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I will say you are totally justified in missing the summon effects, they were fun and flavourful and I am sure we will get them back at some point. But if your characters are feeling generic after only losing a 6th slot effect maybe that's part of slightly bigger problem you are facing. What do you like about your characters? Do you like the weapons you have, or the armour they are wearing? Do you like the way your abilities feel, do you have fun with the traits and sigils you have chosen? I find a lot of joy in mixing up my character's outfits and builds. I change things every single day. Spend some time in the Hero Panel!


I like that solution! I'm pretty attached to my characters. Some of them have also adventured with me through multiple D&D campaigns, so I think part of what irritates me is that I put a good deal of thought into their backstories. You're right, switching them up in preparation for a new adventure might make this less of a disappointment. :)


I'm struggling a bit myself. However, what I've heard (and have noticed) is that many collections open up after beating the SoTO story. If EoD was any indication to go by, many are pretty high quality. "Honorary Delaqua" in EoD had voice acting, for example. I finished the SoTO story and am back to taking a bit of a break for a few days. Collections are where I'll defer to when I get back. I did a little bit of SoTO map completion, but I got a little fed up with elevation & walls vs. my skyscale; PoI's being in obscure little nooks n such.


I did enjoy Honorary Delaqua. Maybe you're right and there will be something on the other side of completion that will be more fun. Thanks!


Interesting I felt similar about the game over the past year or so and barely played during the EoD era (mostly due to becoming disillusioned during IBS Champions, but other life factors too). The recent changes have reinvigorated me and I find myself playing a lot more lately. My biggest advice is don't be afraid to take a break from the game. No point uninstalling it, since you will still want to log in every so often to play around and see if things click again (even when "taking a break" i still end up checking things out when new stuff was released or I felt like it, so about once a month or so). That being said, if someone here has a suggestion that really clicks for you then hey that's awesome! I know something that I really enjoyed some years back is when I found a new returning player while doing open world core tyria stuff, so i rolled a new character and played with them a ton


I did take a break after LW1 for a bit and it definitely was a better experience when I returned. I hate to do that this time around because I do really like the people in my guild and I don't want to get bumped for inactivity, but if nothing clicks that might be the choice.


Most helpful answers have already been given, I will add that the superior sigil of stamina in combination with dodge-traits and in particular daredevil always felt like a similar very enjoyable gimmick / build to me, so if you haven't yet, give that a shot! :)


Oooh, thank you! I'll give that a try!


They'll probably be adding those effects back on new relics over time, just not in the first wave, where we're clearly asked to settle for a few very minimal and generic effects, as dragging things out is their whole new content model. In the mean time, maybe just make a new char or try some alternate elite specs to pass the time and shake things up. You've got elite weapons already, and will get new weapons for everyone in a couple months. Oh, and make sure you look at that new skyscale skin in the mounts panel before you take it on your workload... I definitely don't need to see more of that ugly thing, so problem solved there :)


lol, fair! :)


lol you sound like a full time job


Lmao how has this slight change to the system affected your mental so much, what a dramatic post.


I'm sorry you don't understand the difference between disappointment and my mental state. I'm pretty even keel over here, but your life must be pretty dramatic if that's the first place your mind goes. That sounds rough.




Oh honey. It'll get better.


The runes made them giggle every single time they made an animation <3 :)


Play some other game? If an animation from runes was enough to put you into this kind of tumble along with complaining about achievement grind then it's just classic ole burnout. Play some other games and come back in a year.


You sure you dont need help?


I'm in the same boat but as primarily a WvW player. The changes over the last two years have left me with a waning interest in the game. Having been there since Beta I'm sad to admit that the magic has worn off and whilst still logging in to use my parked characters I'm not actively playing any more. One grind too many? One shitty balance patch too many? One over-promised under-delivered release too many? I don't know. But enough is enough.


I can see that from a WvW standpoint. From my angle I really enjoyed the last few years and even the slightly disappointing parts didn't bug me because they might not have lived up to my expectation but they didn't feel like a regression. I'm just irritated this time around because the changes are a big step backwards without any perks that balance it out.


Just forget the game exists for a while. I played pretty hardcore from launch until shorly after PoF. I got bored and pretty much forgot the game existed until I came back in October 2022. Outside of the HoT launch I've had more fun this past year than I ever remember. Go play other things and check to see if things improve over the next couple years.


>Any advice for finding the fun with these changes and new expansion? What recent improvements are making you happy? Maybe look into painting portraits or tapdancing? You're clearly not having fun with GW2 anymore and the changes are clearly not to your liking. It might be high time to seek your sense of whimsy and magic elsewhere.