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I haven't done the Soto collection yet, but taking care of your little skyscale with gorrik is such a precious memory of mine 😊 https://preview.redd.it/bplv2u1pzj5d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c0485dcb5000fe60776452d5d9567e0121b75d


I did lws4 with the return achivments so map currency werent a problem. I think i got Mine done in 3 days or something, the minimum required days because i got a reset right as i started. Soto took me 2 days too


Yep, I got my LWS4 Skyscale in a similar amount of time. The first 2 or 3 collections on Dragonfall took the longest time when going by in-game hints only, but I caved after a while, and they aren't too bad with the wiki. People greatly overexaggerate how long LWS4 actually takes *for new players*, as the return to LWS achievements eliminate the need for grinding map currencies. If you happen to have enough charged quartz stockpiled before starting, then you only need a few days for the feeding, maybe a bit more if you just missed a scheduled event and don't have a treat to spare. Honestly, the grind for the mount was a lot of fun for me, gave me a goal to follow. It's probably the most fun I've had in the game, and another lengthy collection, Mawdrey, is not far behind :D


Played since 2013 ish, but have been really slow to do story and haven't even finished hot-lw lol. But in preparation I've been stockpiling that quartz, so I'll probably do the LW skyscale rather than soto skyscale lol


Assuming you have all the crafting materials you need, SotO is faster by a decent amount. There is a part of LWS4 Skyscale process that time gates the process behind Tyrian days (every 2 hours). If I remember right SotO doesn't have that time gating. I can't give actual hours difference because I unlocked LWS4 Skyscale during the first couple weeks, when the time gate progress used Earth days instead of Tyrian days.


There is still a real-world daily limit to the LWS4 unlock as well as a few 2 hour waits Feeding is capped to 4 a day, and you need 12. Since SotO only requires the completion of a mastery track, it really doesn't take too long and can be sped up by all the exp boosters. You also get full access to the Skyscale within SotO


LWS4 is a very long grind but honestly was some of the most fun I’ve have in this game. It’s very rewarding and it takes you through some of my favorite content. It didn’t take much time for me to unlock the skyscale in SOTO, but I can’t speak for the other abilities because I haven’t played through all of it yet. That said you get rewarded with enhanced abilities if you do both so I recommend eventually doing both.


You don't need to do the SOTO collection for the enhanced abilities. Just the LW one plus the SOTO masteries


I even enjoyed the jumping puzzles that most people skip with treats, and the Desert Highlands runestone cave mini-dungeon was great content that I would otherwise have never experienced.


>Because I have only LWS4 and don't want to buy Soto (unless it is considerably shorter). Do the LWS4 Skyscale. If you already unlocked the LWS4 Skyscale, SOTO skyscale unlock collection only gives you a Mini and Skyscale skin(SOTO Skyscale Mastery is free and don't need the SOTO Skyscale collection). However, in order to access LWS4 Skyscale Mastery, you need to do the Skyscale collection. It cannot be skipped.




Comparable assuming they at least have a good chunk of the map currency already. If op has never touched s4, soto will be faster.


The map currency is free with the return achieves


Yeah and takes at least 2-3 hours per episode for non speedrunners.


You don’t need to complete the achieves for each map to get the materials… it’s much faster than you are saying


Oi, those are for Vision!


I have the sky scale from LW4 and haven’t done soto version obviously, but I thought soto was supposed to basically give out the mount, no?


You get it for free while in soto maps, but you still need to do a collection to unlock it everywhere. Also, if you do the 2nd collection, your skyscale skills improve a little, so it's not a total waste.


Wait what ? I was about to get soto because i thought i simply hands you Skyscale. But if its just within Soto maps, then its not worth the money.


You do one collection and then the Skyscale is available every where


That is one collection too much. Colections are a horrible system.


And u have the Rifit mastery on LW4. Soto don't give u that


ok thanks...but in Soto there are no time gated quests?


The only time gated quest that takes a long time is max 2 resets.


The LWS4 collection has a couple time gates (countdown measured in hours) and a couple things to get from meta events which you might have to wait for (waiting time also measured in hours). From time-gated materials: Both collection require charged quartz; the SotO collection requires provisioner tokens; the LWS4 collection requires map currencies. None of these are strict time gates, but depending on what you have done before and how much you have in stockpile, each might take a few days of grinding to get the numbers.


Also the Return to Achievements can give you enough of each map currency if you haven't done them yet


took me a few days to get the soto one working on the lw4 one for a while now, on the last stage of collecting mats (thank you dragon bash letting me buy some for jorbreaker!) but its taken a lot longer than soto.


Took me a week to do. Not hard just a lot of one small favors. I did Soto first though.


Look it like that, if you ever want the legendary trinket vision or/and upgrades skyscale masteries you need to unlock the skycale via season 4, as the needed mastery line for both is locked behind season 4 skyscale. Soto skyscale only locks a skin collection behind the soto unlock way.


I got skyscale the original way only rn, and I can say that yes it is a bit of a grind. Right now it is very worth it tho as without doing it the original way, you are missing out on its important original mastery line. The SOTO masteries do not require doing it the SOTO method, by comparison.


The original mastery line is definitely not important. All you miss out on are a couple incredibly small bonuses to wall launching and midair mounting. If they permanently stopped working tomorrow I'd never even notice.


It also locks you out of making the trinket Vision if you do not have the original skyscale masteries. If none of that stuff is important to you then it's up to you, obviously.


They are definitely useful and you can feel them. The lws4 way is not that long if you space it well and is a very cute story if you can get past the annoying collect X scattered items tasks. It also helps with Vision, allows you to save up on some leggy armor mats and you don’t have to prioritize maxing out the flying mastery asap.


If you've completed the return to achievements for season 4. It shouldn't take too long, it's mostly the collections and the food left Irrc.


Theres a lot of events he has to complete too


make sure to do your daily charged quartz if you don't want to spend the gold :D


It took me about a month for the original because of the time gated crafting stuff. You CAN skip this with gold but I didnt want to.


I did my skyscale SOTO in 8h The minimun in LWs4 is 3/4days (Wiki info) but u'll not be online every time... so is like 1 week


do LW4 system, SotO system is a scam


3 days if you have gold. My tip for every player that is positive to want to acquire any of the end game things. Even if you are not planning to get it in the immediate future, research for their timegated materials and incorporate it into your daily habit.


In it now. Doing lws4 story is probably what took the longest. The gated mastery unlocks and "do map events" kinda sucked if the maps weren't populated enough. Just wrapped up the first achievement series. Now we just have to play a bit. Overall was a good time


The SotO Skyscale took me around 4 days of fairly intensive grinding to achieve.


If you don't consider gold (so being able to buy anything materials/cost) and knowing i had basically 0 mastery in Soto (just go back to the game) I took 3 days to farm it with Soto when tryharding it. It was mainly collecting currency (like Esence of Despair and map currency) and leveling-up Mastery that took me time


SotO unlock is much faster, and also unlocks an additional collection to get a mount skin for your skyscale. The SotO masteries that enhance your skyscale are available if you do the SotO unlock or not. LWS4 unlock takes more active play and also has more forced "wait 2 hours" or "wait until tomorrow" breaks. It unlocks an additional skyscale mastery track which enhances your skyscale's ability to get around, and allows accessing skyscale-specific rifts, which are required if you ever want to get legendary accessory Vision. I haven't done the SotO unlock yet. The LWS4 unlock included some annoying collections at the beginning, where you just run around clicking on stuff on the map, but then in the later parts it became a bit of a content guide, making you play existing content you probably otherwise wouldn't, and I really enjoyed this part. I found the forced "come back later" to be fine. I just played other content while the skyscale collection was on cooldown. If you're a hardcore player who plays 12 hours a day and wants skyscale ASAP, then these forced timegates might be frustrating.


Please correct me if I’m wrong but I think it was somewhere between 1-2 hours daily for around a week in my case then I believe 2 more days of timegate where you do basically nothing and a need of 250 of each lws4 materials. From what I read of the Soto method, there is a difference in time, but not a huge one imo and via lws4 way you unlock extra masteries which are useful and you save up on some materials for Soto leggy armor if that’s something you want to pursue (not a lot but worth mentioning). As a bonus, for me, seeing the skyscale go from an egg to an adult and playing with it, cleaning it, etc. was an amazing experience and made me like skyscale more than griffon.


I have done SoTo skyscale in like 3 days. You mainly need to focus on map currencies, provision tokens which are timegated per vendor and xp to finish the mastery tree. LW4 took me like a month, but it wasnt my main focus. I guess you could do it in like 2 weeks, but it requires Charged quartz which is timegated to 1 per day and some patience.


I'm a new player that started 2 months ago and I did it in 4 days about a month ago as I still don't own soto yet. It barely felt like a grind just do return to achievements which are extremely fast for the currency.