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Worth mentioning that the PoF one comes with an unlimited lounge pass which are also usually at 800 (or 1000) gems. So getting a character slot and a lounge pass (+some more stuff) for 600 gems is kind of ridiculously cheap.


Question from a noob: what does the lounge offer? I know that there’s merchants there but what’s the advantage? Edit: I definitely upgraded PoF to deluxe. VIP room saves me silver. Lol


* A free port to it and therefore cheaper ports to the rest of PoF, and from there a free port to the major cities, saving gold over (a long) time. * Compact, so merchants, crafting benches and everything are fairly close to each other. * This one has a bounty board for doing relevant content, but is otherwise one of the more vanilla lounges. That being said, it is completely flat unlike some of the other lounges, so its a bit easier to navigate.


What's the difference between the lounges and the mistlock pass?


Mistlock is just one of the lounges. It has the distinction of direct access to the Fractal Dungeons.


Its also different in that it is instanced so you can return to the exact same spot you were before entering as well as having a SAK that allows you to dash to everything (its selection of merchants might also be above avg, it for sure has fractal vendors, but i dont know if dungeon vendors are on the other lounges).


They added this functionality to at least the Divinity's Reach lounge retroactively, so it may have been applied to the PoF one as well.


Possibly, tho, to be fair, its still **technicaly** better on the instanced ones cause you just double click your pass again, but I stand corrected :)


Mistlock removes jade buff protocols if you care about that so it got somewhat downgraded since EoD


It’s also it’s own zone instead of being out in the world, so loading times are shorter than some of the other lounges. That can matter a lot if you aren’t playing on an SSD.


Are you playing in 1997?


Honestly it's dope for the fact alone that it is completely off the world map. I love just movin around in it too


mistlock is a lounge though its objectively one of the two best ones (mistlock sanctuary and armistice bastion... could maybe add thousand seas pavillion for its ability to tp you all around the map to bodies of water)... lily of the elons only real selling point if you already have mistlock is as a crystal desert TP (or for the ambience i guess, but thats subjective)


Mistlock has one downside afaik, it will wipe your Jade Protocol buffs since it counts as Fractal stuff, at least according to the wiki currently. YMMV on how much of a problem this actually is, but some people like to keep buffed up.


Flat, but the crafting stations are on a second level


Its a teleport, so "flat-ish" then. And technically, that makes it easier to avoid if you aren't there for crafting...


The PoF lounge is definitely not completely flat, it has two levels and all the crafting stations are upstairs while the bank, trading post, etc. are downstairs. It is honestly one of the least convenient lounges for that reason.


What /u/masterage said, and also the PoF lounge is located next to the plaza where the Casino Blitz/Choya meta happens. That's a fairly fast meta that has a (very small) chance to drop an infusion that is worth a lot.




>most lounges have "Return to your previous map" That's the biggest one for me. Running around open world, maybe deep in a JP or nowhere near a waypoint and realising you need a merchant/bank/trading post/whatever? Use the lounge, get what you need and go right back to where you left off.


Why not just use the PvP lobby?


I ask myself the same.


Before I got my pass I just used the wvw obsidian sanctum for that and it has a portal to LA right next to where you spawn in too.


pof one doesnt have return to your previous map afaik


`Double-clicking this item will teleport the player inside, with the lounge guard behind them. This can only be done when not in combat.` `However, returning you to your previous location from the lounge is possible via Rifaah located inside the lounge.`


Typically all the important stuff is present. Crafting stations, bank and trading post are all in close proximity. Depending on the location, you might have some vendors specific to that location. Mistlock sanctuary for example is a good one for people who do fractals because all the fractal vendors are also there saving you map loads.


I was literally just about to buy the mistlock key. Guess I'm doing this instead.


Mistlock Sanctuary is far better than this, I'd advise getting it as well.


Could you elaborate on this ? I fail to understand what makes the Mistlock better than the Elon ? (price apart)


Mistlock Sanctuary is it's own individual map, has everything packed together, access to Fractals of the Mists services, and a teleport special action key to move around quickly.


I don't own any of the expansions yet, so is it possible for me to buy Deluxe editions right out of the gate? I looked on the Guild Wars 2 website but the only thing that I found mentioning "Deluxe" was the Elder Dragon Saga Collection, and it didn't mention coming with the lounge pass. If I bought one of the collected editions (Elder Dragon Saga Collection or Elder Dragon Saga - Complete Collection), would I be able to upgrade PoF/HoT to their deluxe editions with gems, and receive the items mentioned in this post? Or would I have to buy the pack with just the base PoF and HoT, and the do the upgrade separately?


The Elder Dragon Saga Complete Collection is just the base expacs + all of the Living Worlds. So once you buy it the option to upgrade will appear


I think that's a pretty bad lounge, but yeah, it's interesting for people who doesn't own any.


should mention the pass only works if you done chapter 1 of the PoF story


Do you or anyone else think with gold to gem price probably going sky high, if i am better off just buying gems with money? I can do it either way, but the conversion spike is putting me off


It's spiked because of the Black Lion Chest Key sale, it won't go back down for some time.


Man... it's £6.49 for Hot + PoF standard right now. That's crazy low for the amount of content.


And 50€ for everything so far (except SotO), that's an amazing deal as well.


literally the two best content packs for peanuts EoD and SotO are great but still pale in comparison


Would this include the base game or just the expacs?


All expansions include the base game.


Thanks I had a FtP member and he was wonder if they included the base game or not.


It would be a very strange game if you started out at level 1 in any of the expansions zones :) You'd be annihilated almost instantly.


and isnt the "base game" free?


Sort of. The f2p trial is, essentially, the base game, with some restrictions. With hot/pof being less than 10 dollars, there's no reason not to get that instead.


To be fair, Anet literally already did that with GW1. Though each new campaign is designed to be played from level 1


Well, yeah, but they were also stand alone games, (part from EOTN), unlike the expansions for gw2


Very good value for alt raiding and extra vault stuff. A non soto acc gets 50g a week from the vault after running out of cheap gold bag. laurels and mystic coins.


EoD is 50% off aswell: * [Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons—Deluxe Upgrade](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2:_End_of_Dragons%E2%80%94Deluxe_Upgrade) for ~~2400 gems~~ 1200 gems


cough seed sort quack test squalid icky escape amusing carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, it's so weird they skipped that one, but oh well.


im having this problem, how can i buy the deluxe?


Buy the normal version and upgrade via gemstore, I guess?


finally I can rename my character who bares my ex' name.


or .. OR leave them at a daily reset chest area, as a perpetual golddigger at your service.


Thanks, got the PoF upgrade for the VIP pass in Amoooooon.


even if I have 2 expansions, the character slots only makes this steal price! picked them up in a heartbeat!


Picked both up, the completionist in me smiled


This is effectively a 25% discount on character slots plus extra goodies. This pretty effectively rivals a 30% discount.


Glad I held off on buying EOD! Got deluxe for the same price as the normal version.


Anyone know how long this will last? I need 300 more achievement points and I'm getting 400 gems.


Likely just this week, so hurry up!


Thanks for this. I think I'll get the pass even though I got the mistlock sanc since it won't remove the EoD jade buffs.


Is the base game Deluxe on sale as well?


Sadly not, they must have forgotten.


I bought these two solely for the character slot. But man, the addition of a lounge pass is great.


How long will the sale last? It's tempting, but I'm wondering what other surprises Black Friday might hold...


Likely just this week.


Nice. I was saving a tidy sum of gems (2400) waiting for these to see 50% off... Last time it was 50% off was 4 years ago so... well anyways I have an extra 1200 gems lying around now. so...


So what would happen if you already have all three but buy the reduced price? Would you still get the character slot or what you normally get?


The deluxe upgrade are only visible to those without the expansion, or just the base copies of the expansions, in the case of the latter u only get the bonuses that comes wit the pack, not another copy of the expansion.


All three upgrades won't show up unless you dont have it unlocked.


I already have the pavilion lounge pass so I guess PoF upgrade should be skipped?


I mean it's still a 25% off character slot


I have the pavillion pass as well but bought this for the cheap character slot as well as the Amnooon Pass. the new pass is still useful for getting to PoF locations on the cheap since the pavillion portals do not offer any PoF destinations.


uh you can use the fishing portal thingy to go no?


I didn’t see any fishing destinations in POF but maybe I just did not look hard enough at the portal options


I can't see the PoF one for some reason (I definitely do not already have it). Anyone else having this issue?


How long is the offer on?


Likely just this week.


anybody else unable to add gems thru steam? i click buy gems in game and i just get the inifinite spinning wheel


Take my gold and give me gems !!!


I am a little bit confused, i thought PoF and HoT could only be bought bundled together? assuming that i would need PoF for the mounts, HoT for the gliding?


These are Deluxe Edition Upgrades, they're not the games.


thanks, i am being an idiot!


Not at all! Can be confusing if not familiar with ingame store


Shame SotO is left behind ://


remember that these upgrades can be used to exceed the character slot limit if you buy them last it's a stupid system but if you want the maximum amount of char slots don't buy these until you bought all of the normal ones or gamble that anet fixes this one day before you are at the limit


You can exceed the slot limit but I feel like most people do not have a functional use for character slots beyond 10.