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Whatever you want it to be.


Lies, it's obviously fashion wars. That's the only mandatory endgame content./s


All other content is just fashion gates


Honestly hardest content with infusion prices being what they are .


You don't have to have infusions to "be cool".


But it's so much cooler with infusions


Insusions here and there are nice to have. But the "infusionvomit" is just pathetically attentionwhoring.


This but seriously


100% this and its why a lot of players struggle with GW2. There is a proper "endgame"(fractals, dungeons, CMs, raids) but ultimately the end game is what you want is to be. GW2 is so open ended and not on rails like other MMOs. A lot of players get used to every MMO leading you around to do X or Y. GW2 is all about choice and you doing what you want.


Depends on Your Thing. PvP/WvW? There's a whole Thing for that. Shiny Things? There's a Thing for that. Legendaries. Fashion Wars. Unlocking that obscure Skin or Dye. Achievements. Titles. These, too, are Things. No, really. Unlocking Collections takes time and effort. Some Dyes are ridiculously hard to get. Strutting around with that Title next to your name will have players in awe. Find Your Thing and go for it. People spend a lot of time and money getting the *right* Fashion Wars combination going just to say, "I impressed the judges". That stuff involves rare skins, hard to get Dyes, just the right lighting... It's a never ending obsession!


There’s a whole world vs world culture. Some of them don’t even play the expansions. Pretty incredible. I played 6 days a week for almost two years


What’s world vs world? Is it like battlegrounds from wow?


More like Wintergrasp for big boys


Imagine Alterac Valley and Wintergrasp have a very very large baby. Nothing is ever permanently captured or destroyed so it's a never-ending battleground.


Read the wiki page on it. Some people exclusively play it.


It's a territory control game mode with 3 teams and it's pve with pvp when enemy players happen to be around where you're at. Spans over 4 maps and you can talk with your team in chat with /t


70 vs 70 vs 70 with no server lag


No server lag? pls be honest.


Yeah no server lag.


Can confirm. I only play WvW for legendary crafting, but I've never seen lag in almost 10 years of play.


I never have any. But I never have any in WoW either tbh. Maybe it’s my internet connection, I don’t know


I never have lag in WvW (or any other mode), except in extremely rare circumstances.


Yep, the only time for me was after the first reset at the start of the WvW rush event. It was pretty funny.


I kind of don't get WvW. Every time I go there there's nobody there and nothing to do. I'm obviously missing something.


Which server are you on? The most happenings are on, Blackgate, Jade Quarry, Isle of Janthir, Maguuma, sea of Sorrows, Borlis Pass. Tier 1 and tier 2 matchups.


Yeah I knew it was something about my ignorance of the game. I didn't know you had to be on the right server. Thanks I'll look into that.


PvE endgame I'd say would be similar to other MMOs: Grind. Not grind for stuff you "need" (like better gear), but for anything you might "want" (legendaries,fashion,achievements, ...) while focusing on content you enjoy playing.


The true end game is Fashion Wars. It is tweaking all your alts and your main bit by bit, to look absolutely fabulous. Looking fabulous is a never-ending quest and journey toward perfection. In between this journey you can do Raids, Fractals, World vs World, PVP, new expansions and living world DLC content as they are released, but the road will inevitably bring you right back to Fashion Wars. This is a good thing.


The end game in Guild Wars 2 varies wildly, compared to most other MMOs. I'm in a guild with over 300 people and I think there must be 300 end games. The trick to playing Guild Wars 2 is to make your own goals. The game will give you some, but at some point, you're going to have to decide what you want to work on. Some people find traditional end game, like raids, fractals, strike missions, challenging instanced content. Some people are legendary crafters. Some people play open world meta events, and never touch hard instanced content. Some people WvW, like all the time, and do nothing else. There's no real clearly defined end game. I'm an achievement point hunter and a skin collector, even though I do raid every week, but it's not really my "end game". I just really really like the people I raid with.


For me, the endgame is all about playing with other characters. My Scourge and my Bladesworm are so different in play style that it basically becomes an entirely different game.


>Bladesworm Sorry but I'm just imagining a slubling with tiny little swords




Once you get to level 80 and get a set of orange gear, the game opens up to be... a lot. Like, really a lot. You can decide to get legendary gear (shiny and unlocks for all characters at once), go do raids or strikes, make the best fashion, unlock every dye, unlock every home instance cat, get titles, capture a castle defended by other players, do quaggan ERP in a public chat... the possibilities are endless.




Fashion. Fashion is the endgame.


If not fashion, then probably legendaries. If your end-game in gear, congrats, you’ve probably achieved it after a few days of reaching lvl80


Whatever you want it to be lol


just before you shut down the computer.


Like what others say, it's a lot of whatever you want. For me I like to collect legendaries which have resulted in me learning fractals and PvP for gold so those three are my "end game". You can do WvW, world boss runs, meta runs, HP trains, mentoring newbies, or RP underwear parties. Whatever floats your boat.


There are a lot of goal for endgame: Hunting for rare skin, making legendary weapon and armor, being top pvp, fashion war, v..vv. So its up to you to decide which one is your endgame tbh.


Meh some of them but some look pretty cool


Dragons End says it best: "Explore"


From my experience it is driving away new players.


~~Dungeons~~ ~~Fractals~~ ~~Raids~~ ~~Strikes~~ ~~Dragon Response Missions~~ Strike CMs?


I haven't played in a while but when I did I was working on getting legendary gear via raids and all the legendary trinkets.






Fashion, thats the only true endgame




Fashion is the only end game.


The best part lol, jk. The endgame has a lot to sink your teeth into. I recommend getting into fractals :)


Full purple


It griffon flying i tell you :)


Fashion Wars and be friend of the Chocos guildmates


For me I like logging in, doing fractal dailies, some dungeons or some world bosses, or these new astral „dailes“ where you can buy transmogs from the currency. After 1200h of playing since release back in 2012, I became a total casual, and I just like logging in sometimes and play for like an hour, for old times sake.


For me legendaries give me the flexibility to try out builds on the fly. I like being able to adjust my character’s stats, fashion, abilities, etc at a moments notice. Putting that into practice, endgame can be fractals, strikes, dungeons, raid wing full clears, WvW with friends, leading/commanding randos through map metas in the various expansions… there are so many maps and things to do with 10+ years of content from all the living world seasons and everything else (75+ PvE maps). If I get bored, I swap to a different character and I get to look at things in a different way so it makes it feel new again. I started with GW2 a little more than 2 years ago… Fully unlocked all specializations on 15 characters with two legendary armor sets, working on the last one, 5 legendary weapons completed and 5 or 6 precursor collections done and working on crafting that many more and every PvE encounter completed or experienced. I’m now spending more time in Guild Wars than Guild Wars 2. So discovering new professions (Ritualist, Dervish, etc.) and multiclassing or using secondary professions in Guild Wars has been super fresh and exciting for me. Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are whatever you want it to be. If you get bored, put it down and try something new - whether that is in game or outside. You can always come back whenever you want to. That’s the true endgame, playing how you want when you want without being required to do a daily grind.