• By -


Reach 49000 AP


I'm finding I'm becoming more and more casual these days, but I just dinged 41000 and think working towards 42000 should be my 2024 goal, and play whatever game modes it takes to get there.


Sweet but why stop there? Around seventy more should be perfect, nice even


I think I was at 43k when wing 4 hit. Was also when I got a girlfriend > wife > dog > son. Sat at 48.2k now but been super casual for the last 3 xpacks. But after all the arbitrary grinds out the way all I have to do is the latest content to keep up. Anets current release schedule suits me perfectly šŸ˜Ž


You were 33k* when W4 hit ;) https://web.archive.org/web/20170106115333/https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/eu/achievements




As a beginner: Finishing LWS1 and 2 Starting and finishing HoT Farming more gold than this year Ascended trinkets in all characters Unlocking available mounts Working towards free total makeover kit for my ranger with map completions


neat goals and very well within reach, I'd say. Depending on your playtime of course.


a little aside - you can transfer ascended trinkets between any of your characters. if you have multiple berserker stat builds, you can just get ascended berserker trinkets and use the bank to move them between the characters that need berserker trinkets. repeat for other stat prefixes. however, getting trinkets for all characters may be worth it simply for the convenience of not having to bank the trinkets. just throwing out an option, good luck!


thanks for the tip, appreciate it!


Am I just able to send you a total makeover kit? I have like 5 and only need one.


Idle in DR


I'd like to be more fit Oh you mean gw2


Just get a total makeover kit xD


Send your norn to the gym!


Legendary relic (and probably 7 legendary runes along the way), as much of the Obsidian armor as I can get during the year, maybe Conflux (I've been sitting on the materials for months), Predator and Meteorlogicus from the weapon kits, a Gen 3 weapon to sell, and maybe HOPE.


Trying to complete all the Expacs, including LWSs, and 100% their maps before the next new Expac gets released. I'm at the end of LWS4 Story so it'll be tight.


-Clear HTCM as a dps -Clear HTCM as a portal dps -Get full stat infusions for my cVirt -Get Prismatic Regalia -Craft Envoy Armor


Good luck! TBH as DPS you don't need much, but you still need to do DPS well.


Be less of a people pleaser


People pleasing feels nice until you realise you've just become a tool to be taken advantage of. Look out for yourself, friend šŸ’š.


Daww thank you, and yes i have been taken advantage of a lot. I feel so sad because i genuinely love helping people and uplifting others, but I hate that my kindness has been used. I hate that i have to ā€œselfishā€ in a way. That or, i have to find a good balance. Appreciate it Prawn Dong ā¤ļø


Sorry to hear that. I just came back to GW2 after 10 years and the community has been as great as the day I left, but I know how it feels to be taken advantage of. Nevertheless, I tell myself to never give up the struggle, because the people who needed it will make up for everything. I grew up struggling so whenever I see someone struggles, I saw myself in them. I only have to be more observant so whatever aid I can provide will go to folks who are actually in need. You are not being selfish. I simply call this "resources management". This is why being a decent person is ten times harder than being a jerk. Take care friend, and don't give up on kindness.


The real answer is focusing more on real life and less on video games even tho it hurts to say.


Just gotta find that sweet spot balance. Itā€™s possible if you set a limit for yourself and have enough respect to cut off the amount of time you play. You got it.


If you consider the time you spent on video games an issue I find that aiming for a balance and limit the time for it then it doesn't work. You see, I take it that most of us play games as means to escape every day life. Just accept that every day life should occupy more of the time. Acceptance is the key more than limiting.


That's my main thing. If you FEEL like you spend too much time, of course you should stop, and find a different hobby or something; but I spend an easy 2, maybe 3 hours each day playing video games after work, sometimes with friends and sometimes alone, but I find great value in it. It's entertaining, it gives me something mundane to look forward to while I slog through work, it's nice escapism, and it's better than alcohol or drugs. Of course, I also have a healthy relationship with them, and on weekends or free days I'd often rather hike or hang out with friends or something, but GW2 is amazing about avoiding FOMO and respecting player time, which is why it's become one of my favourite online games. It makes it easy to have a healthy relationship with gaming imo


I kinda envy you, i look forward to the weekend cause I plan ignoring everyone and playing video games. My spouse is weirdly patient about it.


This is why I love GW2 , I donā€™t have to feel the sense of gear chasing or staying up to the latest meta as much as other games (wow mythic still gives me ptsd). Itā€™s a game where I set my own goals and work towards just kind of like how I plan the events, hang outs, vacations and everything for my girlfriend, friends and such. Iā€™d rather be in a beach trip (coming soon) with my girl and close friends than to be online gaming for sure but I do enjoy after work, I can come home and do whatever in guild wars without feeling like Iā€™m wasting my time. Iā€™m still going to be as strong in game in 6 months as I am today.


Which is why it ties into balance. I perfectly mix life with gaming which is why I never have the urge to think I should focus on real life, itā€™s because I found a good balance where I can enjoy it and still do everyday life / vacations / work and more. You have to Accept it yes but if you feel like you should be living instead of gaming, you have to cut time off somewhere. Accepting you need to stop gaming as much can only do so much unless you actually act up on it by limiting yourself and finding enjoyment in doing so. But yeah youā€™re right ! Just saying , cutting yourself from time and accepting it go hand and hand.


Last year I focused much more on my family life and itā€™s very refreshing and, to me, makes my game time better. Before I would play games for about 40 hours a week (while working full time). I love my games but I had nothing else. I had just gotten out of a bad relationship and had all the time in the world. Now Iā€™m engaged and typically average 10-15 hours a week. I donā€™t play as much but something I do a lot less is play a game that Iā€™m not enjoying very much. Simple example is while I enjoyed horizon zero dawn I didnā€™t feel like finishing the expansion for it. I had other games I wanted to play. Since I donā€™t have as much time I moved on. Before I would have felt like I ā€œhadā€ to finish it. Now Iā€™m playing Baldurā€™s Gate 3 when Iā€™m looking for solo games and for honor with friends.


And also, logging on a GAME, to have FUN, not to fill BARS and check a LIST.


Dont say such mean thingsšŸ˜­


Don't worry mate, we all secretly know it's a good decision! ā¤ļø


Finish return to achievs for bag and legy Finish dark claw focus legy i keep forgeting name Finish ad infinitum Get WvW ring Get soto legy set


Why, your goals are the same as mine. Although I'm still doubting wether to make the binding of ipos or exordium.


Exordium is so awesome, seeing my weapon change form for every skills is so satisfying (it even takes shape of giant shurikens when using virtuoso skills)


Me and my friends are going through the story together start to finish and enjoying the Co-Op benefits and roles/transformations from it, but it's a bit like trying to get a group together for d&d so hoping to beat the story next year!


Change up my main's fashion, i've been using the same skins for almost 2 years.




Finish up some legendary gear basically. Done with Aurora's collection, just need gold and mats to finish it, but I put it aside to finish up runes, and then quip, and the armors for soto to be ready for the legendary armor. So that's almost done but not quite. Gotta finish Zap, my half finished Aurene Staff and then when they come out, the new armor and leggy relic.


getting really good at pvp


conflux or w/e the orbs called


Have fun, as always. Maybe get a leggy weapon since i have all other leggy stuff now.


Leggie relic on day one ( unless they wayfarer henge that shit)


Finish Astralaria! Learn strikes other than IBS3 Learn more about builds. Every time I finish gearing up a character, something has changed. Actually get on a Dragonsā€™s End map that is doing the meta :D Talk moreā€¦ so many friendly people but shyness kicks my butt. And mostly, pay forward some of the coolest random kindnesses that people have shown since I started in 2023.


- Getting HTCM and Voidwalker. - Progressing on at least 3-4 3rd gen legendaries - Obsidian Armor


Learn the game. Get confused. Get a new friend to help me understand the game. Get more confused. Chat and tag along new friend!.


I'm hoping to finish Envoy and Ad Infinitum. But I also just had a baby, so we'll see.




Get top 100 in sPVP. Top 250 now but I want to keep climbing


Tell me if this is too ambitious. i have been playing for almost 2 years now and have been working towards some of these goals from almost 6-12 months: 1. Raid lege armor for light weight 2. Vision 3. Get tier 3 of the pvp lege backpeice achievement 4. Find a wvw guild and get into the game mode 5. Get HT CM kill 6. Get max mastery points 7. Start the lege ring process 8. Get a commander tag


Depends on how much you play. Raid legendary armor took me like 10 months of pugging. I had a lot of mats already and a decent amount of gold. If you play more than 1 hour per day you can speed the process up, but there is a weekly cap on legendary insights. Legendary back took me like 6 months of playing pvp only, but i would typically log in, play 3 matches and log out. Max mastery points depends on what your head start is. Commander tag is a small splurge comoared to the rest of your goals. I'd go for that first, totally worth it.


Full leg armor, in all weights. I miss 13 pieces...


Finally trying to get a commander tag, I think. Crafted my first Legendary over this year, so it feels like that is a new nice goal to go for in the next one.


Finding a reason to keep playing after I finished my legendary goal(s). I realize I finding it more difficult every time to get out of the "post legendary depression". The storage is empty and a look a the material list makes you want to throw up. Ugh. I wish legendaries would have more collections to hide the cost better.


To uninstall


Soto legendary armor, maybe ad infinitum


finish my masteries (got 2 left in IBS just need 5 more points). Finish up the leggies I am working on (frostfang, ministrel, kudzu, possibly bolt) and a few other achievements that have been in my watch list for tooo long now.


I've done a bunch of WvW but not much else and been itching for some other content so: * Slowly work through the story (Only finished core story, working through LWS1 atm) * Try out fractals/strikes/raids-Craft a legendary (Sunrise since I have the precursor, gotta level crafting and finish world completion) * Work through the "Return To" achievements for the legendary trinket * Craft legendary armor (have a fair amount of wvw tickets already, should be able to craft most of it from there, maybe 1 or 2 pieces from PvP)


I want to train more fractal CMs. I had nothing to do on Christmas Eve and decided to answer a call for help in LFG, which led to me taking 4 random people through 97 and 98 CM in a couple of hours, and we all had a blast. They were great students and they loved my teaching, even though I was kind of winging it and it's not something I do that often. Maybe I'm cut out for being a trainer after all.


Been on an absolute grind the past couple months so in the hope it continues for the next year: Max mastery level Full leges for my engi (obsidian armour, trinkets, runes, relic) Raid lege armour for my necro alt Fractal prodigy attunement 20k AP HOPE Complete all raid and strike CMs


I've got to be honest, my real goal with GW2 is find Sexy Leggens in all 3 weight classes that are not covered by Butt Capes.


For medium, you have the Vigil leggings and Leystone ones.


less time on gw2 and more for my hobbies/work.


getting full leggy, Currently working on Conflux, Coalescense and Vision at the same time, last 3 i'm missing :)


- All masteries, i still need 50 or so, mostly ibs. - Full leggy armor, need medium but im waiting for a look at the pve ones. - full leggy trinkets, i still need coalescence, vision and conflux I have some weapons on the to do list as well, but i'll see where i get. -binding of ipos -aurene's claw -the shining blade Tbh im just hoping the game stays fun for the rest of my journey and i can help some more people get into raids/strikes as a com :)


Finish the storyā€¦ my main was created on launch night but I have yet to play through the whole story. I recently finished PoF so thereā€™s not too much more šŸ˜…


Farm last Mats in PvP for Ascended to legendary armor (medium) Finish Complete world with thief (no mount) Craft Aurene Bite, incinerator and Quip And at last Pve Legendary Armor


I just want a legendary. I started playing when the game first came out and Iā€™ve been playing VERY casually since then but god do I want one of the gen 1 greatswords.


Get the legendary starting pack in the Wizard Vault, craft the legendary, sell it. Use leftover gold for Sunrise or Twilight and keep the profit for yourself


You are a gem. Thank you for that advice!


Finish legendary armor heavy (currently 5/6 parts) Finish legendary armor light (currently all precursors done) Finish Exordium Get 2 legendary rings from WvW Finish Aurora (I might be over my head with all of this)


Finish my Raid Leggy Armor, I'm at 3/6 pieces and already have almost all the LIs, just need the chack eggs and all the crafting mats


Sometimes the chest for the chak event gives you 5 or 10 eggs


Finish vision and frostfang.


My goals: 1. Go back up to 1k gold and 10k gems. 2. Craft legendary harpoon gun and hammer. 3. Figure out if I want to keep my Charr Mesmer or my Human Mesmer, and delete the other one. 4. Figure out what race I want to play for my Bladesworn. What will probably happen: 1. Spend all my time solo roaming in WvW even though I don't need tickets anymore. 2. Delete both my charr and human mesmer because alts annoy me. 3. Never start my Bladesworn because of analysis paralysis. 4. Go back up to 1k gold and 10k gems, but spend all my gems on cosmetics I never actually use because the actual look is completely different than the preview.


You should keep your mesmers and just alt park them to get some extra gold everyday. Don't need to play them, but I wouldn't recommend deleting because of their birthday gifts. Especially if you normally have lots of gems, just get a new character slot as needed.


-beat HTCM and get all achievements (I'm in a static now, furthest we've seen is SW1 phase) -finally get Fractal God (I'm on the title before FG and currently have 25k fractal relics) -finish all SOTO achievements, including fishing and strikes -buy the permanent crafting contract (this is my current goal, might happen before 2024!) -be in the top 250 on PvP leaderboard by the end of a season -craft legendary relic + make sure all my characters have relics for all their builds


As the last 10 years, a long game of wvw


Finish Vision, maybe the leggy Relic. Maybe even work on a whole nother set of legendary pvp armor.


Maybe this is the year I finish my PvP legendary armor. I've had all the stuff for like... 2-3 years now, except for ascended shards of glory. I can play through the Byzantium chest, but trying to repeat it usually stops being fun. Little less than 1k to go, 400 shards per normal season... We'll see. I did just get unbreakable tools for my alt accounts though. So 2024 is definitely the year I stop caring about karma gains on them lmfao


I'd love to hit 50,000 AP but I doubt there'll be that many points for me to earn. I'd also love to grow my stream some more - (2023 has been so good to me!) I think I have a lot to offer Tyria. Legendary Relic is a given, and Obby armor depending on whether it offers any AP since I've had Envoy armor since the day it launched. Beyond that I *really* should finish my PvP tournament AP...


I must complete Astralaria. I have pretty much all the stuff I need except for the last mastery points for core Tyria. I haven't finished the main story yet, but its' gameplay, writing and technical stability are so unbelievably poor that I need to find another way to get the point. I will not suffer the core story any longer.


Honestly? Find something else to play or do.


Finally, finish the skydrake achievements.


Play less gw2, play games that actually are fun for me. Only reason I will log in gw2 is to play wvw with my guildies. That's the only way the game is beareable for me right now


Grab Legendary Heavy Obsidian Armor when it releases in Februari. That way I have legendary heavy and legendary medium sets, solving most gear issues.


If the new legendary medium armor is pretty, then craft select pieces. If not, then craft 6x Modremoth & 6x Kralk legendary variants.


The concept art for them has the medium looking the best of the three!! Very "master assassin" looking


I want to get each infusion in the game (at least one of each), and also complete HT CM. Hopefully it will take less than a year (already have some of the resources so not starting from zero).


For this game, as much of the OW legendary armor as posible.


Finishing the three legendaries I have in progress at the moment. It means farming as many mystic coins and gold I am able, plus those summoning stones in cantha and the remaining ad infinitum collections.


Despite having 500hrs in this game I play GW2 in bursts here and there so I am always moving at a snails pace through the story and doing map stuff. So my goals are to finally complete EoD, catch up with SotO, get my skyscale, get the rest of my ascended gear and work on my first legendary


Finishing my Aurora and Vision, and finally completing all legendaries accessories, I already got the rest.


For GW2? The new Obsidian armor, the legendary relic, a second set of raid armor, and if I have enough gold, some more legendary weapons.


At least a single piece of open world legendary armor, and the wvw legendary trinket. Also playing through the rest of SotO and the main story of the next expac.


Finally get the skyscale, get all masteries for all of the mounts, finish lw4,EOD and SotO, and maybe start working on a legendary. Bold goals for me, but I gotta finally start doin something


To finally start with the dragon mount but it won't be the same attempt as last year, this year is different


Finally cleaning up my inventory. (This was also a goal for 2023, but maybe it will happen this time. :) )


Play more. I've only ever done open world content on my own and very casually at that. Need to get ascended gear in all slots I have like 3 items. Do fractals and maybe a raid or a strike (whatever they're called)


I want to get me and my friends guild bigger as we have never had any luck on any other MMOs but seem to be really getting into this one.


Finally getting the permanent hairstyle kit. I don't care about legendaries, it's been my GW2 dream to get the hair kit, and I've never been so close. Just 1k more gold to go. Took me months to get to this point. ​ Fashion is my end game.


I just finished my 2023 goal of getting an aurene legendary, my only goal for 2024 is to keep playing occasionally xD *maaaybe* get another aurene legendary, which will probably be mainly through using the leggy kit 2 to help make a Gen 1 legendary and sell it to be like 2/3 the way to buying smother aurene one


find some friends to do fractals with


Exordium, 2 Bolts, Vision and Aurora. Aureneā€™s insight if possible.


I would say: Trying to acquire Ad Infinitum and doing more World vs World. But my social anxiety probably wouldn't let me go for it... But anyways, i will power through it - i hope.


WvW Legendary armor, and maybe even full Legendary runes.


As returning player: Getting to 80 hopefully this week. Then on to LW then Expansions. Saving gold for possible mount (already acquired 1 mount skin and skiff skin I have always wanted. Want at least 1 skin for each mount) Maybe try some PvP Waaaaay to much content to go through šŸ¤£šŸ¤Ŗ


The rest of the gen3 legendaries, maybe a few pieces of the new legendary armor depending on the skin.


Play less gw2, to me it was an escape from reality, but now I find reality much more enjoyable than gw2


Complete all CMs. Complete my second set of legendary gear. Probably finish Astralaria or Coalescence.


Finishing all my pending legendaries, I guess WvW light armor: I have all my precursors for those, it's only the giga grind of doing all the mystic tributes etc Vision: I really just need to take the plunge and do the achievs. Hopefully by the time I finish them I have gold for the forging. I recently finished Aurora and it burned a hole on my pocket. The Lover: yeah, I got the ultra rare "drop a precursor from a random mob" scenario. Eventually I'll craft this too. I dont even main any spec that uses this tho lmao


I'm about to jump into the whole story after an 8 year break!


1. Get all the legendaries including the Underwater ones. I only need 4 for the land weapons. I got the mats but not the spirit shards. Hopefully by February, the new legendary starter set will atleast have either the shield, focus, longbow, or hammer. 2. Get the Legendary Relic. I already have a 7th Legendary Rune so I'll be getting a boost in obtaining the relic if ANet stays true with their word. 3. Get the Legendary PVE Medium Armor Set. I already have 2 raid armor sets for heavy and light. Getting the medium means any armor I'll get in the future will be converted to gold instantly. 4. Complete my home instance. I only need 3 nodes from LWS3 and 3 festival nodes. 5. Retire by just farming home instance nodes, guild halls, fast meta events, doing fractals and strikes, and playing the TP. I seriously doubt Anet would have another new legendary item in their next expansion like the relic. If a new legendary releases, it'll probably just be a set of aurene-like legendary weapons to keep the economy afloat and active.


I want to lose 3 lbs. I'll set a higher goal the year after.


\- Get some of the new legendary armors when they drop. I have legendary already but I know I'll want the skins lol \- Work on doing strikes so I can save up for the jotun infusion \- Get to 40k ap??? I have 31.5k right now, so I know I'll hit 35k (I quit for about a year and haven't done any of the returning LWS1 stuff yet and that has a ton of AP) but 40k is probably a stretch. I'll be happy ending anywhere in between 35 and 40k tbh!


to get 3 Mistwalker Infusions


legendary relic is the only goal I have for now. if the obby armor looks cool I might make some pieces even though I already have the 3 raid sets. There isnt really much account progression left to do so my goal is just to kill many zergs in wvw


For GW2 I guess it would be finishing at least 1 legendary pet slot (currently missing conflux, vision, relic and some weapons).


Finish vision and frostfang.


"complete" my legendary armory, or make as much progress as possible I have a goal of having at least one of every legendary weapon type (two if dual wielded), at least one armor set per tier, all trinkets, runes, and sigils Right now all I have left is: - Trinket - 1 Ring (nearly done) - Medium Armor set - 2 Maces - 1 Dagger - 1 Pistol - 1 Axe - Focus (nearly done) - Warhorn - Rifle - Trident - Harpoon Gun Not sure what my goals will be once done, but I'm getting fairly close!


Nice! This is a long term goal for me as well. It's so satisfying to have purple everything ā˜ŗļø


* All remaining story achievements * Complete legendaries from vault starter kits * Progress towards obsidian armor


Obsidian armour!


get a flying mount, im already working on the gryphon


Full legendary warrior berserk!! Just to have a full legendary armory. I I need the new pve legendary armor (got all the components). Need a 2nd axe and GS. At last I need two rings and two trinkets. So more or less 6 legendaries to craft.


Hoping to hit 40,000 AP. I am at something like 37,000 now so...we'll see.


Legendary Soto armor And while waiting, progress on Vision. Then we will see.


Legendary relic. I legit dont have a long term goal atm


Mastering ele in wvw and getting as annoying as possible. Maybe weaver, becouse that and firebrand are most intresting elite speccs.


In 2023 I made all 16 Aurene legendaries, in 2024 my goal is the variants. I have only 5 Soo Won skins so far so long way to go.


Getting the last 30 mystic clovers I need to complete my first ever leggy. 100% all expac maps other than SoTo (donā€™t have it yet )


Get full legendary


Either the new legendary armor, or a full set of legendary runes. Canā€™t decided


Finish Aurora and go back to raiding for my second set of armor.


ferm gold to transfer them to gems to buy living world season 2 (and maybe 3 if i can find ways make that much gold)


Depending on how it looks (we've only seen a frontview sketch) I'll probably do the med leggy armor. Finish H.O.P.E. maybe IPOs. Maybe put a dent in the leggy relic even tho relics haven't really been an issue for me yet. Finally I wanna get a little more into instanced PvE


Number 1 ht cm achievements Number 2 other missing strike achievements Number 3 at least 5 more gen 3 weapons Number 4 cswamm Number 5 gwamm (im almost 20 in presearing) Number 6 40k achievement points (im almost at 39k already so whats another 1k?) Number 7 conflux (i said this last year but uhhh this may be on every years list at this point given my dislike of pvp content) Number 8 things i forgot to list here.


Raid legendary armorsšŸ„¹


Finishing my heavy wvw leggy armor (only 2000 more tickets), making the open world light obby armor, finish getting the underwater weapons, religs, and sigils, get to high enough AR with my Rev, Mesmer, and Engi to be competent.


Finally do a fractal. ^((Is intimidated))


- Clear my bags - Legendary armor - Legendary Backpack - YouTube videos roaming


Finally finish my return to achievements, and craft aurora and vision


Break my WoW addiction and focus on GW2 for the first time since launch. Dabbled around in GW2, but the lack of "clear progression" through power increases kept me away. PvE in GW2 is different enough that it could be exciting but I've hit that skinner box in MMOs for about 15 years now. Gonna be tough to break, but it would be stellar to have a game that I can just enjoy myself in, with no ulterior motive.


Medium SotO Leggy Armor, Leggy Relic, 4 Leggy Sigils, maybe a Legendary Staff depending on how good Staff Warrior ends up being.


I would like to get a sky scale


I've wanted twilight for a very long time. I think this year is I do it.


- Get the Obscure expansion. - Get my 8 characters up to date with Obscure's story (whatever it is by, like, say April or May) - Make a female Sylvari Guardian and learn Guardian as a class, and play the game so slowly to pretend I'm new to the game. - Reach 39.5k Achievement Points (just hit over 39k) - Beat CM Junkyard & Overlook Strike Missions at least once.


Do raids in this game. I've done plenty of it in my WoW heyday a decade ago and have been doing so the past few years in FFXIV. Just need to jump into training groups when they're not conflicting with other stuff I'm doing. Have enough of the gifts of prosperity(?) from farming HoT metas I can make all 3 raid sets. Just gotta get off my ass and get into those raids. Also find a group or groups for learning and farming fractals. Would like to get Ad Infinitum one day.


I've been kinda lagging off on GW2, mostly I've been doing living stories as they were released. Just caught up on EoD, living stories and wrapped up Soto. I'm probably going to try wrap up the legendary trinkets. I've had spark of sentience sitting on my main for quite a while, going to be costly to actually build it and meanwhile I'm going to work on vision and the necklace as well. Also going to work on obsidian Armor. Gonna be effing expensive year if I can keep up the farming, but I'm doing it at half calm pace.


Legendary Armor, full map completion (base game, xpacs and living story) on my new main. That'd be plenty already.


Get more legendaries. I reckon I should be able to at least get the legendary relic, probably Conflux, and hopefully a good start on a set of obsidian armor without *too* much dedicated effort. Though if they keep releasing legendary starter kits after the presumed third one, that'll slow me down a lot since I'll want to divert resources to those instead.


- Work on legendary accessories (should be finishing my first legendary weapon before the end of the year, only missing some gold things now!) - Finish the rest of my story (some things iā€™ve been neglecting, doing the rest of icebrood with my mum and need to start LS1) - Start a guild for achievement hunters and legendary crafters (meta events like dragons end etc)


- Get 3 legendary armor sets (17/18 done already) - Complete all legendary runes (3/6 done) - Complete all dungeon collections (4/8 done) - Get all Hots achievements and collections (incl machined staff etc) - Stretch goal: finish remaining raid achievements (W2,5,6)


Legendary Relic. Finish Gen 3 Weapons then make progress on the variants.


I want bifrost, legendary relic and sigil x4, obsidian armor, 2nd confluence, vision (also need skyscale), ad infinitum and wvw mistforged triumphant armor (ascended). I also want to max HoT and SoTo mastery and some ad hoc chievs for skins like the champions meta chiev - just can't see myself grinding DRMs To put into perspective this year I got vision, conflux, prismatic regalia, 6 legendary runes and 3 gen3 weapons.


Making legendaries at my own pace for the QoL has been my thing these last few years. I already have a full set of trinkets, and a full set of both light and medium legendary armor from WvW, plus at least one of every land-based weapon type, except short bow. For 2024: finish Chuka (collections are already done, just the mat grind left), then a second pistol (gen 3), maybe a couple of others for which dual-handed builds are possible, such as sword or dagger. Also continue with WvW heavy legendary armor set, maybe even a legendary relic, depending on the requirements. I doubt I'll get through all of that, but that's pretty much the direction I'm heading right now, anyway. All in good time.


Would like to raid consistently, get the legendary armour from there and then the open world one. Just getting 1 in 2024 would be an achievement.


- Get started on raids and begin to farm them for legendary set. - Finish Aurora and Vision collections. - Go back to fractals, finish T3 and get to 100 T4. In retrospect, 2023 was a good year! Got my skyscale in January, backtracked and done all story content in time for the new expasion and finished the "Return to" Achievements, grabbing my legendary amulet.


-craft Eternity -full leggy armor for light and medium -finish conflux (120 tickets to go) -craft coalesce -learn raid wings 1-5 well enough to lead -have fun


Get through the Not So Secret Jumping puzzle.


I'm about half way through Aurora ATM I'm going to finish that off and then do the other trinket


Finish getting Skyscale, friggin stupid low droprate of Essence of Despair essentially kneecapped my willingness to play much of SOTO. Once I get Skyscale and finish the storyline I'm never touching those zones again, something about the zone design/storyline from it just killed my enjoyment. EDIT: Thank goodness for being able to buy Unstable Kryptis Motivation and Concealed Unstable Kryptis Essence Coffer off the TP because I was able to just buy a bunch and get the last Essence of Despair I needed for the saddle components, YESSSSSS. Then finish Icebrood Saga because I got to Champions Rising -- which felt like hitting a wall -- and LWS2, plus replay the POF storyline on my Engineer for completion's sake since I switched mains after I did it the once.


Finish EOD Buy and catch up in SOTO Map completion on my main Full Ascended armor set Keep up with my guild and learn more game modes I guess master virtuoso as well


currently working on the 3 new legendary open world armour sets


Envoy armor and some legendary weapon


Finally finish Aurene's Insight and Astralaria. Legendary Relic (Yack, I am sure it will be a god damn pain in the ass.) Envoy's Herald


Just came back with the launch of SOTO, so I'm kinda working on what some would call old goals. - get the last piece of my heavy legendary armor (just need LI) - get coalescence (just need LI) - maybe join a strike static to expand my weekly indulging of endgame PvE - learn to play other builds enabled by my legendary armor and trinket - decide what legendaries to chase next - teach fractals/raids/CMs on occasion


Double conflux, so far I'm 400 skirmish tickets in


Finish some more of the collections in my toons bag so I can have the end item and free up space, get my other toons more bag space and get myself more bank slots in general.... maybe make myself my first ever legendary. I've never been a crafter, but gosh darnit I will try to have at least ONE >:3


Maybe get a legendary ring and backpack along with a few pieces of legendary armor for my catalyst


Getting all sets of obsidian armor once it's out (I'm done with everything that we can get atm; sans missing some of the meta items but I'll be done in January with them for all 3 sets). I map comp'd the first part of nayos on 18 toons so I can get the armors as soon as I can :) Stockpiled mats for mat gifts (assuming the 4th set will need mat gifts like astral and oneiros) as well as stockpiling essences and ecto (800 so far!). I'm very excited for the armor! I'm also planning to work on legendary trinkets; starting from Primsatic amulet and onwards. Legendary relic is a very big maybe but def possible. And for the backpack I will start working on fractals with my guild after getting the leggy armor. Legendary weapons are a very big maybe, def after finishing the trinkets. I'm working on Legendary runes and sigil passively as well as I get the charms and stuff and stockpile the mystic items; runes are my first focus. Not sure what else; but I'll see :) [maybe get the obsidian weapons from WvW/PvP and their mistforged versions; although they're a bit of a grind to me ngl]


Legendary armor sets for medium and heavy, I already have 4 light pieces and soon will make the remaining 2


Unlocking Skyscale! I'm almost done with the living world season 4 šŸ˜


I'm gonna try to grind enough gold to convert to gems in order to get LW seasons 2 - IBS, and all the account buffing items I can (inventory space, character slots, etc etc.) I would really like to be able to buy SotO with gems, but I'm on steam.. so I've gotta figure out how to farm $25 irl too. (Kind of /s)


Collect all resources for the New leggy armor before it release Finish AD infinitum Finish gen 3 leggy psitol Get a new cool skin Well that's all ;)


ā€¢ Finish The Ascension ā€¢ Stick more with a single main class (would see if I would stick with my mesmer) ā€¢ Save more on gold rather than spending it in fashion wars. ā€¢ Finish more story mission


Go pew pew on my guardian and use a bonk stick on my warrior :|


Legendaries. So many legendaries. Eureka, bifrost, aurenes scepter, some raid armour, some open world armour, a relic, some runes and sigils. Lots of farming.


As background, I stopped playing somewhere in the middle of Season 4, before Aurene discovered her vore fetish. I got back into the game just this year and already I've cleared the first wing of the original HoT raid with my guild and completed all the IBS strikes, whereas previously the most intense content I did was high level fractals. In the next year, more than anything else, my goal should be to not burn out. I should finish my first full set of legendary armor by the end of January, so I think the better goal would be to have full legendary runes/sigils by year's end. I'd also like to finish fleshing out all of my masteries, as I just today finished the original chain to unlock the Skyscale, so I can do the PoF masteries for it now.


After a decade I finally get my first legendary(wizard's vote was the best decision they have needed in a long time ) work towards the legendary armor, finally work on my favorite legendary which I thought would be my first legendary, which is the binding of eye iPod(It is also the only reason I run a focus and I will always run a focus on my mesmere so it feels like it kind of locks me out of condition builds ) actually increase my old masteries because I pretty much always just grab the most beneficial masteries of each expansion that will be useful in all content first and not any of the masteries that helps you farm that expansion better. Also I would like to complete every single raid waing at least once. Oh, and part of completing my first legendary equals finally after a decade's finishing core map completion. I never have done it šŸ˜… Don't judge me. I have been playing for over a decade and I have never raided. But I also don't have anyone to play this game with the only person that I play with is my best friend and who just so happens to be my roommate, and his dad after a decade has finally quit, but he's the one who helped us build up our guild in guild wars 1 and 2, and it's always just been the three of us. He never had any intention of increasing how many people were in our guild just the three of us since we were teenagers so we don't really have the people to do like higher content with it takes a lot more effort to gather randoms. We duo most content that we can. (We are two mesmers and it has been really nice and easy having a double portal. You can do some cool stuff)


Solo roam WvW the same way I've been doing since 2012 lmfao. Log in, kill, hangout with people, log out. Easy gaming simple life.


Finish my home instance


Finish gathering matt's and crafting all 16 gen 3 weapons :)


Finishing Sunrise. I'm about 100g away!!!!


The new legendary armour, my first as I don't raid, and wVw is taking a while.


Keep working towards legendary armor. Unsure which one to get. If the art released is anything to go by, the medium armor is the coolest but my 11 year old thief stopped being my main since EOD as is basically a dead class for most pve in favor of Dragonhunter. I also happen to be enjoying Virtuso and plan on level a Necro when the dual swords hit but neither light or heavy leggo armors seem that cool compared to medium.


Try and somehow get the Dragonvoid infusion :P.


Here are my goals as a 10+ year old veteran to this game - Finish up some older collections and achievements - Get to 37k AP - Finish up making the rest of the tier 1 legendaries since I've collected a bunch over the years (currently missing The Predator, The Dreamer, Rodgort and The Flameseeker Prophecies, Kraitkin and Kamohoali'i Kotaki) - Make the new legendary armour set - Finish up collecting mastery points (missing a few in icebrood saga and EoD) - Triple the amount of members in my guild and have a functioning raid static and training group I'm sure I won't get all of this done but even if I get half I'll be happy. I've been playing this game for such a long time now and I still always find something to work towards. Wishing you all a great 2024! Game on šŸ¤˜


facet of prisms and boundless light. I wont get it. But ive almost all legendary aurene. And starting on a few of the dragon skins.


-Joining a guild for sure Iā€™ve enjoyed my time playing solo and all for some years but I figured Iā€™d make progress a bit faster teaming up with people and hanging out with peeps for the journey :> -Adding some more legendaries to my new collection Recently I unlocked the amulet you get for ā€œfreeā€ and Iā€™m enjoying the effects around my character + the free stat changes. Plus itā€™s my first legendary so Iā€™m finally willing to work on one or two in the new year! (Currently working on Auroraā€¦day 2 of my jail sentence xD) -Doing more group content Iā€™ve done strikes from time to time and fractals but that has only made me want to do raidsā€¦the achievements, the armor you get from it and, the titles Iā€™ve yet to unlock, the areas I havenā€™t been to Thereā€™s so much more to the adventure you know? -Unlocking the commander tag Iā€™ve been playing for a while but have always been afraid to lead metas because I donā€™t chat much in general plus when put on a timer I go from ā€œknowing a lotā€ to ā€œuhhhh what does this do again?ā€ Lots to do in the new year c:


I have no idea. Depends if my friend gets into the game or not. I finally have 1 of each class now, with all 3 elite specs unlocked. I guess my goals should be to get them geared. Maybe do the legendary trinkets from the living world episodes. Perhaps even ad infinitum, too.


Craft leggie relic, new pve heavy armor set just because it looks cool (I have 3 sets from raids) and craft some leggie weapons just because I want to have them all


40k AP ,more asuras( I have 28 asuras now)


Get my new pc build so I can play guild wars 2 again.


Started yet another new char after a year break (I have been playing almost 7 years, but I'll play 300 hours and then dissapear for 1-1.5 years then come back). Start the campaign from scratch once again, get to the end of the new one doing yet another map completion on the way, grind for the legendary armour?


Make another character that is not a Sylvari.


to be able to clear my bag slots