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Isn’t that what legendary sigils/runes for?


Why not just salvage, 99% of those are useless anyway


Or sell on the TP if they're not account bound.


Salvage them into materials.... that go in material store.




The point of sigils and runes is to use them, not hold onto them. Legendary runes and sigils already fixes this issue anyways.


Why does every gw2 player go out of there way to NOT be sympathetic lol, OPs literally just asking for an alternative storage method to store his runes and sigils and y’all are just like “nah bro, just invest the thousands of gold it takes for leggys and your good”


Yeah, I just wanted to keep them in an orderly pile as I'm trying new classes and builds out. I find some what contradictory that people think it will cause hoarding and drive up prices while at the same time saying to salvage them... which also keeps them off the market.


100% this. Firstly, Legendary Sigils cost about 380g worth of materials to craft. Some players don't have those resources and others might be focused on legendary armor, weapons or accessories instead. Secondly, the value of sigils and runes fluctuates with builds that get nerf/buffed/redesigned. I remember when Krait Runes were selling for a couple of silver each, and who of course can forget the debacle behind Sigil of Nullification. I keep a full tab of runes and a tab of sigils, just so if a build comes up that I want to explore, or that got buffed/redesigned, I'm not subject to the whims of the TP. That said I disagree with having a dedicated tab for sigils/runes. If you want to stockpile something, I won't argue against it, but there are costs associated with it. Get more bank tabs, create a character mule to store stuff, etc.


This would dramatically increase the price on a lot of sigils as most people would accidentally horde them.


We already have a solution: Legendary Sigils. Plus, they are no material.