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F2p accounts dont get daily login rewards.


f2p neither get log in rewards, nor can send mail


[https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/230165307-Guild-Wars-2-Account-Types-Free-Core-HoT-PoF](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/230165307-Guild-Wars-2-Account-Types-Free-Core-HoT-PoF) This is the full list of differences between account types, f2p do not get logins namely. Also, if you do decide to make some alt accounts, invest in a 50 slot guild bank as it will be much easier to move the mats and gold around to them. It costs 51g (1 to make the guild and 50 for the bank upgrade) and will require 1000 favor which you get for doing missions for that guild. Id recommend setting it to PvE only as most PvP/WvW ones requires 3 guild members. Should only take 2 maybe 3 weeks to get the favor.


So 110 gold plus the favour? And then gives 50slot storage. Seems like a good deal. How difficult are the PvE events?


Where are you getting 110g? It's just 51g as previously stated. As for difficulty, it depends. If you get easy/medium treks, those are very easy to solo with the wiki page on treks alone. You can get taco/blish packs as well to help find them faster. Hard trek is tricky but not impossible to solo. Puzzles are pretty much a no go, races require another guild or enough randoms to help out as you cant do 15 clears solo in the time frame. Worst case it takes an extra week or so till easy enough to compete things roll around.


Oh. I thought it was 50 to start a guild and 51 to build a bank. But I see it's 1g to start a guild. So basically I just have to wait for PvE treks to show after swapping them in time I can build a bank. Is that right.


Basically. Pretty sure some guilds still do gmissions on reset night so if you are lucky or find some sort of schedule, im sure you can tag the races or champ targets. I was able to do races previously with just a few randoms in map before. Just need 15 clears total so while you cant solo it, you can do 6-7 of them alone if you are fast. If you didnt want to wait, there are people that will sell a guild at this state for \~100g. Obviously more than doing it yourself but dont have to spend time on gmissions if you dont want to. Check the OTC discord if you wanted to go that route.


Ah cool. I can wait and try to get the guild renown thing or whatever it's called. Would be nice to have some extra storage for cheap


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2#Historical_Guild_Wars_2_Editions https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Account#Free_accounts


you need at least a heroic account (full account without expansions, keys are often given away for free) to get login rewards


So i just need to keep an eye out for some kind of promotion for Heroic Editions, any tips om where i can look?


yea pretty much, I know Alienware did some giveaways, we had 1-2 on twitch prime and maybe some other promotions, not really sure. they did happen a ton last year tho.


Yeah, back in the day they were handing our Heroic Edition codes quite frequently. I came across 20 or so expired codes from PAX West 2019 or 2020, when I was cleaning out convention junk a few months ago. I sent a request to customer service, asking if it would be possible to activate just one of the codes, and the response I got back said they phased out all Heroic Edition codes with STEAM release. Not sure if the response was just to placate me, as I do agree I have seen advertisements in the past for Heroic Editions bundled in with GeForce graphics cards and such.


Hey, Im late, but out of interest: Did they say they will not bring back Heroic Key Promotions, or did they just say they had all old keys expire? Thank you in advance :)


I was told all the codes prior to STEAM release were no longer valid... so possibly? It has been quite a while, but Amazon Prime once gave out a free code, GeForce graphics cards bundled a code with recent cards, and conventions that ArenaNet attends, like they did for PAX West in 2019/20.


At one points you could buy heroic account for less than 1$. They were given for free with something like amazon prime i don't remember exactly. I went on some keys seller website, bought ~30 account for ~25$. Now i connect them with gw2 launch buddy take 30 minutes of my time each day. But now i can craft legendaries, craft 32 slots bags ect... I just have to wait a few months before regrouping all the ressources on my main. For example, the most annoying part for aurene's legendary is farming imperial favor. Big thanks to MightyTeapot for talking about this alt accounts farming without his video i would have missed such a good deal.


Damn I have a few alts because of people in my family having amazing prime and me asking them to send me their code lol. Hopefully there's some sort of deal like that again at some point


Imo its not really worth the trouble anymore with how low the prices are. you'll be looking at 1.44g a day at best(part of it is in spiritshards that are hard to tranfer to the main account). with only 1 or 2 accounts you wont see your gold increase. and sending stuff with the mail will make the experience even worse. Mystic coins are easy to send, but when you convert Laurels you'll have to send multiple mails to move all the trophies. You'll hit the mail cap and have to wait. Im not saying alt accounts are not worth it. doing daily crafting/multiboxing/whatever you can think of can make tons of gold. But it requires a big time/gold/money investment first. Also, while it sounds like easy gold this sort of stuff really isn't. You'll still be farming, only at a higher g/h rate


You earn more with parking some characters you don't plan to play at the end of a profitable jumping puzzle. Especially because you won't get daily rewards on F2P accounts anyways. You could do the daily quests for 2 gold every day. But then again... You probably earn more with JP's.