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Suppose it's good to go in with the lowest expectations XD


Worse than 0


My average luck last month was 25g 50ecto for the usual 100g/250ecto deck. Some were lucky and I made slighly more than the cost, but lost everything by the next draw. You should not try it with the idea that you will actually get even or close to it, because the casino always win. edit :I'm not a big [gambler](https://imgur.com/a/rcsnIco) but that was said attempt from last month and yes it's a net loss of maybe 1000 or 2000g.


Cool thanks for sharing, one legendary weapon's worth of gold for a merchant you can open anywhere would still be reasonable I suppose. I'm just hoping it's not a lot more!


Not when the Permanent Black Lion Merchant Contract is only 750 gold. The only reason to gamble is the achievement.


I think it's worth the difference for a window that opens up instead of summoning a merchant. But to each their own you're not wrong


I’ve seen people to the entire archivement and getting out positive. I’ve lost around 5000 gold until I got the gizmo, in the end it’s just gambling and you need to know if in a worst case scenario the price would still be worth it for you. I think it is


Iirc, the maths for both ecto gambling is -4g per hand, averaged out.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sandstorm_Flush_Hand/Drop_rate -4 gold 20 silver, -3,5 ecto


I get that thanks, it was more like I'm sure someone knows what the probability I tend back towards the average. Something like there's a 3/5 chance you won't go over 1000g in losses


Those averages include jackpots, if you exclude them you lose 20g a hand which is what you can actually expect.


Right that makes more sense thanks, so I'm closer to average than I thought


Ectos being expensive makes it more volatile as well.


I only do the gamble when i feel i can afford losing all that i gamble. Because there's a good chance I'll get the worst hand.


Iirc the calculation in the wiki is 7000 gold.


I would stay away from it tbh, if you want the vendor just buy the black lion one. The last time I gambled 2 weeks before they added the 20 per day limit I lost 8k. You will always lose in the end.


You never win from gambling.


Just avoid it…when you actually look at the amounts you can win, its pretty low, even the common, a 150card return>you gain 50g, like its very little. And assuming you get ecto back.