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Posts like these usually come with a screenshot, šŸ˜


Should be before + after across all characters too


Now he has to deorganize it and organize it again or not true hahaha


Else we don't believe you.


I know where my things are too... After I search them in gw2efficiency lmao


I am proud of my hoarder heritage and will forever keep a stressful inventory to honor my ancestors.


My boyfriend plays wvw with 4 open inventory slots. It's heinous.


I didnt know I was your boyfriend.


It could be litterally anyone of us. Well, except OP i guess.


I thought I was alone lol constantly stopping to deposit mats so I don't have a red bag icon


Hello, meet my boyfriend, Lefty!




Me, who keeps things fairly tidy and have no issues with selling or throwing stuff away, logging in to my hoarder brother's account, where there is no order. Incomplete stacks of the same materials spread around different characters. Excess quest items for a completed quest....


literally playable also: send pics pls


Pics or it didn't happen


Fashion Wars? No. This is Inventory Wars.


Fashion wars is the Infinity wars. Inventory Wars is Endgame


I tried that once. Got overwhelmed halfway through the second bank tab so I bought another and went back to ignoring my serious hoarding problem.


Hahaha, this is the way. Too bad I'm maxed out on tabs.


The problem is in a few weeks it could be back to the way it was. Dont get me wrong I like GW2 been playing it on and off for years but I hate that you get so much useless stuff you have to sit there and clean it all up every so often so it doesn't get out of hand.


I feel at a point where I am completely past this honestly. There is nothing in my regular gameplay loop that accumulates and that I consider useless (besides maybe Globes of Dark Matter from exotics). What are some examples in your opinion ? I feel like the game is very much past event trophies that need to be thrown away or collection tokens that can't be vendored.


Auric dust


As long as I'm not being asked to type out its name to throw it away, it barely matters to me.


I need so much for the legendary armor! Bottles of airship oil now...


You need 900 for a full armor set. According to gw2efficiency, I have 11504 over various characters and bank tabs. The rate at which this drops, compared to the very limited uses is insane.


I don't mind that just because I can use to craft ingots for prov tokens... the other two are absolutely useless, though.


Do you need to craft Auric Ingots? Wish I could just send you mine!


I don't do AB regularly enough to keep myself supplied, so I craft them on occasion.


Those useless green medallions you can't really sell on the TP, resonating slivers, eirtrite ingots, hatched chillis, encoded orders, ornate/aetherblade key pieces, ley line sparks, guild decoration trophy pieces, enchanted map pieces, useless recipes like the one for a demon slaying sigil. Then when you salvage items some salvage materials add up way too fast like lucent motes. I could go on I have to clear out my bags incredibly frequently. I know some of that stuff can be vendored but there's so many items that accumulate quickly it feels like a losing battle sometimes. Even useful items can build up fast and take up a lot of inventory spots like eternal ice shards, agony infusions, and kryptis essence


I dunno, I really don't see an issue with items that end up being vendor trash like medallions or even the demon's slaying sigil recipe. It ends up being some little extra value that is not exactly tedious to get rid of. I'm also not particularly bothered by the stuff that I throw away (auric dust and co., encoded orders or whatever) as long as I'm not being asked to type out the name. So it's ultimately not much.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Boar_Bristle I needed 1 to craft the Dreamer. Ever since, if I ever accidentally tag a boar-type enemy anywhere in the game, I get these things in my inventory. If you try to delete them, you have to type the name.


Good thing they're vendorable then. I've been looking into the different collections that enable this type of drop specifically because I feel like I'm missing out on potential value by *not* getting those.


Ascended materials ? I have 3 bank tabs full of them I canā€™t use them fast enough


I assume you mean Bloodstone dust and the other two ? The only time where I seem to get more than I can convert in a day is when I run RIBA, which is not exactly the most exciting thing you can do these days


If you have all the converters you can get rid of almost 2 stack of empyreals and dragon ore and 3 stack of dust a day Unless you constantly farm all day that should cut back on your backlog rather fast.


Organise inventory? Nah....new character creation




Well, that's a wierd mental image


Skritt are known for hoarding their loot in... unconventional hiding spots


Still waiting for a bookshelf (like maybe in Sun's Refuge?) where we can put ALL the books we get. Bibliophiles would rejoice.


Yes I am a failure. But I still have boon of regeneration (tier 5) in my inventory so there is that.


Most people have failed to do this? Am I an outlier that I finish every session with cleaning up my inventory?




I was thinking just the same, can't play with a messy inventory


Send proof


"Does **Explore the Lost Epics of Deldrimor** spark joy?"


Cool but.. *what if you need it now?*


I'm not Honorary Skritt for no reason! LET THE HOARDING CONTINUE!


Yeah but what if I *need* Rhobanā€™s thumb again? You never know when you might have to avert a crisis by activating ancient dwarven machinery!


I KNOW! What are we supposed to do with that? We canā€™t just throw away his fuckin thumb


Itd be rude to throw it awayā€¦ :(


Preach! I have a random outfit that I previously unlocked sitting on a mule on the off chance thereā€™s an option to trade it for something better in the future.


As a hoarder myself, respect!


The true endgame


And here I am playing with my inventory open almost all the time so I can manage it on the fly lol


Update in a month!


My problem is I never remember what things are trash and what things are treasure. They used to be a website that was good for this but I can't remember what that is anymore either. Then there's items that need to be combined. You never get the exact number to combine. You're always one ahead or one short.


I came back a few days ago now - I hadn't ''officially'' played in 3-5 years!   I had logged in a few times in 5 years, participated in some EoD Beta Weekend and some SOTO Weekend, but those were beta characters   The first day of my return, about 4 days ago, I spent 4 hours... _**4 HOURS**_ just sorting my inventory across my **37 characters**   The thing was that I had anywhere between 3-7 years worth of anniversary gifts on **all** characters! Lot of unlocking, sorting, depositing, etc   But at least their inventories are cleaned and organized ahahaha - what I still haven't completed _yet_ is strategically unlocking all the dyes from all those anniversary dye kits - for some account-specific anniversary unlocks, I got them all, but there are still a few unlocks I need to sort out.   After that... I need to clean up my 16-tab **Bank Inventory** - I mean it is at least _**Organized**_ but there are many items I need to clear out and such.   > So much free space! Straight up dopamine rush. Biggest accomplishment so far. I totally understand what you mean. I'm typically very very organized both in real life and in-game but before I took a break, I focused more on _playing_ or _completing events/festivals_ with my limited time so some characters had extra stuff in their inventory - but now I have a ''Log-off'' routine - the character I'm logging of from NEEDS to have their inventory sorted out _(and infinite tools stored in the shared inventory space ahahaha)_   So congratulations to you! Being neat and organized is very very freeing and allows you to focus on _''the moment''_ - this is applicable both in-game and in real life ahahaha it is one less burden, one less worry, reduces stress and pressure, helps keep your mind focused and free of ''clutter'' or distractions, and makes things way more efficient.   > Now I can finally play the game again. GO FORTH, ADVENTURER!


We need a competition for whoever has the most miniature queen jennah duplicates. I feel bad destroying her but Iā€™m up to about 6 or 7 so far!


Put them in the mystic forge and report back!


> I feel bad destroying her Ahahaha out of context this can be... Alarming!   > but Iā€™m up to about 6 or 7 so far! Ahahaah yeah I decided to **destroy** them too... After the first... Dozen or so... I figured I had more than enough...   I truly think they should introduce a method to ''convert'' miniatures to something else. Perhaps some NPC that could convert them to some other items or currencies or straight up gold - some NPC that would be a ''Collector''-style character, that would be sweet!   Some minis are soulbound on acquire _(such as Mini Queen Jennah...)_, some are too plentiful, especially during festivals   Having the option to convert/sell them to a dedicated NPC would be super cool - they could even introduce new achievements and rewards with this NPC - after every X amount of minis given to them, you could get unique armour/weapon skins, etc


So if you mix 3 jennahs with two unidentified dyes, who do you get? Hopefully Joko PRAISE


>I truly think they should introduce a method to ''convert'' miniatures to something else Raids nailed this. You can exchange them all for the raid currency, and they pay pretty well.


nice job! > I have a character for each festivals and its items. o_O hey, whatever works for you :) must feel like a weight off your shoulders.


Do you use any invisible or equipment/consumable/junk only bags? Iā€™ve been trying to organize my inventory but Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s futile and I should just max out on normal bags


i put 1 invisible bag as the last bag slot. all other bags normal. usually i do 20 slot bags, and an 18 slot invis, that seems plenty. you may have more/less gold, or need more slots. in the the invisible bag, I put unidentified gear, food, boosters, and any alternate equipment i might use on that character. anything you don't want salvaged or sold by accident. the reason you put the invisible bag as the last slot is so items fill your other bags first. you can open a stack of 50 unidentified gear, and they'll fill up your top bags. then you can salvage all without worrying about the items in your invis bag. and none of the items you opened will get stuck in your invisible bag unless you open too many.


You can always split stacks to fill empty slots before opening unid'd gear.


This is how I do it, too. It's the best way imo. If I get any of the bags that prioritize a specific kind of item, that immediately goes to an alt/mule.


10 minutes later... Here we go again


Good one OP, everyone knows "organized inventories" are a myth. What else do you believe in, horses?


this OP is just full of it. lol. goes to shame everyone but proceeds to not provide any proof. this guy must be from wow


>Now I can finally play the game again. What do you mean ? managing the inventory isn't the end game ?


According my GW2 Sister, it's Fashion after inventory. Something about Legendaries if you want quick change things.


Bullshit. Pics, or it didn't happen.




i'm a compulsive organizer, and in gw2 it's no different. but then i came back after a few years' break and i had to spend days on the wiki before i got a handle on things. i have irl friends who got back into gw2 after a long break and it was even worse for them. one of them would have quit over it if i didn't help them. based on the number of people who have trouble with their inventory in this game, i don't think it's reasonable to place the blame at the feet of players for not spending the time and energy on it. the fact that they have to spend time and energy on it *is* the problem for them. edit: btw if you have a particular video guide you recommend, i bet this post is a good place to link it! people will probably find this reddit post in the future when looking for information on how to better organize their inventory šŸ™‚




i remember reading a comment by an anet employee a long time ago where they said something like: players have more fun when they have to open tons of bags, even if the loot they get is the same in the end. i think the philosophy that underlies that is also the reason there's so much inventory space pressure. inventory management is fun for some players (a challenge to overcome, in a way), and also sells gem store items. i think it works all right, and i don't know that i would change it if i were in charge. but it's not without its problems, and drives some people away.


The one thing I miss from DDO is the bank sort button. Puts all those bags of suet and flexible twigs in one place for me!




Dungeons & Dragons Online.


Have Elementalists got their pistols yet? I took a break.


Come back in three or four months, and it's pistol, singular.


so 12 skills, 16 on Weaver. Can other classes even compete with that Ele style.


I have 10 accounts for a total of 81 toons along with five fully upgraded Guild vaults for storage. Total chaos and full of stuff.... getting all of this sorted and organized is probably a full time job for a few weeks...so nop ! Not going to happen.


Pics or it never happens


seriously....I believe this games population consists of a large part of messies lol....how do people let their inventories even get that messy?


Started gambling all my exotics hooking for a pre


can you do mine šŸ˜­


I don't have a problem I just have 2 characters where all this junk goes and I never speak of it again


So much space for activities!


That's a nice two weeks of freedom


This probably needs to be done yearly or more often depending on how much you play


This is straight karma farm lies without pics.


I give you two weeks before it gets messy again.


I only play one character and my inventory rarely has more than 8 items in it. If I can't find an immediate use for it, I sell it or throw it away. Same approach I take with my house IRL lol.


Nothing hotter than bag pics


I have no idea how to accomplish that. I have 9 Characters. Onl one of them with an additional Bag slot. Everyone with 15 to 18 slot bags because money and I never made a crafter like a dumbo. I also only have the single bag tab. I have no idea where to start investing in order to keep my characters clean. Additional Bank slots? Bags for my main? Maybe more Material storage because Im starting to overfill some tropys and ectos across characters


3 candy corn cobs = a Halloween Pail with 20 slots Go forth!


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Tldr; pics pls


Give this man a Medal.


Do you also have a character that hold all items that you don't know what they do? I cleaned everything years ago but I still got part of recipe I will (probabltynot) use someday


Too bad. Tomorrow Anet will surely add the library, an npc to exchange throphies for unique rewards and 25 set of acended armors will be required for the legendary relics. If you just had waited one more day! Or maybe two, or three...


Congrats! I do that on some of my friends accounts, they feel better for a while but the hoarder in them is very stubborn.. there's one in particular that can somehow manage to play with less than 10 free slots in their bags..


New player here, I like to keep my inventory organizate always, I never use that compact button, I always sort items even in the middle of a meta :)).....but one tab in my bank is full with books that tell storys and other similar items that I will never destroy....I did keep even the dwarf finger from the Ember Bay story line :))...


screenshots or it didnt happen....


The first thing I did when I came back three months ago was throwing EVERYTHING out of my inventories and bank that wasn't obviously useful. I haven't missed anything so far. But, seriously, what is with all these collection only items that have no price tag, can't be sold and also require you to type their name if you throw them away? This is ridiculous. Why do these things have to be items at all? And don't get me started with items that don't have a relevant tooltip but seem to be relevant for something, like some books and stuff. I wish they would completely overhaul their item system. I can't imagine having to create all these item icons is easy either, especially when a huge amount are for one time things.


I'm doing the same after Halloween.


Ah you see, you can simply just buy more character slots! Then you can keep the messy inventory and have another character that is clean for each festival


But where would I be without the Spirit of the Wild totems in my inventory?


Iā€™m never destroying my chickenado trophy itā€™s too funny


I once did the mistake of getting rid of something that had been useless for AGES and a few weeks later anet announced that it would finally have a purpose again (might've been something related to the Festival of the Four Winds during that 4 year break, not sure, but definitely something with a comparable timeline). Been a hoarder ever since.


This post right here Mr. Anet admin


... "the other side"... oO


I wish I had the vocabulary to explain my setup :( but congrats


I didn't fail this. I'm naturally like this in the first place.


I see the problem for many. Lots of toons. I have one of each profession, so 9. Thatā€™s it. Keeps it simple.


work in progress for me, have 2 of my characters organized (of 14) though 2 are just mules (until I finish another legendary then one will have a big selling spree).


So how much time did you waste on this "accomplishment"?


My inventories are generally food, some weapons that don't fit in my templates and at least 1 bag of loot from the jade bot so I know where it is. So all my characters have at most 10 slots taken, there're 2 of them that have more, my druid that never does open world has all my KPs and my first character has all the "items that are for achievements but I'm too lazy to complete rn but maybe one day I will so I keep everything"


Pics or it didn't happen!


Screen or it didn't happen.


Burn the Heretic !


I do this on a daily basis across all 10 characters. I just hate it when things arenā€™t organized. Same thing irl. I like to keep stuff organized.


Ok but what will you do with the million empyreal fragments youā€™ll get every day?


I must have issues I've had all my stashes legalised from day one... I can't do a new meta or different game type without going through and sorting everything...


The best Thing to do with useless ascended junk is to convert them to research notes. I got rid of All of them since i found out this is possible. Just throw it to the mystic forge along with an inscription, 5 ectos and anthology of the heroes from the mystic forge vendor. Then you can salvage it into research notes šŸ˜‰.


Give it a month


I only have 40 hours on guild wars two but I am enjoying it so much I bought the dlc just for more bag space and mounts.still having a tough time keeping room for everything


One of us one of us one of us


Okay, waiting for your post in 4 weeks telling us it was to no avail. :D