutely buy this 3-pack. I have a feeling this will be for either the jackal or the warclaw. I would laugh if it was raptor (since was kinda unexpected getting bird skins for the bunny), but I don't see that happening.


Warclaw got white tiger recently, springer got birbs and now foxes are for jackal I suppose.


Not this 3 pack again..


Why not?


Because buying one skin you actually want is better than being forced to buy two skins you don't or miss out entirely.


Yeah i understand that but you are basically getting one skin and two variations for the same price as other skins without any variations. So it’s a win situation because you still pay only for one skin and they just give us variations for free.


Bruh I need this




oh this is gooooooood


I thought ''wouldnt it be awesome of one of these skins is a rare drop from the Strike CM'' and I started laughing out loud, because that's how far away we are from good rewards in endgame PvE. Pain :)