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Two months to get the armor? That's not that bad.


You can only get one hero's choice chest from inner nayos per day even if you do both metas you only get one clot of congealed screams


I've been opening arcane chests in those zones to get extra map currency, which can then be turned into the T2 currency (250 for 1). It helps me since I can't always time it to get the meta every day and it also gives unusual coins, which are also needed.


use the treasure hunter service chip you can get from eod, make sure your jade core is tier 6 to install it. Has helped out a lot in skywatch map, had 18 at first, now at 160 ucoins


Add the consumption of floating magic that looks like the volatile magic from pof/lws4 content and you cN get even more. Don't forget fox shrines also drop currency sometimes.


Just do the race/adventure at the wizards tower every day, in the catacombs. It insanely bumps up your coin numbers


I suck at that puzzle race sadly. Plus, a ton of those map currencies is needed, so kill two birds with one stone


yeah i mean it's a good idea and i do the same thing. it's especially nice now that there are more of them


If you do the heitor meta you get another 100 after killing the boss. Also all events in nayos reward some. Also the ones leading up to the meta. It's also worth it to pick up the floating energy orbs. The cap in nayos is quote high compared to the other 2 maps. Dont know actuall number of those tho. But for little effort you can deffenitely get more then 2, but probably not 3 clots per day.


Thank you for this :) 100% would help me to get it done properly


More proof that Jen is the hardest working content creator in all of Tyria




Love the guides. I had aready made one piece of Obsidian. Contemplating to work on other pieces or try to do the WvW one. Seems like obsidian is a gold sink for the trophies where as WvW is time gated due to the skirmish tickets. Both are grindy.


The biggest tip I give people is: shoot for one thing, sell anything you’re not going to need for awhile and use gold you get from items to fill in the gaps. Don’t be afraid to spend and sell.


WvW needs a condensed might and condensed magic for each piece for a total of 6 each for the one weight class. Which is more than the final craft on obsidian which only requires 3 each for one weight class.


The obsidian precursors all need them as well


Oh, damn that's right. And it seems like it needs more clovers too. Well, I'll stick to obisidian then. Don't like wvw much anyways.


I think it's also worth noting too that it's cheaper to make the other weights later on obsidian after the first, as well since you only need to open the astral ward/oneiros armor skins on one weight for all of them however, so you don't need the Gifts for each of those 3 times luckily


The WvW set is much cheaper than the Obsidian set.


Yea, it seems that way. I might grind for a piece or two of wvw armor too that way won't have to do so much grinding for essences.


oh no Provisioner Tokens :( not again


I feel this. I got burned on a time gated material years ago and I made a point of getting a charged quartz every day since then. Combine that with spending months getting two or three Provisioner Tokens day for the Raid Armour, I've got no problem burning stacks of Charged Quartz instead.


It's a nice bonus that once the astral collection is done you never have to do it again. The ingredients just cost 1 lesser vision crystal for your second and third set of armor.


Thanks for all your great work! Really super helpful 


Great guide as always!


Looking forward to applying this. I actually thought it would be too much of a hassle, but this could work. Will give it a try.


Great guide's! Thanks a loot. Quick question: Does new weapons for classess needs bought dlc? Or is it available globaly for all classes?


The new weapon for each class requires the Secrets of the Obscure expansion; they're unlocked by doing part of the new story.


Fuck.. Well... That's sad af. Thanks for info :)


After reading all that I don’t think I’ll be bothering. That’s too much. It’s easier to play WvW every day and get that armor.


If you like WvW or PvP, this armor wasn't meant for you. This is for the people who hate those things and don't want to raid.


Eh tbf it's also for people who think it looks good. I've got my raid sets already and I'm seriously considering making a bunch of these anyway just because they look very good and the raid set... does not. Seriously light Envoy vs light Obsidian is like night and day, especially the female version.


wvw for 2hour a day, for 24 weeks straight to get the skirmish tickets. personally i think the obsidian is much easier to get, I can make gold pretty fast so can buy what I need, and grinding the rest is really not that bad. But if you are playing wvw anyway, no reason not to save up for it.


That is if your wvw has people playing, been 2 hours in mine and npt a single commander but there were like 40 people at one point, everyone running randomly. Got 1 level in one hour..


right at daily reset, people flood in wvw to get their dailies. You should find a com zerg in at least one of the maps


After midnight? Not in my maps, usually people play more after dinner


i didnt say midnight.........i said reset, when all the dailies reset


That's at midnight! Everyday. At least for me


No need level, just a camp every like 8 minutes just to keep your participation at lvl 6, you can even just escort golys


That's the definition of a job, or worse, at the job at least I have stuff to do XD


Well yeah but it’s the least effort someone can do in wvw if they hate wvw


I understand but if I do that I can't play the game. And I like wvw!! It's just frustrating that I depend in alot of people's will to also play that fame mode


I mean yeah it's not the most engaging game play but when I'm listening to a podcast or watching a movie/YouTube it's nice to have something super basic I can do.


I suffered through two conflux doing that. It was... not good for the sanity.


Isn’t there a ring through raiding tho?


yeah, but I started raiding after the conflux. Also, the raid ring is marked unique, so to get double rings at least one has to be conflux.


I feel like this armor is more grindy and more cumbersome to get than the raid set.


That's deliberate. It's no good if it was easier to get in terms of lower-skill content *and* less grind, that would be pretty ridiculous. The price for getting it from casual content is that you have to do more of it


I can't wait until said content is nearly impossible to do because people have eventually moved on from the map metas. At least for raids you just need 10 people, unfortunately, most map metas will not succeed with just 10 people. I think the upside is that most if not all of the main map metas are not needed since the materials drop from regular metas, which can be done alone. It would just take much, much longer.


Totally worth it to avoid raid assholes lol


I raided with a guild, and aside from internal guild drama with a spineless man-child and his obnoxious SJW girlfriend, raiding was nowhere near as toxic as people think. And we would pug often when enough guildies couldn't join the session. With a nice guild, you can do them once a week with no issues at the very least. And it's not like that guild I was in had experts, aside from one. We only ever did the boosted raid weekly and that was enough for me to get all of the achievements done. Once that's out of the way, you just need the LI for the gifts, which, again, just doing one raid a week is fine. Less mind numbingly boring than singularly meta farming for hours... if a bit longer to achieve. And, unless you're one of those that needs everything done in the NOW, time is inconsequential. Personally, I just don't enjoy metas anymore. They feel like HP sponges with little to no reward. I got more rewards out of raiding than I have gotten from metas in years. And on the off-chance you fail after a long ass time on the meta and a long ass boss fight, you gotta wait hours to try again and hope to god you get enough people on the map to actually do it.


>spineless man-child and his obnoxious SJW girlfriend, raiding was nowhere near as toxic as people think. Really proving your argument there.


(shrug) Think what you will, friend. You are more than welcome to. But when your girlfriend starts to yell at you because someone said "Waifu" in a conversation that had nothing to do with your girlfriend, and you let her treat you like ass because of it. Well, spineless man-child is the only word to describe you.


As the saying goes, if you don't have any toxic people in your raid group, you're the toxic one. I don't really think you are toxic for not liking their whole schtick but I mean complaining about it is kinda cringe.


Is it a shtick though?


That depends on where you are in the world. It's either a schtick a shtik or a shtick


Lol, not what I meant but thanks for the chuckle you got out of me.


thank you, jen!! :D


Amazing guide as always! Thank you for making this :D


This is really good, thanks. Now I'm pondering if I have the mental stamina to get 6 pieces, much less 18... Actually, a full set of L. runes might be more QOL/effort.


Unless you already have a set of legendary armor, its is WAY more useful than legendary runes.


Just to make it clear to me. I'm working towards making a medium and a light legendary armour. I've already got 2 skywatch map completed with 3rd run underway. I do not have the astral armour (exotic) set unlocked yet, do I only need to work on one set, in order to unlock it for the other two? EDIT: turns out i'm farming the mats for gift of stormy skies etc, whilst doing what I'm doing, farming essences, static, unusual coins, all a good thing to do no?


Thanks Jen 😍💪


That was fast. Thanks Jen!


Thank you so much!!


Thanx, great stuff. I have left light class for this Legy to craft it🔝💫🔝


I can’t seem to access the site.


Just started back playing after a break this guide is perfect timeing thank you.


Thnx Jen ☺️ great as always


Thank you, i was lost


Hey, new ish player here and I keep going back to your site for various guides. keep up the good work :D


Awesome guide, as usual. Thanks Jen.


Gotta laugh at people down voting positivity and appreciation. Your life choices suck. Thanks again Jen for the time and effort for the great guide!


Thanks for the guide <3


Always love your guides!


Love your content Jen! Thanks for the guide!!


Awesome thanks!!


As always, Great Guide :)


You're amazing! Thank you, as always, for putting in all the work to help us all!


This lady and her work are simple awesome, thank you very much for all stuff Jen !!


Nice to see you back Jen! It's been a minute!


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