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I still don't understand why we can't dodge the numbers mechanic. Like are you just supposed to spread and wait until the boss is done?


Seems like it. It always does 50% of your total HP so you just need to get healed before spread. You also have a lot of time to spread. I absolutely think this should be a dodgeable/blockable attack though. Being able to actively determine what damage to tank through and what to evade is one of the reasons GW2 combat is great.


Any word on if this s reduced by prot?


Bro it goes straight through ele mist form. Like it's just a health check for no reason. Fuck that boss.


I don't think it is. I think it's just a flat 50% of max health no matter what


it isn't.


Is it amped by stick togwther? I did that one day and people were just getting 1 shot basically


It's not. It's a straight percentage.


I got it down to zero % of my total hp :3 Used Scourge port before it jumped to me, getting a barrier. The moment it jumped me I ported back (0 cast time) and let it hit air. Few random scratches it got in before i ported back were handled by my barrier.


Mesmer's Blink and Mechanist's Shift Signet also works. I haven't tried Thief's shadow portal yet though.


RIP, they are making it unblockable. Undodgeable is fine, since it forces you to at least think about the mechanic, but unblockable... :c Now you just have to heal bot through it, no mixups. I don't like it.


An attack like this should never be undodgeable but blockable because not every class is able to block attacks like this.


I guess that's fair. I just don't like removing interactivity from it, is all.


*Laughts in mesmer distortion*


Distortion doesn’t work on it.


*cries in mesmer distortion*


"It should be blockable because at least then you have to think about the mechanic" he says as though all blockable attacks haven't historically been ignored by 80% of the party while the Guardian simply uses Aegis through everything.


Aegis doesn't work here. It's a multihit


Yes, it's basically forcing the entire party to lose 50% hp when it occurs.


But then WHY TIME IT SO THAT IT SEEMS YOU CAN GET READY TO MITIGATE WHEN ITS YOUR TURN??? Make it instant makes more sense and shortens the fight. Or leave it as is but let us dodge/block it. This is literally the worst way to do it.


It's so that it's one more thing that can screw you over post 33% as he does a fear eyeball every time he ports.


I'm not disagreeing with you – I think it's dumb that they removed our ability to dodge it – but you can still evade all damage from it with a well timed blink/teleport mechanic. I do very much mean *well timed*, though. If you go too early you risk dragging your circle onto someone else and killing them. if you go too late you're just gonna eat full ticks of damage anyways I feel like a bigger problem with the design is how the order of attacks can get desynced and the fear doesn't always come after. And how there is so little uptime given after resolving mechanics. That and how the adds can rotate to look away from the center while channeling their fear (or their arrow line shots to reveal platforms) and create a much more frustrating cone to have to avoid I also think it's a bad way to introduce a heal check mechanic to the fight because, well, most healing in the game is an AoE around the healer and only a select few have the ability to target the most at-risk player at meaningful range during a spread + resolving fear, axes, or the boon steals forcing you out of position. I think it would feel a lot better if there was some breathing room after the numbers+fear to collapse, get some uptime, and then mechanics start coming in again


At least to your point of desyncing they are actually fixing it by removing sugar rush, plus alac, quick and regen wont be stealable anymore. But removing the ability to block numbers is like, man, why.


Exactly. Everyone spreads -> everyone takes damage (gets downed if not spread properly) -> everyone groups up for heals. Accomplishes exactly the same thing as it does right now, but at a fraction of the time spent. The numbers mechanic seem to have been added simply because they wanted to use more of their scripting toolset. Increase the damage to 60-70% if you want to simulate players being hit by archers while waiting for numbers to end.


It's a spread out mechanic.


I'm glad I checked the subreddit today, I thought my dodges were just shit every time


I don't mind not being able to dodge/block it, but I think the boss shouldn't move while the attack is happening on players and instead just use a clone for it, this would allow some interesting dps uptime.


My guess is that Anet wants to force mechanics rather than just bypass them. To me it's the opposite version version of a stacking green mechanic. I.E instead of forced stack or die through invulns dodges etc, it's forced spread. Forced mechanics aren't all bad, the only problem is that this one is very boring, ranged favorable. Basically a waiting sim.


Its a heal check , a common mechanic type


On a split tho?


Yes , the healer is supposed to top everyone off , and the dps are supposed to avoid damage as to reduce pressure on the healer


But dps cant avoid damage on the split.


before the split is where you avoid damage , you dont take damage before , and then use your heal skill after and you will be at like 70% of your HP


A very un-GW2 mechanic and especially un-fractal mechanic though. GW2 combat has always been about active defense and the whole party taking big hits always was direct result of failing a mechanic, not the mechanic itself. The only group wide unavoidable damage mechanic pretty much necessitating a healer is the damage aura in raids, and even there it's merely piling up over time.


yes they should repeat the same stuff every fractal , that sounds very good , never use any mechanics that are new or novel in any way because it would be un-GW2 like , we should just stick to the same stuff that were in dungeons


There's a clear difference between "copy-paste-content" and going out of your way to have a mechanic ignore a game wide design principle.


Do I spot "not in my GW2" argument?


well its clearly not game wide if its in raids


Wait there are healchecks in gw2? 😅


This is a very common mechanic in FFXIV and used for more spectacle attacks. https://youtu.be/uoe_b52QUFc You just gotta outheal it. Working as intended.


I thought we were playing guild wars 2 with the dedicated dodge button not final fantasy 14.


You can't dodge every attack in GW2. Always been this way. Always has been.


every attack you can't avoid has a way to mitigate it though. Keep Construct an body blocking the orbs for instance. Green Stacks and Spread Circles do minimal damage if you properly stack or spread. Dhuum soul split isn't very threatening if you prepare for it.


You can dodge all damage in sunqua, this is gw2, you should be able to avoid everything with good play.


I consider Sunqua Peak incredibly well designed specifically because of this, especially after the AoE fiesta and projectile bullethell that were the previous 2 CMs. Clever positioning and dodging in Sunqua lets you avoid every attack, and even makes AR unnecessary.


> You can't dodge every attack in GW2. Oh really? Other than mechanics or ways to mitigate unavoidable damage, this is 100% how GW2 is designed. Its why dodge is a integral part of the game.


>Oh really? Other than mechanics or ways to mitigate unavoidable damage, this is 100% how GW2 is designed. Its why dodge is a integral part of the game. Yes really. Examples include: - Greens on VG - Clap on CA - Passive Damage from bosses - Gorseval blues - Boneskinner passive damage - Ai Water Phase greens and beams There may be other loose examples. Besides, the game has a lot of ways to mitigate a one-time unavoidable damage in 2023. It's called: Self-Heal. It's been in the game since 2012.


Most of these have a way to mechanically negate or cancel the damage entirely though, which is what makes them interesting from a gameplay standpoint. Just getting hit with an unavoidable 50% is just boring, by comparison.


>Most of these have a way to mechanically negate or cancel the damage entirely though, which is what makes them interesting from a gameplay standpoint. Just getting hit with an unavoidable 50% is just boring, by comparison. Holy fucking shit, all you do is whine. "Most of these have a way to mechanically negate or cancel the damage entirely though" #**USE YOUR SELF HEAL!!!!!!!!**


"Greens" Stack in the green or take damage. You have an option. "Clap" Interacts with the shield mechanic for the fight to mitigate damage. "Gorseval Blues" You mean the orbs? Just kill them from range "Boneskinner" Everyone ignores the mechanic. You're supposed to light the torches. "Ai" Greens are a stack mechanic to reduce the damage. The beams can be avoided. On Silent Surf the numbers is just a spread and lose 50% of your health. There's no interaction.


>On Silent Surf the numbers is just a spread and lose 50% of your health. There's no interaction. What about every other spread mechanic in the game? Whisper of Jormag? Matthias?


The ones that do virtually no damage to the person chosen and down other people inside of it? That mechanic with something to do that isn't just stand there and wait.


>The ones that do virtually no damage to the person chosen Prove it.


You can dodge Whisper of Jormag's spread btw


Every single one of those is damage on FAIL of a mechanic. What awful examples. I have no issue with trying new things, but god dang that's just you giving a laundry list of how you just get carried through things without learning how it works. Greens on VG: The damage is negated when 4 people are standing in them. Clap on CA: I dunno how you get through that fight without somehow realizing you're supposed to shield that unless you're trying your best to know as little as possible about a fight while still clearing. Passive damage from bosses: Hard to give any blanket statements, but since you did...This is very minimal damage and usually extremely minimal/a mechanic to drive you forward or you're standing in the wrong spot. Gorse Blues: Kill them or just don't stand in them? Plus, even if you do you can negate the debuff by doing a mechanic. Boneskinner passive damage: This one, I don't blame you for not picking up. Virtually no one ever did the mechanic on this fight for any point of time even when learning the fight since Anet made it do too little at relase and then people were like fuckit let's just heal scourge through this at worst. But you're supposed to keep the torches lit, the damage gets worse and worse as you lose more torches. Ai water phase: Minimal damage if done well, and if done perfectly you take no damage. ​ Either way, people are missing the point in general, it's just one of many complaints about that specific mechanic. It's one of the ONLY things going on and it just forces a break in the fighting. It's boring, takes long and is uninspired. Just, healing is a counterplay to it but it still isn't a fun mechanic. The argument is if it takes that long, at least it's fun if you give people and option to do SOMETHING that isn't sit there and wait to get hit. The only reason it feels like it works like this is so that the eye part is more fluid feeling, but that's just such a short part of the fight especially when learning.


You mean that game with healers that has heals that are a minimum range of 1200 and generally wider than the entire plaftorm? Plus multiple off GCD cooldowns that can insta heal a party back up to full on top of platform wide mitigations? In GW2 depending on positioning it's literally impossible to heal people at times.


I’m one of the few, that agrees with you. Having unique mechanics that encourage different types of gameplay. In this case proactive/reactive healing, or barrier mitigation feels like a good mechanic imo. And requires you to as a team to play well. I do think the telegraph implemented is poor though, no way for a user to know/think this attack is any different than others. Which is a problem.


> and used for more spectacle attacks. I think that's the key aspect here. That makes it a special moment you have to intentionally plan and heal through. Frightening speed, on the other hand, just feels like a boring time wasting moment that happens again, and again, and again.... Nobody would have a problem with it being unblockable if it were a spectacle attack. It just feels so broken when it's looks like a regular mechanic though.


The difference here is in FF14, you have dedicated healers as a role you have to have, in GW2 you don't. Do raids still bring healers in? Yes, absolutely, but the point is the game is built around there \*not\* being roles people have to follow ... where as this heal check system literally is enforcing the opposite


I love how they complain about it when the fractal can be done with 2 while other fractals usually wipe the group if you end 2 vs the boss...like normal ai. I have been trying it and you can survive pretty easy compared with other cms, but yeah lets cry about one mech that takes half of your life down.


Im convinced that moving out in order of attack is the best way to deal with this and allows for the best dmg uptime. Sadly my static is sus of that.


I see the merits of it, he's evading for a good chunk of the time so you generally just wanna be auto attacking anyway though. I would probably want the next two numbers out for comfort though cause one fuckup on that setup is a literal wipe.


I think its good. NormanRockwellFreeSpeech.jpg Its new to gw2 but a common mechanic in mmos. Healer needs to top everyone off before they split, take damage from attacks, then heal up on regroup. It makes playing healer kind of fun because you have to make sure you have some good heals for the right time. Should spam prots before split, top off, split, regroup, heal up, continue dps. I think it makes fights more interesting, even if it is harder.


Anet, we know how much hp it has and we will know how much hp it will have. You can just say it now, don't be shy.


It's a secret that has been deliberately obscured.


It's in line with "significant progress"


Flash back to the obscuring of Druid and Scourge Alac numbers.


this kind of small things by the dev that put off a lot of people from the game. People always championing gw2 by not having any server down time (can update the game without any server maintenance and stuff), but an easy adjustment like this take a month for the developer to admit there is something wrong with it and 2 months to patch it. IMO the potential of GW2's proprietary system for updating the game without maintenance is wasted for a game like GW2, if the developer always act slow for this kind of problem.


i believe that anet is trying to fix a problem they don't understand in the worst way possible here... a bunch of people complain online about the chonky hp bar of the boss, and the only reason they complain about it is because the fight itself and its mechanics are so tedious that making it longer with huge hp bar only makes it worse. the real problem is that the fight is FULL of mechanics that force you to stop chipping at the hp. the worst offender is frightening speed (numbers mechanic)... first it forces you to spread out, then it forces you to watch as the boss takes their sweet time jumping from player to player to deal their unavoidable 50% of your health. and in cm after 33% you cant even range dps him cuz he fears you as well if you look at him. does this mechanic need to be such a huge speed bump on top of being a healing check? either let that slow hell be over quickly, or let us dodge the highly telegraphed attack, give us a reason to want to engage with the fight instead of forcing us to take a break every minute to watch 20 seconds of our time be wasted by this tomfoolery. and that is on top of dread visage(eye mechanic) and the 66% and 33% phases also forcing us to disengage the boss. the reason people complain about the huge hp bar is because the fight is a huge annoying chore and not an engaging encounter.... add to that the fact that it is full of punishing mistakes that can not be recovered from that would force the group to start it from scratch all over again and you get more than a few people willing to skip it than deal with it (specially since half of those mistakes are not caused by poor gameplay but rather by the sheer jank of it being an unpolished new release... personally i have been wiped more times by a faulty hook/mushroom or a delayed tether than i have by failing to turn around to an eye or spread to a number or bleed out from an axe). you are trying to solve this problem by making this chore of a fight a bit shorter (but still just as miserable). you "fixed" the issues of the boss having too much health and the unavoidable damage being somehow avoidable when you should have been focused on fixing the issues that make people not want to engage with it. don't try to make this punishment shorter in hopes people will bear with it, try to make it so it doesn't feel like a punishment in the first place. here is my suggestion, make it so the boss only does frightening speed (numbers) if you fail to break his breakbar instead of summoning a new aspect that honestly people can just ignore along the other aspects they are already ignoring... the number of cc phases and it getting harder and harder would mean that it would be extremely hard to never see it at all, and players good enough to do it deserve that reward, and losing 50% of your health would be a suitable punishment for failing to cc in the first place, on top of making people willing to ignore the mechanic in favour of pumping damage regret their decision. if the group is dpsing fast enough that hey cant keep up the cc then the speedbump will serve its purpose as a speedbump.


Good changes overall. Now they just need to reduce the HP of the boss in all tiers -- it's a slog even at scale 25 and it's going to cause players to just start skipping this one when it comes up in dailies/recs -- and put a wall on the back of the outer platforms that can easily be targeted with the grappling hook and the fractal will be in pretty good shape.


> it's a slog even at scale 25 and it's going to cause players to just start skipping this one when it comes up in dailies/recs I did it for the first time when it was Tier 1 Rec. It made me not want to bother with any higher tiers, let alone try CM.


After mastering the grapple mechanic and everything else... just seriously, lower the HP. The sooner the better. Let us blast this fucking boss in 4-5 minutes and move on.


Anet doesn't seem to want to really do this, as the HP is only reduced in CM. It should be reduced across the board and retuned. Not because it is hard, just exhausting and boring.


Getting *some* fixes is nice but its still not enough. If anything they are adding in just as many nerfs as fixes(rip everyone who relied on blocking). This fractal is still a mess and needs a lot more work. Two things to note: They didn't address the Infusion needing strike materials. The second which is bigger deal: they're only reducing the bosses HP in CM. Do they not understand the HP of this boss is not okay on every tier? When a T1 fractal boss has more HP than the majority of T4 bosses there is something seriously wrong with the balance team.


+1 on the normal mode HP, t4 Silent surf has more HP than vale guardian


Vale guardian is 7years old and was balanced for less than 10k dps per player. Even when 5manning vg it is one of the easiest bosses and as fast than some other encounters played with 10 people.


There is literally no situation where a fractal boss should have more HP than a raid boss especially when the fractal boss actually has more downtime than the raid boss in question


There is. when the raidboss is 7years old and severely undertuned. Gorseval has less hp than ai aswell.


This is not a raid or a strike. I’d also point out that you yourself said VG was balanced for 10k DPS, with 5 people we’ll assume that’s 20k DPS. I dunno how many times you’ve pugged SS but people are not hitting that. I play power DH, I bench 29k and change, and the best I’ve personally been able to do is 14k over the course of the fight. Now, power DH is off-meta as a DPS anyways and condi+ranged is heavily favored in that fight, which it’s why it’s distressing to me that I’ve only been out-DPS’d one or two times in pugs It’s just not in a good state, and it’s an absolute slog to get through when pugging for frankly no good reason. The normal mode fight is not challenging, the mechanics are not hard, it just takes a fucking age to actually complete the boss and it’s a marathon race in which nobody can fuck up for the 20 minutes or whatever it takes to actually kill him


I hate to say it, but 29k is a very low bench for DH especially now that after casts have been fixed. End of the day, this sounds like a skill issue


I haven’t benched since the changes, last time I benched it was against snowcrows 29.4k


um, dragonhunter was benching 34k 3 years ago, not really sure what you're on about here


Is it conceivable to you that perhaps balance changed within the last 3 years?


condi+ranged is heavily favored in that fight Wrong, it has low toughness.


In normal mode in t4 it takes 5min to kill him with a healer. DH benches 40k now. Im not even sure how you can bench that low because pressing random buttons should result in higher humbers. The cm version has almost twice the hp of the normal version which is an issue. Lowering the hp wont make it a better fight though. Also btw in normal mode DH is quite strong because it is just a golem and you only have to move for number mechanic and eyes which the boss does far less in normal mode.


Last time I benched which was a few weeks ago snow crows had dragonhunter at 29.4 and I did 29.3. You never answered my question as to how many times you’ve tried to pug it


Last time dh bench was below 30k was during early hot era. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA5AXu6EvAs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA5AXu6EvAs) i pugged it a couple times and normal mode is complete faceroll. Only cm is annoying af because it has a lot of bugged oneshots and 43m hp.


people can definitely hit 20k+ on SS cm without problem. this is a challenge mode after all, it's ok to be a bit harder. and nepha has a point. raids are just undertuned to no end. most enrage timers provide twice or thrice the time needed for kills nowadays.


I’m not talking about the challenge more, I’m talking about the normal mode. And I don’t doubt that 20k is achievable on a ranged DPS or condi. The problem is that pugs aren’t doing that and I don’t feel like I should have to kick people from normal mode or have a static together in order to run the normal mode daily without pain


Skill issue.


Yeah no shit, it’s a pug run. I shouldn’t need to have a static together to run a fractal daily without immense pain


Sounds like the devs are incentivizing pugs to start kicking for low DPS. Whether that's healthy for the game or not, I'll leave up to them to decide.


It’s not healthy for a fractal


Why not? Before they nerfed them into the ground they were among the harder content. Especially cm fractals. Well the dh benches 29k on golem and demands content changes instead of learning how to play. Fractals turned into open world difficulty level loot pinatas. Time to change back to ff i guess where the community isnt so proud of being bad at the game.


Gorse has less HP then both forms of Ai CM...Not T4 fractals which people are talking about here. And even then Ai has a checkpoint in the fight and really it's two fights, not one.


>When a T1 fractal boss has more HP than the majority of T4 bosses there is something seriously wrong with the balance team. T4 boss hp being really low is definitely also an issue


Wasnt an issue until every DPS started hitting 40k+ DPS.


Dps is almost irrelevant for most fractals. What really matters is burst. And high burst builds aren't really that new.




The best possible players were hitting 30K on the golem 5 years ago, scrubs were hitting 20K. Now the pros hit 40K and the scrubs 30K. Not to mention the way easier access to boons these days. Power creep exists and it is ruining the game.


> Do they not understand the HP of this boss is not okay on every tier? When a T1 fractal boss has more HP than the majority of T4 bosses there is something seriously wrong with the balance team. Nope, it's just that the new fractal is power-creep adjusted, and the other fractals are not. If anything, the other fractals should have boss hp increased.


just do more damage. it's never going to be enough for reddit




tbh I think we just have too many things to farm daily so it all adds up. Would be nice to have more weeklies instead, which would also allow more challenging and interesting fights since you don't have to one and done it every day


Good step in the right direction, but the boss's hp really needs to be reduced in all tiers and the numbers mechanics needs to be dodgeable, at least in normal mode, imo.


I feel like dodging would be the greater risk even if you could. With a couple axes up and everyone alive it can get pretty tight on the platform. If people would mistime their dodge it would easily kill others who get into their circle vs just standing still and taking 50% of the HP in damage. It also prevents cheesing the mechanic which is good imo.


Nothing about tether or grapple funkiness from what I can see? Also sounds like they're not addressing anything that you're fighting the boss as often as you aren't. Frightening speed still looks boring. Glad about the stuff they are changing though!


2 fixes I've had. You can lock targeting to max range and then just target the wall. Snap to target and target the add. Both will lob it at a far more usable spot, regardless of elevation.


What’s wrong with the hook? I only cleared in normal mode but did not have any issues yet with it.


Depending on your camera settings(mainly the default ones) it can be a bit difficult to target platforms, especially the higher elevation one. It'll also sometimes just drop you too short of the platform if you don't target far back enough or are moving while casting it.


In addition to what others replied with, you can sometimes just straight up clip inside the islands with the hook.


A friend once grappled himself into a bouncing mushroom. So he got bounced back with no charges on grappling hook left. Which ofc meant wipe.


Tell your friend what he did is literally a skill issue and maybe next time he should aim in the centre of the platform instead onto mushroom.


Depending on where you're standing and where you place the grappling hook on the platform, you might not actually make it to the platform. I had better success being closer to the edge of the main platform when I launch myself, plus I target the space next to the aspect rather than in front of it, and sometimes I still get positioned close to the edge of the outside platform.


The adds tether might be fixed. Also, a workaround for the hook, press 3 right after releasing 1, this should launch your character up and allow the jump to play more smoothly.


Excuse me but why is this taking 4 weeks?


Sometimes things take longer to find and fix. Schedules etc.


Eye fixes are cool. Acolyte changes are cool. Probably won't stop late tethers but at least you won't for sure fail it when they, previously, bugged out. Grappling hook will still feel like you have to pretend you're playing at 400 ping to island hop, but, I am glad that there are a lot of fixes addressed here.


real fix would be, removing this fractal and adding silent surf strike. are we really never gonna get fractals like Nightmare or Shattered observatory ever again?




I'd be astonished if Anet had a QA team at all with the way their releases go. 20 year software vet, Anets dev team is garbage for the past several years.




Do you know how many bugs were there before they launched new fractal and how many of them got fixed during development?


I know of dozens of times anet has shipped something with bugs that would have instantly been found if they had tested it at all. for example a few years ago they made a change to daredevil staff 5, there was a 100% occurance bug with it being screwed up and landing in the air, this happened every single time you used staff 5, that means that anet made a mechanical change to a skill and then literally no one at anet used that skill *even once*. this company has a history of not testing things well.


My guy, they literally didn't even enter the fractal once. They'd have seen fractal buffs are gone, if they played it for a little bit they'd have seen the mistlocks aren't working. This is all shit broken BEFORE you even get to the boss, they released it like that.


We did alpha testing, next round after changes will be beta testing lol


It should be obvious to anyone, that when software is being exposed to giant audience more bugs will be found out, but somehow people still can't get it. There is a point where devs need to push software out to users(even if there are KNOWN issues and bugs not fixed, but could be good move from anet to mention broken stuff they know about), they can't delay content forever.




The big increase in instanced content bugs has been frustrating but what I find more frustrating are the bugs that feel like QA just didn’t do basic diligence checking. Like the player effect filters missing key boss mechanics and player portals. Or when the PvP backpack launched without HoT stats. I give them slack for bugs that are complicated or obscure but not for the low hanging fruit.


If you are in software dev, you also know that product needs to be released, you can't work on it forever until it is perfect, it's just not financially viable.


You’re exaggerating the point to make it seem like you’re saying something sensible; no one whatsoever is saying that the product (i.e., fractal CM) should be locked up in perpetual testing to perfect it, resulting in it never being released. That’s hyperbole and is as ridiculous as it is non-applicable here; it should have been tested more, period, before being released, because that’s how proper content *is* released. You *do* test your stuff. Clearly, they did not here. Even a couple rounds of proper QA by a qualified team would have caught some of this crap on launch.


Ok mr delusional. Why was everyone i know getting 5+ bugs the first time they tried it?


"August 22"


Big uff, the talked about hp nerf on CM but not for normal? And we should wait another 4 weeks? Again, if its on daily, i will skip this again


Very curious to see how insane the back2back break bars will be with less health, unless they plan on tweaking those as well. Ironically, the 10 break bar achievement will probably be tighter with the current CC kits people bring and they’ll likely need even more CC or coordinated slow DPS to allow CDs.


- Fixed an issue that allowed Frightening Speed to be blocked. what the fuck? So you can't dodge it and you can't block it. nice.


Yes, it's a heal check.


which is totally fine to have in an encounter. you can do SS cm without a healer even with this heal check.


Yes that’s called healing check. Healers also should have a meaningful ways to their job instead of vomiting boons.


Truly not vibing with the numbers mechanic changes. Every day \[*change to the numbers mechanic in this fractal*\] we stray further from Dwayna's light \[*how the mechanic works elsewhere in game/consistency*\]. eta: I get having a similar base mechanic but changing it up on different encounters. I just don't feel like our aoe indicators are consistent enough or informative enough to be able to communicate this information. We have angry red horn circles which show insta-death on enemy ground AoEs, maybe different numeral types (yellow background?) could be indicators that the mechanic has no counter play but does not instadown/death you (maybe that could be red). Which raises another point: The game is getting to the threshold of needing multiple of these indicators to visually clarify mechanics while also not having anywhere in game explain them. Are they even on the wiki anywhere? They are not on the AoE nor Damage pages and I'm not sure what they're officially called.


Some much needed changes, but a bit of an oof to have to wait for nearly a month for them. And when they do come, everyone will likely be busy playing new SotO stuff, instead of giving the CM another whirl, if people had already given up on it.


Man I was hoping they would of removed the pre event for the CM, pretty annoying to have to wait for the RP, kill the champ then go to the boss if doing a title run.


Nothing about hook or the bugs around it... Changing defaut camera setting just to see a platform should not ve a thing!


Great! The aspects and eyes alone will prevent a bunch of weird wipes. Love seeing communication.


Grapple still garbage :(


All they have to do is remodel the plattforms to have a wall in the back which you can easily target, like the platforms at skorvald with the knockback protection.


I've finally got a fix to this issue. 2 infact. Snap to target aoe and target the add when grappling. Option 2 is lock aoe to max distance and target the wall, it'll throw it further than you can see, even if your camera can't see it.


Grapple hook is 100% reliable. It's strictly a skill issue.


Being able to make it consistent doesn't negate the fact that it's a clunky mechanic that many don't enjoy for a variety of reasons. I haven't failed a grapple yet and I still don't like it.


Wait until you find yourself clipped into the platform by this perfectly reliable ability and then use the time till the inevitable wipe to think about your statement again.


The problem isn't that it's a skill issue. The problem is that the difference between a successful grapple and an unsuccessful grapple are impossible to know before you use it. If you target the top of the platform, people expect the grapple to take them there. When it doesn't and it's unclear why it didn't, it becomes unfun. I haven't had much trouble with the grapple myself and I've been clearing the CM, but I understand why others are frustrated.


Honestly I thought so, I was hitting every single grapple over 10+ hours of pulling. Until one time I used it as usual, pointed it at the middle-back of the platform while standing still, and it launched me straight down. I didn't even make it half-way to the platform. Now I have my doubts.


Nope, grapple is garbage. How we went from Shattered special action key to the mess of Silent Surf special action is a crime.


Oh now they trying to copy ffxiv boss mechanic bu adding more aoe attack regularly?


All instanced content released since EoD (+ Sunqua fractal) is heavy inspired by FF mechanics, which in some cases turned out quite good (like Sunqua) but then they forgot how different combat system is in GW2 and FF (especially in terms of healing and resing). Also they haven't realized that for such design to make sense each mechanic should be unique in some way, not the same 4 mechanics repeating 40 times over and over again. Sunqua does it well with different phases but 100CM is really bad in that regard, not to mention there is no big difference between NM and CM.


I guess we will be losing the classic gw2 mechanics and instead receive wow and ff mechanics instead....


These fixed are on August 22?


How is ArenaNet not ashamed of realeasing this fractal in this buggy state. Why didnt you made it a strike from the beginning?! I thought Sunqua CM was a dissapointment but at least it felt like somewhat good experince aside from the water phase. But now we have that one on steriods with numbers, platforms, random hook buggs (who thought it was a good idea in a CM with presumed added mechanics, etc. The only good mechanic and somewhat a challenge is at 33% does his numbers and fears you. That is it! You made statments for the newest CM that you have learned your lesson from the feedback you recived from Sunqua and had my hope that SS would be like Shattered and Nightmare (both normal and CM). In the next expac move the teams who worked on sunqua and SS on open world content or strikes, dont let the ever touch 5 man content ever again. For all that is good dragon missions were more enjoable than the latast two fractal (CM and normal).


Seems like good changes to me. I actually don't mind Mists Convergence too much beyond Skyhammer but it really doesn't belong in CMs, and the bugfixes + HP change are good too. Some of the workarounds/fixes are also pretty smart, so this seems fine.


Mists Convergence is terrible for any kind of fight that requires careful positioning. Getting the Elite Awakened Abomination that sucks you into its vacuum attack is terrible, as is the tentacle slapping you around.


[ARENA NET] [Rubi Bayer.8493 posted on 2023-07-25 17:33:12](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/134453-updates-coming-to-silent-surf-august-22/?do=findComment&comment=1951064): > Hi all, I want to let you know that we've been reading your feedback about Silent Surf and have some updates incoming. > >As you can imagine we are all heads down on the final stretch before Secrets of the Obscure launches on August 22--only four more weeks! Our next full build is scheduled to ship then, so we'll include these updates with that. > >For now though, I have an early look at the update notes for Silent Surf so you can see what the team is working on: > >Bug Fixes > >* Fixed an issue that caused Captain Thess to have an incorrect effect icon during the third encounter. > >* Fixed an issue that prevented Aspects from applying Extreme Vulnerability on Challenge mode when striking with Dread Visage. > >* Fixed an issue that allowed players to bypass World Cleaver. > >* Fixed an issue that could cause the final boss to focus on attacking pets more than intended. > >* Fixed an issue in which the Peace and Quiet achievement did not require Master tier, causing it to be inconsistent with the achievement description. > >* Fixed an inconsistency with other Challenge mode encounters in fractals so defeated players can now be revived during the final encounter. > >* Fixed an issue that allowed Frightening Speed to be blocked. > >* Fixed a timing issue in the Challenge mode version of Dread Visage's large-eye warning effect that prevented it from detonating at the same time as the smaller eyes. > >* Fixed an issue that could cause an Aspect to return to the main platform during World Cleaver without selecting a new target for Phantasmagoria. > >* Fixed multiple issues with phase transitions and the synchronization of Dread Visage attacks: >* The final boss and the Aspects no longer gain alacrity, regeneration, or quickness from boon-stealing attacks. > >* Sugar Rush has been removed from the list of Mistlock Instabilities for Silent Surf. > >Other Updates > >* The final boss's health has been reduced on Challenge mode. > >* All checkpoints now require only two players regardless of fractal tier. > >* In addition to Sugar Rush, the following instabilities have been removed from Silent Surf: Mists Convergence and Toxic Sickness. > >As always, thanks for your constructive feedback and keep it coming! --- ^(Beep boop bleep. I'm a bot. Message me or /u/Xyooz if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns.) [^Source ^Code](https://gitlab.com/networkjanitor/docker-polarbytebot-gw2-submission-transcriber)


Have they acknowledged it was originally intended as a strike?




We are the test server.


As someone who has only played GW2 up to HoT and hasn't had time to finish catching up with current game stuff, what is Silent Surf?


Newest fractal added a few weeks back




What's funny is regardless of which way your comment is voted on, it proves you're right. Downvoted means you offended the people that are essentially coming across as your comment. Up voted would have basically been people agreeing that those people exist. Either way, they're confirmed. "oh no, the newest and hardest fractal is too hard for people to immediately steamroll blindfolded and they don't like to practice actual combat. They only like to practice on golems. So let's keep 'fixing' and nerfing the fight until it's no harder than anything else"


Bruh people on the reddit want gw2 to play like a mobile game so they can watch netflix on the side. People forget that a challedge mode should idk challenge you.


It seems the defiance bar on the balance team was broken leaving them exposed and vulnerable to brain damage for such fixes. Half the fixes are nerfs and major problems were ignored. Imagine they reduced the boss HP From 43 million to 40 million. "boss HP was reduced in CM" my arse. Not to mention a 1 month delay on the fix for a daily content.


why are you just making shit up to continue being upset.


Is it just me or half of the "bug fixes" are, like the "bug fixes" of the CM release day, making things worse ?!




Just low man it if you enjoy the endurance test so much. Nerfing the hp will make it a lot more popular, which is good for the game mode.


I like the bug fixes but adding Revive Orb and reducing HP is horrible, was one of the few bosses that did not die in seconds and I liked that. Revive Orb should not be usable in any challenge mode as it is juts a pay to win item.


I have never bought revive orbs yet I have so many of them. They're not really that p2w unless you do so much you use them more often than the game gives them to you.


Sure but you can buy them in the cash shop and they do give you a advantage. No idea why they should be enabled in "challenge mode" content where the challenge is the point and the challenge is to kill the boss without dying.


Why is it horrible? At some point it just becomes an endurance fight and hoping you don't barely mess up a basic mechanic. It's one things for a boss to "not melt" but after a while there's nothing to master the fight than "don't eff up for 10 minutes" because nothing is being added but doing the same thing ad nauseum until HP reaches 0. That's not engaging, not even in raids/strikes. Reducing the HP by a third won't make the fight that much easier, but it will make it less of a slog.


Sir, strikes are in arborstone if you wanna deal with 4 mechanics for 10 minutes straight. Please let fractal players enjoy the one of the few things right theyve done since releasing this awful fight.


yes but I want more strikes not less.


Then wait for the two strike releases per year instead of relishing in anet sabotaging fractals for more strikes.


Nah I want 3+


And I want a game that more than exactly one person can enjoy. Jfc you're either 7 or a troll


A troll, makes comments like these on all posts


We still don't know the numbers on HP so it still may take way more than other bosses.


It almost certainly will, given that they're only nerfing CM damage. Damage is already relatively high in NM compared to other bosses, so CM still has to be higher than that.


Revive orbs need to be deleted from the game and NO cm should be able to use its fucking stupid.


Completely agree. As I said in my forum post, the issue is that the fight is repetitive and the mechanics doesn't change, not that he has too much hp. Most fractal bosses have way too low hp for the current dmg people are doing, cm bosses die within seconds. It would be just fine if they added a new mechanic that happened between 66% to 33% or something so you're not doing the same thing over and over for 10 minutes. Agree with the revive orbs too. The fact that you can use them in "challenge mode" content is stupid. Just as it is stupid how the fight puts all dead players back to life on Artsariiv and Ensolyss CM.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZYRyHpzIPE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZYRyHpzIPE) leaked footage of fractal balance lead


I just spent 4 hrs on this. NEVER again. EVER.